sixty three.

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"Pass the potatoes." Wheezie requested, holding out her hands as her father passed the bowl down the table.

"This is delicious, Rose." Charlotte complimented, gesturing to the Christmas dinner that crowded her plate.

Rose waved her off, "I didn't do much. The housekeeper helped me with most of it before she left."

Sarah rose her brows slightly as she stabbed at one of the peas on her plate. Charlotte was forced to conceal the smile that threatened to overtake her features.

"So, Charlotte. How was Christmas morning with your family?" Ward wondered, taking a sip of the glass of wine in front of him.

A genuine smile came to Charlotte's face as she nodded. "It was great." She answered, telling the truth. Christmas morning at the Carrera house was always a dream...something Charlotte would never miss. Her and Kiara never argued on Christmas, no matter the different walks of life the two sisters were currently in.

"How was everything here?" She wondered, already knowing the answer considering Rafe had called her the minute he could this morning.

Ward smiled slightly, stealing a glance at his three children. "It was nice."

To the outside eye, the Camerons were the all American, picture perfect family. But to Charlotte, they were a mere group of people who lived under the same roof. Half of the time, they barely spoke to one another. Charlotte had spent entire weekends at Tanny Hill, in which the most she saw Rafe speak to one of his family members was to order Sarah or Wheezie out of the home theatre when he wanted to use it, or to mutter a brief goodbye to his father when he and Charlotte went out.

It was peculiar to her. All of it.

The Carreras were not perfect, not by any means. But at least they liked each other.

Today in the Cameron house was different, though.

There wasn't the heaviness hanging in the air like there usually was. Today they actually all got alongโ”€for the most part.

"Char," Wheezie mumbled, setting down her fork. "Do my Christmas cracker with me?"

Smiling, Charlotte grabbed a hold of the other end of the cracker, giving it a firm tug. Wheezie won, and a triumphant smile came to her face as she looked inside to see the small prize she had won.

"Okay, now me!" Sarah announced from across the table from Charlotte. "Dad, come on."

Ward regarded her for a moment with amused hesitation, before finally agreeing. Charlotte couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he yanked as hard as he could, effectively beating his daughter at her own Christmas cracker.

A small smile touched at Rafe's lips as he turned to his girlfriend, his brows raised as he held out his cracker.

Soon enough, all of the Christmas crackers had been pulled, the horrible jokes from within them read, and the paper crowns placed atop everyone's heads at Wheezie's request. It was quite the sight to see.

"I think this requires a picture." Rose declared, clapping her hands together as she stood from the table to retrieve her phone. "Kids, get together!"

Sarah rounded the table, planting herself on Charlotte's laugh with a small grin. Wheezie leaned into the two of them, while Rafe wrapped his arm around his girlfriend from the other side. Turning her head slightly, Charlotte caught the amused smile that played on his lips. He was actually happy.

"Look at you guys." Rose awed, a genuine smile coming to her face as she laid eyes on her three stepchildren, and her bonus child which came in the form of Charlotte. "Look here!"

They all did as she said, wide smiles planted on each of their faces as they held onto each other. For one of the pictures, Rafe leaned over and pressed a kiss to Charlotte's cheeks, earning a groan from Sarah. "Get a room."

"Yeah, seriously." Wheezie agreed as Rose gave up on getting anymore pictures. "Disgusting." She stuck her tongue out, scrunching up her face.

Charlotte rolled her eyes with a laugh, reaching up to pinch Sarah's cheeks. "Just you wait until you have a boyfriend. Come see me then."

A defensive laugh fell from the sixteen year old's lips. "I've had boyfriends."

"No you haven't." Wheezie argued.

"Okay!" Ward called from the living room, either advertently or inadvertently interrupting the banter. "Should we do presents?"

Wheezie was the first one up, halfway to the living room before any of the others had even begun to move.

"I wanna give Charlotte mine and Sarah's first!" She exclaimed, already digging under the tree for the gift.

Rafe took a hold of Charlotte's hand, leading her toward the couches. "Wheeze, chill. Lottie's not going anywhere."

Wheezie ignored him, finally finding the box with the rather interesting wrapping job. "I wrapped it myself." She explained with a huff, passing it toward the older girl.

Grinning, Charlotte looked down at the tag which read;ย To our favourite sister. Love Sarah and Wheezie.

It felt like Charlotte's heart literally grew as she read over the words, her grin turning to a grateful smile as she looked to the two younger girls. "You guys didn't have to get me anything, you know that."

"We wanted to." Sarah assured, positioning herself on the arm of the couch next to Wheezie.

With the smile still on her face, Charlotte gently tore the wrapping paper away, opening the box to reveal a beautifully cable knit Christmas sweater. "You guys, itsโ”€"

She was cut off as the two girls pulled something from behind their backs, "We have matching ones!" Wheezie announced in excitement.

"Dear God." Rafe muttered, dropping his head into his hands at the sight.

"Rafe, be nice." Rose warned in a quiet tone.

A laugh tumbled from Charlotte's lips as she looked to the two girls, "This is the best gift ever."

Sarah shrugged with a teasing expression, "Thought so."

A lot more presents were given over the next hour or so.

Charlotte gifted Wheezie a boxset of her favourite book series, a nail polish kit, and enough journalling materials to last her an entire year (the two girls had recently decided they would support each other through a journalling journey).

To Sarah, Charlotte gave a collection of the skincare and makeup products that she herself used, considering Sarah was always wanting to try what Charlotte had. She had no problem sharing with the younger girl, but figured she may appreciate her own products.

Rose and Ward received the finest bottle of scotch and wine from Rafe and Charlotte, along with a book on the history of the island for Ward, and a designer purse Rose had been eyeing up.

And in return, Rafe and Charlotte had received a trip to the Hamptons, planned for the summer. A getaway to celebrate their completion of their first year of college.

Charlotte was eternally grateful for the gifts, and for the acceptance she received from the family. Even if they weren't an entirely close family, they were welcoming.

Finally, once all the excitement had died down, Charlotte and Rafe were alone.

They sat at the end of the pier, wrapped in blankets as the winter waves lapped at their feet.

"Did you have a good Christmas?" Rafe wondered, resting his chin atop Charlotte's head that was lulled against his shoulder.

She nodded slightly, turning slightly to look up at him. "The best."

Rafe smiled, rolling his eyes slightly, "Lottie, you say that every year."

"Because it's true." She argued. "Every day I spend with you is the best day...Christmas is no different."

True enough, the couple had had their fair share of issues over the past few months. Being at different colleges was challenging. Being at different colleges while one of you struggled with a drug addiction was a whole other ballgame. Even if their schools were less than ten miles apart, they rarely had time to see each other.

Charlotte thought that Rafe had been doing better the past few weeks. It seemed that he had been sober the entire time they had been home for Christmas break. That, or he was getting good at hiding it.

Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, Rafe let out a small sigh. "I wish we were done school already. I miss you."

A small laugh escaped from Charlotte's lips as she sat up to face him. "We're almost done freshmen year...and we can move in together next year. We're almost there, Rafe."

The smile that he gave her didn't quite reach his eyes, a certain sadness hidden within his expression. "Yeah. You're right."

Deciding he needed to change the topic, Rafe reached for the small wrapped box that sat behind him. "Here." He whispered, passing the box to his girlfriend.

Charlotte took the box, looking down at it for a moment. The ghost of a smile traced her lips as she pulled back the wrapping, her eyes landing on a jewellery box.

Rafe had always been excellent at buying presents for Charlotte. He knew he better than anyone else on the planet. But this was the first year he had given her jewellery.

Glancing up at him for a moment, Charlotte carefully opened the box to reveal the most beautiful necklace. A delicate gold chain sat in the box, a single diamond in the middle. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

A gasped breath fell from her lips as she looked up at Rafe once again, tears filling her eyes. "Rafe, it'sโ”€it's so beautiful."

Giving her a small smile, Rafe carefully took the necklace from the box, motioning for Charlotte to turn so he could place it on her. "The diamond was my mother's." He explained, gently fastening it around her neck.

Charlotte's hand flew up to rest on the necklace as she turned to face him. "Oh my God." She whispered, her heart feeling like it was going to explode. "I don't even know what to say."

His mother was often a topic Rafe avoided, so the fact that he was willing to gift a piece of her to Charlotte meant everything.

Pulling him toward her for a kiss, Charlotte felt a tear slip down her cheek. "Thank you." She said softly. "I love it so much."

Rafe smiled, reaching up to wipe the tear away, "Now you always have a piece of me with you. So you don't forget me while you're being a superstar at Duke."

"Funny you say that." Charlotte declared, reaching for the wrapped gift she brought.

With a raised brow, Rafe took the box from her. It was even smaller than the one he had given her, boggling his mind as to what it was.

Much less gently than Charlotte had, Rafe pulled at the wrapping, revealing a small box. His eyes flickered between his girlfriend and the box as he opened the lid.

Inside was not a necklace, but a small gold ring.

"Lottie." He breathed, pulling the ring out to admire it. "You didn't."

She grinned, nodding her head. "I did."

Looking to her with wide eyes, he slipped it onto the index finger of his left hand.

"Now, it's no diamond necklace, butโ”€"

Rafe cut off Charlotte's words, pressing his lips against hers with a certain intensity. "It's perfect." He assured. "More than perfect."

A content smile spread across Charlotte's face as she lifted Rafe's hand, toying with the ring. "Now you'll always have a piece of me with you."

"I love you." Rafe mumbled, pressing his lips to hers once again, as if he couldn't get enough.

Charlotte grinned, her lips still pressed to his. "I love you more."

Little did either of them know, they would be broken up within three months time.



thank you to Sunnybunny12345678

for requesting the christmas chapter <3

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