Chapter Two.

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chapter two:
the wise words of alessia chavez

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In the longue, Alessia sat alone at a table, doodling in her notebook. Her cheap juvie headphones blared an 80s music mixtape, offering a brief escape from her grim surroundings. Her concentration was interrupted when she heard someone clear their throat. Looking up, she saw Robby standing there.

"Hey, Alessia. Is it okay if I sit here? I'm gonna read. I won't bother you," Robby asked, holding up a book.

Alessia smiled warmly. "Sure, go ahead."

Robby settled down across from her and opened his book, immediately engrossed. Alessia tried to return to her drawing but found her eyes drifting to him repeatedly. His focused expression and the way his brow furrowed slightly as he read were captivating. Without realizing it, she began sketching him.

After a few minutes, she tapped him on the shoulder. Robby looked up, eyebrows raised in surprise. Alessia held up her notebook, revealing a detailed sketch of him absorbed in his book.

"Woah, that's really good. But why do you keep drawing me?" he asked with a chuckle.

Alessia shrugged, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I don't know, actually. I just keep wanting to draw you," she admitted.

Robby nodded appreciatively. "It's cool. You're really talented."

A blush crept up Alessia's cheeks at the compliment. "Thanks. I'll be back. Gotta use the ladies' room. Watch my notebook, please?" she asked, standing up.

"Sure thing," Robby replied, placing his book down.

Alessia walked down the hallway towards the bathrooms, her footsteps echoing off the walls. A cop stood near the door, and she nodded towards it. "Bathroom, please."

The cop turned to unlock the door, and she stepped inside. After finishing up, she walked out, but the cop was nowhere to be seen. Confused, she started back towards the longue. Suddenly, she was thrown into the wall, someone pinning her arm behind her back.

"What the hell?" Alessia gasped, struggling against the force holding her.

It was Emilia, a notorious bully in juvie who loved tormenting Alessia. "Hey, weakling," Emilia taunted, her voice dripping with malice.

Alessia tried to shove her off, but Emilia tightened her grip, causing a sharp pain to shoot through Alessia's arm. "What do you want, Emilia?" Alessia demanded, her voice shaky.

"Just having some fun," Emilia sneered. "You think you're so special, don't you? Always drawing, always keeping to yourself. Makes me sick."

Alessia gritted her teeth. "Let go of me," she hissed.

Emilia laughed cruelly. "Or what? What are you gonna do, weakling?"

Just then, a voice echoed down the hallway. "Hey! What's going on here?" It was Robby, coming to check on Alessia.

Emilia released her grip and stepped back, a scowl on her face. "Mind your own business, Robby," she snapped.

Robby ignored her, moving quickly to Alessia's side. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes.

Alessia nodded, rubbing her sore arm. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Emilia glared at them both. "This isn't over, Alessia," she spat before turning and stalking off down the hallway.

Robby watched her go before turning back to Alessia. "What was that about?"

Alessia sighed, feeling a mixture of relief and frustration. "Just Emilia being Emilia. She's always looking for someone to pick on."

"Well, she's not gonna mess with you when I'm around," Robby said firmly. "Come on, let's get back to the longue."

As they walked back, Alessia couldn't help but feel grateful for Robby's presence. For the first time in a while, she felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things could get a little better. Back at the table, she picked up her pencil and resumed her drawing, her heart lighter than it had been in a long time.

As they sat down at a table, Robby gave Alessia a serious look. "You need to learn how to defend yourself," he told her.

Alessia shrugged. "I tried that before. Look where we are, I don't know how to defend myself," she breathed out, frowning. Robby sighed. He really wanted to know why she was here; she didn't seem like a girl who should be in juvie.

"I'm here because I kicked a boy off a balcony," Robby revealed.

Alessia looked up at him, her brows furrowed. "Why?"

"Long story short, he kissed my girlfriend—well, ex-girlfriend. His girlfriend saw it and a fight broke out," Robby explained.

Alessia nodded, biting the inside of her cheek and fiddling with her fingers. "I... My boyfriend—ex-boyfriend, Tommy... he told me to meet him at this park and he planted drugs in my car. He's a good manipulator... He told everyone I was selling drugs and that I'm a drug user... He's not wrong, but I've been clean for three years. Obviously, since I've been here that long. I don't even let anyone visit me. My old best friends Eli and Demetri stopped coming and stopped emailing me. I miss Eli. He was my best friend. He even had a crush on me," Alessia revealed, a tear shedding.

Robby's lip parted in shock. "I'm so sorry, Alessia. But I know Demetri and Eli," Robby told her.

Alessia looked up at him and leaned in closer. "How are they? Are they okay?" she asked with a worried look.

"Demetri's good. He's still himself and learned karate. It took him a while to actually learn it, but he finally got the hang of it," Robby said with a chuckle.

Alessia laughed. "What about Eli? Everyone bullies him for his lip," she asked.

"He goes by Hawk now. He turned into a bully after he joined Cobra Kai. Him and Demetri aren't friends anymore. He tried to beat Demetri up," Robby quickly explained. He regretted it immediately when he saw Alessia's face falter.

"What? I'm gonna yell at him when I get out of here! How dare he do that? After everything Demetri's done for him!" Alessia ranted, her voice rising in anger. Robby watched as she began to ramble. "They're the binary brothers! They— They saved me at my worst! I mean, what—"

"You're rambling," Robby cut in gently.

Alessia sunk down in her seat. "Sorry, I ramble..." she trailed off, her eyes drifting to the boy behind Robby, Brandon, who was getting picked on by Shawn. "Shawn, leave him alone," Alessia breathed out.

Shawn ignored her and slammed Brandon's head into the table. Alessia flinched and looked down at her lap. Robby glanced back at the scene, a frown forming on his face, but he didn't move from his seat.

"Is that Shawn?" Robby asked quietly, turning back to Alessia.

She nodded, not looking up at him. "Yeah, he's the biggest bully here. He loves to pick on the weaker kids. Brandon's his favorite target," she said quietly.

Robby's expression hardened. "Someone needs to put him in his place."

Alessia glanced up at him, worry etched on her face. "Robby, don't. He's dangerous. You could get hurt."

Robby sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I won't do anything reckless, but I can't just sit here and watch this happen. There has to be a way to help without making things worse."

Alessia looked at him, her eyes softening. "I appreciate it, Robby. But sometimes it's better to avoid trouble, even if it's hard to watch."

Robby nodded, understanding her caution. "Alright, but if he ever messes with you, you let me know. We'll figure something out."

Alessia managed a small smile. "Thanks, Robby. It means a lot."

They sat in silence for a moment, the tension in the room palpable as Shawn continued to torment Brandon. Alessia's mind raced with memories of her own struggles with bullies and manipulative people like Tommy. She felt a pang of empathy for Brandon, wishing there was more she could do.

"Robby, why do you think people become bullies?" Alessia asked softly, breaking the silence.

Robby pondered her question, his eyes distant. "I think it's because they're hurting inside. They take out their pain on others to feel powerful. It's not an excuse, but it's a reason."

Alessia nodded thoughtfully. "I guess that makes sense. It doesn't make it any easier to deal with, though."

"No, it doesn't," Robby agreed. "But understanding it can help us find a way to break the cycle. Maybe one day, people like Shawn will realize that there's a better way to handle their pain."

Alessia's smile grew a little wider. "You're really insightful, Robby. I think you might be right."

Robby shrugged modestly. "Just speaking from experience. I've been on both sides of the fence, and I've learned a lot from my mistakes."

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud thud as Shawn pushed Brandon to the floor. Robby tensed, but Alessia reached out and touched his arm gently, shaking her head.

"Let's wait for the right moment," she whispered. "We can't afford to make things worse right now."

Robby took a deep breath and nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Alright. We'll bide our time."

As they watched the scene unfold, both of them silently vowed to find a way to make a difference, not just for themselves, but for everyone who had ever been bullied or hurt.

Alessia and Robby were eating lunch together, the soft clink of their utensils punctuating their conversation. The TV behind them was tuned to a local news channel, which caught Alessia's attention as she stirred her soup.

"Students from West Valley High are volunteering today, washing cars to raise money for a worthy cause," the reporter announced, and the screen flashed to a girl with wavy brunette hair. "We've already raised over $1000. Miyagi-Do is all about helping people," the girl said.

Alessia squinted at the TV and then kicked Robby lightly under the table. "Is that your ex-girlfriend you were telling me about?" she asked, her tone curious.

Robby turned to look at the screen and saw the girl, Samantha LaRusso, talking earnestly into the camera. "Wasn't it a Miyagi-Do student who put Miguel Diaz in the hospital?" the reporter asked. The screen displayed Samantha's name.

"That was an accident. At least, I hope so," Samantha replied, her voice earnest.

Alessia's eyes widened. "I know her! Her dad gave my mom a car for free," she said, snapping her fingers in recognition. She continued watching as Samantha said, "I just know Miguel needs our help. We love you, Miguel."

Alessia turned to Robby with a raised eyebrow. "Robby, I'm really sorry, but this girl is definitely into Miguel. Forget her, man," she said, going back to her soup.

Robby looked at her, conflicted. "Sam's a good person. She—she didn't mean to kiss him," he said, trying to defend Samantha.

Alessia raised an eyebrow at him. "Were she and Miguel together before you guys?" she asked.

Robby nodded. "Yeah, they were."

"How quick did you guys get together?" Alessia asked, probing further.

"A month or so," Robby mumbled, feeling the weight of the conversation.

Alessia took a thoughtful sip of her soup. "Look, it's Sam's fault for kissing Miguel first. The girl who started the fight had every right to be angry. I'm not saying Sam's a bad person—just someone who made some bad choices."

Robby mulled over Alessia's words. He sighed and nodded. "I get it. It's just complicated. I know Sam is a good person deep down, but sometimes people mess up, and things get messy."

Alessia nodded in agreement, finishing her soup. "Exactly. People make mistakes, and it doesn't always mean they're terrible. It's about how they handle those mistakes and what they do to make things right."

Robby looked at Alessia appreciatively. "Thanks for that. It helps put things into perspective."

As they finished their lunch, Alessia couldn't help but think about the complex web of relationships and choices that had led to this point. The news segment had only added another layer to the already tangled situation, and she wondered how it would all resolve in the end.

Shawn approached Robby and Alessia with a sneer. "That your girl?" he taunted, nodding toward the TV where Samantha LaRusso's face had been displayed. Alessia swallowed hard, feeling a lump in her throat. Shawn's voice dripped with mockery. "I don't know. Sounds like vanilla's not her flavor anymore. She got a taste for that horchata," he continued, clearly enjoying the discomfort he was causing.

Robby's face tightened with anger. "Who knows? Thinking maybe she'll be drinking dark roast next," Shawn smirked, smoothing his chin. Robby stood up abruptly, ignoring Alessia's desperate plea. "Robby, don't," Alessia tried to reason, but Robby was already advancing toward Shawn.

"Why don't you shut your mouth?" Robby snapped, trying to keep his cool.

Shawn chuckled, his eyes glinting with menace. "Sorry-ass punk," he said, stepping closer and towering over Robby. "Looks like karate boy wants to throw down." Shawn's friends jeered, egging him on.

Robby's jaw tightened. "My karate's about self-defense," he stated firmly.

Shawn raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Oh. Well..." he said, grabbing Robby by the neck and roughly turning him around. Alessia's breath caught in her throat as she gasped, backing away into a corner. "Let's see how that works out for you," Shawn taunted, swinging a punch.

Robby managed to block the first swing with his arm, but the attack was relentless. Shawn and his friends began to overpower Robby, attacking from every angle. Alessia could only watch in horror as the scene unfolded before her. The sounds of the scuffle, combined with Robby's struggles, triggered a deep sense of panic within her.

Her breathing became rapid, and she crouched down against the wall, covering her ears and shutting her eyes tightly. Flashbacks of her first days in juvie came crashing back—Emilia and her gang had jumped her in a similar fashion after she stood up against their bullying. The memory of being labeled a "weakling" by Emilia and her friends haunted her, amplifying her fear and distress.

The alarms blared suddenly, snapping Alessia back to the present. She opened her eyes to see Shawn and his crew leaving, the crowd dispersing as a PA announcement echoed through the facility. "Everybody get back to your bunks! We're on lockdown."

Alessia scrambled to her feet, tears streaming down her face. She made her way over to Robby, who was leaning heavily on a table, visibly pained. Her hands trembled as she helped him up. "Come on, let's get you back to our bunk," she said softly, her voice breaking.

With a mix of urgency and support, Alessia guided Robby back to their shared bunk, her heart aching for the pain he was in. The lockdown had come at the right time, but the emotional toll of the day left her feeling shaken and vulnerable. As they settled into their bunk, Alessia tried to hold herself together, fighting back the sobs that threatened to overwhelm her.

As Robby continued to hold Alessia, her breathing gradually steadied. The steady rhythm of his presence provided a sense of security, helping her to regain control over her emotions. After a few minutes, her sobs quieted to soft sniffles, and she managed to compose herself enough to speak.

"Robby," she said quietly, her voice still trembling. "I'm sorry about this. I didn't mean to fall apart like that."

Robby gently pulled back a little to look at her face. "It's okay, Alessia. Do you get panic attacks like this often?"

Alessia wiped her eyes and shook her head. "Not often. Only when something like today's fight happens. I get triggered, and everything just comes rushing back. It's like I'm reliving it all over again."

Robby nodded, his expression empathetic. "I understand. It's tough dealing with that kind of trauma. But you don't have to go through it alone."

Before Alessia could respond, the door to their room swung open. A cop stepped in, breaking the moment of intimacy. "Attention, both of you," the officer announced. "You have visitors scheduled for tomorrow."

Both Alessia and Robby looked up, their curiosity piqued.

"Who's coming?" Robby asked, hopeful.

"Your father, Johnny Lawrence," the cop replied. Robby's face brightened slightly at the news.

Alessia glanced at Robby and then turned to the cop. "And for me?"

"Your mother, Zoe Chavez," the officer said.

Alessia's expression softened at the mention of her mother. She glanced back at Robby, who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Looks like we'll both have some support tomorrow," Robby said, trying to lift her spirits.

Alessia managed a small, grateful smile. "Yeah. It's nice to know someone cares enough to visit."

As the cop left, Robby and Alessia were left with their thoughts, a faint sense of hope mingling with their lingering worries.

The next day, Alessia walked into the visiting area, feeling a mix of apprehension and hope. She scanned the room and spotted her mother, Zoe Chavez, sitting at one of the tables. Zoe looked older and more haggard than Alessia remembered, but there was a determination in her eyes that Alessia hadn't seen in a long time.

Alessia hesitated for a moment before approaching the table. "Mom?" she said softly, trying to keep her emotions in check.

Zoe looked up, her eyes welling with tears. "Alessia," she said, standing up to greet her daughter. "I'm so glad to see you."

Alessia sat down across from her, her face a mix of confusion and frustration. "Why are you here, Mom? I haven't seen you in over a year. And you've only reached out now?"

Zoe took a deep breath. "I know. I know I've been absent. But I'm clean now. I've been working hard to turn my life around. I wanted to come here and show you that I'm trying to be a better mother."

Alessia's eyes narrowed. "Better mother? You think showing up now, after all this time, makes up for everything?"

Zoe's face fell. "I know I can't undo the past. But I'm trying to make things right. I've been attending meetings, getting help. I want to be there for you, Alessia."

Alessia's anger flared. "You think just because you're clean, you can waltz back into my life and act like everything is okay? You've missed so much. I needed you and you weren't there."

Zoe looked pained. "I'm sorry. I truly am. I made mistakes, but I'm trying to change. I want to be part of your life again."

Alessia shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. "It's not that simple, Mom. You can't just fix things by showing up now. I'm here because of what happened with Tommy and everything that's been going on. I needed you before, not just now when it's convenient for you."

Zoe reached across the table, her voice pleading. "Please, Alessia. I know I've let you down, but I'm committed to making things right. Give me a chance to prove it."

Alessia pulled back, her frustration mingling with her sadness. "I don't know if I can just forgive you that easily. I need more than just words, Mom. I need actions. I need to see that you really mean it."

Zoe nodded, tears streaming down her face. "I understand. I just hope that, over time, you'll see the changes I'm making."

Alessia looked away, feeling conflicted. "I guess we'll see."

After the tense visit with her mother, Alessia returned to her bunk, feeling emotionally drained. As she walked in, she noticed Robby sitting on his bed, his face buried in his hands. He was sniffling, clearly upset.

Alessia approached him, concern etched on her face. "Hey, Robby, what's wrong?" she asked softly, sitting down next to him.

Robby looked up, his eyes red and puffy. "My dad never showed up," he said, his voice cracking. "I was really hoping he'd come through this time, but he didn't. It feels like he's just let me down again."

Alessia's heart ached for him. She knew how important it was to have family support during tough times. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Robby. That really sucks."

Robby nodded, wiping his eyes. "Yeah, it's just... disappointing. I thought things would be different."

Alessia took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "If it helps at all, my mom came. She says she's trying to be a better mom now. She's clean and wants to turn her life around."

Robby glanced at her with a hint of surprise. "That's something, at least. It's good she's trying to make amends."

Alessia nodded. "Yeah, she says she's working on it. I guess it's a start, but I don't know if it's enough. It's hard to just forget everything and trust her right away."

Robby sighed, understanding her struggle. "I get that. It's hard to just take people's words for it, especially after they've let you down before."

Alessia leaned back against the wall, feeling a mix of frustration and hope. "We'll see how it goes. At least she's trying, right? Maybe that's something."

Robby gave a small, grateful smile. "Yeah, maybe. Thanks for being here, Alessia."

She returned his smile, offering a reassuring nod. "Anytime, Robby. We're in this together."


i love them sm

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