𝟎𝟒𝟖. underdogs

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chapter forty-eight:


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Clementine stood resolutely beside Robby in the dojo, as Johnny and Daniel paced around, their expressions serious. The air was thick with anticipation. Johnny stopped pacing and faced the group.

"The Sekai Taikai is coming. It's up to us to pick our seven most badass fighters," Johnny declared, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

Daniel stepped forward, adding, "And there are no easy decisions. We know you all wanna go to Barcelona."

Johnny nodded and continued, "Some of you are shoo-ins, at the top of your game, that nothing or no one can stop you."

Daniel took a breath and said, "Some of you think you're the underdogs, and you don't know if you have what it takes. You feel left out and left behind."

"But it's a level playing field. Anything can happen," Johnny emphasized.

"Each and every one of you has a shot. So, as we make our evaluations, do your best," Daniel encouraged.

Johnny's eyes scanned the group. "Now is not the time to puss out," he said, walking past Clementine and attempting a quick punch, which she expertly blocked. Johnny grinned and fist-bumped Clementine, proud of her reflexes.

Daniel spoke again, his tone earnest. "Even though we're competing against each other, we are still one dojo. And it's time to bring out the best in all of us."

Johnny concluded, "So, which of you has what it takes to be in our top seven?"

Clementine stepped onto the deck with determination. She spun around, delivering a high kick into the air, followed by a series of rapid punches. Her movements were fluid and powerful, a testament to her training and dedication. She finished with a confident stance, one hand held high by her face and the other extended in front of her, ready for whatever challenge lay ahead.

Clementine strode into the school hallway with Alison by her side, the sound of chattering students and lockers slamming open and shut filling the air. The two girls blended into the morning chaos, but Alison stood out, practically glowing with excitement. Her eyes were wide, and she had a barely contained grin on her face, clearly ready to burst with enthusiasm.

"I'm telling you, Clem, this is it," Alison said, her voice bubbling with energy. "You've been on fire at practice. I'd bet anything you're going to make it into the top seven for the Sekai Taikai. It's practically guaranteed!"

Clementine smirked but shook her head in disbelief, her footsteps slowing slightly. "You think so? I don't know, Ali. There are some tough competitors-Sam, Robby, even Miguel-they're all going hard for it. I'm just trying to keep up."

Alison waved her hand dismissively, like the idea of Clementine not making the cut was absurd. "You're being way too modest, Clem! I've seen you. You've got this in the bag. The way you fought at practice last week? Total beast mode. You have the focus and the drive. The senseis have definitely noticed."

Clementine couldn't help but smile a little, though she wasn't fully convinced. "Thanks, but... what about you, Ali? You've been improving a lot too. I thought for sure you'd be going for a spot."

Alison's smile faltered, and she looked away for a moment, her excitement dimming slightly as they passed a group of students who were laughing loudly by their lockers. "I'm not going for it," she admitted, her tone suddenly quieter. "I'm not even really part of the competition."

Clementine stopped mid-step, turning to look at her friend with wide eyes. "What? What do you mean you're not going for it?" Her voice was filled with confusion and a hint of frustration. "You've been training just as hard. You're always in the dojo. You have to go for it, Ali."

Alison sighed and slowed her pace, the initial spark of excitement draining from her face. "Clem, I'm still new to all this," she said, her voice softer now. "I've only been training for a few months. I barely know half the stuff you guys have been practicing for years. The Sekai Taikai is for people who are at the top of their game. I'm nowhere near that level."

"But you're getting there!" Clementine insisted, her brow furrowing in disbelief. "You're selling yourself short. If you don't at least try, how will you know if you're ready? You've improved so much since you started, Ali. You could do this."

Alison's face tightened, and she looked away again, avoiding Clementine's determined gaze. "I don't want to push myself into something I'm not ready for," she said firmly. "It's not about selling myself short. It's about knowing when to take a step back and let the people who deserve it go for it. I'm not there yet."

Clementine shook her head, still not willing to accept her friend's decision. "You've worked just as hard as the rest of us, if not harder! I know you're new, but you've got the heart for this. If you keep backing down, you'll never see what you're capable of. You belong out there with us, Ali."

Alison's eyes flickered with emotion, and for a moment, she looked like she might waver. But then she straightened her shoulders and met Clementine's gaze head-on. "I'm not backing down," she said, her voice more forceful now. "I'm making a choice. There's a difference. I'm not going to run into a fight I'm not prepared for. I know you want me out there, and I love you for it, but this isn't my time."

Clementine felt her frustration growing, her hands balling into fists at her sides. She opened her mouth to argue again but stopped herself, realizing how firm Alison was in her decision. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the tension.

"But you could be ready," Clementine muttered, softer this time. "If you just gave yourself a chance."

Alison's expression softened at that, and she gave Clementine a small, reassuring smile. "I will be, one day. But right now, I'm not. And that's okay. This tournament? It's your moment, Clem. You've worked for this for years. I'm cheering for you."

Clementine let out a long, resigned sigh, finally letting her shoulders relax. "Fine," she muttered, a hint of defeat in her voice. "But I'm still going to bug you about this. I know you're good enough, even if you don't believe it yet."

Alison chuckled softly, her grin returning as they resumed walking down the hall. "I believe it, Clem. Just not for the Sekai Taikai. Not yet."

Clementine rolled her eyes, a small smile tugging at her lips despite her frustration. "You're impossible, you know that?"

Alison nudged her playfully with her elbow. "Yeah, but so are you, which is why we're best friends."

They continued walking through the busy hall, the momentary tension fading as the bell rang and students hurried to their classes. Clementine couldn't help but steal a glance at Alison, her mind still whirling with thoughts of the tournament and how much she wanted her best friend there with her. But as she looked at Alison's calm, resolute expression, she knew she had to respect her decision-no matter how much she wished things could be different.

As they neared the classroom, Alison gave her one last grin. "Just focus on getting into that top seven, okay? You're going to crush it."

Clementine nodded, finally allowing herself to smile fully. "Yeah. I will. But I'll be thinking of you when I do."

"Everyone, fall in!" Johnny yelled, and Clementine moved to stand beside Robby and Daniel addressed the group. "Please welcome our guest for the weekend, Sensei Barnes."

"Isn't that the guy from the Silver house fight?" Clementine asked, her voice low but loud enough for Robby to hear. She regretted it once she said that.

Clementine shut her eyes, already anticipating trouble. "Silence!" Sensei Barnes yelled, glaring at Clementine.

"In order to keep things unbiased, we brought in Sensei Barnes to observe and then select our top seven," Daniel explained.

Barnes stepped forward, his presence intimidating. "During my years as the Tournament Terror, all I wanted was to be in Sekai Taikai. But I blew my chance," he said, staring pointedly at Daniel.

Barnes looked over at Clementine, a glint of recognition in his eyes. "Oh, you're the famous Clementine Katz. I'll be keeping an eye on you. Your senseis have said you've progressed pretty well and I knew your dad."

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, I am here to ensure that you maximize your potential. Everyone I know who participated in this tournament has horror stories. This thing is intense, unpredictable. People have died. Who's ready for that?" Barnes' voice was steely, his eyes scanning the group.

"I will do to you what the Sekai Taikai will do. I will surprise you with events. I will push you to your limits. And if any of you delicate flowers feel like going to your senseis and crying, don't. I've been given full authority for these eliminations."

"Selections. Let's keep this positive," Daniel interjected.

Barnes shot him a look. "You came to me. The deal was my way or the highway."

Clementine's eyebrows raised, but she kept her thoughts to herself. "Get on the sparring deck," Barnes ordered.

No one moved, the tension thick in the air. "NOW!" Barnes shouted, his voice like a whip.

Clementine almost jumped but was the first to step onto the deck. Barnes nodded approvingly as everyone followed her lead, making a mental note of her initiative. The real challenge was about to begin.

It was time to demonstrate their strength. Sensei Barnes stood at the edge of the sparring deck, observing the students with a critical eye. "Alright, let's see what you've got. Strength is not just about muscle, it's about technique and precision," he instructed.

Robby stepped forward with a wooden board, holding it up at chest height. Clementine took a deep breath and approached. Her eyes locked onto the board, and she concentrated on her target. With a swift and powerful punch, she sent the board flying out of Robby's hands, the sound of the impact echoing through the dojo. The board split in two mid-air before hitting the ground.

Robby grinned and high-fived Clementine. "Nice one, Clem," he said, impressed by her force. He picked up another board and held it higher this time, ready to test her again.

Clementine took a step back, focusing her energy. She spun around in a fluid motion, her leg extending out in a perfect arc. Her foot connected with the board with a sharp crack, shattering it into pieces. She landed gracefully on the ground, her eyes meeting Sensei Barnes.

Sensei Barnes nodded, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Good speed and accuracy, Katz. You're fast and quick, but remember, it's about control too. Keep refining your technique."

Clementine nodded, feeling a surge of pride. Robby gave her another high-five, and she took her place back in line with the others. The students around her murmured in appreciation, and Robby could sense their respect growing. She glanced at Eli, who was watching intently, and gave her a reassuring smile.

As the other students took their turns, Clementine watched closely, analyzing their techniques and learning from each demonstration. She knew the competition for the top seven spots would be fierce, but she felt confident in her abilities and determined to keep improving.

She wished Alison was here.

Clementine and the rest of the dojo gathered around, the air thick with anticipation as Sensei Barnes prepared to announce the names of those who would move on to the next round. "Congratulations. You didn't die," Barnes began, his voice carrying a mix of sternness and challenge. "Still, half of you wouldn't last one match at the Sekai Taikai. To the 13 who might, join me up here when I call your name."

He stood on the sparring deck, his gaze sweeping over the students. "Clementine," he called out first. Clementine cracked a grin, fist-bumping Robby before stepping up to the deck. She felt a rush of pride and determination as she took her place.

"Hawk," Barnes called next. Eli walked up, giving Clementine a quick hug before standing beside her. The names continued, each one adding to the anticipation and excitement. "Robby. Miguel. Sam. Tory. Muscles."

Robby and Clementine exchanged a puzzled look at the nickname. "Muscles?" Clementine thought to herself.

Barnes pointed at Mitch, whose jaw dropped in surprise. "Yeah, you."

"I have a new nickname!" Mitch pointed to himself and gasped, walking up to the deck. Clementine rolled her eyes, whispering to Robby, "That's gonna get to his head cause he hates being called Penis Breath."

Robby chuckled, the tension easing slightly. "Kenny. Chris. Demetri," Sensei Barnes continued, glancing at his notebook. He mumbled to himself about the next name, creating a moment of suspense. "Devon. And the last name. Anthony."

Clementine high-fived Anthony as he walked up, the excitement clear on his face. "Wishing Alison was up here," Eli said quietly.

"She could have if she was confident in herself," Clementine whispered back, understanding his sentiment but also recognizing the consequences of Mila's actions.

"Congratulations, top 13," Barnes announced. "Meet me back here tomorrow for round two. To the rest of you, you're out. Better luck next time."

The atmosphere was a mix of triumph and tension as the selected fighters exchanged glances and murmured among themselves. Clementine felt a surge of determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As they dispersed, she noticed the looks of disappointment on the faces of those who didn't make the cut, a reminder of the intense competition and the high stakes of the Sekai Taikai.

Clementine looked around, feeling the weight of the moment. She knew that making it this far was just the beginning.

"Top 12, get ready!" Sensei Barnes's voice sliced through the buzz of the dojo, immediately drawing everyone's focus. The dozen competitors, who had fought tooth and nail for this moment, stood in a line, facing each other. There was a tangible tension in the air, each fighter sizing up their opponents, mentally preparing for the battle to come. Barnes paced back and forth in front of them, his eyes sharp and predatory, as if he was waiting to see who would falter first.

"Today's challenge is Battle Royale," Barnes announced, his voice hard as steel. "The rules are simple: Protect your flags and steal the others'. Lose your flags, and you're out. The ones with the most flags at the end go to Barcelona. The rest will be judged on performance."

Clementine stood with her arms by her sides, her heart pounding in her chest. The flags were tied securely to the belts of each fighter-bright, colorful markers of what could be won or lost. This wasn't just about skill anymore; it was about strategy, endurance, and survival. The thought of Barcelona spurred her determination. She glanced at Robby, standing a few places down the line, his expression focused but still soft when he caught her eye. It was clear-neither of them would go easy on each other.

"You have two minutes. Ready?" Barnes's voice left no room for hesitation.

Clementine's hands curled into fists. Two minutes to fight her way to the top.


The moment Barnes shouted, the dojo exploded into chaos. Bodies collided as competitors launched at each other with the kind of raw energy that only comes with desperation. Clementine immediately ducked and weaved, dodging a fist aimed at her head by a nearby fighter. She spun away, moving through the fray, eyes scanning for her next target-her first target.

Her gaze locked on Robby, his movements smooth as he defended himself against two fighters. They were fast, but Robby was faster, his hands whipping through the air to block their blows with precision. Clementine's lips twitched in a grin. She knew she couldn't afford to hold back just because he was her boyfriend. With a burst of speed, she launched herself at him.

Robby barely had time to react as Clementine dove in, aiming for one of his flags. He twisted, blocking her with his arm, their eyes meeting briefly in the middle of the fight.

"You're quick," Robby muttered, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Faster than you," Clementine shot back, her voice breathless but teasing.

Their movements became a blur of punches and blocks. Clementine swept low, trying to catch him off guard, but Robby leapt back with the grace of a cat. She wasn't deterred, though-if anything, it fueled her. She feigned a kick to his right, and when Robby moved to block, she switched direction at the last second, her fingers darting out to snatch one of his flags. She felt the cloth slip into her palm before yanking it free.

"One down!" she quipped, but before Robby could fully react, she dodged his counterstrike and made another quick move for the second flag. She ducked under his guard and grabbed it, securing two of his flags in quick succession.

Robby chuckled, breathless but impressed. "Not bad."

Clementine winked at him before darting away, her eyes already scanning for her next challenge. She spotted Devon across the room, holding her ground in a defensive stance. Clementine sprinted toward her, ready for the next fight. Devon's face tightened when she saw her coming, but her movements were slower, her strikes less forceful than usual. Clementine noticed it immediately.

"Devon, what the hell? Why are you holding back?" Clementine demanded between dodging blows, her voice filled with frustration.

Devon hesitated, her punches losing their sharpness. "I'm not-"

"You are! Come at me for real," Clementine snapped, swiping at Devon's flag. She could see the conflict in Devon's eyes, but the hesitation was all Clementine needed. She snatched one of Devon's flags, spinning away before the girl could react.

Devon faltered even more after that, and Clementine didn't waste any more time. With another quick move, she stripped another flag from her, leaving Devon standing there, stunned.

"Sorry, Devon," Clementine muttered before she turned her focus to Anthony, who was nearby and locked in combat with another fighter. Anthony fought with intensity, his focus on defense, but Clementine knew his weak points.

She moved in, ducking beneath a strike from another competitor, and closed in on Anthony. He saw her coming and threw a quick punch, but Clementine deflected it and darted to the side, trying to get a hand on his flags. He was faster than she expected, though, and blocked her attempt, forcing her to take a step back.

"Not so fast, Clem," Anthony said, grinning despite the tension.

Clementine's jaw tightened, and she darted in again, this time with more force. They exchanged blows, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Clementine aimed high, then low, forcing Anthony to guard both areas. In a sudden burst of speed, she faked a punch, and when Anthony raised his arm to block, she slipped behind him and grabbed two of his flags in quick succession.

"I thought you had me there," Anthony muttered, slightly out of breath.

"You almost did," Clementine replied with a grin as she moved away, her eyes already scanning the chaos of the dojo.

But then something caught her attention. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kenny pushing Anthony hard into a wall. Her head whipped around, her heart jumping at the sight. Kenny was relentless, his face twisted with determination as he shoved Anthony back, trying to rip away his flags.

Clementine's eyes widened in alarm. "Anthony!" she shouted, but before she could move toward him, a sharp kick from Eli brought her focus back to the fight at hand.

Eli came at her hard, his strikes fast and brutal. Clementine barely had time to block, her arms aching from the impact of his blows. She knew Eli wasn't going easy on her-and she didn't expect him to. They exchanged fierce punches and kicks, both of them moving with lightning speed.

But all the while, Clementine's mind was partially focused on Anthony and Kenny. She had to win this fight, but she couldn't ignore what was happening to her friend.

With a quick feint to the left, Clementine dodged Eli's next punch, and in one swift motion, she swiped a flag from his belt. Eli growled, trying to counter, but Clementine danced out of his reach, her breath coming hard and fast. She could feel the clock ticking down, the chaos around her intensifying.

But as she prepared for Eli's next attack, her eyes flicked over to Anthony once more-he was pinned against the wall now, Kenny tearing at his flags.

"Let me see those flags!" Barnes demanded, eyeing Marisol's impressive haul. Clementine walked up, her face beaming with pride. None of her flags had been taken, and she had amassed a significant number from other competitors.

Robby, standing beside her, watched in awe. His jaw dropped as he saw how many flags Clementine had collected. He felt a swell of pride for her accomplishments, knowing how hard she had worked to get to this point.

"Alright, we've clearly got our top five," Sensei Barnes announced, scanning the remaining competitors. "Clementine, Tory, Robby, Sam, and Miguel. You five are going to Barcelona."

Clementine and Sam exchanged a glance, a mixture of relief and excitement evident on their faces. They shared a celebratory fist bump, thrilled at the prospect of competing in Barcelona together.

Barnes then turned his attention to Eli, Devon, Demetri, and Kenny. "You bottom four are tied. I'll review my notes and re-tally the scores tonight. I'll announce the final two in the morning."

Devon, Demetri, and Kenny, along with Eli, awaited the final verdict, their faces a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Clementine, still buzzing from her performance, glanced at them with a supportive nod, hoping for the best for her fellow competitors.

As the dojo slowly cleared out, the weight of the day's challenge lingered, with everyone eager to learn who would join the top five on their journey to Barcelona.

The next day, Clementine and Robby walked side by side with the other Miyagi-Do students to the creek. The morning air was crisp, filled with the sounds of nature waking up. They joined the group, and Sensei Barnes stood on a picnic table, his presence commanding everyone's attention.

"Good morning. At least for now. Gather 'round," Barnes called out. Robby and Clementine exchanged a look before stepping forward with the others. Barnes scanned the group and asked, "Is everyone here?"

Daniel nodded. "Yeah, this is everyone."

Barnes cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention back to him. "Last night, I reviewed my notes. Made sure the remaining five got a fair shake. I've decided it's too close to call," he said, his voice authoritative.

Barnes continued, "So... you're all gonna get another opportunity to prove yourselves. Two flags wait deep in the forest. Whoever brings them back... wins." The announcement sent a ripple of excitement and anxiety through the group.

Eli furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Wait. That's it?" he asked, his voice echoing the disbelief of several others.

Demetri raised his hand slightly. "What if two of us find a flag at the same time?"

"You fight for it," Barnes replied simply, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Daniel stepped forward, concern evident in his voice. "Are there refs out there?"

Barnes shook his head. "No, they're on their own."

"But how-" Daniel began, but Johnny cut him off.

"It can't get any more objective. Even Barnes isn't judging this one," Johnny said with a nod of approval.

Barnes nodded in agreement. "Winning is everything, plain and simple. Take ten minutes, stretch. Use the restroom. Call your mothers. When you get back, it's go time."

The sun hung low, casting long shadows as the remaining competitors gathered for the final challenge to determine who would join Clementine, Sam, Tory, Miguel, and Robby in Barcelona. Clementine stood aside Robby, her eyes scanning the crowd. She watched as Devon, Kenny, Demetri, and Eli lined up at the starting point. Tension filled the air as the spectators gathered to cheer them on.

Barnes stepped forward, raising his hand. "Go!" he shouted, dropping his hand to signal the start.

As Devon, Kenny, Demetri, and Eli darted off into the woods, the tension around the clearing began to build. Clementine sat cross-legged on the grass, glancing between Robby and Miguel, feeling the competitive energy buzzing around them.

"My bet is on Eli," Clementine declared confidently, watching the trees with a smirk. "He's been doing this longer than Kenny, Demetri, and Devon."

Robby, sitting beside her, gave her an offended look. "Not even Kenny?" he retorted, folding his arms across his chest. His loyalty to his protégé was clear, and Clementine felt a hint of guilt creeping in.

She shot him a playful glare in response. "Kenny's a tough fighter, no doubt, but Eli's stronger and more experienced."

Miguel, sensing the rising tension between the two, jumped in before things could get too serious. "Honestly, I don't care who wins," he said with a shrug, trying to defuse the situation.

Clementine and Robby both softened at Miguel's casual remark, their competitive streaks fading for the moment. They glanced at each other and, as if on cue, chorused, "Yeah, true."

Robby leaned over and kissed Clementine's forehead, and she smiled warmly. "Phew," Miguel muttered under his breath, relieved that he had managed to settle things before they got out of hand.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps pounding through the clearing. Clementine and Robby gasped as Kenny burst through the edge of the woods, sprinting toward them at full speed. "Holy shit. Hey, Kenny won!" Robby exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

"I guess I was wrong," Clementine sighed, unable to help the smile tugging at her lips. The small crowd of onlookers began to clap and cheer, but before anyone could properly celebrate, Kenny pushed Anthony to the side and darted straight for the portable toilet.

He smacked his hand against the door urgently. "Open up, please. Please, I gotta... I gotta go. Please," Kenny begged, his voice strained as he desperately clenched his butt.

"Oh my God, he's gonna shit his pants," Clementine muttered with a chuckle, trying to stifle her laughter. Robby nudged her with a look of mock disapproval, but she could see the amusement dancing in his eyes.

Suddenly, there was a loud farting noise, and Kenny froze in place, his eyes widening in horror. The realization hit everyone at once: Kenny had just soiled himself.

Clementine's jaw dropped in shock. "Oh my God..." she gasped.

Nearby, Anthony was laughing so hard he could barely breathe, holding his stomach as tears formed in his eyes. "Poor Kenny," Clementine muttered, feeling secondhand embarrassment for the kid. Robby sighed beside her, shaking his head.

"Somebody just got their brown belt," Johnny quipped from behind them, his voice filled with dry humor. Clementine tried to keep a straight face, but she couldn't stop the giggles that bubbled up.

Finally, Bert emerged from the portable potty, looking around innocently. "What's that smell?" he asked, his nose scrunching up in confusion.

Kenny, without a word, shoved Bert to the side and rushed inside, slamming the door behind him.

As the awkwardness settled, Devon suddenly burst out of the woods, a triumphant smile on her face as she held up her flag. "Hey, guys! It's Devon! She won!" Sam shouted excitedly.

Everyone erupted into cheers, and Devon grinned as she ran toward the group. Robby clapped for her, but his expression was subdued. Clementine noticed the disappointment in his eyes-he'd really wanted Kenny to win.

A few minutes later, Demetri emerged from the woods, his head hanging low as he trudged toward the group. "Demetri," Daniel called out, concern in his voice.

Clementine leaned forward, her heart racing with excitement. "Did Eli win too?" she asked eagerly, her eyes wide.

Demetri stopped in front of them and, with a sigh, held up his flag. Clementine's mouth dropped open in surprise. "Oh my God! Demetri!" she squealed, rushing forward to hug him tightly. "You're going to Barcelona with us!"

Demetri chuckled awkwardly, clearly not used to the sudden attention. "Yeah, guess I am," he replied, still processing the win himself.

As the group gathered around, Sensei Barnes stepped forward. "I give you Miyagi-Do's team for the Sekai Taikai. Miguel," he began, and Miguel walked forward to stand beside Demetri. "Sam. Clementine. Robby. Tory. And now, Devon and Demetri."

Each of them moved to stand in a line, side by side, as Barnes and Daniel bowed to one another, solidifying the moment. Barnes then extended his hand to Johnny, who shook it firmly.

Clementine beamed with pride as she looked down the line of fighters. But then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Eli standing off to the side, his expression clouded with disappointment. Concern tugged at her chest.

She quietly excused herself from the group and made her way over to him. "Hey," she said softly, touching his arm. "I was rooting for you. What happened?"

Eli looked down at the ground, avoiding her gaze. "Demetri deserves it," he muttered, his voice heavy with guilt. "I... I've been a terrible friend. I finally told him that I didn't apply to MIT, and he got mad... It's a lot, Clem."

Clementine blinked, her eyes widening in surprise. "Wait, you didn't apply?!" she asked, her voice rising in shock.

Eli glanced up, startled by her reaction. "I thought Alison told you," he said, his brows furrowing.

"No," Clementine replied, shaking her head. "She didn't say a word."

Eli sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping as the weight of everything pressed down on him. "I just didn't feel ready for it, you know? And now, I don't know what to do. I feel like I've let him down."

Clementine reached out, squeezing his arm reassuringly. "Hey, you can still fix this. Demetri's your best friend-he'll understand if you talk to him. And you didn't let him down. You were honest, and that's what matters."

Eli looked at her for a moment, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "You really think so?"

Clementine smiled gently. "I know so. And hey, Barcelona will be amazing, whether you're competing or not. We'll all be there together."

Eli managed a small smile in return, his tension easing just a little. "Thanks, Clem."

"Anytime," she said softly, giving his arm one last squeeze before walking back to join the rest of the group.


one more chapter then i have to wait until part 2:(


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