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"I'm here, my little cripple!" Karter cheered as she got out of her uber, walking toward Miguel as he wheeled her way. "Look at you, wheeling away. My favorite hot wheels."

"Hilarious." he spoke unamused.

"Lolly and Pop called, they send their love and still hope to see you for Christmas." Karter walked next to him as he wheeled by her side. "I-"

They were cut off by a magazine being dangled infront of them. Looking up, Sensei Lawrence wheeled it down on the fishing line. "What's this?"

"This is a collection of the tastiest babes of 1988." Johnny spoke to him. "And you're not gonna get to see 'em unless you grab it."

Miguel reached upwards as Johnny pulled it. "Gonna have to try harder than that."

Karter tried to grab it, Johnny gave a harsh yank. "Back off, Butterfingers."

"Rude!" Karter yelled up at him. "At least I don't have wrinkles."

"Your hair is bigger then your entire body." Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Is that suppose to be an insult? " she rolled her eyes.

"You know I can find these pictures on my phone?" Miguel sighed as he tried to reach for the magazine again, having it yanked back.

"It's not the same. Chicks are hotter in the page." Johnny said in return, Miguel looked over at Karter as he tried to reach for it again. She grinned as he pushed up on his hands, reaching one hand out before eating the concrete.

Karter cleared her throat. "Fantastic start."

She pulled him off the ground and back into the wheelchair. Miguel gapped. Sensei Lawrence sighed. "Okay, come here to me, Lady Hawk."

Karter walked up the stairs, heading his way as he set the pole down. He grasped her forearms, Karters eyes widened. "Are we about to hug?"

"Not a chance." he answered, lifting her up and over the railing.

"Oh my god! Pull me up! Pull me up!" Karter panicked.

"Grab the bars." he spoke, dangling her over the side. "Do you want me to drop you?"

"Karter!" Migeul called in a panic.

Karter grabbed the bars as he let her go. "Sensei, Sensei- please! Pull me up!"

"Don't let go, Butterfingers." Johnny spoke to her as he looked down at Miguel. "What are you waiting for? Get up and save your girl!"

"I can't!" Miguel tried to make his legs work. "Sensei, this is so dangerous. Pull her up!"

"Sensei!" Karter yelled, kicking her legs. "I have sweaty hands! I'm from Arizona, it's a habit to sweat!"

"Come on, Diaz! She's from Arizona!" Johnny called down to him. Miguel tried to stand, pushing up on his arms again. "There you go! There you go!"

Miguel lost his strength, falling again. The blonde sighed. "Ah, shit!"

"Sensei!" Karter called as he reached down and pulled her over the side. Karter collapsed onto the ground. "Oh my god, I think I pissed myself."

"Quite your wining." he waved her off.

"I'm just saying, it would get us some money." Karter pushed Miguel in his wheeler chair as they traveled down the park. "You can just cry and I can hold out a sign saying we need donations."

"I'm so glad you're enjoying this." Migeul spoke as they passed a flower bush. "Are you seriously staying at a hotel?"

"It's kind fun, actually." she said honestly, feeling odd not side looking toward him. "You wanna go check it out after this?"

"Okay." he said in return. "What ab-"

"Karter?" it was a new voice, one Miguel hadn't heard before.

"Jayden." Karter smiled at him as he walked over to them. "Are you stalking me?"

"No, just seems like we had the same idea." he laughed slightly, pointing back toward a woman on a blanket, food around her. "That's my mom."

"This is Miguel." Karter slapped the back of Miguel's head slightly. "He's cute, isn't he?"

Jayden looked down at him. "Hey, man. How's it feel to be out of the hospital?"

"Have we met?" Miguel looked oddly at how well he seemed to know him.

"Jayden is my hospital friend." Karter walked by the wheeler chair for Miguel to look up at her. "When you had your surgery and screen test, we hung out."

"Oh, cool." Miguel nodded, looking toward Jaydens mom. "Sorry about your mom."

"It's okay, she's got a good spirit about it." Jayden looked backwards as he smiled at the two. "You guys hungry? We ordered a lot."

"We just inhaled burgers for about two hours and now trying to work it off." Karter nodded, rubbing Miguel's head. "Obviously, he's doing better then I am."

Miguel tried not to grin at the joke. Jayden nodded his head with a faint smile. "Well, the hospital does this thing for their patients once a month. It's just a little gathering with good food and sometimes music. It's mainly cancer patients but if you guys wanted to come by, it's later tonight."

"A party at the hospital?" Miguel frowned his eyebrows.

"It gives everyone the chance to dress up and feel confident in themselves. It's a really helpful thing, being stuck in the same clothes and loosing your hair." Jayden nodded his head as he looked between the two. "There's not many young people so i'm usually off in the corner alone."

"Yeah, let's party it up with some cancer patients." Karter looked down at Miguel. "You in?"

"What time did you say?" he frowned his eyebrows.

"Seven. Its not long either, with everyone's treatments." he said in return, giving them both a smile. "If you come, i'll see you there, yeah?"

"Hey, Jayden." Karter stopped him with a questionable look. "You think your mom could do us a small favor?"

A few moments later, Jaydens mom smiled at the sight.

"Okay, y'all ready?" Jayden called out, holding his phone. "On your marks, get set...go!"

Karter had convinced Jaydens mom to let her use her wheel chair to race Miguel down the side wall, Jayden timing them. "Im gonna kick your ass, Miguel!"

"You're hilarious!" he announced in disbelief, speeding up.

"Wait for me!" she tried to catch up with him, grinning.

"Eat your words, Somalia!" Miguel called, making it to the end of the side walk first.

"And, Miguel Diaz takes the title of fastest hot wheels out there!" Jayden cheered, hitting the timer.

"I let you win." Karter wheeled toward him.

"I'm sure you did." he argued with a smile, an actual smile. It was a complicated thing to do since the hospital, but she did it, she got him to smile for real.

"I didn't know hospitals could get it." Karter walked next to Miguels wheel chair as he wheeled next to her. "Existed to see some more people like you?"

"Karter, they have cancer." he looked up at her.

"Right." she reminded herself with a nod. "Wanna know a hospital joke?"

"Please tell me now before we get in there and you offend a lot of cancer ladies." Miguel stopped wheeling as he looked up her with a pleading look.

Karter bite back a smile. "Who's the coolest person in the hospital?"

Miguel rose his eyebrows. "Who?"

"The Ultra Sound Guy." Karter giggled at her own horrible joke.

"Oh my god." Miguel shook his head in disbelief. "Let's go."

"You didn't think it was funny?" she still was laughing, hurrying to catch up with him.

"You've spent way too much time here." Miguel shook his head as she opened the door, the two walking into the old cafeteria that was decorate and swarming with dancing patience with their IV's connected to them.

"This is a real party." Karter nodded, Miguel slapped her leg slightly. "What? I'm being serious. It's always been on my Bucket List to party with sick people in a hospital."

"Weird thing to have on your bucket list." he nodded his head.

"You guys made it." Jayden smiled as he walked over to the pair. "And look great."

"Woah, look at you." Karter smiled at Jaydens mom as she used an electric wheel chair. "Did I break yours earlier?"

"They let us stroll around on these for the parties." she said back, looking at Miguel. "I could get you one."

"Oh, no, i'm o-" he stared.

"He'd love that!" Karter announced, smiling down at Miguel. "Right?"

He gave his best smile. "Right."

They wheeled and walked toward the station with the electric wheel chairs, Jayden raising his eyebrows as Karter lifted Miguel with ease to get him onto the next one. "You've got muscle."

"Oh, these bad boys?" she flexed her muscle. "Karate did it for me."

"Karate?" Jayden frowned his eyebrows.

"What do you say, Rwanda?" Karter looked down at Miguel. "Wanna dance?"

Miguel gave her a look of disbelief. "Very funny."

"Oh, i'm as serious as cancer." she sat on his lap, holding onto his shoulders. "Come on, let's go dance."

Miguel laughed, nodding as he grabbed the little lever on the side. "If you say so."

It was much quicker just pushing a button and pulling a lever then wheeling everywhere. Miguel drove them to the dance floor, spinning the chair as they laugh. "Hang on."

"Believe me, I am." Karter laughed as he took off again, driving for a while before spinning them again. He laughed too, Karters head pushing onto the side of his with a grin.


kylie speaks

jesus christ from above, i've
seen soulmates for the first
time and they are Somalia
and Rwanda

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