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      "And then Wilson came crashing through the window with Barnes, ah-" Tony pauses and looks at Millie. "Millie? Are you listening?" Millie doesn't answer as she continues to stare at the wall in front of her. "Millie?" Tony asks again. Millie doesn't answer. Tony looks at Bruce. "I think I broke her." Bruce sighs and walks over to Millie.

      "Millie? Are you okay?" He asks, shaking her shoulder. Millie blinks and shakes her head. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry, I just-" Millie rubs at her eyes and Bruce shares a look with Tony. The billionaire shrugs. "Are you sure you are okay? You've seemed rather... Distracted these few days." Distracted is one way to say it. Millie has been quiet and even looked sick to her stomach most of the time.

      She was always lost in thought and had a distant look of fear in her eyes. At first Bruce and Tony (Mostly Tony) thought it was her being nervous because she was working with the Avengers, but after seeing her rush off to a bathroom to vomit, then knew that wasn't it.

      Millie hadn't slept in days. She couldn't get her mind off what she found. She tried her absolute hardest to tell herself it was all just one big misunderstanding that her parents are connected to mutant disappearances. But deep down she knew that wasn't the case. It made her sick to think that her parents, the very people who she thought were protecting her, were actually hunting down her kind. Hunting mutants.

      She didn't know who to trust or what to do. Does she go to the authorities? Does she tell the Avengers? Would they even believe her? Should she confront her parents or would they just make her 'TERMINATED' like all the other mutants in their files? Could Millie trust Molly anymore?

      Everything was so confusing and scary. Millie wanted someone to trust, but she didn't know who that was or if she ever could trust anyone.

      And lately she's been feeling like someone is watching her. Maybe it's the paranoia of her parents somehow discovering she found their stash of mutant files, but it was constant. When she was at the tower, at home, walking around the city. Everywhere. She's always looking over her shoulder

      "I'm fine." Millie answers after a long pause. Bruce and Tony share a look then shrug. "So, is Peter coming by today?" Bruce asks as he returns to his work. Millie goes back to her tunnel of confusion, blocking the entire world out. "No. Says he needs to catch up on patrol." Bruce nods and casts a worried glance at Millie.

      Tony looks at her too. He frowns. She looks green. Thankfully not Bruce's green, but a worrying green nonetheless. "Kid," He tells her, gaining her attention. "Why don't you go home? I don't want you vomiting all over my lab." Millie gapes at him for a moment, then nods and looks down sadly. "Yeah. Sorry." She mutters before grabbing her backpack and walking out of the lab.

      Bruce watches as the lab door closes behind her. "What do you think was bothering her?" He asks. Tony shrugs. "Dunno. She'll be fine eventually." Tony returns to his work and Bruce frowns. Whatever was nipping at Millie, it was causing her a lot of stress. He can only hope it'll get better. Millie is a good kid. She doesn't deserve whatever is bothering her.

      Millie absentmindedly walks along her route back to her house. Her mind is anywhere but where it should be so she doesn't notice the two people trailing behind her. She turns down a less busy street, when suddenly she is grabbed by the arm and thrown into an alley. Millie yelps as pain flares up the side of her arm.

      "So, your Stark's new lackey." A voice says looming over Millie. She looks up, her heart beating out of her chest. Three men stand over her and she notices the gun in one of their hands. Millie tries to scramble away, but the one in the middle kicks her to the ground. Millie cries out as the back of her head hits the pavement.

      Millie sucks in a breath as her vision blurs. She feels the familiar tingle under her skin as her hands surround in her clouds. Millie shoves her hands behind her back, her drive to hide her mutation overpowering her need to protect herself. "What do you think boys? How much will Stark pay to get this one back?" Millie's eyes fill with fear as she realizes the danger of the situation.

      "He-" She stutters out. "He won't pay you. He hardly even knows me." Millie squeaks out. In the blink of an eye, Millie is being held against the wall by her throat. "Help! Someone help me!" She shouts as the hand around her throat tightens. "No one is going to hear you." The man hisses. Millie begins to sob and keeps her eyes closed, not daring to open then and see the men who might end her life.

      Without thinking, Millie begins pushing the man away, trying to get him off her. As the lack of oxygen begins affecting her brain, she doesn't fully register the man before her howl in pain and drops her. Millie takes deep rugged breaths once the hand around her neck is released.

      "She's a freak!" One of them shouts. Millie, holding her neck, looks up and finds the man that was choking her clutching his chest where the fabric of his shirt has been burned away and hand shaped blisters have formed on his skin. The man with the burned skin takes the gun from his partner and points it at Millie.

      "Screw cash! Mutant freaks shouldn't exist!" Millie's eyes go wide as the man places his finger on the trigger. Millie flinches away, waiting for the shot to ring, but instead hears a 'fwip' followed by grunts of pain. "Are you okay?" A soft voice asks. Millie looks up and finds a masked face crouched down in front of her.


      Millie glances behind him and sees the three men webbed to the alley wall, their eyes and mouths covered. Millie looks back at Spider-Man and nods, eyes still filled with tears. "Thank you." She tells him. Spider-Man shrugs and offers Millie a hand. "All in a day's work." Millie takes his hand and she stands up, suddenly getting hit by a wave of dizziness.

      She touches her head and groans. "Ow." She mutters. Spider-Man glances behind her head and sees a strange wetness. "Your bleeding." He observes. Millie reaches her hand back to touch the back of her head, but Spider-Man stops her. "No, don't touch it." Millie nods slowly, then looks at the three men on the wall. She gives them the bird and sees the road burn on her arm.

      She hisses in pain as Spider-Man takes her arm, then looks at her side. Millie does the same and sees that the road burn is on her side too. "Do you have your phone?" Spider-Man asks. Millie pulls her phone out of her pocket and sees that it is smashed. She gapes seeing it, and a tear slides down her cheek. She isn't grieving her phone. She's mad at her situation.

      "Uh, that's fine," Spider-Man assures. "Karen, call for an ambulance." Millie's head spins and her eyes close. "Woah! Hey, don't close your eyes!" Millie's legs give out on her but Spider-Man catches her. "'M so t'red." Millie mumbles as she struggles to keep her eyes open. "She appears to have a concussion." A female voice says. "Maybe in shock too."

      Millie's eyes peek open for a moment and sees Spider-Man's mask. She smiles deliriously and pats the side of his face. "Good Spider." Her eyes roll into the back of her head. "Millie? Millie! Keep your eyes open!" Millie's eyes snap open. "'M'j't F've m're m'n'tes m'm." She mutters incoherently. Millie's head lulls, then the world goes back. A figure over head goes unnoticed by them both.

      Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

      Millie groans in annoyance and swats at the noise. "Who turned on my alarm?" She mutters as she continues to swat at the insufferable beeping. Someone chuckles and grabs her arm gently. "That's not your alarm, Mill." Millie pries her eyes open, then snaps then shut when the blinding light fills her vision.

      There is a flick of a switch then Millie tries again, this time greeted with a lower light. Millie looks to her left and sees her mother leaning on her bedside, a smile on her face. Milo walks over from the door and grabs Millie's hand. "Hey kiddo." Millie stares at them in confusion. Milo shares a look with Kayden.

      "Millie, what do you remember?" Millie opens her mouth to answer, then pauses, her eyes darting back and forth in thought. "The alley." She touches her injured arm. "Those guys. Spider-Man." Kayden breathes a sigh of relief. "Good. That's good." Millie stays silent for a moment, then her breathing becomes uneven.

      "Millie?" Milo asks, concerned. "Millie, what's wrong?" Millie shakes her head, but instantly regrets it after the wave of pain hits her. "Those guys- I- I- They saw me. I have to-" Millie tries to sit up but both of her parents push her back down. "Shh, Millie, it's okay. You're safe." Milo soothes. Millie shakes her head. "No. No! They saw me ! I- I hurt one of them! They know!"

      Milo and Kayden share a look. Milo looks at Millie with seriousness as they continue to keep her laying down. "Know what, Millie?" Millie continues to pant heavily. "That I'm a mutant! I- I have to-" Kayden presses the call button and moments later hospital stuff rush in. One of them grabs a serine from the cabinet and pushes it into Millie's IV drip. She begins to calm down until she is completely still.

       Milo and Kayden stare at their daughter, then Milo looks at his wife. "I'll go deal with it." He tells her. Kayden nods and Milo leaves the room. By 'it' he means the men that saw Millie's mutation.

      Kayden sits back at her daughter's bedside and hums a quiet tune to keep her calm, stroking her head.

      Millie groans dramatically as she lays on the couch of the Maverick residence. "I'm going to die!" She wails. Kayden sighs in exasperation and rolls her eyes. "Just because I said no to getting McDonalds, doesn't mean the world is going to end." Millie makes a wheezing noise. "But it is! I was attacked, mother! Does that not merit special treatment?"

       Kayden glances at her daughter as she cuddles up under a blanket . "Not when you are doped on pain meds." Millie reaches for the TV remote, but halfway through her action, her arm goes slack and she begins to snore. Kayden chuckles at Millie and walks over to her, fixing the blanket over her shoulders.

      Just then Milo steps through the front door with the rest of the Maverick kids. They all try to rush over to Millie, all crying her name in worry, but Kayden stops them. "She's okay." She assures them. "She needs rest. Go to your rooms." Mike, Mackenzie and Max pout, but comply with their mother and run up the stairs.

      Kayden takes Margot from Maddie and the blonde nods at her sister's sleeping form. "How's she doing?" Kayden glances at Millie. "She'll sleep for awhile. The hospital gave her a good amount of pain meds." Maddie nods, then walks off to her room. Kayden looks at her husband. He nods at her sternly. "Taken care of." He states simply. Kayden nods. "Good."

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