๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ–. 80s night

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โœง 80's Night โœง


CLEMENTINE NOTICED SHE HAS A VOICEMAIL. Clementine's fingers hovered over her phone as she pressed the "listen" button, unleashing a message from Alison. "Hey, Clem, it's been a while. I hope everything's good. I miss you... I saw you on the news. You keyed a mohawk guy's car? That's badass. Anyways, love you..." Alison's voice trailed off, revealing a subtle vulnerability, and Clementine's heart sank when the distant echoes of arguing emerged from the backgroundโ€”a tumult that seemed to originate from Alison's parents, casting a shadow over the otherwise heartfelt message.

Clementine's pulse quickened as the voicemail ended, urgency propelling her to dial Alison's number. The rings seemed to stretch before diverting to voicemail. With a clearing of her throat, Clementine began, "Hey, Ali. It's me. I'm okay, but I miss you. Call me back, and I'll fill you in on what happened. In short, the guy was a complete jerk, and, well, he had it coming. I love you; please call me back. I'm genuinely worried about you." The weight of concern lingered in her voice until she pressed the red button, disconnecting the call.


"I CAN'T SHAKE THIS worry for her," Clementine admitted to Robby and Sam, recounting the unsettling phone call from Alison. The weight of guilt pressed on her for not staying in touch. Sam's gaze met hers, and he voiced a skeptical concern, "Are you certain it was her parents arguing? Could it have been just the TV playing tricks on the sound?"

Clementine's nervous anticipation manifested in a lip lick, her head shaking in response. Robby, sensing her unease, provided comfort by squeezing her hand tightly. "She's probably just distracting herself. I've been there," he reassured, earning a nod from Clementine, though a hint of worry lingered on her frowning lips. Sensing the need to lighten the mood, Sam cleared her throat and redirected the conversation, "Clementine, what's your 80s night costume going to be? Got something rad planned?"

Clementine's eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked up, promising, "It's a surprise," and then shared a conspiratorial wink with Robby. "You're gonna love it," she confidently declared, prompting a curious raise of Robby's eyebrows. He, in turn, grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer with an inquisitive expression. Looking up at him, Clementine's smirk deepened, "Oh, you are." She playfully evaded details, stating, "It's better if I keep it under wraps; it'll ruin the surprise."

Their banter escalated into shared laughter before Robby took the lead, leaning in for a kiss. Clementine responded with fervor, and as their lips danced, Robby's hand found its place on her hip. The moment, however, was interrupted by Sam's pointed remark. "Hey! I'm still here," she playfully reminded them, casting a teasing light on the blushing couple.

"Hey, guys!"

Robby, Sam, and Clementine swiveled towards the sound of Demetri's voice, discovering him proudly displaying Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor. Sam's gasp cut through the air as she eagerly took it from his hands. "Oh my god, we've been searching everywhere for this!" she exclaimed with genuine excitement.

Clementine's brows knitted in a subtle expression of doubt. Her gaze shifted to Robby, who met her eyes and winked, simultaneously putting his finger to his lips, signaling discretion. Clementine bit her lip, fully aware that the medal hadn't magically appeared under a rock; Miguel had returned it. As Sam marveled at the rediscovered medal, Clementine couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the unfolding charade.


ROBBY WALKED INTO THE ROLLER RINK HAND AND HAND WITH CLEMENTINE. Sam found herself in the unintentional role of the third wheel as Robby swung their hands together. Robby, with a playful grin, remarked on their costumes, "Wasn't too sure about Sam and mine, but yours definitely takes the cake. Baby from Dirty Dancing? That's epic." Clementine reciprocated his grin, nudging him in the side, "I knew you were gonna love it!"

Sam clicked her tongue, injecting her playful opinion, "I still think you should've embraced the synergy and dressed up like Andrew McCarthy or, at the very least, Duckie." Robby responded with a playful eye roll as the trio leisurely made their way into the building.

"Come on. With this hair," he defended, "Spader was my only logical choice." Laughter echoed between Clementine and Sam as they walked side by side. "Just admit it, Rob. You're Duckiโ€”" Clementine's sentence was abruptly cut off by a firm shove to her shoulder.

She turned to see Blaire Nichols. A sinking feeling settled in Clementine's stomach, casting a shadow over the lighthearted moment.

Blaire emitted a light scoff, arms folded defiantly. "Well, well, look who it is," she remarked with a hint of condescension. Clementine, taken aback, found herself momentarily speechless, lips parting in disbelief.

Tory, tray in hand, approached the scene, whispering discreetly to Blaire, "Hey, Blaire... what are you doing?" Her hand gently rested on Blaire's shoulder, an attempt to defuse the brewing tension. Tory's dislike for Blaire's unwarranted animosity towards Clementine was apparent, and she wasn't one to stand idly by when her friend was being targeted.

Blaire's response was a piercing glare, met with widened eyes from Sam as Tory entered the scene. "I didn't know you worked here," Sam voiced, genuinely surprised, while Tory responded with a casual shrug. "Yeah, well, not all of us get to use daddy's credit card," she injected with a hint of bitterness, casting a shadow over Sam's face. Clementine, sensing the discomfort, awkwardly shifted her weight, rocking back and forth on her heels. "Look, we're just here for some fun, Tory. No trouble intended," she explained, attempting to diffuse the tension that lingered in the air.

Tory and Blaire's gazes shifted towards Hawk and Miguel as they gracefully skated over. "Hey," Blaire greeted with a smirk, cupping Hawk's face and engaging in a rough, passionate kiss. The display prompted a disgusted scrunch of Clementine's nose, who observed the scene.

Meanwhile, Miguel, seemingly indifferent to Blaire and Hawk's intense kiss beside him, peered over them to address Tory. "What time do you go on break? I wanted to time it out, so the fries are extra crispy." he asked, his attention oblivious to the fact that Sam, Robby, and Clementine were standing right in front of them.

Tory maintained his silence, urging everyone to look ahead. His gaze shifted to Sam, and he discreetly cleared his throat, nudging Hawk. Hawk groaned, reluctantly breaking away from Blaire's lips. "What?" he grumbled, irritated, as Miguel subtly gestured toward Clementine, Sam, and Robby. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" Hawk snapped, his glare fixed on Clementine.

A smirk played on Clementine's lips. "Supposed to be having fun, but I'm not because I have to see your ugly face," she insulted, prompting a visible flare of Hawk's nostrils. "How about I make your face look ugly?" he provoked, taking an aggressive step forward.

Clementine met his glare, unfazed despite the considerable height difference. "So, you're calling me cute?" she smirked, pushing his buttons.

Hawk's anger escalated. "Clem!" Robby scolded, tugging on her arm, while Blaire scolded Hawk, firmly pulling on his arm as well. The two pairs locked eyes in a tense standoff. "Come on, let's go," Blaire grumbled, guiding Hawk away with a determined grip on his hand. Hawk turned his head, shooting one last heated glare at Clementine before being pulled away, leaving a lingering tension in the air.

Tory released a sigh, offering advice to Clementine. "Don't let him get under your skin," she cautioned. Clementine, however, seemed to revel in the idea. "I think it's fun to annoy him. When he gets angry, his nostrils flare," she chuckled, eliciting an eye roll from Robby.

As the tension lingered, Miguel, sensing the need to change the subject, took off his '80s sunglasses and cleared his throat. "I dig the costumes," he commented, trying to diffuse the atmosphere. Turning to Tory, he proceeded with introductions. "Uh, Tory, this is Sam and Robby... and obviously, you know Clementine," he pointed to each person as he spoke. Tory nodded, shifting her gaze to Sam. "Yeah, we've met. Sam and I had a little run-in at the beach club," she shared, recalling their encounter.

As the question hung in the air, Sam finally broke the silence. "So, how do you two know each other?" she asked, her curiosity evident. Miguel hesitated briefly before responding, "Tory's in Cobra Kai." Sam couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "Figures," earning a disapproving glare from Tory. "What was that?" Tory questioned, raising her eyebrows, but Sam dismissed it with a smirk. "Nothing," she retorted, leaving Tory perplexed.

Turning her attention to Miguel, Tory bid farewell. "Alright, I gotta get back to work. See you later, babe," she said, placing her hand on Miguel's cheek and pulling him into a passionate kiss.

Sam looked down, a hint of jealousy in her expression, as Tory skated away. Miguel, about to say something, found himself interrupted by Clementine. "All right! Let's go get some skates," she declared, taking Robby's hand and leading the way towards the counter, with Sam trailing behind them at a slower pace.


CLEMENTINE WAS STRUGGLING TO ROLLERSKATE. Clementine's attempts at roller-skating proved challenging, with wobbles threatening her balance. Robby, ever watchful, extended his arms in an attempt to prevent her from taking a spill. "Are you sure you don't want me to hold your hand?" he asked, genuine concern coloring his words. Clementine stubbornly shook her head, determined to go it alone.

However, her resistance quickly crumbled when she tripped and found herself on the floor. Skating over, Robby offered his hand, and Clementine reluctantly accepted, allowing him to pull her back onto her feet. A knowing look passed between them, and with a resigned groan, Clementine relented. "Fine, I'll hold your hand," she admitted, conceding defeat. Robby's smile tugged at his lips, and he sealed the agreement with a gentle kiss on her cheek, making the moment even sweeter.

Robby offered a steadying hand, and they glided together seamlessly. Clementine's eyes drifted toward Sam, who leaned against the wall, wearing a discernible frown. Nudging Robby, Clementine subtly gestured towards Sam.

Responding to their concern, they skated over to her with synchronized movements. "Is everything okay?" Clementine questioned when they reached Sam. "Yeah," Sam replied flatly, but Clementine, sensing something amiss, gave her a pointed look. "I know something is up. Spill," she urged, her expression conveying a mixture of concern and determination, prompting Sam to share what was bothering her.

Sam let out a sigh, admitting defeat. "It's just weird running into your ex... and why is he with her? Plus, Tory is the worst," she shared, expressing her frustrations.

Clementine gave Sam a sympathetic look. "Tory isn't bad, Sam. You two just started off on a rocky start. Similar to Blaire and me, but I think she just has a stick up her ass. Don't go after your ex; trust me, it's not worth it. My brother did it, and he almost got a restraining order on him," Clementine revealed, drawing from her own experiences to caution Sam against pursuing a potentially damaging course of action. The advice came from a place of empathy and a desire to spare Sam from unnecessary trouble.

Robby nodded in agreement. "And remember what your dad says. There's good in everyone. She just has to be shown the right way," he reminded, echoing the wisdom of Sam's father and emphasizing the possibility of positive change in Tory if given the chance.

A lively song filled the roller rink, catching Sam's attention, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, no way! This is too perfect!" she exclaimed with genuine excitement.

Clementine laughed, her gaze shifting to Sam. "We might have said something to the DJ. It was Robby's idea," she confessed, revealing the orchestrated surprise for Sam. A delighted smile curled on Sam's lips, appreciating the effort. "That is such a Duckie move. You're a Duckie in Spader Clothing," she teased, drawing a parallel to the beloved characters from the classic movie "Pretty in Pink."

Their attempt to get Sam skating was met with a twist when, after just a few moments, her skate unexpectedly broke. "Ooh!" Robby and Clementine exclaimed in unison as Sam looked up at them with a mixture of surprise and disappointment. "You okay?" Robby asked, genuine concern in his voice. Sam nodded, though the frustration was evident on her face. "Crap. My skate broke. Uh... I'll be back. I'll come find you guys," she informed them, waving as she skated carefully back to the rental area to address the unexpected issue with the broken skate.


SAM GOT HERSELF NEW SKATES. As Sam crouched to tie her laces, Robby and Clementine glided over, drinks in hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." she started to apologize, the words tapering off as she realized it was Robby and Clementine, not Miguel. Standing up, Sam forced a smile. "Oh, hey, Robby, Clem," she greeted, her expression transitioning from initial surprise to a more relaxed and friendly demeanor.

Clementine handed the cup to Sam, and in perfect unison, both Robby and Clem greeted her. There was a moment of suspicion in Clementine's gaze, questioning who Sam might have mistaken them for. "So, I got two compliments on my outfit, but everyone thinks I'm some guy named Dan Johnson. Clem doesn't know who that was. You ever heard of him?" Robby explained to Sam, who shook her head. "Uh, no," Sam replied. As the three of them started to walk away, enjoying the conversation, Clementine was unexpectedly shoved in the shoulder. The force caused her to stumble and fall onto her knees.

Robby's eyes widened in concern. "Oh my god, Clem!" he exclaimed, swiftly kneeling down to check on her. Sam shot Blaire a sharp and furious glare. "What the hell was that for?" she snapped at Blaire, frustration evident in her voice, as Robby assisted Clementine to her feet. Blaire, with a smirk, replied, "Sorry, princess," in a tone laden with sarcasm.

This only fueled Clementine's anger. As Blaire nonchalantly began to skate away with a tray in hand, Clementine seized the moment. She glided forward, swiftly bending down and sweeping her foot towards Blaire's, causing Blaire to yelp and fall backward. The tray went flying in the opposite direction, adding a touch of poetic justice to the unexpected retaliation.

A collective gasp swept through the crowd as Clementine towered over Blaire, her gaze filled with intensity. "Don't mess with me, bitch," she shot at Blaire, the words sharp and resolute. Robby, quick to anticipate the potential escalation, skated over and slithered his arms around Clementine's waist, pulling her away from the confrontation. The surrounding crowd watched with a mix of shock and anticipation.

A security guard and Hawk swiftly made their way to the scene. "Blaire!" Hawk exclaimed, his concern evident as he knelt down to check on her. His attention then shifted to Clementine with a mix of confusion and frustration. "What the hell, Katz!" he demanded.

Clementine, frustration evident, rolled her eyes and defended herself. "She's the one who shoved my shoulder! She deserves it!" she shouted, a mix of anger and exasperation in her voice as she blew the hair out of her face. Hawk responded with an exaggerated eye roll, while Blaire played up her injury, placing her hand on her head with a pouting look. "My head hurts," she stated, the act only intensifying Clementine's glare.

The security guard intervened, checking on Blaire's well-being before turning to Sam, Robby, and Clementine. "All right, you're done. You're out," he declared, pointing towards the exit. Robby scoffed in disbelief. "She's the one who started it!" he protested As the security guard, unyielding, "You're out!" he repeated in response to Robby's objections.

Robby's arm wrapped protectively around Clementine as they walked towards the exit with Sam. Clementine couldn't resist looking over her shoulder, and her eyes locked with Blaire, who was surrounded by Tory, Hawk, and Miguel. Blaire's smirk fueled Clementine's frustration, and a silent challenge passed between them. The roller rink echoed with the tension of an unresolved conflict as they left, leaving behind a brewing rivalry that promised future clashes. Clementine's blood boiled at the encounter.


two more chapters left of robentine until s5:( BUT THERE WILL BE TONS OF ANGSTS DONT WORRY BABES!!!

blaire is a dick head and will try to ruin relationships before she leaves at the end of season four.


i hate how i wrote this chapter๐Ÿ’”

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