𝟎𝟑𝟏. a long road ahead

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chapter thirty-one:
a long road ahead

tw: mentions of sewer side

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When Clementine didn't come home that night, panic engulfed her family. Caleb, her father, was beside himself with worry, imagining the worst scenarios. He feared that Clementine, devastated by her loss at the All Valley, might harm herself. Without wasting any time, he called the police, and soon, everyone in the family and the community was out searching for her.

Alison, Clementine's best friend, was in the Katz household's kitchen, her eyes glued to Clementine's phone on the table. She had scoured through it, hoping to find a note or any clue about where Clementine might be, but there was nothing. The rest of the family tried to sleep, but sleep was elusive. They were all on high alert, awaiting any news from the police. Alison was the only one still awake, her mind racing with possibilities.

A sudden knock on the door jolted her, and she sprang up to answer it. Standing there was Johnny Lawrence, holding a note. "Johnny?" Alison asked, her voice a mix of hope and fear.

Johnny held up the note. "Miguel and Clementine went to Mexico to find Miguel's dad," he explained. Alison burst into tears of relief. "Oh, thank God! Everyone, wake up!" she turned and yelled, her voice filled with urgency.

Caleb was the first to come running out of his room, his face a mixture of confusion and disbelief. "Johnny?" he asked, his eyes darting from Johnny to Alison.

"Miguel and Clementine are going to Mexico to find Miguel's dad. Robby and I are gonna go get them. Miguel's dad is a dangerous man," Johnny explained, his voice grave.

Caleb's protective instincts flared up. "I'm coming too! This is my daughter!" he exclaimed, his voice firm and resolute.

Johnny sighed, knowing this wasn't going to be an easy journey. "All right, we leave first thing," he agreed, seeing no point in arguing.

"I want to come; she's my best friend," Alison said, stepping forward with determination in her eyes.

Caleb shook his head firmly. "No, you stay here. If this is dangerous, we can't let you come," he said, his tone brooking no argument.

Alison looked like she wanted to protest, but Caleb's expression was stern and unyielding. "We'll find her and bring her back," Caleb reassured her, his voice softer now.

Alison nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Just... bring her back safe," she pleaded, her voice breaking.

Johnny and Caleb exchanged a determined look. "We will," Johnny promised, his voice filled with resolve.

The family braced themselves for the journey ahead, hoping to bring Clementine back home safely. As they gathered their things and prepared for the trip, the tension in the air was palpable. Caleb packed quickly, his mind focused on finding his daughter. Johnny coordinated with Robby, who was equally determined to bring Miguel and Clementine back safely.

Before leaving, Caleb took a moment to hug Alison. "We'll get her back," he whispered, trying to reassure her.

"I know you will," Alison replied, her voice trembling but filled with hope.

As the early morning light began to creep into the sky, Johnny, Caleb, and Robby set off on their journey to Mexico. The road ahead was uncertain and fraught with danger, but they were united by a common goal: to bring Clementine and Miguel back home safely.

Miguel and Clementine hopped off the bus in Mexico, taking in the vibrant yet unfamiliar surroundings. The air was filled with the scent of street food and the sounds of bustling markets. Clementine looked around, her expression a mix of awe and apprehension. Miguel nudged her gently. "Come on," he said, consulting a map on his phone. They began walking, navigating through the crowded streets.

A lady approached them, offering necklaces. Miguel shook his head politely. "Oh, no, no. No, gracias. No," he said. Clementine sighed. "I wish I brought money," she commented, looking regretfully at the colorful jewelry.

Miguel chuckled, glancing at her. "You were quiet on the ride here," he observed.

Clementine looked down, her fingers brushing the bruise around her eye. "I have a black eye, Miguel. From Tory. She didn't do it on purpose, but... I've been thinking. The whole match was weird. She didn't get a point reduction for elbowing me in the eye. I'm starting to think Silver paid off the ref," she explained.

Miguel bit his lip, considering her words. "That would make sense. But why would Silver do that?"

"Because he knew I would have beaten Tory, and he wants Cobra Kai to win. He literally announced that he has new dojos all over the Valley now," Clementine replied, her voice tinged with frustration.

Miguel nodded, digesting this new information. "Let's not worry about this now. We need to find your dad," Clementine added, looking at Miguel's phone as he tried to get reception.

An Australian man approached them, a friendly smile on his face. "Oi! You need some help, mate and gal?" he asked. Miguel instinctively moved in front of Clementine, shielding her.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'd love some help. Uh, my phone's out of service," Miguel stammered, showing him his phone.

"Do you think you could help us get to 137 Avenue Santurce?" Clementine asked, peeking over Miguel's shoulder.

"Oh! You're in luck. I can show ya," the man said, as another man joined him. Miguel smiled, hopeful for a moment. The Australian pulled out a map and drew a circle around the location. "It is right here. X marks the spot," he said.

Suddenly, Miguel dropped his bag, and a guy grabbed it. Clementine's instincts kicked in. She lunged forward, performing a tornado spin and kicking the guy in the face. "Clem!?" Miguel exclaimed, watching in shock as the guy dropped to the ground. Clementine snatched the backpack back. "These guys were trying to steal your stuff!" she growled, glaring at the Australian.

"Fuck you, dude," Clementine swung her fist, connecting with the Australian's jaw. "Run!" she yelled to Miguel. They sprinted away, weaving through the crowded streets.

As they ran, Miguel glanced back, making sure they weren't being followed. "That was incredible, Clem! Where did you learn to do that?"

Clementine grinned, despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "Johnny taught Sam and I the tornado kick spin," she chuckled.

Miguel shook his head in disbelief. "You saved our asses back there."

They ducked into an alleyway to catch their breath, both panting heavily. Clementine peeked around the corner, making sure their assailants weren't following. "We need to be more careful. This place is dangerous," she said, her voice a mix of caution and determination.

Miguel nodded. "Agreed. We need to be more careful."

As they continued through the maze of unfamiliar streets, they kept their guard up, ready for anything. They moved cautiously, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

Clementine and Miguel entered Castillo
Escondido cautiously, their senses heightened by the dim lighting and the low murmur of conversations around them. The tension in the air was palpable. Clementine spotted a bar off to the side and turned to Miguel.

"I'm gonna go check out the bar. You go talk to him and see if he's your dad," she instructed softly. Miguel nodded, heading towards a man seated at a table in the back, who seemed like he might have answers.

Clementine sauntered over to the bar, her eyes scanning the room before locking onto the bartender. He was a rugged-looking man with dark hair and a scruffy beard, wiping down the counter with a cloth. She put on a friendly smile, leaning slightly over the bar to catch his attention.

"Hola," she greeted, her voice sweet and inviting. The bartender looked up, his eyes briefly flicking over her before returning her smile.
"Hola. ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?" he replied, his voice smooth.

Clementine batted her eyes and leaned in closer, resting her elbows on the bar. "I was wondering if you could help me out," she said, her tone playful. "I'm looking for someone, and I thought you might have seen him around."

The bartender's eyes twinkled with interest. "Maybe I have. Who are you looking for?"

"A man named Hector," she said, giving him a hopeful look. "Tall, dark hair, kind of mysterious."

The bartender chuckled. "A lot of men here fit that description. What's your name, bonita?"

"Clementine," she replied, giving him a coy smile. "And what's yours?"

"Carlos," he said, leaning in slightly. "So, Clementine, what brings you to this part of town? Not many tourists come here."

Clementine shrugged, still maintaining her flirtatious demeanor. "I like to think of myself as an adventurer. I go where the wind takes me."

Carlos laughed. "An adventurer, huh? You must have some interesting stories."

Clementine was about to respond when she heard grunting noises and the sound of a scuffle. Her head snapped towards the back of the room, where Miguel was now engaged in a fight with several men. She immediately abandoned her conversation with Carlos and rushed over.

The men were speaking in rapid Spanish, which she couldn't understand, but their hostile tones were clear. One of the men grabbed her arm, his grip tight and invasive as he started to caress her arm.

"Get your hands off me!" Clementine growled, bringing her knee up sharply into the man's groin. He doubled over in pain, and she grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back before kicking him to the ground. "Fuck you!" she yelled.

"Miguel, we need to go, now," Clementine urged, her voice urgent. She sprinted out of the building, with Miguel following close behind, albeit more slowly.

Once they were safely outside, Clementine turned to him, breathless and anxious. "Was that your dad? Because if so, his mafia guys scare the crap out of me!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with concern.

Miguel shook his head, his expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. "It wasn't him," he said, his voice tinged with sadness.

Clementine's expression softened. "I'm sorry, Mig. We'll find him," she reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We just need to be more careful next time."

Caleb sat in the back seat of Johnny's van as they drove down to Mexico. The drive felt familiar, a strange déjà vu from the time when he, Johnny, and Daniel had scoured the city for Robby after the school fight. The van's interior vibrated with tension as Robby and Johnny argued in the front seats.

"You've got to be kidding me," Robby spat out, his voice filled with disbelief and frustration.

"You have every right to be upset," Johnny replied, keeping his eyes on the road but his tone trying to remain calm.

"I thought we were coming to get Clementine! You told me she ran away because she was pissed off that she lost the All Valley?" Robby's voice rose with each word, clearly feeling betrayed.

Caleb, watching the unfolding drama from the back, raised an eyebrow. "That's just low, Johnny," he stated, shaking his head in disapproval.

"How could you take me to Mexico and not mention once we're coming to get Miguel and Clementine!? You're telling me Miguel ran off to find his dad and Clementine tagged along?" Robby continued his rant, unable to believe the situation.

Johnny's grip tightened on the steering wheel. "Come on, Robby, let's go to Mexico. Get your girlfriend and come back with some stories," he quoted his dad sarcastically.

"I wasn't bullshitting you. I wanna fix our relationship. Even if it takes me having to get your girlfriend back. Which, by the way, I'm glad you and Cinnamon Girl are back together. She was depressing when you guys weren't together," Johnny explained, trying to justify his actions.

Caleb furrowed his brows, confused. "Why are you calling my daughter Cinnamon Girl, Johnny?"

Johnny shot him a quick glance before looking back at the road. "It's her fierce attitude!" he exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing.

Caleb nodded slowly, still not entirely convinced. "Besides, I need your help to find Miguel and Clementine," Johnny added, turning back to Robby.

Robby scoffed. "My help? Do you two even have a plan?" He looked between his father and Caleb, seeking some semblance of strategy.

"Yeah, of course I do. Miguel's looking for Hector Salazar with Clementine. I know where they get off the bus. That's our first stop," Johnny pointed out, trying to sound confident.

"When we get there, what do we plan on doing?" Caleb interjected, wanting to hear more about this supposed plan.

"I'll ask around if anyone saw them," Johnny explained, his voice lacking any real assurance.

Caleb raised his eyebrows, skepticism clear on his face. "That's the big plan?" he asked in unison with Robby.

"Of course not. We come up dry, I'll check the Mexican phone book," Johnny said, clearly improvising as he went along.

Caleb huffed, shaking his head. "Please tell me, Caleb, you'll come up with something better than this," Robby pleaded, turning to him for some semblance of a solid plan.

"On it," Caleb responded, pulling out his phone to brainstorm a more concrete plan. However, as he tried to get a signal, his frustration grew.

"Damn it, no service," Caleb muttered, still fiddling with his phone.

As the trio continued their journey, the van hit a particularly bumpy patch of road. Johnny, distracted by the ongoing argument and the pressure of the situation, failed to notice a sudden obstacle ahead. Before anyone could react, the van swerved violently.

"JOHNNY!" Caleb shouted as the van careened off the road, crashing into a ditch. The impact jolted all of them, and for a moment, there was only the sound of their heavy breathing and the ticking of the cooling engine.

Miguel and Clementine trudged along the dusty streets of Mexico, feeling the heat beat down on them. Miguel suddenly stopped, holding his phone up with a triumphant smile. "I finally got service! I'm gonna call Sam, let her know we're okay," he said, looking relieved.

Clementine nodded. "Go ahead. I'll check out the convenience store for some snacks." She walked into the small, cluttered store, the air conditioning a welcome respite from the heat. She wandered through the aisles, realizing she had no money. Spotting a few snacks she liked, Clementine picked them up and made her way to the counter, putting on her best smile.

The cashier, a young man with a bored expression, glanced at her. "That'll be 50 pesos."

Clementine leaned in slightly, resting her elbows on the counter, and gave him a coy smile. "I'm really sorry, but I don't have any money with me. Think you could help me out this one time?" She twirled a lock of her hair around her finger and winked, hoping her charm would work.

The cashier's bored expression faltered, and he looked her up and down, clearly considering it. "I don't usually do this," he said, hesitating.

Clementine leaned in a bit closer, her voice soft and persuasive. "Please? It's just a few snacks. I'll make it up to you next time," she promised, giving him her most convincing look.

The cashier sighed, his resolve crumbling. "Alright, just this once," he said, sliding the snacks across the counter.

Clementine beamed. "Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver." She grabbed the snacks and hurried out of the store, feeling a small victory.

Outside, she found Miguel standing near the entrance, his eyes fixed on someone across the street. She held up the snacks with a smile. "Look what I got us!"

But Miguel was distracted. He was staring at a man with slicked-back hair who was talking animatedly with a few other men. "I think that's my dad," Miguel said, his voice filled with a mix of hope and apprehension.

Clementine followed his gaze, her eyes landing on the man. "What are we gonna do?" she asked, sensing the tension in Miguel's stance.

"We're gonna follow him," Miguel replied, determination in his voice.

They trailed the man from a distance, careful not to attract attention. Miguel's heart pounded with each step, a mixture of excitement and fear. Clementine stayed close, ready to support him no matter what happened.

Caleb let Johnny and Robby have their father-son bonding moment to fix the wheels on the van. He walked across the road, holding his phone high, trying to get a signal. The dry Mexican landscape stretched out around him, the road empty except for their van and a few scattered buildings in the distance.

His phone finally picked up a signal, and he immediately saw a flood of notifications and messages from family and friends. Most were worried about Clementine, asking for updates. He started replying, assuring everyone they were on the trail and doing everything possible to bring her home safely.

As he typed out another message to Alison, telling her to reassure Bubbe and Zayde, he heard the faint sound of tools clinking and Johnny's voice offering Robby advice. Caleb allowed himself a small smile, appreciating the rare moment of Johnny trying to be a good father. Despite the tension and urgency of their mission, it was good to see Robby getting some of the fatherly attention he deserved.

Caleb's mind drifted back to the night Clementine didn't come home. He remembered the panic and fear that had gripped him, the way his heart had raced as he called the police and coordinated with friends to search for her. He had been so sure she was in danger, that something terrible had happened because she lost the All Valley. Now, knowing she was with Miguel, on a quest to find his father, was a strange mix of relief and anxiety.

He snapped back to the present as he heard Johnny call out, "Hey, Caleb, we're almost done here. Can you come give us a hand?"

Caleb quickly finished his message and shoved his phone back into his pocket, crossing the road back to the van. "Sure thing," he said, bending down to help them with the final adjustments.

As they worked together, Caleb felt a surge of determination. They were a long way from home, but they were closer than ever to finding Clementine and Miguel. And no matter what lay ahead, they would face it together.

Miguel and Clementine walked beside each other, their steps quiet and deliberate as they followed the man Miguel believed to be his father. The bustling atmosphere of the festival provided a perfect cover for their surveillance. They watched from a distance as Hector interacted with the crowd, his demeanor warm and charismatic.

Hector approached a woman with a gentle touch on her waist, and she turned to him with a loving smile, kissing him tenderly. Miguel blinked in surprise, and Clementine's mouth fell open in shock. This man had another family? Clementine glanced at Miguel, whose frown deepened with each passing second. Her heart ached for him.

Hector then lifted a young boy into the air, roaring playfully and eliciting giggles from the child. Clementine felt a pang of sadness. This man, who might be Miguel's father, appeared to be a loving figure in another child's life. She looked back at Miguel, who seemed transfixed by the scene, his emotions clearly written on his face.

As Hector continued to engage with the festival, stopping at various stands, Miguel and Clementine maintained their distance, trying to remain unnoticed. Suddenly, the little boy kicked a ball, which rolled towards Miguel. He stopped it with a deft flick of his foot, juggling it in the air before catching it.

The boy approached them cautiously, and Miguel crouched down, holding the ball out. "Hey. Uh, hola," he said softly, his voice gentle. The boy hesitated before taking the ball back, his shyness evident.

Clementine felt her throat tighten as she watched the interaction. She struggled to hold back her tears, but a single tear slipped down her cheek. Miguel tried to engage the boy further, introducing himself and Clementine. "Mi nombre es Miguel. Y esta es Clementina, mi mejor amiga. ¿Y tú? ¿Cuál es tu nombre?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting.

Clementine, not understanding the Spanish conversation, furrowed her brows in confusion. The little boy, Luis, looked over his shoulder as a woman called out his name. He ran back to her, and Miguel straightened up, watching the family dynamic with a mixture of longing and resignation.

"Mig?" Clementine called out softly, hoping to break through his trance. Miguel ignored her, his focus solely on Hector and his interactions. He began to follow them again, and Clementine, understanding his need for answers, sighed and continued to trail behind him.

As they moved through the festival, keeping a close eye on Hector and his family, Clementine's mind raced. She wanted to support Miguel, but she also feared the potential heartbreak that lay ahead. Whatever they discovered, she knew they would face it together.

After fixing the van, they found the bus stop where Clementine and Miguel had gotten off. "I'm gonna ask around," Johnny said, sprinting off in search of information. Caleb turned to Robby, who looked a bit lost.

"How are you doing?" Caleb asked, trying to gauge Robby's feelings.

"What?" Robby replied, confused.

"I don't know... just want to see how you and your pop are doing. I mean, this has to be the most bonding you've had in years," Caleb explained.

Robby shrugged. "It's weird, I guess... I'm only staying for Clementine. I want her to be safe. I can't believe she did this."

Caleb nodded, understanding the young man's concern. "No, I get it. I'm worried about her too. Her mind is obviously distracted right now... but I'm mostly worried that when we find her and bring her home, she might remember the whole losing the All Valley thing and then spiral."

Robby hadn't considered that possibility. "Was... that attempt a few months ago her first attempt?" he asked reluctantly.

Caleb bit his lip. "I'm not sure if this is my business to tell. You should probably talk to Clementine about this, but... no. That's all I'm gonna say."

Their conversation was abruptly cut short by the sound of grunting. They looked over to see a man about to strangle Johnny from behind. Robby charged forward and kicked the man to the ground. Caleb gasped and ran over. He hadn't done karate in years, but he still remembered some of it. Plus, watching his daughter compete in the All Valley had refreshed some of his skills.

The three men quickly found themselves in the midst of a brawl. Caleb swung his fist at one of the attackers, then twisted the man's arm around and kicked him to the ground. Johnny, with his years of experience, was holding his own, delivering powerful strikes and quick dodges. Robby, fueled by concern for Clementine and anger at the situation, fought fiercely, his movements precise and powerful.

Caleb managed to dodge a punch and countered with a swift elbow to his opponent's face, then followed up with a kick to the chest, sending the man sprawling. He turned to see Johnny delivering a final blow to his attacker, while Robby took down the last of the group with a sweeping kick.

Panting and slightly bruised, the three men stood amidst the fallen attackers, adrenaline coursing through their veins. Johnny looked at Robby and Caleb with a mix of pride and relief.

"Nice work, guys," Johnny said, breathing heavily. "Looks like the old dojo skills aren't completely forgotten."

Caleb chuckled, catching his breath. "Guess not. But let's not make a habit of this."

Robby nodded, his expression serious. "We need to find Clementine and Miguel. This is just a reminder of how dangerous things can get."

Caleb clapped Robby on the shoulder. "We will. And we'll make sure they're safe. Let's keep looking."

"Adios, Dickheads."

Miguel and Clementine continued to shadow the man they believed to be Miguel's father. They observed Hector interacting warmly with the people at the local festival. He greeted everyone with a smile, stopping to chat and laugh. He eventually approached a woman, gently wrapping his arm around her waist. She turned to him with a loving smile and they shared a kiss. Miguel blinked in surprise as a young boy, around five or six years old, ran up to Hector. Hector lifted the boy into the air, roaring playfully, and the boy giggled in delight.

Clementine's eyes widened in shock. This man had another family? She glanced at Miguel, who wore a deep frown, his face shadowed with disappointment and confusion. Hector set the boy down and they continued to walk, stopping at various stands. The little boy, Luis, kicked his ball around, trying to imitate the tricks Miguel had shown him earlier.

As they trailed behind, Luis's ball rolled into the street. Without hesitation, Luis chased after it. Clementine noticed a car speeding down the road and quickly smacked Miguel on the chest. "Shit! Car!" she shouted. Miguel sprang into action, sprinting forward and scooping Luis up just as the car whizzed past.

Clementine exhaled in relief, placing a hand over her racing heart. "Oh thank god," she murmured. Luis's mother rushed over, pulling her son into her arms and checking him over for any injuries. Hector approached, a look of concern etched on his face. He kissed Luis's forehead before turning to Miguel, speaking rapidly in Spanish.

"Entonces. We are lucky our paths crossed," Hector said in Spanish, his eyes locking with Miguel's.

"I guess so," Miguel replied, trying to mask his emotions.

Luis's mother began speaking to Miguel, her tone grateful yet urgent. Clementine watched, feeling a pang of frustration at not understanding the language.

"Hey, please, we insist. It's the least we can do," Hector said, his tone firm yet kind.

"Okay. Okay," Miguel nodded, his voice steady.

Clementine stepped forward, her confusion evident. "Sorry, but what are we doing, Mig?" she asked, her eyes searching his.

"We're gonna have dinner," Miguel whispered to her, his eyes glancing around nervously.

Clementine raised an eyebrow. "Oh, uh, I'm... I'm Hector Salazar," Hector introduced himself, extending his hand to both Miguel and Clementine.

"Miguel, and this is Clementine," Miguel introduced them.

"It's wonderful to meet you two," Hector said warmly, his grip firm and reassuring.

"It's nice to meet you too," Miguel stammered, a bit overwhelmed by the situation.

Hector chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "It's strange. I feel like we've met somewhere before."

Clementine fought the urge to roll her eyes. She wanted to scream, "Yeah, well, he's your son, dumbass," but instead, she bit her tongue and glanced at Miguel, who shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't think we have," Miguel lied smoothly, forcing a smile.

Hector laughed heartily. "Well, maybe you're both strangers, but tonight, you're our family. Okay?"

Miguel nodded, a genuine smile spreading across his face. Clementine, however, couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. While she believed Hector was Miguel's father, there was a piece of the puzzle missing, something hidden beneath the surface.

As they walked towards Hector's home, Clementine leaned in close to Miguel. "Are you sure about this?" she whispered, her voice tinged with concern.

Miguel glanced at her, his expression a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "Yeah, I think so. I just... I need to know."

"Okay, Mig."


clem and robby reunite next chapter!!

also we're on s5?! holy shit balls!?!?! i can't wait to introduce jackson in a few chapters!!

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