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      "So Millie, what do you do in your free time?" Betty asks. The pizza has been eaten and the Decathlon meeting has since been finished. Everyone stuck around to talk. Millie shrugs her shoulders. "Nothin' much." The corners of her lips twitch. "I don't really get out a lot." Peter looks at her. The two of them have (sort of) gotten past the flustered stage after talking for a couple hours.

      "Why don't you take Mr. Stark's job offer?" Millie opens her mouth to respond to his question, but Flash beats her to the punch. "Penis, no one is going to believe you. That so-called 'internship' is so fake." Flash says as he crosses his arms. Millie frowns at him confused. "What are you talking about?"

      Ned looks at Millie. "Flash doesn't believe Peter has an internship with Stark." Millie creases her brows and looks at Flash. "He does. I saw him with Mr. Stark." Flash gapes for a moment, then his smug look returns. "Yeah, like you work at the Avengers Tower." Millie shakes her head.

      "I don't," Flash smirks, but Millie continues. "But my sister does. Molly Maverick." MJ looks at Millie. "Isn't she that scientist that is trying to find a way for cancer to degrade itself?" Millie nods and smiles proudly. "Yeah. She's super smart. I was with her when I first met Peter." The table falls silent, but Flash continues to glare at Peter.

       "What job?" Ned asks Millie. She turns to him. "Well, like I said: I don't get out a lot with being homeschooled. Molly talked to Mr. Stark and he offered me a job as an assistant. Keep track of stalk and stuff." Millie smiles widely. "Imagine getting coffee for the freakin' Avengers."

       Everyone at the table laughs. By now they have realized that Millie has a thing for heroes.

      Suddenly, Peter tenses up. His head whips around and his eyes scan the street. He appears to be on high alert. Ned sees this too and gapes for a moment and looks around too. "Excuse me." Peter mutters distracted. Millie scrambles out of the seat and stares in shock and confusion as Peter runs out of the pizza place and down the road.

      "Don't worry about him." Abe tells Millie. She turns to him, clear confusion on his face. "Peter is always running off." He supplies. Millie nods slowly and glances out to the road. Several police cars zip by gaining everyone in the pizza place's attention.

      As quickly as they came, the cop cars were gone.

      Millie stares out the window for a beat longer, then shakes her head and turns to the table. "I should actually get going. My parents always want me home before dark." Everyone waves goodbye to Millie, and even exchanges phone numbers with her. She grabs her bag then walks out of the pizza place.

      As Millie walks down the street she pulls out her phone and dials Molly. "Hey, Mol." She greets, then pauses. "I think I'm going to take Mr. Stark up on that job offer."

      Millie was bouncing with excitement. Molly contacted Tony Stark and said Millie would take the job. She told Millie he was happy to have her, but Millie knew that just didn't sound like something he would say.

      "Millie, calm down. You are going to pass out." Molly chuckles as Millie bounces next to her in the elevator. "Nu-uh!" Millie argues. She sticks her tongue out revealing the pink tablet on her tongue. "I took my glucose tablet! I'm good to go!" Molly sighs and shakes her head. Millie has always had a blood sugar issue. Before she started taking glucose, she would pass out when she overexerted herself.

      Millie looks at the elevator buttons and frowns when she finds that they aren't going to Molly's floor. "Aren't you on 175?" Molly nods, not looking at Millie and trying her absolute hardest not to smile. "Mmhmm." She says wordlessly. Millie narrows her eyes suspiciously at Molly, then shrugs and returns to her happy bouncing.

      "So how's the research going?" Millie asks with a quirked brow. Molly glances at her and gapes a bit before sighing. Millie isn't asking about her cancer research. She's asking about her progress with studying her mutation. "Slow. There's only so much I can do without my test subject." Molly bumps her hip into Millie and smiles.

      Millie raises an eyebrow at her. "What do you need?" The elevator doors slide open. "I'll tell you later." Molly whispers to Millie as they both step out. Millie nods and eyes her surroundings. "Molly wh-" Millie is suddenly cut off as something zooms past her. "Coming through!" An accented voice shouts. Millie and Molly look down the hallway as a blue blur disappears around a corner.

      "Get back here you little shit!" A voice calls. Another figure with powdery white hair runs past the two Maverick girls and Millie gapes as she realizes who it is. "Hawkeye." Millie breaths in awe. She looks at Molly. "We're on the Avengers floor?!" She shouts in amazement. Molly chuckles and laughs. "We are."

      "Those two never stop fighting..." A familiar voice mutters in annoyance. Millie whips around and is faced with Tony Stark. "Mr. Stark." Molly greets with a smirk. "Ms. Maverick." Tony shoots back. Molly chuckles, then places a hand on Millie's back. "Millie decided she wants the job if it's still up for grabs."

      Tony looks at Millie and the girl freezes under his gaze. Well, not so much under his gaze. Tony is almost the same height as her. "I knew you would. I mean, who would turn down a job from me?" Tony asks with a smug smirk. Millie doesn't respond and Molly decides to take up the conversation for her.

      "So, what will she be doing?" Molly asks. Tony opens his mouth to answer but he is cut off by a crashing noise, followed by a shout and then a scream. Tony sighs exasperatedly. "Excuse me." He mutters as he walks off. "Barton! I swear to god, if you broke my ceiling vents again I'll-" Tony's voice fades as he walks down the hallway.

      There is some distant shouting, then more crashing. Millie and Molly blink as they listen to the commotion. Molly then looked at her watch and sucked through her teeth. "Crap." She turns to Millie. "I gotta go, Mill." Millie stares at her. "But- But- What am I-" Molly rushes to the elevator and gives Millie a sympathetic smile. "Sorry." She tells her as the elevator doors close.

      Millie stares at the elevator with her jaw slack. She turns around and faces the common room and swallows hard. She's in the Avengers Tower, on the Avengers floor, where the freaking Avengers live and she's alone with no idea what she is supposed to do.

      Someone pinch her because this must be either a dream come true, or an absolute nightmare nightmare.

      Millie wordlessly walks around the halls of the Avengers floor. She's managed to find a couple cool looking rooms, but they were all locked. Eventually she made her way out to the balcony and stared down at the city below. She whistles at the view. The cold winds remain unnoticed by her as it nips at the bare skin or her arms. Millie has never really been bothered by cold weather. Not since her mutation surfaced.

      She's always running a warm temperature.

      "Beautiful view, huh?" Millie nods at the question, then freezes and whips around. Her mouth falls open when she sees Captain America standing before her. He isn't in uniform, but Millie is able to instantly recognise him. "Steve Rogers." He introduces as he sticks his hand out. Millie nods.

      "I know." She breathes, then shakes her head. "I mean-" She pauses and smiles. "I'm Millie Maverick." Steve nods at her then glances out at the city. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing up here?" Millie gapes. "Oh! You have no idea why I'm here!" Steve shakes his head. "Oh, well, Mr. Stark sort-of-not-officially hired me."

      Steve nods and smiles. Millie purses his lips. "He kinda ran off after Hawkeye shouting something about breaking ceiling vents. That was like 30 minutes ago." Millie laughs sheepishly. "I have no idea what I'm supposed to do." Steve chuckles and looks down with a nod. "Yeah, Maximoff dumbed flour on Barton's head while he was training with Romanoff." Millie gapes them smiles in awe. "Cool."

      Steve chuckles. "I doubt Barton would agree with you." Steve then looks to Millie and creases his brows. "Aren't you cold?" Milie shakes her head as she looks down at the passing cars. "I don't get cold." She then pauses, realizes what she said and turns to face Steve. "I mean- I'm not cold." She corrects. Steve stares at her for a moment then nods and glances into the building.

      "I can show you to Tony. He's probably in the labs with Banner." Millie smiles widely at hearing Doctor Banner's name. Everything about this is so cool. "Yes please." The two of them walk back into the tower together. "So, how did Stark find you? He usually has a special reason for hiring someone."

      Millie laughs a bit. "If by special reasoning you mean my older sister finding I'm at home too much and needed a reason to get and be productive, then," Millie nods. "Sure. Special reasoning." Steve chuckles and nods as they step into the elevator. The elevator takes them up two floors. "Tony's lab is just around the corner. FRIDAY will let you in."

      Millie nods in thanks. "It was awesome to meet you Mr. Rogers!" Steve smiles at her and the elevator doors close.

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