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"Imogen." Elle braced herself, walking toward the girl.

"Oh, hey." Imogen frowned her eyebrows, her and Elle clearly hadn't spoken much before.

"Romeo asked me to give this to you." she held out a cup with lavender tea in the inside. "Something about a Kill Zone and how incase he didn't get to talk to you today?"

"A tea?" she took it from her hands. "Thanks."

Elle stopped before she could fully walk away. "Oh, here."

She held out two creams. "He says to make sure you add those too."

Imogen was beyond confused, taking them with a forced smile. As Elle left, she placed the tea in the picnic table. The cup he put it in was clear, but it smelt nice. Imogen took her chances, pouring the cream in. She then realized that as the tea went from black to a lighter shade, there was a written message on the side.

Your Amazing

Imogen smiled, pulling her phone out to send him a text.

Imogen: wrong you're

Romeo: ;)

She smiled to herself, taking a sip of the tea and headed for her first class.

"Don't linen to Harry, okay?" Romeo patted Charlie's shoulder after practice, he'd been on cone duty. "He's a real idiot. Believe me, got Imogen to believe in a Kill Zone."

"Feel like I shouldn't ask." Charlie said in return, thankful Romeo started to help him with the cones. "I'm not gonna be ready for the St.Johns match."

"Oh, sure you are." he patted his back. "Get that tackle down, and you'll be ready."

Charlie held his lanky arms out. "Hello?"

"Hello?" Romeo mocked him, pulling the same move. "I thought Nicks been training you?"

"He has, doesn't mean i've gotten any good." he sighed with a shake of his head.

"Come on then." he motioned to himself. "Give it all you've got."

"What?" Charlie looked at him in disbelief.

"I get tackled all the time." Romeo nodded. "I know you can."

Charlie set the cones down, bracing himself. "Don't let me die."

Romeo huffed as Charlie tackled him, hitting the ground. He patted his curls. "What'd I tell you? Smashed it."

"You're a good friend." Charlie said sarcastically, sitting up as Romeo did the same. "But, absolutely not."

"Where'd you run off too last night?" Romeo pushed up on his elbows. "Imogen and I went looking for you."

"You've spoken about this Imogen quite a lot." Charlie changed the subject, sitting across from him. "A new friend?"

"She's cool. A dork, but I like her." he smiled. "Like, a major dork, actually. Proper nerd. But, somehow is pretty popular. She's friends with Nick."

"Oh." Charlie reddened in the face. "Is she?"

"Just don't tell Tao." Romeo sighed, standing to his feet. "Don't need another lecture on why I shouldn't be friends with people that have more then four friends."

"Lips are sealed." Charlie hummed, taking his out reached hand to get to his feet.

Romeo was disappointed Imogen hadn't needed a ride today, only the black car out front. He sighed, walking closer. But, when his vision became clear, his eyes laid upon a pink post it note on one of the windows.

YOU'RE amazing, too :)

He grinned widely, holding onto it as he got into the car.

"Romeo!" Elle waved from the track with Tao, making him wave back.

"Charlie's nervous about them being older." Nick ran with Romeo as the whistle blew. "Like, very nervous."

Romeo looked in Charlies direction, flashing his best thumbs up. "Let's just...keep him shielded."

Nick nodded. "Got it."

Romeo looked toward the track again when he got his position, catching sight of Imogen standing with the group of friends she had. He flashed a grin, a small wave. She gave a much more dramatic one in return. Romeo had been so distracted that he hadn't heard the whistle blow, getting full on tackled.

"Head in the game." Nick helped him up.

"Sorry." Romeo nodded, the thunder striking above them as St.Johns scored the point.

14 points later, Truham was still loosing. Romeo had never been so embarrassed, the rain even worse. He nodded, looking to Charlie as he was tackled. "Oh, shit."

"Get back up, Charlie!" Elle cheered for him as Romeo ran over. "Yes, get him!"

"Come on, let's dust em off." Romeo took his hand, tossing some of his wet curls out of his face. "If you wanna cry, the rain will hide it."

"I think i'm good." Charlie sighed with a nod.

"We are sucking!" Harry huffed in annoyance as he removed his mouth piece. A few of the other boys added in, all discouraged and annoyed.

"Boys, it's okay." Nick tried to reason, but they were all much louder then him.

"Okay, listen up!" Romeo called, standing infront for be group. "Everyone, stop talking right now."

They all did. Darcy laughed from the track. "Did they all just listen to what he said?"

"It's that captain daddy voice, you just can't fight it." Tao shook his head with a loud sigh.

"We are sucking, like, so bad." Romeo nodded to the group. "Maybe it's because they're better then us, but are we just gonna sulk and whine about it? No. Are we gonna work as a team and do our best because that's all we can give? Hell yes! Okay?"

"Hell yes!" the boys all called back.

"Good." Romeo patted Charlie's back. "Let's go out there and try not to get sick from the rain!"

"Ugh, he's so cool." Imogen gushed to Ben. "Did you see that? Did you see what he did?"

"Oh, yeah." Ben nodded, not paying much attention to her.

Thirty five points later, and they still at zero. Romeo and Nick came pretty close a few times, but the other team was much bigger and a lot more advanced. Charlie had a small wave of confidence, trying to tackle one of the boys and only ended up hitting the ground with a bloody nose. Romeo gapped in a small panic.

"Charlie!" Nick called, but was frozen in place.

Romeo moved past him, kneeling with Charlie. "Hey, you okay? Just a little bleed. Just the nose?"

"Yeah." Charlie laid still a moment, holding his nose.

"That's it, i'm calling it. This rain is too dangerous!" Coach Singh called out as Romeo helped Charlie up, his arm around him. "You got him?"

"Yeah!" Romeo called, helping Charlie through the rain as Nick frowned, watching them go.

"Your friend okay?" Imogen asked as Romeo met her outside, the rain still pretty bad.

"Just a bleeder." he explained with a nod. "You need a ride home? Pemberly is here."

"That's okay. I came with Ben." she nodded as Romeo did in return. "For what it's worth, I thought you did pretty okay."

"Pretty okay." he nodded with a grin. "I'll take it."

Imogen watched as he looked down at his phone. "Got to go?"

"Just my Dad, reminding me of this dumb thing we have to do." Romeo shook his head, putting his phone back in his bag.

"What is it?" Imogen gave a curious look, leaning as close to the school as she could to avoid the rain.

"Like a business meeting of some sort. For the hotel, we have to host a mini party to try and convince other business owners to help us out." Romeo gave an odd look, Imogen had to laugh at his face. "Something like that, anyways."

"Sounds dreadful." she said honestly.

"Will likely be inhaling the shrimp just for my allergies to spike and I have to go to the hospital." he said honestly with a nod. "Better then that, at least."

"Well..." she trailed off. "Maybe some company could make it even better."

He tilted his head with a half grin. "Did you just invite yourself to a very boring buisness meeting?"

"I think I did." she matched his tone with a grin. "What do you think?"

"I think..." Romeo trialed off, nodding his head. "Yeah, I think I can get behind that idea."


kylie speaks

yes, tao. yes.

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