⏤ 19. tales from the past

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Harry didn't know how he had managed to go back to the Honeydukes' cellar and return to the castle. All he knew what that the return trip seemed to take no time at all, and that he hardly noticed where he was going, because his head was pounding with the conversation he had heard.

Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall, Mr. Weasley..

Why had nobody told him?

Why hadn't anyone ever mentioned the fact that Harry's parents had died because their best friend had betrayed them?

Even Isabella.. she owed him the truth. She had been with them during their days at Hogwarts. Hell, they were close friends, from what he had heard.

Why had she never even mentioned it to him?

He turned in his bed with another sleepless night lingering in his eyes.

"If I were you, I'd hunt him down.."

Harry blinked. What was he doing? Thinking back on Malfoy's words again and again.

He sighed, mind pulling itself towards the Map in his drawer.

But then..

He quickly pulled the drawer, taking the Map out and closed the curtains around his bed.

It wouldn't hurt.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The ink traced the map of Hogwarts on the old parchment after the owners greeted him. He opened the map wide, green eyes in the dimly lit wand-light quickly scanning over to find the familiar name.

But he found someone else instead. His eyes squinted in disbelief, he quickly kicked the sheets off his feet and made his way out.

The moment he got to the common room and the door opened, the girl outside jumped in surprise.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" She bellowed before resting her hand on her chest, breathing out in relief that it was just him. "Harry! I almost dropped the snacks!" She whisper-yelled.

He blinked in confusion. "Ria, what are you doing here? It's like— what? Midnight?"

She pursed her lips, staring at Harry before she spun in her place and began walking. "Wait— hey! What the hell?" He followed her. "What was that?"

"Oh, nothing." She chirped. "Just acting the way you did after the whole drama that happened at the Three Broomsticks."

Harry blinked in confusion. "I was.. I was just upset."

"I know, you were. But you shouldn't run away like that." She said, her blue doe eyes scolding him. "You had the invisibility cloak with you. We couldn't catch up with you. It scared us. Don't do that again, alright?"

Harry just gave her a small smile, nodding. "Alright." At his response, she smiled back. "Now.. where are we heading to?"

"You have your invisibility cloak?" She asked.

He nodded. "Took that in case you drag me somewhere with you." He chuckled, making her playfully roll her eyes.

"Well, I'm not gonna need it." She answered. "So cover up."

"Why do I feel like I should've figured it out way sooner?" He said, taking his cloak off. And Ria quickly gestured him to stay silent. He chuckled soundlessly.

"Just because Professor Sinistra has given me permission to come here, doesn't mean I can disturb the class going on above." She whispered, pointing upwards. "Talk quietly."

"And now that I'm classified as a Seer, I officially have the right to come here after hours and study Astronomy. No one can stop me." She added with a small smile. "After all, can't disturb a Seer while working, can we?"

"And you are going to take complete advantage of this situation, I assume?" He taunted, and Ria threw him a look.

"Hey! I do work too, okay? I'm working on a formula to figure out when the events in my dreams are going to happen, so I can prevent the bad ones." She said as she sat close to the edge, legs dangling off the tower. "It's just that I'm not working today. It's Christmas, after all."

"Er— don't you think you're sitting too close to the edge?" He asked, slightly panicked.

She looked up at him with a glint of mischief in her smile. "Worried are we?" And the very next moment, she pulled him down. "Or scared, Potter?"

"I am not scared, Edwards." He said, squinting his eyes.

"Just hold onto the railing and you'll be fine." She hummed in satisfaction.

"Tell me, Ria." said Harry, tilting his head in question. "It's snowing. There's clouds. There's no way you came here to watch the stars, did you?"

Ria sniggered. "No, I haven't, genius." She brought up the basket from beside her and held it in front of him.

"Snacks?" He asked.

She opened the basket and Harry's senses were hit with the familiar smell of..

"Cinnamon rolls— you are kidding me!" He said, peeking into the basket. Godric, they looked delicious!

"Merry Christmas, Harry!" She grinned. "Go on! I made them for you."

"What— You made them now?" He asked as he carefully lifted one. He waited for Ria to pick one up too.

She nodded. "Yeah! I'm friends with a House-elf from the kitchen. His name's Ziggy. He's really sweet. And he let me have his little station for a while."

"Merlin, you're the sweetest." He said, looking at her with immense adoration.

Ria squinted her eyes playfully. "Hey, I made them for you. Merlin didn't."

"You know what I was saying.."

She chuckled. They bumped their Cinnamon rolls together as a cheers, but before they could eat, Harry interrupted.

"Wait— wait!" He said, placing the roll back in the basket and brushing the crust off his hands. "I— actually— I have something for you." He searched in his pocket. He had just kept it there, planning it to give it to her as soon as morning arrives.

"I was— uh— yeah!" He kept it enclosed in his palm. "I was walking through Hogsmeade, and I saw this. It reminded me of you."

Ria had to take a moment to comprehend the sentence. It reminded him of me?


"Yeah.." he smiled, and God, it could melt hearts, the way his eyes crinkled at the ends.

"So I bought it for you." He said, holding her left, unoccupied hand and bringing it closer to him.

He gently held her hand, separating her fingers and slid a beautiful silver ring in. Ria leaned in to take a closer look. It had little stars and planets carved onto it.

"Merry Christmas, Ria."

She looked up at Harry, eyes gleaming like a puppy. "This is so cute." She said. "Harry, I love it. Thank you."

His smile had widened for some reason, and he wasn't looking at her hand or her face. 

"Edwards, is that the hoodie I gave you?" He asked. "I thought someone was about to return it as soon as possible." He taunted.

Ria was about to shy away, but she held her composure. "Yes." She said rather proudly. "And you gave it to me with the liberty of returning it whenever I want to. So.." she trailed off, bringing the roll in her hand up to his mouth. "Forget it. It's mine now."

He took a bite, quickly holding it in his hand. "They're so good." He moaned with a mouthful. "Take all my clothes if you want. Just keep the cinnamon rolls coming."

Ria chuckled as she took one for herself. It was something else, seeing him happy.

But it was just temporary. She had to talk to him. She had to make sure he was alright. But for now, she let him feast on the cinnamon rolls, giving him a moment of pure joy.

When the rolls were all devoured, Harry could feel the shift in the mood. He could see it on Ria's face. He could feel a questionnaire coming his way.

He cleared his throat. "Er— so—"

"How're you doing?" was the first question that left her mouth.

"I'm.. perfectly fine?" He answered.

Asteria's shoulders slumped in disappointment. "Harry."

"So.." he breathed out. "I wrote to Isabella two days ago, wishing her a Happy Birthday."

She nodded. "I did too."

"Didn't ask her anything about Black." He said with a hint of regret. "She'd be busy anyway."

"I didn't either." She replied. "But it makes sense.. the Ministry having her work out of the country so tirelessly."

Harry looked at her, an eyebrow slightly quirked up in question. "They're doing it on purpose, I assume? Trying to keep her safe from Black? She could still be his target."

She nodded with a small sigh. So.. she didn't have to worry about her latest vision and the boggart that appeared as a coffin.

"No wonder she never told us about him.." At Harry's words, she looked at him. "It must be hard to talk about. They were best friends once, and now he's trying to kill her."

Ria nodded, gulping. That wasn't what she thought, at all. Yeah.. maybe it would've been hard, but her mother should've told them.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern filling her mind, but she didn't let her tone show it.

"Of course, I'm fucking fine." Harry chuckled. "Why would I not be, Ria?"

"Because you've been straight up ignoring me for two days, and some minutes ago we were laughing like nothing had happened." She blurted out with honesty. As worried as she was, she wouldn't deny that he had a thick head.

"And I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to make it about me, but I don't like it when you're quiet like that." She answered. "Makes me wonder what you're thinking and whether it's good for you or not. You make me worry, Potter!"

Harry stared at her in slight surprise. The way her eyebrows knitted together, blue eyes held his gaze while one runaway of a lash was resting on her rosy cheek. His hand urged him to gently brush it off, but she had already done it.

How did she appear so lively when even the night of Christmas looked dull?

"Oi!" Her fingers snapping in front of his face pulled him out of his thoughts, and he was glad his crimson cheeks were excused because of the cold night.

He looked down to hide a small smile. "You care about me so much, don't you?" He taunted. "Adorable."

Ria stared at him in disbelief, bumping her shoulder with his. "Not funny, Harry." She muttered, rolling her eyes. "If you don't want to talk about it, then fine. But at least don't go around acting like I don't exist."

"You know I could never do that." He leaned closer for just a moment, to tell that to her. "I just.. I just thought that you'd have things to deal with too, after what we heard."

She nodded, crossing her arms on the railing and resting her chin onto them. Harry copied her.

"Yeah.. but I don't want you to deal with it all alone." She answered.

His lips had a faint smile. Behind it was a painful question.

If Voldemort and Lagarde went after Isabella for her powers.. Does that mean Ria is under threat too?

"And I don't want you to do that either." He said with a small sigh. "But we'll always have each other, won't we?" He asked, moving just a bit closer so their arms were touching.

Ria smiled warmly. "Of course."

They sat in silence for a moment, watching as the snow fell down peacefully on the Hogwarts grounds. And Harry couldn't help but chuckle when he saw a snowy bird from the corner of his eye.

She looked at him. "What is it?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. Just remembered a story." He continued to stare off into the scenery while Ria looked at him. "There's this hawk.. it looks just like Hedwig.. it always came to see me when I was young."

"I don't know how it knew, but it brought me fruits and chocolates.. it even annoyed the Dursleys when they troubled me." He chuckled at the memory. "But one day, it just never came back. I was seven.."

"Four years later.. I find out I'm a wizard. I go to Diagon Alley with Hagrid, and there, I see an owl that looks just like the hawk." He smiled again. "Hagrid must've noticed me staring at her, because—"

"Because then, he bought Hedwig for you?" She asked, and Harry nodded.

"But then, it came back." He said. "It came back. I saw it when I was a first year.. I met it again when Ron, Fred and George broke me out of Dursley's house. It even clawed Uncle Vernon's eyes out."

"I know it's just twice.. and it isn't as much as it used to visit me when I was a toddler but.." he took a deep breath. "But it just.. makes me happy that it's still here. That I haven't lost a friend."

When Harry finally looked at her, he had been expecting her to hold back a smile at his silly story.

"That's.. That's really beautiful."

But she had just been gazing over at him while listening, all too intently. She cared so much, Merlin! It made his heart feel full.

"What?" She asked with a light chuckle, seeing his expression.

"I— uh.." he shook his head. "I thought you were gonna laugh and tell me that it was a stupid story." He said with a small, nervous laugh of his own.

Ria shook her head quickly. "No, it's not! Who told you that? It's really sweet."

Though Harry's expression changed. She hadn't noticed the small teardrop clinging onto her lower eyelash, but he had.

His smile was now softer. "Everything alright?" She nodded, now wiping that tear away. "Why don't you.. Why don't you tell me about it?" He offered.

She shook her head, chuckling again to get over the subject. "No. No. This one's actually stupid. Don't worry."

"Hey, come on, now.."

"No.. I swear." She insisted. "It doesn't even resemble your story. I don't even know why I remembered it now.."

"Ria.." he said, voice sincere as he tried to convince her.

She left a tense breath as she tried to stop her tingling nose. Come on, I don't wanna cry. I don't wanna lose control again.

"Um.. it happened when I was seven too." The start was good.. everything under control.

God, she wished she talked about it more often before, just so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed now.

"I remember my Dad came to see me in my room.. with his bag." She mumbled. "I was sleepy, so I don't remember it much clearly.. but he said he was going on a long trip. For work."

"We won't see each other for a while, okay, love?"

Ria took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Maybe she should just act emotionless.. see how her powers work off, then.

"Then.. he handed me his guitar before he left."

"Would you take care of our guitar, until then? I don't want to lose it. You'll keep it safe, won't you?"

"Of course, Dad! When will you be back?"

"I waited.. and waited."

"As soon as I can, my love."

"And.. well, he never came back."

A hand enveloped hers, and she felt a tinge of comfort warm her heart. She gave him a soft smile.

The moment Ria had returned back to 1991 was a moment of pure happiness for her. She was so sure that she was going to see him again.. That the only thing keeping her family apart was this accident with the time-turner.

Turns out, there was one truth among the many lies her mother was telling her.

"I mean.. I didn't know they were had seperated." She said, for the sake of keeping the time-turner accident a secret. "I didn't know what divorce was, probably, at seven. That's why he must've told me that he'd come back."

"But then.. I grew up. And I was told about the divorce." She clicked her tongue. "He's living in Romania, now, probably in his hometown, Bucharest, we don't really know. And we haven't talked to him since then." Her voice cracked at the end.

"Hey.." He said, keeping his arms around her, ready to take her in a hug if she needed him to.

"Sorry. I'm fine. Sorry." She chuckled, clearing her throat. "But it— it baffles me, you know?"

"What baffles you?" He asked, thumb stroking her back as he tried to soothe her.

"He used to tell me he loved me so much." She said, lips curled up in a small, sadistic smile that held her pain. "He used to call me and Mum by all the lovely nicknames in the world. He also used to sing me songs.. especially this one—"

"..this one called Blackbird. You know- blackbird singing in the dead of night.." she sang the verse for him, and he nodded. "He loved the Beatles.. and this one wasn't really one of his favourites, but he used to sing it for me, because I loved hearing him sing it."

She exhaled some of her heaviness away. "I even learned how to play it on the guitar, so I could surprise him when he comes back. But yeah.. that happened." She faked a chuckle, staring off into the depths of the forests. "Well.. anyway. Sorry for dragging you in my sob story—"

Her words were cut off when Harry pulled her close to his chest, arms covering her in a way that shielded her from the cold. And then, she felt his lips press a soft kiss on her forehead.

"You say sorry way too much, don't you think?" He said, and she could feel his chest shudder with a chuckle under her cheek.

"Don't worry, love." He hummed. "No one's leaving you behind anymore. We'll always be here."

Ria felt like she could cry. She wanted to, but she didn't; tears did not come to her this time. She just smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying his warmth, and the rhythm of his heart.

"You don't have to worry at all. I'll always be here."

Asteria knocked on the door. A feeble 'come in' came from inside. She stepped inside and smiled at her DADA Professor before fully entering the room.

"Good evening, Professor!" She greeted him. And her merry tone took a little of his tiredness away.

Sunshine.. just like they said.

"Good evening, Asteria." He smiled at her. "So.. what brings you here for detention, this afternoon?" He asked.

Ria shrugged, placing her bag on the chair in front of his table. "Well.. some Ravenclaw douche had been preaching his theories about me. He thought that I either had practised the Dark Arts, or that I was an Obscurial." She answered. "And to be honest, both of them are pretty bad."

First, she had no interest in Dark Arts. Second, she didn't believe that her mother would treat her in a way that'd make her develop an Obscurus. Isabella Diggory was an absolute sweetheart when it came to her children.

Lupin left out a weak chuckle. "Yes, they are."

She raised a questioning eyebrow at his tone. "Are you alright, Professor?"

He nodded. "Just a little fever. Nothing a Potion can't solve." She nodded at his answer. "Now.. about your detention. I needed some help cleaning the Grindylow tanks while I check the homework." He answered. "I have to be at the hospital tonight. Don't have much time to do both."

She nodded, walking towards the tanks where she saw the gloves and all the equipment laid out. "Will you be taking tomorrow's class, Professor?"

"No, I won't, unfortunately." He sighed. "How are your classes with Professor McGonagall coming off?"

She chuckled, shaking her head. "Don't ask, sir. I'm as bad as Harry is at Potions." Lupin chuckled fondly at her answer.

"By the way, sir, I heard you were teaching Harry how to produce a Patronus, so he could defend himself against Dementors," said Ria. "I wish I could attend too, but I can't because of my classes with McGonagall."

"It's alright." He mused. "Once you've learned how to control your powers, it won't be any hard for you to produce a Patronus. That's the thing about being an Enchantress." said Lupin. "Spells become easier once you get hold of your magic."

"Hmm.." Ria hummed. "I don't think I've heard about that one, Professor."

"Really?" He quipped. "I thought your mother would've told you. Those are her words, after all."

Ria tilted her head, looking up at him curiously from behind the tank's glass. "You knew my mother, Professor?"

He nodded. "I knew both of your parents through school. Isabella was the same year as me, Daniel was a year older. When I saw you on the train, I recognised you right away." He smiled. "You look so much like Daniel.. you have his eyes. Yet you have the personality of your mother."

Ria chuckled, returning to work. "I've been told." She muttered. "So.. you must've known my godfather Peter, James Potter and Sirius Black too, I assume?"

He sighed again, looking down at his work. "Yes, unfortunately." He said for Black.

No one had ever thought..

Ria saw his falling expression, and quickly changed the topic. "How were my parents while at Hogwarts, Professor?"

Lupin chuckled as he looked up at the ceiling, with a smile that told her he was reminiscing about his days. "Well.. they had quite the rivalry. No. Not rivalry. They hated each other. Always found ways to prank each other."

Ria smiled again. So.. brother's best friend, and enemies to lovers? Damn her parents had had some love story.

"Isabella was the popular, mischievous, athletic, short-tempered girl from Gryffindor, while Daniel.. he was the smart, kind, also mischievous boy from Hufflepuff. Students mostly knew him through the House Parties though. He was even the pianist at James and Lily's wedding." He said. "He was an aspiring musician; everybody knew it."

"So.. what was your reaction when they got together?" She asked absent-mindedly.

This time, he let out a laugh. "If someone would've told me in my fifth year, that Isabella Diggory and Daniel Edwards were getting married and having a child? I would've laughed at their faces." He said, shaking his head fondly. "Merlin, they were always at each other's throats."

"But after the 1996 summer, something changed." His smile had slowly disappeared now, and Ria couldn't figure out the intention behind it. "Maybe, they realised, they knew each other more than they thought they did.."

Ria sighed. "Sweet. But that didn't last long, did it?"

He nodded with a small, pitying smile. "Yes, it didn't." He looked at her face which was drooped in sadness. "I'm sorry about what happened."

Ria gave out a small chuckle, shaking her head. "It's alright." She muttered. "I still have Mum. She does everything for me, and sometimes.. maybe I forget to appreciate it."

She then looked up at him with a warm smile. "But I love her though. She's the best Mum ever."

Professor Lupin couldn't help the smile that dawned on his face. Asteria's eyes looked just as kind as they did all those years ago, when she was a child.

A knock echoed through the now quiet room, and Lupin said a 'come in'. The door opened a little, and Snape entered the room with a goblet in his hand.

"Your Potion, Professor Lupin." He said, half with distaste as he placed it on his table and quickly turned to leave.

"Ah.. thank you, Professor Snape—" Before he could complete, the door was shut closed. He sighed.

Ria was looking at the familiar goblet with all her mind. The similar coloured fumes too..

"Some talented Potions' student was kind enough to brew this Potion for me." He said, and Ria's eyes snapped to him as she nodded hesitantly.

Yeah, no shit. I brewed that Potion. It's Wolfsbane.

The star chart in her mind was involuntarily activated, and then it made sense. It was the full moon today.

Professor Lupin was a werewolf.

She resisted her urge to widen her eyes as she watched him gulp the Wolfsbane Potion in one go. God, it must taste awful. He was quick to make a face after finishing.

"I'm.. I'm done, sir." She informed him, gesturing at the now clean tank.

"Oh.. thank you, Asteria. Then, I end your detention here. You may leave." He managed to say through his sour face.

Ria nodded, continuing to put the cleaning equipment in place. When she was done, she took her bag and quickly rushed to the door.

But then, before she could close the door, she peeked back inside.

"Uh— Professor Lupin?" The man looked at her expectantly. "I hope you have a less painful night.." said Ria with a small, genuine smile.

Lupin raised an eyebrow, all too surprised that she had known. But then it made sense.

Oh.. she must've brewed it. Severus Snape was her Godfather now.

"Don't worry, sir." She added, then placed her hand around her mouth and whispered, "your secret is safe with me."

Those words and her kind expressions were enough to have him relieved. He smiled back at her. "You're a clever witch.. Thank you."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

[word count: 4047]

a/n: double update cuz I got ANOTHER cousin's wedding to attend this week..
and another family friend's..
seriously the month of May in India is just so hectic bruv like everyone's getting married in May

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