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- Drawn And Quartered

Esme was in the middle of her labour, screaming out painfully holding onto her sisters hand tightly while midwife's and the doctor attended to the Queen of Scotland, " Mary, this is something wrong, I can feel it" Esme breathed out turning to face her sister who squeezed her hand in her own in reassurance, " it's all right, Esme, just hold on"

The Queen of Scotland was screaming in agony as the midwife's assistant her in giving birth, " Your Grace" the doctor called out causing Mary to let go of her sisters hand only for Esme eyes to widened in alarm, " where are you going?" She questioned only for Mary to smile slightly and assured, " I'm just going to speak with the doctor for a moment"

"Tell me what is happening" Esme demanded turning her attention to the doctor who stayed silent for a moment before he informed the Queen, " you're losing too much blood" Esme gasped looking down at her stomach before turning to face the doctor with a determined expression on her face, " what happens to me doesn't matter. If it comes down to a choice between me and the baby, you choose the baby"

Mary had tears gathering in her eyes shaking her head frantically as she didn't want to think about loosing her sister as she didn't know she could continue especially spending all their lives together it would feel like apart of her had been ripped out of her chest, " Esme, don't talk like that..." Esme cut off her sister as she narrowed her eyes at the doctor with a serious expression and questioned, " do you understand"

"Yes, your majesty" the Doctor replied bowing his head at Esme who continued screaming out loudly in agony, panting breathlessly as she turned to face her twin sister, " Mary, bring Francis to me." Mary shook her head with tears falling down her cheek running her fingers through her sisters hair, " I don't want to leave you"

Esme sent Mary a pleading look as she let out a heavy sigh and quietly muttered, " Please, in case I need to say goodbye" Mary nodded her head as she pressed a kiss to her sisters head before leaving the room in attempt to find out where Francis is as he left with Elijah to get to Lola who was also having her own baby. Mary was making her way through the castle, multiple of people was making their way outside causing a frown to appear on her face as she followed everyone when the sound of a fanfare was playing announcing the arrival of Francis, Lola and Elijah.

"I knew he was alive. I could feel it in my heart" Mary spoke walking beside Catherine as as she sighed in relief at the sight of Elijah and Francis riding through the gates with an unfamiliar man she didn't know. " thank god, you and your sister were right. Please don't tell Francis that I mistook my illness for the plague. It's embarrassing. Where is Esme?" Catherine questioned as she glanced around the courtyard for the pregnant Queen but was nowhere in sight.

Mary smiled happily as she ran into Elijah's arms who brought her into a tight embrace, " Mary" the brunette pulled away as she looked at him in worry and concern, " where is Lola? Is she all right?" Elijah moved out the way only to see Lola climbing out of the carriage as Greer and Kenna cooed over the baby causing the smile to fade from her lips before she turned her attention to Francis who was greeting his brother, " Francis. It's Esme... she's gone into labour... they think she might not survive she's loosing to much blood"

Francis" Esme breathed out weakly as he rushed to her beside gripping her hand as she continued scream in pain. Francis turned to face the doctor with a fearful expression on his face, " can't you do something for her? Anything?" The doctor shook his head with a sympathetic look on his face, " the Queen's condition is deteriorating. I fear the possibility of losing both of them if I don't operate"

Francis grabbed the doctors arm taking him to the side as he shook his head frantically as she is the only good thing in his life, the best thing that had ever happened to him, the only person who had ever truly understood and loved him for being himself, " No, if you open her up, she will die"

"Your Grace, the Queen is not going to survive. The question now, is whether we save the baby and relieve Esme of her agony" the doctor tried to explain to Francis but he shook his head as he can't imagine a world without Esme in it he can't raise their child without her. " Francis, where are you" Esme called out for her husband who rushed to her side grabbing her hand once again, " I'm here, Esme, I'm right here"

"Something isn't right. My baby, he's dying..." she trailed off panting heavily, out of breathe as she continued going through labour. " Esme, listen to me. I promise you, your baby is going to live" Mary spoke with a determined look on her face as she wasn't going to lose her sister or her nephew. Esme shook her head as she glanced around the room at the midwife's and the doctor, " you have to save him. I want you all to save my baby, do you hear me? I am ordering all of you! No matter what it takes save my baby"

The doctor grabbed the tools that he needed to operate on the Queen to deliver the baby only for Francis glare to harden as he hissed at the doctor, " stay back! If you come anywhere near her with those, I will kill you myself" The Doctor sighed as he glanced at Francis and tried to make him understand, " she's dying, your Grace. The Queen wants me to save her child"

"Mary, Mary, I love you" Esme softly spoke turning to face her sister who looked down at her sadly softly crying as she replied, " I love you, too" Esme eyes suddenly fluttered close as Francis looked down at his wife in fear and horror noticing her breathing slowing down, " Esme! Don't give up. Esme, stay with me. You have to fight. You can do this. It's your fate. It's our fate. Now, gather your strength, all of it and come back to me. Come back and meet your child. Esme, come back to me!"

Mary cried holding her sisters hand tightly in her own when suddenly Esme let out a loud gasp sitting up on the bed causing both Mary and Francis to sigh in relief, " Oh, thank god" Francis helped Esme sit up against the bed frame, " come on, Esme, your almost there. That's it Esme. I'm right here with you" Esme took a couple of deep breathes before screaming loudly as she began to push only to fall backwards in exhaustion as the baby was born.

"There you go" Mary happily smiled at the baby in the midwife arm as Francis and Esme eyes looking in amazement at their child, sharing a loving look with one another as Catherine helped cut the umbilical cord before a midwife wrapped the child with a blanket, " you have a beautiful baby girl" the midwife said causing both Francis and Esme to smile in spite of the current situation that's just happened.

However, before Esme could open her mouth to say anything another contraction hit her causing her to scream in agony once again. " what is happening?" Catherine asked as she watched in fear and confusion as the doctor and midwife's crowed around Esme once again, " she's having another baby" the midwife spoke as she handed the first baby to Mary before assisting the Queen who is giving birth for the second time.

"Twins" Francis breathed in amazement as he watched his wife give birth the second time, "Β  push, Esme. Push" he comforted her as Esme screamed in pain before falling back once more, completely exhausted. Esme closed her eyes tightly as a stray tear escaped her eye just as the cry of her second child surrounded the room giving her the strength to lift her head, " A son, a beautiful baby boy"

Francis and Esme both smiled with tears in their eyes, as they looked at the beautiful they made together, " Daisy and Harry Valois" Esme spoke with a bright smile as Mary and the midwife handed over the baby for the married couple to hold as they looked down on awe at the children in their arms.


Francis and Esme were gathered in their chambers, she was sat in the bed with her twins in her arms as she began rock them back and forth, " I never knew I could love something so much. It honestly feels... awful... like it might kill me" Francis had a guilty look on his face as she should of been here with his wife instead he left with Elijah to get Lola and their child, " it nearly did. I'm sorry that at the beginning of their lives it was so violent"

Esme looked down at her babies in her arms with a shake of her head, " it's not your fault, Francis. I know you fought for us. When I was giving birth, I felt myself slipping away but it was your voice that guided me back. If you hadn't been here as soon as you heard I had gone into labour, I wouldn't be holding our children in my arms right now"

Francis smiled sadly as he leaned down pressing a kiss to her lips as he had missed her and just thankful that she was okay after the scare he was going to lose her when she was in labour, " Your kisses are more easily attained than your words. I left impulsively..." Esme nodded her head in agreement as she flickered her gaze to her husband, " you did" Francis sighed as he beamed brightly when Daisy took his finger squeezing it tightly, " and now I have returned with Lola, Elijah and their child. I held our daughter and our son and i want what's best for them, I want them to be happy"

"I made a promise to our baby, our children, and myself that they would not grow up like I did. That they would grow up safe, and loved" Esme spoke holding her children close to her chest as Francis cupped her face in his hands looking down at his children with nothing but love in his eyes, " Esme, my father indiscretions were blatant but out of respect for his wife he gave bash no title or standing. If hurt him and it hurt me to see it"

Esme frowned as she knew he was speaking about Lola's baby as he didn't want to see his friend watch as his child grew up hated because he is a bastard child, " the eyes of the world are watching to see if we will bare anymore children. An heir not just for France but for Scotland and for England as well. I know this has nothing to do with the role that Elijah decides to have in his sons life but we have our own children to worry about. Those who are close to us even here at court will know the truth and my sister will have to watch them play happy families. Even Catherine had guessed where you had done when she figured out that Elijah is the father of Lola child"

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