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"Thanks for coming with me." Karter took a breath as she drove the rental car into the back roads, in the car with Miguel for seven hours now. "I love my Grandparents but they're a lot to handle alone."

"I just can't believe Hawk has never told me about them. I mean, who doesn't brag about rich grandparents that own bakeries?" Miguel laughed slightly, looking out the window as Karter took a turn. "It's just them back here?"

"Yup, a lot of archers of land. Perfect opportunity to straight up off someone like it's the Alamo or some shit." Karter nodded her head, glancing over as Miguel turned his head with a half grin. "And there's a lake."

"Oh, yeah, perfect scenario." he nodded, smiling slightly. "I can't believe you convinced Yaya and my mom."

"I can be a good influence when I wanna." Karter pointed out.

"They still aren't over all the publish porn jokes you made when you first met." Miguel said honestly, making Karter snort. "It's not funny. I got a long lecture about how I can't watch that sort of thing in public."

"It was so worth that look on your face." Karter laughed, looking over a she drove on the back roads, through the trees. She cleared her throat to have a southern accent roll off her tongue. "We've entered the sticks, folks. Hold onto your britches."

"Jesus, no." Miguel cringed with a shake of his head. "The Australian accent was a lot better."

"Ah, appreciate it, mate." Karter said back, in her australia accent. "Getty on up and play us some tunes."

"And we're back to southern." he inhaled, grasping Karters phone to flip through her playlist. "Okay, should we-"

He paused suddenly. Karter looked over. "What? Did we loose signal again?"

"You have a playlist about me?" Miguel looked over with a flushed face, hiding a smile. "No one's made me a playlist before."

Karter was looking for an excuse, laughing. "Okay, don't cream your pants. Just a bunch of nerd shit songs that remind me of you."

Miguel grinned down at the playlist, searching through the songs to look for a specific one. "Oh my god. Yes, absolutely. Here we go."

He hit the song, turning up the radio with his pinkie. Karter grinned slightly as the chorus played. She looked over quickly when words were flying from Miguel's lips. "Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere. Hands in the air like we don't care."

Karter rose her eyebrows at him. "Are you serious?"

He nodded, holding a fake microphone. "Cause we came to have so much fun now. Bet somebody here might get some now. Come on, Karter. You know you wanna."

She shook her head, fighting a grin. "If you're not ready to go home, can I get a hell no?"

"Hell no!" Miguel called.

"Cause we gotta go all night. Till we see the sunlight, alright." the pair sung on sync with Miguel's fake microphone being passed back and forth between the two. "So la-da-di-da-di, we like to party. Dancing with Molly. Doing whatever we wanttttt. This is our house. This is our rules. And we can't stopppp, and we won't sto-"

Ironically, they were cut off by the car coming to a stop.

Miguel hit pause. "Why'd we stop?"

"I don't-" Karter began, slamming down on the gas as mud flew from behind the car. "Are you shitting my dick right now? Mud? It's summer!"

"Is mud a seasonal thing?" Miguel looked in confusion, looking out the door. "It doesn't seem too deep. We can probably push."

Karter climbed out of the car, keeping the door open. Her feet sunk into the mud. "At least I know I didn't tumble down the yellow brick road and bring us back to Arizona."

"Not yet." Miguel said, leaning down to press against the back of the car. "Okay. On three. One, two-"

The two groaned as they pushed the car, it's wheels rolling forward as the car headed forward. The pair cheered, high fiving. Yet, they hadn't realized that they had been on a slight hill, the car starting to roll down. Karters heart dropped. "No! It's a rental!"

She went to take off after it, the mud strong on her sinking feet as she tripped, hitting the middle puddle. Miguel ran after the car, slipping as he hit face first. Karter got up, loosing her shoes as she ran down the small hill, charging toward the car as she grabbing the door, jumping in and pressing down on the break, parking it. Karter sighed in relief, stilling in the front seat. Mud was all over her, in her hair, on her face, and had soaked her clothes. "Hey, Miguel, I g-"

She stopped, seeing him stand up and had been covered in mud as well. "Not a word."

Karter laughed loudly. "All right, get in before we scare off Dorthy and Toto."

It didn't take long for the pair to find their way to the large house, parking out front. Karter had a good plan going, the pair getting out and hurrying to the side of the house. "We can hose off real quick then hurry in for a shower. Lolly has a thing about mess-"

Karter and Migeul both paused as they came to the backyard, staring face to face with her grandparents, who were on the back porch. Miguel swallowed in embarrassment as Karter forced a smile. "Hi there, Lolly and Pop."

"I'd hate to see the other guy." Pop laughed at the sight of the pair. "Bet you two worked up an appetite."

Lolly inhaled with a sigh. "Okay, well, let's get a shower going."

Karter and Miguel turned to each other, locking eyes.

"Your grandparents are so cute." Miguel laughed slightly as he walked outside. The sun had gone down and Karter brought up the idea of the pair getting into the small, circler pool out back. "They just went on to sleep the second the sun went down."

"I didn't realize we'd showed up so late. As if we road here via horses like the 1800s or something." Karter shook her head, feeling the water as she flipped on the lights under the bubbling water. "Did you know hot tubs can be cooled down?"

"I don't know anything about hot tubs." Miguel said, walking over to sit next to her. His eyes flickered over her body, not seeing so much skin before, but didn't let it linger. He dipped his hand into the water. "Oh, woah, that feels nice."

"Be right back." Karter said, walking off. Miguel got into the cooled hot tub, finding it the perfect temperature. He adjusted his hips, a little sigh leaving his lips as his head slowly fell back. Karter had watched it happen from the bar, just a few feet away, forcing herself to look away. She grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses.

Miguel's eyes opened when he felt Karter get in, lowering herself into the water from across from him. She held out one of the shot glasses. "Let's play Never Have I Ever."


kylie speaks

ah, fuck. this can't
be good.

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