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Ivy woke warm, a hot body holding her close. She didn't remember falling asleep, but her and Quinn must've fallen asleep during their talk. The talk that went on all night, telling each other about the last few years until their eyes fell heavy. They did this nearly every day when they were younger, but now, it was different.

Quinn was a light snorer, but an even lighter sleeper, stirring as she tried to escape his hold. His arms loosened, eyes opening to stare groggily at her.

"Mm, g'mornin'." Quinn grumbled and she stared back blankly.

"Why are you still here?"

"Uh, I—"

"Ives, do you want—" Cecelia gasped as she opened the door, seeing the two wrapped beneath the blankets. "Thought I wouldn't have to worry about this anymore." The woman laughed out, this was not the first time she'd found them like this. Though, usually it had resulted in them getting a talk from their families.

"Mom." Ivy whined out, the woman laughing out an apology before closing the door. "Definitely didn't miss that." She mumbled, falling back into the pillows.

"It's better than when Jack walked in on us—"

"Let's not bring that up."

Her phone chimed from her nightstand.


jack hughes
do you know where quinn is?
he's not anywhere and his phone is here

come get him please

jack hughes
did you two finally make up 👀

it's not like that
he came to apologize (idk if I've really forgiven
him) but we fell asleep

jack hughes
well mom wants you both here for breakfast
she's making like a whole buffet
and theres coffee dw

okay I'll be over in a min

"Morning, sweetheart, did you—Quinn." Peter knitted his brows together as he saw the young man exit his dsughters room. Ivy knew he wanted to say something, but they weren't kids anymore, they couldn't get in trouble for simply sleeping in the same bed.

"Morning, Mr Morgan." Quinn mumbled out, keeping himself behind Ivy as he felt the burning eyes of the man.

"I'll be back later." Ivy stated, sliding on a pair of fuzzy slippers to walk across the lawn.

"You going to the Hughes?" Cecelia asked, earning a soft him from her daughter. "Tell Jack thank you for me." The woman called out from her spot on the couch.


"He shoveled the walkway this morning." Ivy smiled at her mothers response, looking back to her father who was still eyeing an antsy Quinn.

"C'mon, Q." Ivy opened the door, tapping Quinn's shoulder to direct him outside.

Once the door was closed, Quinn spoke up, "are we okay?" Ivy only shrugged, reaching down into the snow and balling it in her hands. Quinn was in front of her, heading towards his house.


She tried her best not to laugh, the man turning back to her only to get a snowball thrown at his chest. Ivy laughed as his eyes went wide, shocked by the hit. Only, he reacted quick, going for his own ball of snow and she was running. Ivy sprinted through the yard, feeling a snowball brush against her arm as he threw it.

Quinn was laughing with her, both retaliating against each hit. He was chasing her, not giving her a chance to form another ball before tackling her into the snow.

"Quinn! It's cold!" She cried out, trapped between him and the snow pile. He only smiled back at her, until he received a hand full of snow to the side of his head.

"Guys! It's ten in the morning, why are you having a snowball fight?" Luke called out, now stood on the front porch after hearing the commotion.

They looked to the boy, then to each other, "you run left, I'll go right." Ivy whispered.

Quinn got off of her, both grabbing a hand full of snow before running to either exits of the porch. Luke stood in the middle, wide eyed and ready to run. He tried for the railing, attempting to jump it as the snowballs were thrown.

"What the hell—ah!" Jack walked out with impeccable timing, earning two snowballs to his sides. "Oh, it's on! Luke, run!"

It wasn't long before it turned into an all out war, Quinn and Ivy against Jack and Luke. None of them were properly dressed and it wouldn't be a surprise if they wound up with colds—but they couldn't keep the smiles of their faces. For a moment, they were young again, spending winter break together in the moments where they weren't at hockey.

Ivy had been covered in snow, her sweater and slippers now soaked through as she hid behind Quinn. She was shivering and he could feel it, holding out his arms to call a truce.

"We're done!" Quinn called out, turning back to Ivy as the snow balls slowed. "You okay?" He asked and she nodded, a goofy smile sprung on her face.

"Cold." She got out and he let off a chuckle, "I should go back and change before breakfast."

"Don't wanna borrow one of my jackets?" Quinn questioned, having recalled the countless times his hoodies would go missing.

Her smile fell, "I-I can get my own."

Ivy ran back into her house and the boys went to theres. She ignored her parents as they called out for her, heading straight for her room. Her closet was still mostly full, which surprised her due to the time she'd been gone. She swapped her sweater quickly, and found a pair of jeans to replace her wet leggings.

"Love you!" She shouted, running back out the front door and straight to the Hughes.

Ivy never knocked growing up, they were like a second family, so, she walked right in. The smell of bacon, pancakes and coffee hit her nose and she was drawn to the kitchen. Ellen was at the stove humming along to the music she played from the alexa.

"Morning, sweetheart, coffees in the pot. Why dont you go join the boys in the livingroom to warm up." Ellen spoke sweetly and Ivy pulled a mug from the cupboard, still in the same spot they were years ago. "You're all gonna catch colds." She chuckled, noting how the girls hands were still frozen.

"Better start the soup before Quinn gets all grumpy." Ivy teased, assuming that even now, Quinn was a grumpy sick, clinging to his mothers side to be cared for. Jack and Luke pushed through their sicknesses, still forcing themselves on the ice no matter how bad they were coughing.

"I saw you start that snowball fight, you can take care of him." Ellen retorted with a smile, watching as Ivy poured her coffee. The woman couldn't help but to bring Ivy into her arms. "We really did miss you, darling. The boys, me, Jim. Quinn especially." She whispered, catching the younger off guard.


"Don't you dare leave like that again, alright?" Ellen let out a laugh, though the tears pricking her eyes told Ivy that she was serious.

"I won't."

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