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chapter thirty four

put the knife down michael myers


ย  ย  JORDANNA GREW SICK of staring at those same walls in the Compound. She wouldn't be able to tell you how long she was stuck in there with her amped-up hunger, no, she stopped counting after thirty-four hours.

ย  ย  But when she got out it was like the world was a new place, like she looked at in a different light, in a different perspective. The grass was greener, the sky bluer, the cigarette smoke less... disgusting? The designer shoes on her feet more cherishable, the people around her less annoying and no longer killable, theโ€”nope! Only kidding.

ย  ย  The world looked and felt the same: dull grass, dull sky, shitty cig's, dull people who were still, indeed, killable... but her Jimmy Choo's? She'd cherish them 'til the day she died.

ย  ย  She thought if she spent the remaining time in the Compound with Kol and Marcel she'd be fine ( minus the urge to rip out Kol's throat, that was ), that they'd keep her sane, but no. Finn decided to pull the pair into a comatose state, leaving Jordanna to wallow... all by her lonesome.

ย  ย  But it was fine, I guess. It gave her time to shower, wash her hair and redo her nails. And as you all know her big three's were her: hair, nails and shoes! Which meant she had completed two outta' three, but Klaus? It was as though he had read her mind.

ย  ย  When she had called him and told him she got out of the Abattoir he stood waiting across the street, a cheeky grin on his face as he held a Sak's bag in his hand, inside sat a box of heels, Saint Laurent heels. I know this was stereotypical as hell but she was now the happiest vampire in the world.

ย  ย ย  Though that so called 'happy mood' she was in diminished as Klaus told her that they were taking a little trip down to the Bayou. The Mikaelson actually tried to buy her over with shoes, just so she'd go down there!

ย  ย  And it worked too.

ย  ย  What? She was a sucker for a new pair, sue her.

ย  ย  Not to mention the new shoes weren't his only way of sweet talking her... the sensual kisses trailing down her neck, the rough hands grazing every inch of her body, the heat pooling around the two as their body's merged together... yeah, it didn't take a lot of convincing.

Jordanna was a sex in diamonds kind of girl, only diamonds. And Klaus? Klaus just so happened to own a lot of ancient, beautiful diamonds.

And with how much have gave back to her... she decided it wouldn't be the end of the world if she went with him down to the Bayou, after all it was for a good cause. Their son's safety.

Mary, Jackson's grandmother, was stood in the homely kitchen of her residence, chopping up potatoes, tomatoes and peppers when both Klaus and Jordanna appeared in her doorway.

The wolf turned around with a clenched jaw, knife still gripped tightly in her hand in a protective manner whilst Jordanna and Klaus merely smiled back at her. "What do you want?"

The fake smile that sat on Jordanna's lips fell as she scoffed at the snide tone in Mary's voice. "Rude." The Jones sang, resting her chin on Klaus' shoulder as she narrowed her eyes at the woman from behind the Mikaelson.

"Well, we could start with some common courtesy. You could invite us in," Klaus replied with raised eyebrows, holding his hands out.

"Not likely," Mary scoffed, looking between the two in distaste. "Vampires."

"She's also a witch, actually," Klaus trailed off, gesturing behind himself and towards Jordanna. "Me? I'm a hybrid, dear," Klaus smiled patronizingly. "Half wolf. You and I could be distant relatives for all you know."

Jordanna clicked her tongue in annoyance and moved from behind Klaus, coming to a stand beside him, her hands rested on the doorway as she stared at Mary in impatience, "You know where Hayley is?"

"What do you want with Hayley?" The wolf snapped.

"We wish only to remind her of the importance of family, dissuade her from foolish mistakes," Klaus spoke with a faux innocence to himโ€”Mary narrowed her eyes at him.

"Jackson is with her now. They can look out for each other. Why don't you both just leave them alone?" Mary retorted rudely.

Jordanna's fingers drummed against the doorway in irritation, she sucked her teeth before speaking up, "Not to be petty and play that game..."

"I have a feeling she's about to play that game," Klaus stressed to Mary with an exaggerated eye roll, moving his hands around dramatically eliciting in a sly grin to pull at Jordanna's lips as she glanced towards him.

"And he would be correct." Her toothy grin slipped from her face as she turned back to Jackson's grandmother. "I've known Hayley a lot longer than both you and Jackson combined. Come to think of it, so has Nik. So, no, I don't think we'll leave her alone." A sweet smile graced her lips as she mockingly tilted her head at the old woman.

"I'm only going to say this one more time, why don't you leave them alone?" Mary gritted her teeth, grip on the knife tightening, which drew Jordanna's attention.

"Please," the Jones scoffed, "Put down the knife Michael Myers, don't want to hurt yourself, do you?"

Mary merely glared at her before Klaus spoke up once again. "Perhaps we could, leave them alone, that is," he pondered. "Clearly, we can trust Jackson's selfless nature, willing as he is to marry Hayley and save her from the horrors of her current existence and in exchange for nothing more than an empowered werewolf pack to serve as his own personal army." Klaus trailed off, sarcastic tone to his voice.

"I feel a but coming on," Jordanna sang teasingly, as she discreetly dug her nails into the doorway, leaving scratch marks down the wood. What? Mary annoyed her.

"But... you know, on second thought, I think we should congratulate the bride and groom," Klaus concluded causing Mary to look toward the pair in alarm. The Mikaelson turned to Jordanna in question. "Don't you, sweetheart?"

"Agreed," she nodded her head, clasping her hands together in false excitement. "What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't?"

"Not a very good one," Klaus added on, eyes flitting from Jordanna and back to Mary. "No doubt, they're close by, tending to their prenuptial observances... " the dirty blond trailed off before slamming his hand against the doorframe in anger, startling Mary. "And since you've been unable to help us find them... well, I suppose we'll have to hunt them down ourselves, won't we?"

And they sped off, Jordanna followed after Klaus as he led them to where he believed Jackson and Hayley to beโ€”further into the Bayou, which was a big no for Jordanna.

ย  ย  All the bugs and dirt grossed her outโ€”yikes!

"-That was my secret. Whatever yours is, if you don't wanna' tell me, then don't. Doesn't change a thing, least of all how I feel about you." Jordanna heard the Kenner wolf say, just as she and Klaus appeared behind him.

"How sweet," Jordanna drawled sarcastically. "Isn't that just the sweetest, Nik?" She turned to the Mikaelson beside her.

"Quite the romantic sentiment," Klaus smirked in answer, nodding his head in agreement. "I wonder, however, if we might impose on this lovely tableau long enough to have a word with Hayley."

Jackson hesitantly looked back at the Marshall hybrid, who merely squeezed his shoulder in reassurance, "It's okay, go ahead. I'll meet you back at Mary's."


"Are you naturally blonde or something?" Jordanna asked Hayley with a scowl on her face. "Did you hit your head too hard and it shattered your brain? Or are you going hysterical?" She paused, waiting on Hayley to say something. "Please, tell me! Cause I'm genuinely confused, are you seriously thinking about telling him?"

A sigh slipped past Hayley's lips. "Actually, I'm kind of on the fence," she admitted.

"On the fence?" Jordanna scoffed, once again. She pushed her Chanel glasses up her face and rested them atop her head. Think of your new shoes, think of your new shoes, think of your new shoes. She inhaled sharply. "This is our child," she gestured between herself and Klaus. "Our baby."

"Allow me to make this simple for you. Under no circumstances will you divulge any family secrets, especially none that would endanger our son," Klaus warned.

Hayley rolled her eyes. "Except it's not that simple. You both saw what Finn did. He's growing more powerful by the day. Right now, he controls over half of the wolves. This marriage could change that," Hayley stressed, looking between the two.

Jordanna placed her hands on her head in exasperation before they flailed out dramatically, "Sorry, I just remembered it's not your secret to tell, Hayley."

Hayley sighed. "I know that, J. And I would never tell him without both of you being on board with it," she sent Klaus a pointed look. "I understand it seems risky, I do. But it's not a risk if I trust Jackson. We could have a whole army of super-wolves who could protect Sebastian as one of their own."

Klaus only grew more annoyed with her words. "He doesn't need an wolf army! We'll protect him ourselves, and an easy time we'll have of it too, without you running off sharing our secrets with every motley member of your werewolf brethren."

Hayley gritted her teeth at Klaus' words and turned her attention to Jordanna. "Damn it, Jordanna, think! This is your chance to bring him home. We have to at least consider this."

Jordanna stared at her blankly, thoughts running wild in her head. On one hand it could work, it couldโ€”and they could bring him home. On the other hand? What if it didn't work? What if word got out that he was still alive and she lost him? Like they lost Anastasia.

Anastasia was still fresh. It was still new. It was a wound that would never shut, that would never healโ€”not even with time. And the grieving process, the trying to move on... it was hard enough already without it already haunting Jordanna. And by it? She meant Anastasia.

No matter how many months had passed the pair hadn't gotten over it, and that was expected. But Jordanna was having a little bit of a harder time than Klaus, considering the fact that whenever she shut her eyes, there she was. Whenever she'd do magic, there she was again. She'd get images in her head, of herself and this girl, vivid images in which their voices were distorted and she couldn't pin-point what it was they were saying exactly.

She just wanted it to stop. She was tired, and drained. But as much as she wished it to stopโ€”she knew that wasn't in her best interest. Because why would she be getting them? Why would all of it be happening? What? For nothing? She didn't think so... no, she thought quite the opposite.

It merely seemed like the beginning of something.

At Jordanna's silence Klaus spoke up. "I have considered it, and I have deemed it absurd, and in this matter, there is no one above my decree," Klaus snapped, taking a step towards Hayley. "You will tell Jackson the wedding is off."

Hayley scoffed, glaring at him. "It's a good thing that I don't take orders from anyone, especially not from you. I am done listening to you," she turned, beginning to walk away. "Let me know when you want to have a real conversation."

Jordanna groaned and sped in front of the Marshall, stopping her from moving, "Hold on for a second, would you?" At the look Jordanna gave her Hayley paused, nodding lightly before Jordanna turned back to Klaus, she sucked on her teeth hesitantly before speaking up, "She has a point," she sighed.

"Jordanna, sweetheart, I hardly-"

Jordanna made a noise of annoyance causing him to stop talking. "Look, think about it. Alright?" She took a small step towards him. "All them wolves, usโ€”even Caroline, Bonnie and Stefan will be protecting him. What chances do we have without them?"


"We have to think about this, properly. We all have too many enemies combined, all trying to find a way to make us pay... but with the wolves-"

"The wolves cannot be trusted!" Klaus snapped angrily, done listening to what she was trying to propose.

"You used to think that no one could be trusted," Jordanna continued her efforts, trying to push the urge to rip his balls from his body to back of her head at the tone he spoke to her in. "But you trust me, you trust your family, hell, you trust Hayleyโ€”just... what if this works?" She let out a defeated sigh, her face pulling downwards.

Klaus swallowed roughly, moving towards her with a dejected look on his face, "You're right, I do trust you," he rested his head against her own, rough hands caressing the side of her face, his fingers grazed down to the back of her neck before suddenly... her world went black.


Jordanna impatiently kicked the side of Hayley's unconscious bodyโ€”receiving no response. The vampire scoffed and crouched down, placing her fingers on the Marshall's temples, whispering softly as the air around her picked up.

She was pissed. Klaus snapped her neck, now her hair was covered in leaves, her shoes scuffed and legs cemented in the dirt that belonged to the floor of the Bayou. Not. Fucking. Happy.

"Wake up," Jordanna snapped in irritation, smacking Hayley's temple with her hand before cursing under her breathโ€”moving back to using her magic.

As the wind picked up their surroundings grew eerie, the dark night sky shone down on the pair, branches snapping in the distance, the buzz of flies filled her ears as she continued when suddenly Hayley shot up with a gasp. "Finally," Jordanna huffed, coming to a stand before she held her hand out to the Marshall.

"Oh Godโ€”Klaus! He's gonna kill Jackson," Hayley rushed out causing Jordanna to raise a hand, silencing her.

"He won't kill him," she scoffed, "Don't be dramatic, Hales. Me on the other hand? I might kill him. I swear to God Hayley if he breaks your trust, my trust I will rip his head from his pubescent little body and force feed his grandmother to eat his tiny, tiny brains-"

"Does that mean-"

"It doesn't mean anything yet, I gotta talk to Nik first," she muttered, turning as they began to walk off. "And then I'll rip Nik's balls off."

Hayley huffed out a laugh, speeding after the vampire as they went on their search for Klaus and Jackson. It wasn't long before they stumbled upon the pair, finding Klaus threateningly holding a blade under Jackson's chin, the tip of the knife dug into his skin, drawing crimson blood, the Marshall paused in her step, eyes widening at the sight before Klaus' body flew back, hitting a tree.


Klaus groaned, lifting his head his eyes found Jordanna's as the vampire sauntered over to him, eyes white as she held her two hands out in front of her body, chants spilled from her lips, keeping the Mikaelson held down with her magic.

"You done?" She asked in bored tone, eyes flickering back normal, her hands fell down to her sides, Klaus rolled his eyes, groggily pulling his body up.

"Was that necessary?" He grunted.

"Was snapping my neck necessary, asshole?" She retorted.

Klaus pursed his lips, a false look of thought on his face as he pondered her words, "Perhaps not but-"

"Look, I'm not gonna fight with you about that right now but you said you trusted me, remember? Well, I trust Hayley, and she trusts Jackson, alright? Just think about it," she urged.

Klaus looked from Jordanna to Hayley and Jackson, the Mikaelson sighed, "You really trust him?"

Jordanna shook her head slowly, "I don't know him enough to trust him, but Hayley does... and like I said, I trust her, so... "

Klaus pursed his lips, eyes on Hayley. "Go on, then. Tell him. Have your wedding. Save your wolves," he taunted, eyes solely on Jackson as he took a threatening step towards the Kenner wolf. "But you mark my words... if you betray either of them, I will find you, and I will deposit your head on the end of a spike. Perhaps I'll leave it in your grandmother's garden."

Jordanna rolled her eyes at him, yet internally smiledโ€”don't ask why... but she found it quite... cute? that they both retorted to tormenting Jackson's grandmother.

ย  ย ย  Quite the pair.


Back at the Courtyard Jordanna had just finished an hour long facetime with Caroline, where in which the blonde merely did one thingโ€”show Jordanna Sebastian, talk about Sebastian and, well... anything she did was solely based on Sebastian.

And that alone put her in a good mood... looking at her son. Wanna guess what put her in a bad mood? Klaus. She hadn't forgotten that he had snapped her neck, the asshole.

So when the Mikaelson walked into the living room he was suddenly pinned to the wall. A soft, delicate hand wrapped around his neck as her other hand grabbed his crotch tightly, "Break my neck again and I'll break your dick."

Klaus grunted, an amused look spread across his face. "I thought you were over this nonsense," he rolled his eyes playfully. "Besides that wouldn't benefit you very much, now would it, sweetheart?"

"See, I don't know about that one, Nik," Jordanna pondered, a sickly sweet tone to her voice. "I know a lot of people, a lot of flexible people-"

Her words were cut short as her back hit the wall, Klaus' body, now, blocking her from moving. "Let's not play that game, shall we?" He asked, brushing his hand across her jaw. "I fear you wouldn't like what I'd say."

"Try me," Jordanna urged with raised brows, just as another voice cut in.

"Dear God, why is it I must always walk in the worst of times?" The unknown voice spoke up causing Jordanna and Klaus to share a confused look as the Mikaelson took a step away from the witch. "Hello Nik, Jords," she greeted. "I don't suppose you imagined that always and forever would lead to this."

"Rebekah, oh my God," Jordanna's face lit up in a smile before she sped over to the woman, pulling her in for a tight hug eliciting in a chuckle to spill from the unfamiliar, yet familiar, mouth.

"You absolutely will not believe the week I've had."

author's note.

might change athena's name to artemis ๐Ÿค”


also my fellow brits๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰have u all had a chav stage cos i keep getting those sc memories of mine and i cringggge

also can u believe it's a year ago this month when i first published jordanna? :o

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