Chapter Four.

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chapter four:
not taking emilia's shit no more


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Alessia was sitting in the small, dimly lit common room of the juvenile detention center, her gaze fixed on the clock on the wall. It was late, and most of the other kids were either asleep or lounging around in their own corners. The buzzing excitement in the pit of her stomach was not just due to the fact that she had managed to sneak out tonight; it was because Robby would be with her, and they had a plan to watch the shooting stars from the roof.

Officer Jameson, one of the few officers Alessia trusted, had offered to help. His reputation as a good guy in the facility was well-earned, and Alessia had always admired him. She was waiting by the door when Jameson appeared, a slight smile on his face.

"Ready for a little adventure?" he asked, his voice low and conspiratorial.

Alessia grinned and nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

Jameson led her and Robby, who had been waiting in the shadows, through the labyrinthine corridors of the facility. They moved silently, careful to avoid the patrolling guards. Jameson had the perfect plan to get them up onto the roof. He guided them through a series of hidden doors and maintenance hallways until they reached a narrow ladder that led up to the roof.

"Here we go," Jameson whispered, giving them both a reassuring nod. "I'll be back to check on you in an hour. Make sure you're back in your bunks before then."

Robby and Alessia exchanged excited glances before climbing the ladder. The night air was cool and crisp as they emerged onto the rooftop. The view was breathtaking; the city lights twinkled below, and the stars above seemed to be calling out to them.

Alessia moved to the edge of the roof and sat down, gazing up at the vast expanse of the night sky. Robby joined her, settling beside her as they both took in the beauty of the shooting stars streaking across the sky.

After a few moments, Alessia turned to Robby, her expression thoughtful. "So, the guy who visited you this morning—who was he?"

Robby hesitated for a moment before speaking. "He's the sensei at Cobra Kai, Kreese. He was trying to get me to join Cobra Kai once I get out."

Alessia frowned slightly but shrugged. "Well, hey, if we get out at the same time, let's join together. We can figure things out as a team."

Robby's eyes softened as he looked at her. "Sounds like a plan."

As if drawn by an invisible force, they leaned in closer. The moment felt electric, charged with the thrill of defying the system and sharing something genuine. Their lips met in a tender, passionate kiss, one that seemed to encapsulate all their hopes and fears for the future.

When they finally pulled away, Alessia looked into Robby's eyes, a shy smile on her lips. "Let's take things slow," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the night breeze.

Robby nodded, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, I'd like that."

The hour passed quickly, and Jameson returned to escort them back. As they made their way down the ladder and through the dimly lit corridors once more, Alessia felt a sense of contentment. Even though they had to return to their separate bunks, the night had been magical. It was a small escape from their harsh realities, a moment of connection and hope for what lay ahead.

As Jameson led them back to their shared bunk, he gave them a knowing smile. "Hope you two enjoyed your time. Remember, the clock's ticking."

"Thanks, Officer Jameson," Alessia said softly, her heart full of gratitude.

Robby squeezed her hand gently as they walked back, and despite the challenges ahead, Alessia felt a flicker of hope for the future.

In the morning, Alessia and Robby decided to dig into John Kreese's background. Robby was at the computer in the juvie common area, typing "John Kreese" into Google. An article titled "A Celebrated War Veteran Leads Dojo to Fourth All Valley Win" from the 1980s appeared on the screen.

"Dang, Cobra Kai has won a lot," Alessia remarked, leaning in to get a better view.

Robby scrolled down, and another article caught their attention: "Mystery Dojo with One Student Defangs Cobras." Alessia's eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Click on it," she urged.

The article detailed how Daniel LaRusso had defeated Cobra Kai in the 1984 All Valley Tournament, highlighting a mysterious dojo that appeared just in time to face Cobra Kai. This unexpected victory had shifted the momentum, with LaRusso being the standout.

Robby sighed, feeling the weight of his family's connections to Cobra Kai. He then checked his emails, which included messages from Sam, Amanda, Daniel, and his mom. One recent email from Sam read, "If you're okay, please answer."

Alessia saw the email and felt a pang of jealousy. Her frustration with the situation and her emotions overwhelmed her. "I'll be back," she said curtly, walking away from the computer lab.

As she exited, she bumped into Emilia, who was leaning against a wall with a smug expression. "Watch where you're going, weakling," Emilia sneered.

Alessia's patience snapped. She was done being pushed around. Without hesitation, she balled her fist and swung at Emilia, landing a solid punch to her jaw. Emilia stumbled back, clutching her face. Alessia, fueled by anger, pressed her advantage, throwing a series of punches and kicks. Emilia tried to fight back, but Alessia's aggression and skill gave her the upper hand.

With a final, powerful right hook, Alessia sent Emilia crashing into a wall. Emilia slumped to the ground, defeated. Alessia stood over her, breathing heavily, feeling a mix of triumph and apprehension.

Before she could fully process her actions, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed in the hallway. Officers from the juvie facility burst in, responding to the commotion. "Break it up!" one officer shouted as they intervened.

"Get your hands off me!" Alessia yelled as the officers separated the two girls. They quickly restrained both Alessia and Emilia, their expressions stern.

"You're both coming with us," one officer said, his tone firm. "Fighting is against the rules, and we need to deal with it."

The officers escorted Alessia and Emilia to separate holding cells. The harsh, isolating environment was designed to make them reflect on their actions. Alessia sat on a hard bench in her cell, feeling the sting of her victory fading in the face of her new predicament. She worried about the consequences and what it meant for her time in juvie.

Robby, who had been in the common area when the fight broke out, was soon brought to the holding area as well. He watched with concern as Alessia was led away. When the opportunity arose, he approached her cell. "Hey, Alessia," he said quietly through the bars. "Are you okay?"

Alessia looked up, her expression a mix of exhaustion and frustration. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice hoarse. "Just... dealing with the fallout."

Robby gave her a sympathetic look. "We'll figure this out. It's not going to be easy, but we'll get through it."

As they talked, the tension was palpable. The fight had led to immediate consequences, and both Alessia and Robby were left to face the reality of their actions in juvie. The isolation and uncertainty of their situation only heightened their sense of anxiety and the need to navigate their environment carefully in the days to come.


i'm so sorry for this really short chapter. its kinda hard when theres not much of robby in season three. but act 1 is coming to an end anyways cause robby isnt in ep 6 or 7 if im not wrong so

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