xxii. ๐ˆ'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐š๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐€๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐•๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฒ

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Miguel took a double take over at Karter when she hadn't been paying attention to the drive in movie. "What's wrong, Somalia?"

Karter picked her chin up, shaking her head as the curls on her head shook slightly. "Just have a tiny headache."

"Oh, no. Where at?" he turned his body completely to her. Karter pointed to right at the top of the bridge of her nose, drawling a line up to her scalp. Miguel gently placed his fingers on the spot, giving a gentle rub to the side of her nose. Karter shut her eyes for a moment. "Oh shit."

That's when she felt the blood from her nose, yet again.

"I-i'm sorry, that's what usually helped me." Miguel hurried to find the napkins from their shared popcorn.

"It's not you." Karter hurried to shield her nose, despite it dripping onto her shirt already. "I've been getting them so bad here lately."

"Your allergies?" he offered, lifted her chin to get some of the blood. "Maybe that's why you're getting headaches, too."

"It is." Karter confirmed.

"We should talk to my Mom." the Diaz boy insisted.

Across the parking lot, Robby smiled as he opened up the door for Jayden. "Hey."

"Hey." Jayden smiled, getting into the back of Kylers jeep with him and Tory. "What's happening?"

"Nothing really. I'm glad you made it." Robby offered him a tiny smile. "You missed the first half of the movie."

"I wanted to stay with my Mom while her test were being done." he shrugged slightly. "Plus, i've seen this movie."

"Where have you seen this movie?" Tory looked past Robby. "It's like a million years old."

"What do you think they play in the hospital? It was either that or the Real Housewives, and there's only so much of the Real Housewives I can take." Jayden shook his head and put a hand on his heart, making Robby give a faint laugh.

His smile fell when he looked past Jaydens head. "That piece of shit."

He followed his gaze toward Hawk infront of Kenny, who's snacks spilt all over the ground. Tory got out first for Robby to follow. Jaydens eyes widened. "Do I go too?"

No one answered, he sighed. "I guess I do."

He got out, but stayed near the back of the swarming Cobra Kais.

"You betrayed Miyagi-Do. Traitor!" Nate yelled at Robby.

"Oh there's a traitor here for sure." Tory eyed Hawk as she got closer. "And he's gonna get what he deserves."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Sam walked over with a daring look. "Princess."

Jayden shifted his gaze over to Karter as she came with Miguel. She didn't see him yet, too busy shoving her cousin behind her and keeping a eye on Tory. "I'd love to see you try."

"I'm sure you would." Tory held her head up a little more as she stared at her.

"Guys stop." Miguel cut in, Karters head turned to him in disbelief. "We can't do this. We'll beat them on the mat."

"Oh, really?" Robby laughed in disbelief. Now, Karter did see Jayden. She stared in betrayal, seeing him right in the middle of a bunch of Cobra Kais. "Do I need to remind you what happened last time?"

"Well, I wasn't there last time." Karters anger from the comment got the best of her as she went to swing at Robby, Miguel catching her wrist and shoving her back. Sam rolled her eyes as she looked at Karter, letting her know she was rolling her eyes at Miguel stopping her rather then what she did. "I'll see you at the All Valley."

"Why not right here?" Tory suggested with a shrug of her shoulders. "What's stopping you? Or are you all talk?"

"Says the girl that stays getting her ass dragged." Karter laughed at her. "Or did you forget the school fight too?"

"Hey, guys!" Demetri walked over. "Did you know they have Mr.Pib and Dr.Pepper?"

They all stared at him until he realized what was happening. "Shit. Not another karate rumble."

"Okay." Miguel found a plan within his head. "Meet us on the baseball diamond in ten minutes. No weapons."

"We don't need em." Tory walked away.

Karter shook her head at Jayden when he lingered back. "Some friends you've got."

"What's so different about yours?" he asked her with a shrug, but he felt small under her gaze.

"The fact that you even have to ask proves enough to me." she looked more hurt now. "Be carful, Jayden. You don't know what those Sensis can do to peoples heads."

"Well, i'm not in Cobra Kai." he rubbed his hands on his jeans. "I'm just friends with Robby and Tory. My real friends."

"You think that's what makes a real friend?" she laughed in disbelief, but nothing was funny to her. "What? So, because I didn't have feeling for you makes me a bad friend?"

He looked away. "I didn't say you were a bad friend."

"Oh, sorry. I guess how you completely abandoned and ghosted me didn't say enough." she shot back sarcastically as Jayden dropped his gaze to his shoes, like they were more important. "And you wanna know what really pisses me off?"

She stood closer with a harsh glare. "That I told you so many times that I felt like I didn't have any real friends in the Valley yet. You knew you were important to me and then you just ghosted me out of no where!"

"Jayden." Robby spoke up, looking between the two as he came back over. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine." Karter answered for him as she backed off. "I was just leaving."

"Ka-" Migeul was waiting for her, but she wasn't happy with him either. She slammed her shoulder into his and walked right past him, thinking of going one place and one place only.


kylie speaks

the fact that karter hasn't
fought anyone this whole
book and we're finally
gonna get to see it happen๐Ÿ˜

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