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Bang Bang Bang Bang ~ Sohodolls

❝Don't you want to?
Don't you want to hold the gun? (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
Don't you want to?
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang❞


October 18th, 1992 | The Bronx, New York

Amaria sat on the gurney inside the ambulance truck. Amaria was in a daze as her twin sister Seirra comforted her. She stared at the pavement before her, her brown eyes glossy and wide. The metalic taste of blood remained in Amaria's mouth and her face still had blood spattered all over her face. Her hands were dripping with blood yet the girl only had mere flesh wounds on her her body. The blood wasn't her, no not at all. Who's was it then? The blood was her father's. She had just stabbed her father to death...


'I met evil when I was only a child...' - Unkown

May 4th 2002 | Quantico, Virginia

Amaria bounced her leg impatiently. Her knee hitting on the table above her seat in the jet, and the heel of her foot tapping on the ground. She wanted get out of the jet and to Quantico already. The car ride from the CIA headquaters to the airport was already an hour wasted and now they were sitting in this stupid jet, on the way to the Quantico Virginia where their suspect may be.

Amaria was the Assistant Chief of Station for her the station that she worked for in the CIA. She was quick witted, a martial arts and linguistics specialist, and an excellent shot. Her skillet made it easier for her to climb the ranks. The CIA had been scouring the, seeminly, whole planet looking for their man. He was the leader of a terrorist organization called Rebirth.

Rebirth had been scheming to plant several bombs all around the U.S. after 9/11 everyone was on high alert when it came to terrorism. They'd squashed anything that so much thought about terrorism. Amaria's team had disarmed nine out of the ten bombs that he'd planted, she'd barely made it out from the last one.

The last bomb in the Bronx had only killed one person, yet that one person meant the world to her. That bomb had taken the life of her partner Alessandro Marino, he tried to disarm it but it was too late, he told her to get out and said he was right behind her. He lied. She could still hear the panic in his voice. Then the static crackling. And then screams and sobs that echoed off the walls of the empty apartment down the street from the warehouse. Which she wasn't quite sure were hers.

And then silence. The dreadful silence on the other end of the two-way radio. The dreadful silence outside of the building as she saw the flames consume it. The dreadful silence in her usually blaring mind. The first thought that had wandered into her mind was that she should've stayed. She should've burned in that building with him.

Her boss, Antonio Stadford, told her he didn't suffer. 'He didn't suffer, it was uh...it was instant...- His word rang in her ear. That was always a funny thing to say in Amaria's opinion, I guess in attempt to offer people some sort of comfort. However doesn't one still suffer psychologically when they know that their death is eminent? When they know that they won't be able to see the sight of the ones that they love? Nor feel the touch of the one whom they care so deeply for? Their death was quick, but their suffering persevered. Before their body felt pain their mind was in turmoil.

Antonio tapped on Amaria's shoulder and her head immediately snapped up in his direction. "We've arrived." Antonio said as he rubbed her shoulder in an attepmt to comfort the brunette woman beneath him. Joseph Mullen and Satyria Myllie looked at the pair before them. Amaria rose from her seat and brushed passed him, not acknowledging his action. Amaria descended from the steps of the jet and jogged to SUV. Joseph and Myllie hastily followed behind her.

They had touched down in The Quantico Field Office's landing hangar that stored another jet, which belong to the infamous BAU. "Amaria listen to me-" Antonio tried to reason with her but she cut him off. "Don't," Amaria started to protest. "Look, Amaria I know you wanna catch this guy, and we do too, Marino was our friend too..." Joseph spoke. "Yeah, and that's where you're wrong," Amaria countered angrily, her nose tingled and she could feel herself about to cry.

Amaria blinked a couple times to get any tears that were in her eyes to go away. "Alessandro was more to me, we were getting married. So yeah, maybe I wanna catch this guy more than the rest of you. I mean he only blew up the man I loved, so I don't know, maybe I'm just delusional..." Amaria said while walking backwards and shrugging before turning around;her body facing the correct way this time.

Antonio and Joseph tried to walk forward after Amaria but Myllie stopped them and shook her head. "She's greiving right now, just..." Myllie trailed off and looked at Amaria as she wiped her face and briskly walked futher towards the SUV. "Give her some space okay? He only died a two weeks ago, they'd been together for four years, that's not easy to get over..." Mylllie reasoned. Antonio nodded and Joseph sighed in surrender.

The SUV ride was dead silent. No one dared say a word. Thick tension coated the atmosphere. The SUV hadn't even made full stop when Amaria hopped out of it and towards the building. You couldn't really stop a woman on a mission, especially not one like Amaria. The only reason why they were at the feild office is for a technical analyst that could get, well anything that they needed. The only reason why the FBI hired her was because she was too excellent of a hacker to not work for them. If you can't beat them hire them.

Amaria and her team got into the elevator and went to the sixth floor where they were informed she'd be. Amaria walked out of the elevator her team close behind, they'd been able to cath up to her by thia point. "'Scuse me where can I find Penelope Garcia?" Amaria asked as she turned to a dark skinned man with a goatee. "Her office is down there. Wh-" The man tried to ask what Amaria intentions were but she'd already walked off.

"I, apologize on her behalf, she's kinda hell-bent on catching this low-life, I'm Agent Satyria Myllie, that's Agent Joseph Mullen, and this is our boss Cheif of Station Antonio Stadford." Myllie introduced. "The woman you just talked to was Assistant Cheif of Station Amaria Mathias." Myllie explained pointing towards everyone as she introduced them. "Why is the CIA in the FBI?" The man asked. "We're working on a case, and we needed to pick Miss Garcia's brain." Stadford explained.

"What is the case about exactly?" The man inquiried futher. "We're not at liberty to say..." Joseph explained. The man looked at them sceptically and opened his mouth to say something futher but an older man with slicked back grey hair walked out of an office. "We've got something on our unsub." He said. The man looked at the group once more before walking away towards the man.

Amaria knocked on the door. "Penelope Garcia?" She called impatiently. "Who wants to know?" A woman with gothic clothing on and Brunette hair. Amaria flashed her badge. "CIA?" The woman asked quizzically. "Yes, we were told you would be able to help us hack into something." Amaria explained. "Uh, yes that's correct I'm a technical analyst Penelope Garcia." Penelope answered. "What do you need me to hack into love?" Penelope asked while going over to her computer chair and powering up her screen.

Within minutes of Amaria giving Penelope the profile they had their man. Amaria and him had met before but she never knew a name. They were close to finding him the week after he murdered Alessandro he tried to kill Amaria and she gave him that a parting gift. She had managed to take his knife and make a long cut across his face starting at his eyebrow and ending at his cheek bone. It would definitely scar. But now, now they had a name. Alxei Novak. Thirty-Eight year old Ex-U.S. army vet.

"Thank you Miss Garcia." Amaria said as she looked over his file. "Just call me Penelope hun." Penelope said with a smile. "Can I give you a hug?" Penelope asked sweetly. Amaria wasn't big on hugging but she nodded and let Penelope hug her and even hugged Penelope back. The woman must've none that Amaria was hurting. Penelope released Amaria from the hug and Amaria gave her a thinned smile and walked out of the room. Amaria didn't admit but she needed that hug.

"We've got our man." Amaria said while holding up his file. "Amaria, I want you to take point on the OP." Antonio said. "Thank you sir." Amaria said gratefully. The team left the building and got into the SUV's and drove to the Hotel that he was currently staying in. He was on the twentieth floor of the Luxury Inn. Amaria called the hotel and told them to evacuate everyone in the building and had their SWAT teams on the way.


Quantico Feild Office BAU floor|Round Table room.

The BAU attentively looked over their evidence. Their unsub had been kidnapping government official and killing them in the twentieth floor of Hotel buildings. He would force them to drink vodka. Then throw knives around them before shooting them. They finally had their profile of the unsub down. He was a male between the ages 38-40, narcissistic, organized, he worked with a team, and had alpha male behavior. He also used physiological warfare with his vicitms. He was most likely an Ex-army vet as most of his victims were retired army vets.

Jason Gideon, the BAU Unit Chief called for Penelope Garcia. Garcia walked into the room. "Uhm, yes sir?" She asked and walked further into the room. "Take a seat please." Gideon said. Penelope took a seat and opened her laptop. "We need you to cross reference this profile with any ex-army vets. A male between ages 38-40, most likely dishonorably discharged," Jason started off.

"His parents are deceased, and he doesn't play well with others unless he's in charge. He's most likely an immigrant as well." Hotch picked up. The futher Garcia listened the more the BAU's profile matched. The CIA's profile. "Alexi Novak. He's at the Luxury Inn." Garcia stated as his named appeared on the screen. "Reid and Morgan are their, I'll let them know that the unsub may still be their." Stated SSA Aaron Hotchner as he took out his flip phone and dialed Reid's number.

"Uh- S-SSA Hotchner...I'm trapped they began evacuating the building, but they skipped the twentieth floor and me and Morgan split up, I'm hiding right now in the closet. We were there's more than on unsub..." Reid said Aaron could hear the panic in his voice. "Okay, look Reid we're on our way alright?" Aaron said he had an unsettled feeling in his stomach, although his face remain stoic.


Outside of The Luxury Inn. Quantico VA,

"Listen, my partner is in there! He doesn't have a gun! He can't even fight, there eight armed men in that building! And you're telling me that you won't get him!?" The dark-skinned man from before yelled in a frustrated tone. "Look I'm sorry, but we can't go send anyone in their yet, they're sweeping the building, they see anyone come in there they'll shoot them on sight, you're gonna have to wait until they've arrested the group." Satyria explained for the third time.

"What's your name?" Amaria asked as she walked up to him and Satyria, she hadn't been allowed to go in, as her 'emotions may cloud her judgement and they needed Alexi alive. "SSA Derek Morgan." Derek huffed. "You work with the Behavioral Analysis Unit?" She queried. "Yes, why?" He confirmed. "Tell Aaron Hotchner I owe 'im one." Amaria said with a smirk as she unholstered her gun. "Saty my love could I borrow your gun please?" Amaria requested with an innocent smile.

Satyria and Derek gave her a confused a look as she took Satyria's gun and put it in her gun holster. "Thanks love." Amaria said as she ran in the building. "Wait no! Mathias no!" Joseph called as he tried to run after her but it was already too late. Amaria Mathias just went into a building full of men who had guns, without a bullet proof vest on.

A/N: Okayyyy, soo that's the prologue!! How do u feel abt it? i think that i portrayed Amaria's emotions and thoughts well in the beginning part of the chapter, so yay! it's kinda long, but i just wanted to set up everything thing, for Chapter 1, which i think u guys are gonna likkkeee! Anyways thats all loves!

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