Chapter 6

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RYU JAEHYUN STILL DID NOT HAVE THE COURAGE TO TRY AND TALK to James on his own accord. Yet he could proudly tell Seohyun he had finally found a person he could talk to without stuttering, and it was not a professor of his favourite subject. He had grown fond of his kind and giving presence to the point that he did not fail to speak without stutters when he moved to the sit that was usually empty all year around. Jaehyun enjoyed listening to James Potter ramble, loving the way he seemed to look at life and everyone in such a positive manner as if they were not growing up in a war. Though it was not more than a small triumph for the Potter boy it was a huge step forward from when they had began.

"You know, I am starting to think you enjoy my company." James teasingly spoke up as he scribbled down whatever stuff had been writen on the chalkboard in front of them. His eyes gazed at him, hoping that the boy had understood his humor and would not immediately shut down, turning back into his rambling state of mind trying to explain himself. Instead Jaehyun widely grinned, it was a genuine grin. James felt blessed by Merlin to have been able to pull such off, the warmth of his smile caught onto the boy who also turned to have a huge grin on his lips.

Jaehyun did not wait to answer like he did usually. You could tell James was ecstatic that the interaction with Malfoy had happened the way it had happened at that exact place and time. He knew otherwise he would still lack more than half the progress he had made trying to get Jaehyun to warm up to him. He was able to call Jaehyun a decent friend, one who he would not be afraid to strike a conversation with. "I could never." Was all he jokingly replied. James looked at him with a astound face, his mouth wide agape as he looked at the boy shocked for the remark. The remaining three Marauders stared unsurely at the duo from the very other end up the class. It confused them, they did not know clearly whether that James enjoyed their prescense or not. Jaehyun still had no idea why that James had originally started being friends with the introvert and Remus was afraid in his heart that the boy would end up in a depression if the year ended.

James let his famous bright smile light up their shared table and acted offended. "You have shattered me Jaehyun!" He exclaimed dramatically, Jaehyun laughed in his face, his eyes closing slightly as he let his dimples be shown in the heartfelt laughs. James commended the boy for a few seconds, feeling accomplished as he realized he had succeeded. Jaehyun was his friend, no more running away from conversations, no more turning shy and shutting down in front of him. His grin reached his eyes, he could not have been more proud of himself. Seohyun would love it that I am friends with Jaehyun! Maybe I could talk to him again today..

Wait, no! Why was he thinking like this? His prior focus was getting Jaehyun to like him so Seohyun would know he was not a horrible person and knew how to get on with people. He had no idea why he was thinkng about Seohyun this time and like that out of everything. He should be infatuated with Lily, he had always loved Lily for the so many years he had spent pining after her! James could not figure himself out as to why his mind was spinning around the boy two years above him, the boy who had always been his Quidditch captain since he had started his journey on the team.

Of course he remembered the times in second year that his eyes lingered onto the very attractively toned and abbed body of his captain who was a mere fourth year when he had been chosen as captain. The way his eyes had gazed over the pecks, but that was mere admiration. He just wanted to have such a nice body like him, of course! Young James had always tried his best for Seohyun, he was his captain after all, of course he used to suck up to him as a child. He just enjoyed his prescense more than others, he did not seek any other attention than validation from his idol! He could not possibly have anything more than admiration for his senior. James had always loved Lily, the second his eyes had fallen onto her beautiful features. He liked that she was smart and kind, and gentle to those around her. She was very pretty but no one could ever deny anyone that. She was just a perfect example of a girlfriend James wanted, he had to love her. He liked everything about her.

Jaehyun let out a chuckle at him comment and merely shrugged. "Oh, I have Astronomy next.. I think I should start heading out now." He explained with a whine, clearly not looking forward to have to sit in the classroom for an hour talking about charts he had wished were easier. He adored the subject, he loved the stars and the space and yet his brain just hated him. It was like it could not work in the words or ways he wanted it to.

James smiled deflated at the news but nodded, other students had already started exiting the classroom after receiving the weekends homework. His hand started picking up his belongings, putting them into his fairly organized bag that had one too many scribbled papers on which was clearly used whenever him and the others were planning another prank. It was just a bit messy, Jaehyun could see the empty plastic bottles in it, completelly squished.

"Well, I have a free period during the sixth, what about you?" James asked curiously as he watched Jaehyun humorously trip over the chair he had just pushed away underneath the desk. Jaehyun sighed as if he were to be remembered he had a chore. "I've got Potions with Ravenclaw." He explained, clearly not happy at the mere thought of it. He shoved his book in his bag that hung loose from his side.

James stared at him confused, "And you're not happy with that?" He asked, his brows quirking up surprised. He did not have much against Ravenclaws, he would usually throw a remark at the Slytherin house but really couldn't seeing as Jaehyun was in fact a Slytherin. You could see James his head tilt slightly to the side, as if confirming his confusion. Jaehyun chewed at inside of his lips unsurely, he wasn't one to voice his opinions very often, at least not to people that weren't Regulus.

He decided on a mere shrug before speaking, "They think I'm weird." Was all he stated, unsure if James was ready for that conversation. The way Slytherins hated him was the way that Ravenclaws taunted him, and the Hufflepuffs pitied him. He was the outcast of Slytherin and the catch of others, prey in anothers eye. James let his gaze fall, feeling bad that such a beautiful soul could endear such treatment. He could barely believe it either, how could one not like Jaehyun? The more time he spend around the boy the more he realized that he was much more than just the boy who slept during his classes, he had much more personality and complex traits than you would see from afar. "Why would they ever dislike you?" He asked, his genuine heart making Jaehyun smile, atleast James and Regulus did not have an negative opinion on him. He would not deny it, no, he enjoyed James' company more than he thought he ever would.

Jaehyun acted out a faint gentle smile, "I can't force people to like me, if they think I'm weird that's fine. As long as they don't spitefully announce it in my face." The Slyhterin elucidated a small gentle somewhat sure grin on his features which made it uneasy for James to trust. James had had it rather easy, he had the best friends in the entire world, he did not think his life could have gotten better after that anymore. Being a known star player on the Quidditch since second year due his incompatible speed and unmachted agilty. His quick eye and reigning complex thought had easily handed him more than a solified spot as member on the Gryffindor team. His personality had also been easy to love, a likeable person that barely did harm, his boisterous personality had ignited his likeness. And being born with clear intelligence added up with attractiveness made it hard for him to not attention from the Hogwarts girls.

It may had started purely because of his cute babyfat and yet his amazing natural talent for the game, but the Quidditch enjoyers had watched him turn from Jamesie to Potter. The beautiful mesmerizing boy who compelled in everything he could ever possibly start. His escapades with his friends had also quickly sparked an intrueging character for him to fall into, no one could ever be James Potter. Girls loved him, boys hated him, well actually some boys did love him. Following the trend of becoming a Quidditch players because they were few of the lucky who could view his immaculate body from up close.

He did not have the issues Jaehyun had suffered beneath, Jaehyun was a strong person. One he could even admire. "You look at life so unique.. I know my mate would have stunned them in their sleep." James chuckled with a warm heart, hoping that the boy did not feel depressed due their conversation. He had just started to make progress, he couldn't ruin it this soon already.

Jaehyun let out a soft puff that sounded somewhat like a chuckle before locking eyes with hime once again. "Your friends seem cool, I wish I had the guts." He meekly commented as they started heading towards the exit of their shared classroom.

James chuckled as he remembered the countless times that Sirius had inflated his boisterous ego and call out anyone who dared wrong him. "Sirius is my mate, don't know what I would do without him." He explained. And from the way he spoke Jaehyun knew that he was being completely honest, he quite admired his love for his friends. Jaehyun himself did not know where he would be had he not met Regulus in his second year.

"He seems cool. I like his jackets." Jaehyun commented mindlessly as they exited the broad door. Sirius could often be seen with leather jackets worn around his muscular body, it complimented his figure and his looks to give it an even more extravagant and intriguing appearance.

Sirius and Remus had both overhead this conversation, having not been too far away from them. The Black his eyebrows raised in genuine surprise, he furrowed them afterwards. His hatred towards Slytherin was getting difficult to keep when Jaehyun was almost impossible to dislike. He was too kind to be a Slytherin. Remus could not help but let out a faint chuckle as he watched his friend's reaction to a subject which he knew he had been right about.

"So, do you still think he is a vile and cruel Slytherin?" The werewolf asked, his eyebrows raising as if he knew whatever answer he would get would only fuel his ego knowing he was correct. Sirius scoffed and rolled his eyes, too stubborn to ever admit his wrongdoings or judgments. "Just because he likes my jackets does not mean he cannot murder a family."

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