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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

chapter fifty two

dirty laundry


reminder: i changed ares and athena's names to sebastian and anastasia. via takes credit tho as she basically chose them bc she's an angel <3

ย  ย  JORDANNA GRINNED DOWN at the Mikaelson beneath her, her freshly manicured nails scratching down his bare chest as she did so. Klaus let out a low groan at the action and gave her a pointed look.

The Jones leant forward, pressing brisk kisses along his neck as the nails of her free hand scraped against his jawline. Klaus' hands roamed her body, sending a shockwave through her spine as the cold bands of his rings met her skin.

Working her way up, her lips met his ears. "Qualcuno รจ felice di vedermi," she whispered, rocking her hips against his as the words left her mouth, the sensation almost driving her wild.

She teasingly bit the lobe of his ear and moved back, just as she reached to pull the t-shirt she had worn to bed off, the bedroom door swung open.

Terrified screams left Hayley's mouth at the sight before her, and before anyone knew it Klaus threw Jordanna off of him and her ass painfully met the floor.

Hayley's wide eyes flickered between the two, who were thankfully still clothed, beside from Klaus' bare chest.

Jordanna's head popped up from the other side of the mattress and she sent the Mikaelson a scathing glare. "She already saw me, asshole!" She all but screeched at him, palm nursing the side of her head.

Hayley's finger prodded between two before a smug grin overtook her features. "I knew it! Oh my God, I knew it!" She called out excitedly. In all honesty, it was the happiest Jordanna had seen her since before Jackson died. "Naomi, you owe me fifty bucks!"

Jordanna's eyes widened in surprise as the brunette vampire suddenly appeared beside Hayley in the doorway. Her mouth dropped open in shock. "What the hell did I just walk into?" Naomi questioned sarcastically, eyes bouncing between the pair. From Klaus' dishevelled self to the wild hair that sat on Jordanna's head.

"I swear to fuck, get out!" Jordanna shouted over at the grinning pair in the doorway. "What, you wanna watch or something? Leave."

Naomi thew her hands up in mock defence and muttered under her breath as she sauntered off. Not before slapping a fifty into Hayley's awaiting palm.

Hayley turned her attention back to the two and Klaus rolled his eyes at her presence. "Can we help you with something, Hayley?" He asked sarcastically, glancing over at her with an amused smirk as Jordanna climbed onto the bed.

"Sorry, uh, your phone kept ringing and Seb keeps trying to throw it across the room," Hayley let out a small chuckle at the reminder of the child clawing at her hand to rid the noise that was polluting his nursery.

"Of course he is," Klaus rolled his eyes before a grin accompanied his lips. "Well... if that's all, off you pop."

Hayley rolled her eyes at his dismissive tone and threw the phone in his direction. The Mikaelson caught it swiftly in one hand, whilst the other rested on Jordanna's thigh as she sat beside him.

A teasing look pulled at Hayley's lips as she gripped the door handle. "Maybe try locking this, next time."

"Maybe try knocking!" Jordanna called out to the brunette as she closed the door.

As Klaus glanced down at his phone, his brows furrowed in confusion โธป but Jordanna did not take note of that, instead her eyes were narrowed up at the ceiling as she thought to herself. A short sigh fell from her lips as she glanced down at the shirtless man beside her.

"I'm going to go feed the prisoner," she huffed, referring to her father. She pushed herself up from the bed, only for Klaus to grab her wrist, pulling her back down.

"It's the middle of the night, just come back to bed," he said, basically pleaded, as he stared over at her with a dark, suggestive glint in his eyes.

Jordanna rose her eyebrows at his words. "Yeah, but come back to bed doesn't mean come back to bed, does it, Nik?" At the shrug and smirk he gave her in answer she rolled her eyes and proceeded to get up. "I've gotta put Sebastian to sleep anyway, every time I try he just shakes his head and says dog. I'm not getting him a dog."

"He's two, what does he want with a dog?"

"I don't know, he's probably seen you in your wolf form and thought, shit, I want one," she rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping off of her tongue. "He's a kid, Nik, all kids want dogs."

"Funny," Klaus quipped at her former comment before he rose his hand and shooed her away. "Go see to your father, I'll put Sebastian to bed, then I have some business to attend to."

At that Jordanna turned to the dirty blond who slowly started to rise from his place on the bed. She rose her eyebrows at him as he shrugged on a discarded henley from the floor. "What business do you have at like," she paused to glance at the clock held up on the wall, "one in the morning?"

A sly smirk pulled at Klaus' lips as he strode toward her, pressing a brisk kiss to her lips in passing. "Nothing to worry your pretty, little head about."

She sent his retreating figure a deadpanned stare before, at a quick pace, she began following after him. "Where are you going?"

Klaus turned back to her and shrugged with a grin, "To put our son to bed, like I said."

Jordanna stared at him dumbfounded before she scoffed and rolled her eyes. She turned on her feet and made her way downstairs, as she walked through the courtyard a chill ran up her spine as the cold air hit her skin.

She made her way toward the kitchen and briskly grabbed a bottle of water and an apple before she headed out to the garden where Marcel used to keep the vampires that he deemed 'prisoners', the ones who did wrong.

She hummed happily to herself as the sight of her father caught her eye. Howard was sat in the corner, elbows resting on his knees as his head leant against the hard, concrete wall. His body had the slightest tremor as the cold night's breeze bit at his skin.

Jordanna twisted her wrist in a harsh movement and the man jumped up, letting out a loud yell of pain as his shoulder dislocated.

"Morning, sunshine," she grinned down at him sadistically and threw the bottled water and apple at him.

Howard clenched his jaw in pain, but nonetheless, reached up to catch the items. A grimace accompanied his face as he stared up at his daughter. "An apple? That's it?" He scoffed, glancing up at her.

A smug look crossed her candle lit face as she shrugged.

The Adams man rolled his eyes. "You keepin' me prisoner is only gonna work if you feed me, you know? If I die you won't know why I'm here."

Jordanna made a tsk sound with her tongue as she crouched down in front of the man. "See, I don't know if I believe that," she tilted her head. "You claim you know nothing, and if you don't then there's no reason to keep you alive... but my ancestors are persistent, you have a message and you will tell me, whether it be today, tomorrow, next week, I don't care โธป I'll torture it out of you if I have to, but until then... eat your damn apple and think about your options."

A thousand thoughts seemed to run through Howard's head, but he oh-so-desperately tried to hide the smug smirk that wanted to pull at his lips. He watched as his daughter came to a stand and headed towards the courtyard.

"I don't even like apples!" He called out after her.

Choke on it, she thought as she slammed shut the gate.


Jordanna valued the rare moment where the compound was quiet. She liked the peace, even if it lasted for a mere few hours. Sebastian was playing somewhere with Hayley deep in the compound โธป far from her father, Klaus was still gone dealing with his 'business,' deeming Jordanna peace and quite as she didn't have to sit and pretend to be interested in his incessant nagging.

It was all going smoothly, for the time being, anyway.

Jordanna thought she had her dark magic handled, but she still got those taunting, intrusive thoughts, and no not the kind where she thought to herself, pull Klaus' hair, push Elijah off of the balcony, rather burn the abattoir to smithereens whilst trapping everyone inside... or kill Freya before she kills you.

And before you judge, she couldn't help it! The bad side of her magic was still there and there was simply nothing she could do about these thoughts, actually, scratch that... there was one thing she could do to keep her mind quiet, and that was sleep.

So, as Jordanna soundly slept in the other side of the compound, she had become unaware of the chaos that was to brew in the living room.

Freya was just about done with Howard's shit. She so wanted to kill him but she knew she couldn't for two reasons โธป one, that job was specially saved for Jordanna and two, they had to keep him alive until he decided to tell them about this 'message' he had from the Jones' ancestors.

But she was sure she was about to lose her damn mind. The Adams man sat on the floor, rocking back and forth with an amused look etched upon his face.

He glanced between Elijah and Freya before he placed his chin in his cuffed hands. "Where's Jordanna?" He asked, a cheeky smile on his face as he rose his brows.

Elijah spared him a short glance and briefly rolled his eyes. Howard was no good. There was nothing about him that Elijah liked, no less valued. He was sneaky and he didn't trust him whatsoever, especially since it was plainly obvious to everyone in the compound that Howard was falsely claiming he had no idea as to why he was alive. "You would do best to-"

"Doooon't care, where's Jordanna?"

"Can you shut him up, please?" Freya asked, glancing over at her brother with an exhausted expression painted across her face as she paced up and down the floors โธป sure enough to form a dent.

But the Mikaelson made no move to do so, instead, he was stood, with a tense look on his face. He had finally revealed to Freya what he had done to Rebekah.

"So, you daggered Rebekah?" She questioned, pausing her pacing to drag a hand over her forehead. She gave him an incredulous look. "And you're just telling me now?"

Just as Elijah was about to reply, Howard spoke up before he had chance to. "Who's Rebekah? Is she your sister? Wait, there's more of you?"

Elijah glanced down at the man and gave him an irritated look, causing Howard to mockingly raise his cuffed hands in surrender. Elijah rolled his eyes before he focused his attention on Freya. "She sacrificed herself in order to protect us. And to protect her, I've told Niklaus, and I'm telling you," Elijah told his sister, clasping his hands together as he did. "No one would have known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life."

Freya let out a disgruntled sigh. "The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family and foe. Rebekah was fallen by family, that leaves friend and foe. You and Klaus have a lot of foes."

Elijah lifted a shoulder and pursed his lips. "Just one or two," he quipped.

"Thankfully, not many friends," she sighed, letting out a breath of relief at the idea.

Just then, footfalls were heard and the two Mikaelson siblings turned their attention to the door, finding Klaus with a man and a woman trailing after him.

"Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend."

What crappy timing, right?

A loud clear of the throat was heard before Klaus rolled his eyes. He waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, yes, and this is-"

"Elena Gilbert!" Howard called out, pointing at the woman with some form of recognition on his face. "I remember you from when you were just this big," he said with a grin as he did a hand gesture to suggest he had last seen her when she was young.

"Bonnie," the Bennett slowly enunciated with an eyeroll and a sharp tone to her voice. Stefan gave her an amused glance, eliciting in a rough nudge in the ribs from the Bennett.

Elijah rolled his eyes at the sight of them due to the horribly timed entrance, but Freya gave them each a hard, intimidating stare.

"One of my trickle-down sirelings. Long story," Klaus explained Stefan's presence. "Bonnie is one of Jordanna's friends from Mystic Falls. Stefan, Bonnie, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister. Also a long story."

The pair nodded and each smiled awkwardly in acknowledgement. Freya, on the other hand, was having none of it. She turned her attention to Klaus, a scowl rested on her face as she rose her eyebrows expectantly.

"Stefan needs a favour."

Freya let out an annoyed breath and looked toward the Salvatore in question. "You're an old friend, are you?"

Stefan rolled his lips into his mouth at the tense atmosphere. He and Bonnie both shared a brief look. "Well... that kind of depends on your definition."

Freya only scowled at him.

Bonnie pulled a face at the obvious glares she and Stefan were receiving from the woman before she cleared her throat and looked towards Klaus.

"So, uh, where's JJ?"


ย  ย  Jordanna's face was pressed deep against the soft pillow of her bed. Her hair wild and untamed as she soundly slept. Though her nice, quiet lie in was about to abruptly end.

A whispered voice was heard in the room before a harsh tug on her ankle was felt and, for the second time that morning, her body roughly met the ground. Jordanna shot up in shock and a pained groan left her lips. She was going to kill the bastard.

"I swear to fuck Klaus!-" Though her words were cut off by a happy screech as she properly opened her eyes and caught sight of the two people in front of her. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" She hurriedly rushed out, jumping to her feet as she did so.

Within a second, her arms were wrapped around their necks, bringing them in for a tight gripped hug. She breathed out a sigh of relief at their mere presence. When Jordanna had left Mystic Falls she hadn't visited as much as she wished she had โธป sure they talked everyday, but it wasn't the same.

But she knew deep down no matter how long it may have been since she last saw them nothing about their relationships changed, and it dawned on her... she hadn't seen them since before her coma.

And her coma was almost a year ago, it was coming up to a year when she fell into that dreaded state. So, for that alone, she hugged them even tighter, too tight to the point Bonnie almost had to 'tap out' as she was sure to lose her breath at any point.

After the rumbled 'I missed you's' from the three, they separated, finding place on Jordanna's bed to sit whilst they caught up โธป before Stefan was hastily whisked away by the impatient Freya.

"Where's Care?" Jordanna asked as she rose from the bed, she moved to the other side of the room, opening the adjoining door. She disappeared behind there for a second and Bonnie's answer slowly followed with it.

"She's with the twins," Bonnie mused, a wide grin pulling at her lips. "Lizzie and Josie, girls."

Jordanna practically ran out of the nursery, Sebastian in her grip as she did so. "She had them?!" She almost shrieked, eyes wide in shock. "Oh my God! When?"

"A few days ago," Stefan told her, wry smile pulling at his lips. "And before you say anything-"

"Why the hell did no one tell me?!" Jordanna asked, sending the pair a stern look as she took a seat on her bed, Bonnie immediately grinned at the one ( nearing two ) year old.

"-We didn't tell you because we wanted to surprise you, Caroline was going to bring them, but... let's just say Lizzie isn't one for the road."

The Bennett mouthed a small 'hi' over to Sebastian, eliciting in him to babble something back to her in return. "He's talking, already?" Bonnie let out, a bright smile on her lips as she glanced down at the toddler. "You're so big now!"

Jordanna glanced down at her son as she passed him over to the former witch. "He doesn't stop talking, he talks to himself in the middle of the night โธป it's creepy as hell."

Bonnie let out a content sigh and looked between them. "This is so weird, you've got a kid, a grown kid,ย  I've found Enzo, Caroline's just had twins and Stefan... Stefan's got a freaky ass curse."

Jordanna snorted at the fact that the Salvatore had next to nothing going on in his life, other than the fact that he was now an uncle.

"How is Enzo?" Jordanna asked before her brows crinkled together. "Hold on, didn't he have a thing for your mom?" She directed the question at the Salvatore who nearly gagged at the reminder.

"Jordanna, please, don't." Stefan griped, lowering his head as a nauseated look coaxed his face.

Jordanna threw her hands up in mock surrender. "I'm just saying, don't you think it's weird how Bonnie's boyfriend and your mom used to," she clicked her tongue in a suggestive tone.

"No. We're not doing that. Ever."


Stefan's brows furrowed together at the sight before him. He turned his attention to Bonnie as if to say โธป are you seeing this too?

Guessing by the look on the Bennett's face she found it just as odd.

Jordanna walked into the room, hands wrapped around the metal of Howard's handcuffs as she dragged him around behind her.

Stefan could've laughed at the sight, she was walking him around like a goddamn dog.

As Freya began to unbutton Stefan's shirt, Jordanna's attention flitted to them and Bonnie let out a knowing sigh. The vampire whistled teasingly as she shoved her father into a seat in the corner of the living room. She approached the three and a humorous glint danced through her eyes.

"I didn't miss the exciting part, then?" She asked jokingly as she took a, literal, front-row seat to the view of a shirtless Stefan.

A loud groan of disgust sounded out from Howard in response to Jordanna's display of affection towards Stefan's chest.

Freya cleared her throat and turned her attention to the girl sat beside her, she sent her a pointed look. "Jordanna."

The Jones rolled her eyes and held her hands up mockingly. She was only trying to defuse the awkward tension that arose in the room. Freya was being extremely hostile towards Bonnie and Stefan and it was irritating her.

But, much to Jordanna's efforts and dismay, that unpleasant feeling arose once again. "So, um, just full disclosure... I dated your sister once." Stefan announced all of a sudden, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Why'd you bring that up?" Jordanna rolled her eyes. "If we're bringing up awkward situations me and Stefan slept together once and he also slept with your brother... Stef's a bit of a slut if you haven't already caught onto that."

"Wait, hold on-"

"Oh my God," the Salvatore breathed out in a mutter, wishing he never came to New Orleans in the first place. "I never slept with Klaus, let it go."


"Sorry... can we go back to you and Stefan?" Bonnie chriped, pointing between the pair.

Once again, Howard let out a loud groan of dismay, this time in regard to his daughter's sex life. "Please, no."

"Let's not," Stefan spoke at a mere mutter.

Jordanna, on the other hand, happily obliged to Bonnie's wish. "February seventh, two thousand and ten, Miss Mystic Falls," Jordanna breathed out happily in reminiscence. Bonnie leant forward in interest, finding the conversation all too amusing, Stefan, however looked like he was praying for Rayna to track him down and kill him in that very moment. "It was the day I killed that motherfucker over there," she said, jutting a finger in Howard's direction, who in turn, lifted a sarcastic hand in greeting. "I was in a bad place, so was Stefan. So, we drank, then we drank a little more, then we drank a lot more and then... great sex."

"Oh God," Stefan sighed, rubbing a hand across his forehead in dismay, only praying that Klaus was somewhere else in this very moment because he was sure that if he knew he would kill him.

"He also said that a lot," Jordanna's grin only grew as she teased the older vampire.

Another loud, disgusted groan left Howard's lips.

Bonnie's mouth was agape, as though it was the best thing she had heard all day, and in hindsight, considering the circumstances, it probably was. "Does Caroline know?"

Jordanna clicked her tongue, "She kinda walked in."

Bonnie gasped all too loudly, finding enjoyment in every little detail. "What did she say? How did she react? Wait, did Elena know that you and Stefan-?"

Freya rolled her lips into her mouth in annoyance before she glanced back up at the Salvatore. "While that seems like a great story, let's get back to your wound. A mystical vampire huntress stabbed you with her magic sword. Klaus killed her... but surprise, surprise... she regenerates and won't rest until you're dead."

Jordanna pulled a face at the Mikaelson's words and flitted her attention to her best friend. "What the actual fuck have you all been doing?"

Stefan shook his head in answer. "You don't wanna know," he uttered. "So, no matter how far I run, this wound acts as a beacon, drawing her to me. I guess you could say it's been a bit of a rough week."

"Well, I can't cure the wound, but this paste will mask its signal. Just let that dry, and you'll be on your merry way."

As Freya spoke Jordanna's attention was stolen by the sound of footsteps echoing in the halls, she abruptly rose to her feet and whirled around to face Bonnie. "Watch him, please?" She asked the Bennett, referring to her father. "If he tries anything just, uh, stab him or something."

"The hospitality in this place is just great," Howard retorted sarcastically.

Jordanna rolled her eyes, but nonetheless, ignored her father in her retreat. In the hallway of the compound, Klaus and Elijah were making their way down the stairs as they talked.

"Stefan and Bonnie are not the problem. But, if you are so determined to find foe amongst friends, then look no further than Marcel-"

"You can't seriously think Bonnie or Stefan could be part of this freaky prophecy thing, do you?" Jordanna said, appearing behind them, slightly startling the brothers as she gave the older Mikaelson an offended glare. "I thought you were the smart brother, Elijah." She scoffed before turning her attention to Klaus. "And you, Marcel is Marcel โธป he wouldn't do that... actually he probably would. You both piss him off a lot, you know? I don't think he likes either of you, especially you, Elijah."

Elijah let out an impatient sigh. "Marcel is the least of our troubles," the Mikaelson told them both. "The Strix would still be clamouring over Jordanna's heart if it weren't for Marcel."

"And now Aya and her mob are free to break the sireline. You know, we've had many glorious enemies over the years, brother, but if they sever their link to us, then they will all come for our heads."

"Not without the white oak." Elijah argued. But, truthfully, he was more anxious than he was letting on.

"The white oak," Jordanna scoffed. "I hate that thing, you should've just destroyed it all, that'd stop a lot of your problems, you know that?"

"Oh, thank you Jordanna, I don't know why we didn't think of that," Klaus retorted with a sarcastic tone to his voice as he glanced over at her. The woman merely rolled her eyes at his tone. "Besides, Aurora has it."

"Then she dies first," Elijah declared, eliciting in a wide smile to pull at Jordanna's face.

"See, that's a man of action," Jordanna pointed at the Mikaelson with a Cheshire-cat grin. "I like that idea, I'm gonna tell Naomi that we're doing that, she really hates her. Like, hates her so much she's on a revenge plan for killing Cami."

"Great!" Klaus exclaimed, clasping his hands together. "So it's decided then," he said before he turned to Elijah. "You once told me you wanted to use her head as a footstool. Why wait?"

Suddenly, Elijah's phone began to ring โธป the Mikaelson swiftly answered it upon noticing that it was the brunette he was rather infatuated with. "Hayley," he greeted, a small smile pulled at his lips before it faded. "Yes, I see."

Jordanna pursed her lips as she waited for him to finish the call. As she stood boredly, she found amusement in mindlessly poking Klaus in the forearm, causing the man to harshly grab her hand โธป putting a stop to it. Though, what brought a smile to her lips was the fact that he didn't let go, no, instead he just held her hand in his.

Just when Elijah hung up the phone, a bright smile tugged onto his lips. "The Crescent wolves... they found Aurora."

Jordanna looked between the two grinning Mikaelsons โธป only to rain on their parade. "That's a trap, you know that, right? I mean, it's so obviously a trap. Aurora can't be found unless she wants to, you said that yourselves!"

"Trap or not, we can't risk not taking the chance," Klaus told her as he began walking toward the entrance of the compound, eliciting in an exaggerated groan from the Jones.

Jordanna rolled her eyes and muttered, "whatever," under her breath as she sluggishly followed after both Mikaelsons. "I'll go help Hayley," she said with a surly expression on her face, moving to vamp-speed away, only for Klaus to grab her wrist.

"We'll talk about why you failed to bring up the fact that you slept with Stefan later," Klaus whispered down to her, an insolent grin on his lips.

"I didn't tell you because you would've killed him, there, conversation over, no need to talk about it anymore," Jordanna reciprocated the grin on his lips, only larger. The vampire moved to walk off when Klaus' voice called out from behind her.

"I could still kill him, you know?"

"Yeah, but you won't!" She smiled knowingly as she reached the entrance.

Klaus, having no argument against her words, rolled his eyes and waved a hand in a 'shooing' motion.

"Try not to die, sweetheart!"


ย  ย  Before her departure Jordanna had asked Bonnie and Stefan to watch over Sebastian for her โธป but not before she spoke to Bonnie about witch-related things.

Those things being Anastasia. As more days went by things got weird and weirder. Remember that creepy little bear that Caroline had gotten for Anastasia? The one that moved on its own? Well it disappeared. I'm not talking; someone misplaced it and forgot where they put it, I'm talking; one second it was there โธป sat on the cabinet, leant against the lamp and the next second... nada.

It all didn't make sense, her father coming back to life all of a sudden, the disappearing act the toy pulled, the weird little... signs she would get that made absolutely no sense. She simply didn't understand what was going, but she knew something, it meant something and though it may sound stupid, a little deluded even, she knew it all circled back to Anastasia.

But nonetheless, she let that train of thought run free in her mind as she walked up the creaking, metal steps connected to the old, rusting railroad cart. She pushed the tattered curtains away from her face with a huff and continued her trail down the aisle.

Jordanna's head turned toward the gramophone as a botched song erupted through the record player โธป jazz music played eerily as a floorboard creaked nearby.

The Jones pursed her lips as the obviousness of it all. She felt like she was in a goddamn horror movie. Sidney Prescott who? Jordanna's eyes flickered around her, trying to find Hayley or anyone but she came to no avail.

Until, of course, Hayley popped up behind her... scaring the crap out of her. Jordanna visibly jumped in shock, holding a hand to her heart before she lifted that hand and smackedย  Hayley harshly on the shoulder.

The Jones opened her mouth to voice some complaint only for the brunette to hold a finger up to her lips, signalling for her to be quiet before she pointed in direction of a hidden door.

Jordanna subtly nodded before she headed in direction of said door. Wrapping her hand around the lock, she pulled it harshly and let the padlock hit the ground with a soft thud โธป Jordanna rolled her lips into her mouth as a body slumped forward, head resting on her abdomen.

The Jones fished her fingers through their hair and roughly tugged back, revealing Lucien. She clicked her teeth in annoyance at the sight of a bound, gagged and extremely desiccated asshole.

"Lucien," Hayley sneered before an aggravated sigh fell from her lips.

The raven haired vampire reached forward and tore the gag from his mouth. She then released him from her hold, watching as his body slumped back against the wall in exhaustion.

"Get... Klaus... out of here," Lucien breathed out, pain soaked in his voice as he closed his eyes to relieve himself of the anguish that flowed his body.

"Fuck," Jordanna cursed before she pushed passed Hayley to run out of the tram in attempt to find Klaus โธป but, her search came to no avail as when she finally reached the location where Klaus had told her he'd be, there was no one there.


ย  ย  Jordanna inhaled deeply at the very odd sight before her. Lucien was slumped against the couch in the compound, frantically drinking several blood bags whilst her father said beside him, side-eyeing him weirdly and then there was Marcel and Hayley, who were arguing in front of him.

If this was the 'save Klaus dream team', they were totally screwed.

"I had no idea that Aya was gonna take Klaus and Elijah down! And regardless, why are we trusting this guy all of a sudden, huh?"

"We don't," Jordanna grumbled under her breath.

"He's the one who ran off with Aurora the first chance he got." Marcel shouted over at Hayley who rolled her eyes at his tone, his finger jutted out in Lucien's direction before he then pointed his finger at Howard. "And him, what the hell is he still doin' alive?"

Jordanna breathed out an irritated sigh and brushed a hand through her hair in dismay. "Because I need him, okay? He knows something. Now, can we go find Nik, please?"

The Jones was sure to lose her patience soon as no one acknowledged her. Instead, Lucien glanced up at Marcel with a sarcastic smile on his face. "You can hardly fault a man for following his heart. Yet, the moment she started raving about firing white oak into Klaus, well... words were said, hearts broken, veins dried."

Now, it was Lucien's turn to be ignored as Hayley turned her attention to Marcel. "You're one to talk about trust โธป who was it that handed my dead husband's heart to the people that helped murder him?"

Howard's eyes widened at that. "Je-sus. Aren't y'all supposed to be friend's or somethin'?"

"Shut up," Jordanna clicked her tongue as she glanced down at him in irritation.

Howard merely rolled his eyes and directed his attention onto Lucien. He narrowed his eyes onto the man blatantly obviously. The Castle vampire turned to him and furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

Howard lifted a cuffed hand and slapped it against his chest in mock offense. "Ouch." He muttered before he removed his hand from over his heart and pointed at the empty blood bags that sat on the side. "You enjoying that, huh?"

A backhand to the head was what he received from his daughter; whose eyes practically screamed shut up before I punch you.

"I bought Jordanna's life with that heart, I bought your life. But hey, you know what? You called me here, so if you have another plan? Please, let's hear it." Marcel argued back, frustration bubbling within the pits of his stomach.

Hayley shrugged, "It's simple, we storm the coven house, stop the Strix from completing the de-siring spell. Period."

"Okay. Well, that's easy for you to say. You're sired to Jordanna and she's sired to no one."

Jordanna ran her tongue along her teeth, growing more annoyed by the minute. Every second they were wasting here was less time Klaus had. Her hands unconsciously grabbed a hold of his necklace that sat around her neck; her stress left her body once she felt it beneath her finger tips.

"If word gets out that Nik's sireline has broken he's dead, I'm not willing to take that chance. I get you're sired to him, Marcel, my best friends are sired to him, but you've been fine all these years, I think you can go a few more being sired to him."ย 

Jordanna understood why Marcel wasn't against the idea of being unsired from Klaus, she understood it โธป but as selfish as it was she didn't care. Because if it was to happen, word would get out, and if word got out Klaus would be as good as dead.

She wouldn't let that happen, she would die before she let that happen.

"It's not just about de-siring... we've got to stop an execution," Lucien imputed.

Howard whistled, "Oooo, who's dyin'?"

Once again, the Jones slapped her father across the back of his head. The man lifted his hands, nursing the side of his head as his face pulled in a twist of pain. Jordanna gave Lucien a sceptical look. "First of all, there is no we," she stated. "Second of all, what the hell are you talking about?"

"A lovesick teenage witch with a runner up heart is somehow going to break the sire line? I'm sorry, but your darling Davina is in over her head-"

Jordanna's brows furrowed together, Davina was preforming the spell?

"-And Aya knows this. She will let Davina de-sire both brothers, then test the spell's success by firing a white oak bullet into Klaus' heart. I mean, it's win-win for her โธป if you live, Marcel, well, she's won. If not, at least she's eliminated the rival sireline, including me."

"His prophecy witch said she saw Klaus die and his entire sireline burn," Hayley spoke, panic building up in her as she turned her attention to the youngest vampire.

Jordanna was worried. Visibly worried, and Hayley couldn't help but feel anxious โธปย  Jordanna was going to do something stupid to try and save Klaus. She recognised the look in her eye, she had that same look in her eye when they first met, that survival instinct. The determination.

All she wanted was to keep the little family that she had created over the years and no one, not even Davina, could do anything to jeopardize that.

"She watched us fall," Lucien's voice broke out. "She watched us burn, every soul Klaus ever turned. When Aya tests this spell, Klaus will fall either way. And, if Davina fails, as she likely will, the two of us will die as well."

"Actually..." Stefan began, as he walked down the stairs and into the courtyard, Bonnie following in toll, though her eyes rolled at his dramatic antics. "Make that the three of us."

Jordanna, too, rolled her eyes at his actions. "What kind of lame-ass entrance was that?"

"Shut up, JJ."


ย  ย  Jordanna sat boredly in an armchair in the courtyard, Bonnie was perched on the arm rest, leaning her body against the Jones' as they listened to everyone attempt, key word: attempt, to concoct a plan.

"Could use one of these access tunnels to slip into a back room," Stefan offered as he looked down at a blueprint of the Davilla Estate.

A frown pulled at Lucien's lips as he stood over Stefan's shoulder. "Hm."

Stefan rolled his eyes and inhaled deeply. "What? Worried about getting a little dirt on your thousand dollar shoes?"

Jordanna's brows jumped at that, she hadn't even thought about her shoes, oh God! Remind her to put on an old pair before they leave.

"Actually, I'll be doing most of the heavy lifting, since the vampires we're facing are, what? Seven times your age?" Lucien grunted out before he turned to Marcel, who sat on the staircase, having just hung up on a call. "Is this really the best help we can get?"

Jordanna lifted her hand and used her magic to forcefully sit him back down, "He's a whole lot more helpful than you."

"Doesn't matter. We're not getting their bodies back," Marcel said, shaking his head. "Strix from all over the world are flying in to make sure this spell goes off. They're guarding every entrance and exit."

Lucien pulled a face at his words. "Well you're their leader, call a meeting. Schedule a retreat. Order them to stop."

Marcel vigorously shook his head in protest. "Nah, nah, nah, nah. I do that, Aya has no problem staging a coup."

"What the hell does that mean?" Bonnie asked, lowering her voice as she leant down to whisper in Jordanna's ear.

"I have no idea. Just nod and pretend you know what's going on," Jordanna uttered back in the same tone.

They both mindlessly nodded; acting as though they had a clue as to what the hell he was saying.

Lucien sighed. "Marvellous, I guess it's on me to come up with our grand plan, then."

Jordanna snorted at that; the only 'grand plan' Lucien was capable of was being a slimey, conniving bastard.

"No need, Lucien," Hayley announced as she walked into the courtyard, Freya following after her. "Freya figured out a way to get the boys out of the chambre. She just needs a strong enough power source."

"I'd channel Finn, but he's all for letting our brothers perish. So, I'll channel Lucien. The older the vampire, the better the battery." Freya said, lifting a shoulder as a smug smile pulled at her lips.

"We're going to buy her some time, keep the Strix occupied."

Lucien scoffed at Hayley's words and turned to Marcel. "Wait, so you want me here holding hands with the left over sister while you take the toddlers and the witch with no magic to tackle the Strix? You must be jok-"

Everyone's head flitted over to Jordanna, who was boredly staring down at her nails. She looked down at the body slumped against the couch and back up to the people surrounding her.

She lifted a shoulder. "Oh, come on, like you haven't been wanting to do that all day."

Stefan turned to Jordanna and gave her a hilariously impressed look. "Huh, that was impressive."

The Jones rolled her eyes and slumped further into her seat, resting her head against Bonnie's arm. "You'd be impressed watching paint dry," Jordanna muttered.

"Wait, so the plan is that the five of us-"

Bonnie tremendously shook her head at Marcel's words. "Four. Count me out, I don't have my magic anymore, I won't be able to help you. I'll stay and watch Sebastian."

Marcel glanced over at her momentarily before he nodded. "So, the four of us are gonna keep one hundred of the world's most ancient vampires occupied?" The Gerard man questioned, sharing a sceptical look with Hayley.

Jordanna mindlessly nodded, "Sounds like a piece of cake."

Marcel gave her a deadpanned stare. The Jones merely shrugged.

"Well, there could be another way... all you have to do is get us to the front door."


ย  ย  Jordanna's face twisted in irritation at the uncomfortable sensation that ran through her neck. Being stuck in the trunk of a car between Hayley and Stefan wasn't exactly on her to-do list today. The Jones moved around trying to get comfortable which elicited in an annoyed groan from the Marshall.

"Oh my God, stop moving!" Hayley whisper-shouted over her shoulder at the Jones.

Jordanna silently glared at her for a moment before she ignored her wishes and continued to wriggle between them. "Usually, I wouldn't complain about being sandwiched between you two, but Hayley... your shoulder is literally digging into my tit."

Hayley only retaliated by harshly pushing her shoulder further back.

Stefan let out a deep, agitated sigh at their childish behaviour and decided to steer the conversation elsewhere. "Are we close?" He asked.

Jordanna rolled her eyes. He sounded like that one child who constantly asked 'are we there yet?', Jordanna was pretty sure they'd know when they arrived.

But merely because he asked that, she had the urge to elbow him in the dick โธป what? He was irritating her.

Hayley pulled out her phone, checking the GPS. "A few more minutes," she answered gently.

As the Marshall swiped left, her home screen appeared, finding a picture of her and Jackson โธป it was taken on her wedding night. Mary, Jackson's grandmother, had forced them into taking it, saying that they needed to cherish the moment.

Jordanna's favourite part of the photo, though, was of her and Klaus in the background โธป she could remember it so clearly, they were talking about Jackson like a couple of mean, whispering school girls whilst glaring daggers into his back.

"Is he the reason you're here?" Stefan asked.

"In a trunk with a stranger, going into a fight we may not win? He's not the only reason, but yeah. Maybe I just don't want to lose a friend."

A wide smile pulled at Jordanna's lips. "I think that's the first time you've actually called Nik your friend."

Hayley rolled her eyes, "He just kinda... gets to you."

"How sweeeeet," Jordanna crooned, grin only getting bigger.

"O-kay," Hayley mumbled, rolling her lips into her mouth.ย 

Jordanna released a sigh as she stared up at the roof of the trunk. "If he dies I'm going to kill every single person involved."

"Oh great, we're doing a 'Jordanna's murderous' talk," Stefan huffed, sarcasm rolled off of his tongue like silk, eliciting in the raven haired vampire to elbow him in the abdomen.

"Sebastian isn't growing up without his dad, fuck that," she scoffed.

"Guess that depends on the father," Stefan said at a soft mutter. "I could have done without mine. If it weren't for my brother, I probably wouldn't have survived the guy."

"So, he stood up for you, and now you're risking your life for him?" Hayley asked, momentarily glancing back to look at the Salvatore.

Jordanna shifted uncomfortably at the topic. "I threw his brother into the bottom of the Pacific, so I doubt it."

Hayley couldn't help but laugh at that. "You're such a good friend, you know that, JJ? I mean, throwing your best friend's brother into the-"

"Okay, judgey McJudgerson, before you say anything he deserved it, he was a cunt."

"Yeah, no, he was," Stefan contributed with a small smile.

"You know, I never understood the brotherly bond until I met Klaus and Elijah. They hurt each other more than anyone, but... they're vicious when it comes to each other."

"And the ones they care about?" Stefan asked, glancing over at Hayley.

The Marshall only smiled and looked back at him. "So, who's on your homepage, huh?"

Stefan quietly chuckled to himself as he pulled out his phone to show the pair. But the photo that sat on his home screen made Jordanna jump up in shock. "What?!" She screeched, forgetting the fact that that she was indeed in the trunk of a car. Her skull painfully met the roof, she cradled her head and glared at the Salvatore. "Asshole! Why didn't either of you tell me?!"

Her eyes flickered back down to the picture of Caroline smiling brightly on his home screen and back up to the Salvatore.

"Is that your friend Caroline?" Hayley asked with a small smile, turning over so she could see the picture better. "I'm pretty sure that I snapped her neck once."

An amused look coaxed Stefan's face. "Yeah, well... she's toughened up since. I don't think you'd win round two."

Jordanna pulled a face; debatable.

"And she's also in Klaus' sireline. Is she the reason why you're here?"

"In a trunk with a stranger, going into a fight we may not win? I guess we both have our reasons," he said, momentarily glancing down at Jordanna. He knew that if she lost Klaus she would lose her goddamn mind, and he couldn't let that happen. She was finally happy again. "Right, it's your turn, JJ. It's only fair you show us your home screen."

Jordanna groaned loudly in dismay and pulled out her phone. "If you even make a comment, I will kill you," she uttered before she turned her phone on โธป showing the picture that sat on her screen.

She was cringing so hard right now, dear Lord.

Hayley refrained from smiling at the sight of Klaus holding Sebastian, it was taken when he was only a few months old, just before Jordanna fell into her coma.


"I will kick you."

Just then, the car slowed and Stefan looked like he wanted to make a remark, but Jordanna shushed him and pressed her fingers to his lips.

"Shut up," she uttered, continuing to listen as she heard voices.ย 

As they approached the outside of the Strix headquarters, the joking around, light-hearted atmosphere that had taken place in the trunk dropped โธป and the three grew tense.

Hayley pulled out her phone before a sigh escaped her lips. "It's time," she announced.

Stefan anxiously scratched at the healing wound on his shoulder. "Hey, listen... my life is sorta in your hands." He began, shooting Jordanna a tentative look. "Try not to kill me, please?"

Jordanna rolled her eyes as though it was the most ridiculous thing he had said all day. "Well, duh. If you died who else am I gonna annoy? Klaus?" She scoffed as though the idea itself was absurd. "He'd snap my neck. At least with you I know you're too scared to actually do anything."

"Right, thanks," Stefan grunted and began to peal off the paste Freya placed on his wound.

Jordanna inhaled deeply as nauseating feeling arose from the bottom of her stomach.

Well, here goes nothing.


ย  ย  Jordanna peeked her head around the corner of the door cautiously, finding Aya, as well as other members of the Strix lunging at Rayna Cruz. The Jones turned back to Hayley and gave her a small nod of confirmation.

The pair quietly, yet at a hurried pace, made their way toward the pool room. Once they finally reached the location โธป Jordanna's face couldn't help but morph into one of horror at the sight of Klaus floating in a pool, a pool which was tainted with the crimson that seeped from both Mikaelson brothers' necks.

Just as the Jones stepped forward to stop the witches, one of the Strix vampires who were stood, guarding them, noticed the raven haired woman.

Jordanna vamp-sped toward him and snapped his neck without a moment of hesitation. Though, luck wasn't on her side as the sound of him falling to the floor caught the other's attention.

A panicked look coaxed Marcel's face and he vamp-sped over to another one of the Strix guards, Davina's eyes peeled open from the magical trance she was in and she looked between Jordanna and Marcel with betrayal.

Jordanna didn't have a fucking clue as to why she was looking at her like that; after all, Davina was the one who was literally putting Klaus' life on the line.

"Marcel!" Davina spat out, the betrayal and hurt evident in her tone, she glowered over at him in anger. He was ruining everything!

"I'm sorry, D," Marcel gave her an apologetic look before he turned back to look at Jordanna. "We need to get them out of that water now."

The Jones merely nodded to herself and stepped forward to do so, only for the teenage witch to thrust her hand toward them, the Sisters following in toll. "No!"

Marcel, Hayley and Jordanna were all thrown backward toward the far wall at the other end of the room, incapacitating them long enough for Davina and the Sisters to return to the spell.

"Don't piss me off Davina!" Jordanna all but screeched over at her as she weakly pushed herself back up. The motherly tone that seeped off of her tongue laced with anger and before she knew it, her hand thrusted out toward Davina.

Choked, staggered words still left Davina's mouth โธป no matter what Jordanna was doing to her she wouldn't let her stop this spell. She wouldn't. The rest of the Sisters turned to the Jones upon noticing the blood that slowly spilled from Davina's mouth, they all paused their motions toward the spell and threw their hands out at Jordanna.

Oh, fuck.

She was too weak for this. Jordanna's form slowly copied Davina's as blood began to spill from her own mouth, but she wouldn't let that stop her โธป she said it before and she would say it again, she would die before Klaus' life would be put on the line, and if that was at the hands of Davina and these freaky ass witches then so be it.

Suddenly, Elijah awoke in the pool, but no one noticed due to the frantic attention on Jordanna and Davina. Marcel's eyes flickered between the two in worry. Jordanna wasn't stopping whatever she was doing to Davina and Davina wasn't stopping the spell she was preforming on Klaus.

Black veins pulsated through Jordanna's porcelain skin, a heat bubbled up in her veins as her hands began to shake, the steady hold she had soon wavered.

Whilst no one was paying attention, Elijah suddenly vamp sped to his feet in the pool and grabbed one of the witches by the back of her cloak. The sound of the loud splash caused the Sisters' to turn, they watched in horror as Elijah both drowned and fed on a member of their coven.

Once the witch was dead, Elijah leaped out of the pool and snapped one of the necks of the other Sisters, Hayley doing the same to another โธป briefly glancing back to check on her friend, who was stood, whole body shaking, head tipped back.

Anguish practically swallowed Jordanna whole as she tried to regain control of her magic, of her body, but nothing was working.

"Davina, stop!" Marcel demanded at a plead as he tried to head for Davina only for her to rush to the other side of the pool. The teenage witch thrusted her hand out toward Klaus as she determinedly continued the spell.

Suddenly, Klaus leaped out of the water at vamp-speed, but the force of Davina's spell caused him to remain frozen in the air.

"You've had your time!" Davina called out to him furiously. The lights that hung over the pool exploded into a shower of sparks, Davina couldn't help but let a little smile pull at her lips as she forcefully pushed her arms down, causing Klaus to land in the pool with a splash so loud Jordanna snapped out of the pain-infiltrated trance she was in.

His screams of terror filled pain was the first thing she heard, which was soon followed by the agonised scream that left Marcel's mouth โธป followed by the faint screaming of Stefan in the background.

Jordanna's eyes flickered between the three distraught noises all at once and when she stepped toward the pool, already knowing it was too late, the water shot up in what looked like a half-dozen geysers, and Klaus fell unconscious under the water.

Jordanna didn't waste a second before she ran toward the pool and jumped in โธป but the sight before her was something that she had seen many times during her coma. The pale complexion and the pulsating veins that ran across his face were something she vowed she never wanted see again, but it didn't always work out like that.

Jordanna knew that the world wasn't in favour for her or each of the Mikaelsons.

Her shaky hands grasped his body, she paid no mind to the thud that sounded out from behind her, she didn't care to look back at Davina's figure laid on the ground, all she could do was stare at him.

But soon enough, the paleness slowly started to fade as well as the veins on his body and the wound on his neck began to heal. He weakly opened his eyes and found Jordanna above him, his hand grasped hers, as if to tell her that he was alright โธป but his words gave no reassurance to that.

"I felt them leave. My sireline is broken."


ย  ย  After an emotional goodbye with Bonnie and Stefan, all Jordanna wanted to do was sleep, but she knew she needed to talk to Davina at some point โธป after all, she did try to kill her, and judgement clouded or not, she broke her trust.

Even though Davina did also break hers.

As the Jones made her way to Klaus' room, Hayley's voice stopped her in her wake. "Jords," the Marshall spoke at a hushed tone, as though it was a secret and no one was to know.

Jordanna furrowed her brows as the hybrid tipped her head in gesture for her to come closer. "What's up?" She asked once she finally reached the brunette.

"You're the most fucked up person I know," Hayley tentatively began.

If it was possible Jordanna's brows creased even deeper. "Oh. Uh, thank you?"

"I need your help," Hayley declared, looking down at the ground.

"With?" Jordanna asked, confusion lacing her tone at the hybrid's sketchy actions.

"I need you to help me kill the Strix. Every last one of them," Hayley said, eyes not wavering from Jordanna's as she met her eye.

The Jones' brows shot up in surprise before a smirk pulled at her lips. "Well you've come to the right goddamn place," she crooned before she paused, mind whirling with ideas. "Find me tomorrow, we'll talk."

Hayley nodded as she watched the Jones walk off. "And Jordanna?" The Jones whirled around at that. "Thank you."

A small smile pulled at Jordanna's lips before she turned and continued making her way towards Klaus' room. The Jones knocked on the open door, eliciting in the man turning around to face her.

Ugh, he was shirtless.

"You look like shit," she ventured for instead of her oh-so-usual compliment.

"Thank you, Jordanna," Klaus rolled his eyes, a sarcastic tone held in his voice at her words. "I can always count on you to make a me feel better about myself."

A wry smile formed on her face as she walked further into the room, shutting the door behind her in doing so. "I'm staying in here again, properly now. Can't have you dying in your sleep, can we?"

"I won't die, don't be dramatic," Klaus, once again, rolled his eyes at her words. He threw his Henley to the side โธป before picking it up due to the glare the Jones sent him. "Freya said that I haemorrhaged an enormous amount of mystical energy. She told me to rest, but I'm fine."

Jordanna could only scoff at that. "I don't know about fine. You have a lot of enemies, Nik, and by now, I don't doubt that they know they're de-sired to you โธป they'll come for you, so fine isn't exactly the word I'd use. Fucked seems more appropriate."

"You're being dramatic," Klaus crooned as he began to get into his bed, Jordanna following toll.

"We'll see," she said, having to get the last word in because she knew she was right. She was almost right about everything. "But, I'm just saying-"

"Shut up and get in bed, Jordanna."

"O-kay," she mumbled. "Christ."

As the Jones got pulled the sheet back, she didn't waste a second before she settled in Klaus' embrace and called it a night. It was only a few hours later into the night when she felt a hand wrap around her bicep and softly shake her.


"No." She protested, muttering profanities under her breath, reaching back she swatted his hand away.


"Fuck off," she muttered in answer, not peering an eye open as she feared that the time read on the clock would only further her bad mood.


"I'll stab you," she replied, voice low, rolling over so that her back was now to him. "I have a knife under the pillow, it's there for a reason, Nik."

"See, that's not very nice," Klaus tutted teasingly, shaking his head within the dark, though she could not see him. "I intended on asking you a very important question, but I get threatened. Ouch."

"Cry about it," she mumbled into her pillow, half-awake. Though his words did next to nothing to settle her, she paused and released an irritated breath, rolling back over, she glanced up at him. "What did you wanna ask me?"

"Nothing," he playfully dismissed, yet a small smile danced on his lips. "Get your beauty sleep, God knows you need it."

She shot him a quick glare, "I'm gonna choose to ignore that..."

Klaus sighed eccentrically at the pointed, expectant look she was giving him. "I was going to ask you to marry me, but since you're tired, I'll leave it. Goodnight."

What the actual fuck?

Jordanna whacked him on the chest when he turned back over, moving to sleep. "Don't do that, asshole, ask me."


She scoffed. "You was gonna a second ago, ask me."

"I don't want to anymore."

"You're a child, you know that?" She asked rhetorically, but nevertheless a smile pulled at her lips as she rested her chin on his chest. "Ask me or I'll... have sex with Lucien."

"Well, I suppose I don't have a choice now, do I?" He rolled his eyes playfully before his hand cupped her cheek. "Marry me?"

"No. Goodnight."

Klaus gave her figure a deadpanned stare as she rolled back over to her side of the bed.

A loud sigh fell from her lips after a moment. "I can feel you staring," she crooned.

"Glaring," he corrected.

"Oh. Glaring, sorry," she mocked before she pursed her lips and stared up at the ceiling, but she couldn't deny that her heart was racing one hundred miles per hour in her chest. Her voice wasn't intended to come out as shaky as it did. "Yes, I'll marry you," she breathed out.

He stared at her for a hesitant moment as she turned to look at him, the reflection of the moonlight struck every prominent bone in his face, highlighting the small smile that sat on his lips.

Swiftly reaching over to the bedside table, he pulled out a small box and opened it. Jordanna could've cried. Actual tears.

"You're serious?"

"One-hundred percent," he confirmed.

"Even if I look like this?" She asked, his eyes flickered over her face, to the messy bed hair that resided on her head.

"I don't think I've ever been more attracted to you," he stated as he pulled her flush to his body.

Jordanna paused and pulled away, "So wait, does that mean when I'm all dressed up and hot you're not attracted to me?"

"Shut up, don't ruin it."

Author's note!ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  *UNEDITED, OFC*
First off all, again, sorry for the delay i have a levels for the next fucking month and i needed to concentrate on that because i hardly went to college these past 2 years so i had to learn 2 years of shit in the span of a month ๐Ÿ˜

Second of all if everyone can remember kol came back to life in this episode but i wanna cast him as daniel rather than nate, but if you prefer nate as kol feel free to imagine him as nate but i just prefer daniel so if you see any edits and get confused its bc of this

qotd: what klaus ship is your fave cami, caroline or hayley?????


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