⏤ 34. courage

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"What do you think the next task will be?" Theo asked, making Blaise shrug. Sophie ignored the question, instead continued to read the Daily Prophet with a frustrated look.

"Don't remind me.. Let me be at peace until it arrives." Ria answered, shoving a spoonful of sprouts in her mouth.

"What does this woman think of herself?!" Sophie muttered angrily, slamming the paper on the table.

'Hermione Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum.'

Ria snorted at the 'bonbon' part, but recovered quickly at the next words.

'No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow. He has been in a state of heartbreak since his prior admirer, Asteria Edwards, seems to have her heart made up to move on; her new interests being Blaise Zabini from her own friend circle, and another handsome 5th year, Louis Bonheur.

Ria rolled her eyes, continuing to eat. "Ignore that.. Just eat."

"I'm not hungry anymore.." She muttered.

"The Daily Prophet admirers might have their appetite satisfied with this bullshit, but you need proper food, love." Her friend chimed, pushing a bowl of porridge towards her. The Hufflepuff glowered at her for a good second before accepting it.

"Louis Bonheur? That Boner guy from the sorting?" Theo asked. She nodded.

"Yep, I met him on the way when I was going to the champions' tent— wait— How does she know I met him?" asked Ria, snatching the newspaper from Sophie's hands.

"Hold on.." said Blaise with a small smile. "Didn't know you had a thing for me, Ri.." he winked at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah.. I'll let you know if I survive in Azkaban after killing a bitchy reporter." She replied. "Lord, there is murder on my mind. Please say something that'll demotivate me.." She muttered.

Sophie hurriedly gulped her food. "Well.. you have to attend all those concerts.. ABBA.. One Direction.. Marina.. and some else I don't remember. You haven't found the romance you've always dreamed of, yet.. Oh— and these two's brat-taming isn't finished yet. Don't forget about that." She said, gently patting Blaise and Theodore's cheeks.


"Come on!"

Ria nodded. "Right. Thanks."

Suddenly, some owls came swooping over the Great Hall. It was time for mail. Two distinct, dark owls dropped a large package on their table, almost knocking over Blaise's porridge bowl. Theo checked the name tag quickly.

"Ria.. It's for you." At this, Asteria pushed the Daily Prophet aside and opened the package hurriedly, curious for what was in it. Inside laid something wrapped in brown paper and a note.

Dear Ria,

Hey, honey! I've been reading Daily Prophet and.. *frustrated sigh* do you mind if I just transform into a Hawk and claw that woman's eyes out?

"Please, I'll be glad.." she sputtered.

Anyway.. I know you didn't expect a parcel. But seeing as you will need this.. I had to.

Remember that one dress of mine? You loved it so much that you told me you wanted to wear it to your first Ball?

Ria's eyes slightly widened, and she peeked into the package, chuckling in delight when she saw the familiar maroon fabric. Words couldn't explain how much she loved her mother.

Yeah.. there's an event like that. And I'll be coming there soon enough.

Love you,

"What is it?"

Ria hurriedly opened the package, grinning wide at the vintage dress. They had found it in her grandparents' house, where now Amos lived. Isabella had fondly told her how she had worn it at the Christmas Ball in her seventh year. She had tried it again that night, and it still fit her like a glove.

And looking at how stunning her mother looked, Ria had decided that she was going to wear it to her first Ball.

"A dress? For what?" Sophie asked, but soon gasped after seeing the beautiful material. Ria had the same reaction. She got up and held it to her collar so she could see it properly. Merlin.. she couldn't wait to try it on.

"Merlin's beard! That's beautiful!" Amelia exclaimed from across the table. Ria nodded in agreement as she held the dress to her body, trying to imagine how she'd look in this.

"Hey— hey! Look at Clark Kent.." whispered Blaise as he nudged Theo.

Ron and Hermione were gushing over Ria, while Harry had his back turned. He saw his friends' gaze and turned around with a goblet to his mouth, only to see Ria holding a gorgeous dress in front of her.

His mind created an image of Asteria in that dress, making him spit his pumpkin juice out.

Blaise and Theo collapsed in fits of laughter, making Harry turn around rapidly towards his friends, who were now laughing too.

"Oh— Salazar.. who knew Potter could be so entertaining.." Blaise shook his head, looking at him, but he was already staring hard at him. He stopped laughing. "What?"

Theo shook his head, moving his eyes from Blaise's cheek. "You have a dimple." He said.

He shrugged in an obvious manner. "Duh. You saw that now?"

Theodore nodded. He hadn't really noticed it before. "Yeah." After a moment, they looked at Ria again. "Wonder what that dress is for, though.."

"The Yule Ball is approaching.." At the cold statement from Snape, murmurs of excitement broke out in the dungeon. "I'm not finished yet," Severus snapped and walked around the circle made by students. "It's a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialise with our foreign guests."

"The Ball will be open only to fourth years and above—" In front of Ria, Astoria Greengrass muttered a sad 'aww man'. "—although you may invite a younger student if you wish." He instructed.

"Now.." He walked towards a giant record player. "We're having someone to guide you for the dance—"

"Diggory!" a voice called from the doorway, and every head turned. "Isabella Diggory." She introduced, walking towards them.

Ria blinked slowly before shaking her head. "Honestly, why am I not surprised?" She muttered.

"An ex-student of Hogwarts, Ex-Quidditch player, Magizoologist, your House head's old friend and the mother of your fellow Slytherin." She sent a quick wink towards her daughter, making her playfully roll her eyes.

The students watched in shock as she propped her elbow on Snape's shoulder, and he didn't make any move to oppose her. Perhaps they were wondering how she was even friends with him.

"Damn.." Amelia whispered faintly.

"Before we start, I want all of you to behave sophisticatedly at the Yule Ball," Severus warned. "—and don't dare to try and put shame on Salazar Slytherin's and our school's name. Penetrate these words in those thick skulls of yours."

Isabella snorted at the word 'penetrate', making Snape look back at her with an 'are you serious' look. Caught up with the joke, many students chuckled after Isabella.

"Quiet!" He bellowed, making the classroom go silent again. "Seeing as this is a Ball— uh— you may bring dates." He stated awkwardly. "Now, Isabella.." He gestured her to take the lead, making her nod.

"Okay.. I need someone to help me here—" At Isabella's sentence, several older students.. boys and girls.. stood up from their seats. And Ria pursed her lips.

Isabella waved her hand, ignoring all the commotion, and pointed towards someone. "Ah— Theo— Theodore Nott! Come here!"

Ria almost slipped from her seat, and so did Blaise, from beside her. "Is she being serious right now?" Blaise whispered as the two turned their heads towards their friend; who stared at Isabella as if she had asked him for his kidney.

"Go on, mate.." Ria encouraged, trying to hide her smile and pushed him. He nearly fell from his seat, making many around him snigger, but they went mum under Snape's stony gaze.

The brunette slowly stood up and walked towards Isabella, who just smiled warmly at him, oblivious to his nervous condition. Or was she?

She held his wrists and pulled him to the centre of the circle. It was becoming harder for Blaise and Ria to hide their chuckles, looking at Theo's expressions.

"Now.. put your right hand on my waist." Isabella instructed. And Theo almost tripped on thin air.

He stared at her, baffled. "Wh— Where?" He whimpered, his voice an octave higher. And Ria had to smack Blaise to make him stop snickering. The two were so glad that they were at the back of the class.

"My waist, Theodore." Isabella repeated and led his hand to her waist as Snape started music. They waltzed around the room between the students while Theo tried not to trip on their feet. What he didn't know was that his friends were almost dying because of wheezing too hard, in the back of the class.

If there was a way to tattoo moving pictures, Asteria would've had this tattooed on her forearm, with no regrets.

"Come on, everyone! Pick your partners and practice!" Isabella chirped, making the students shuffle around.

"Wanna dance?" asked Blaise, wiping a stray tear from his cheek.

"Sure, why not?" Ria answered, but then a blonde head gripped her hand and led her away.

"Go dance with Pansy." He said to Blaise.

Malfoy twirled Ria, and soon, they were in the proper Ball dancing position. "What the hell was that?" asked Ria, confused.

"You owed me." He said.

Ria raised an eyebrow. "So.. you wanna dance because of that?"

Malfoy rolled his eyes, gaze flickering towards Blaise and Pansy. "Oh.. you don't wanna dance with her.. Why? What happened?" She asked with a flicker of amusement.

"She's become.. sort of.. obsessed."

"Ahh.." she nodded. "But what if I don't wanna dance with you?"

"Well— you have to!" said Draco. "She fears you.. won't say anything to your face." He said sulkily.

She snorted. "Does she? That feels great to know." She said, sparing a look towards her. Blaise and Pansy.. it looked like none of them wanted to dance with the other.

Malfoy scoffed, taking her attention. "I don't know why though.. You don't look scary." He chuckled. "Pretty sure that punch in third-year wasn't that hard either.. Such an overreaction, Parkinson."

Ria tilted her head. "You don't know that." She chuckled. "And a punch isn't the only thing I can land."

"Yeah? What else?"

She didn't really have anything specific in her mind, but she grinned wide nonetheless. And when she saw Malfoy's smile falter with wariness, she knew she had succeeded.

She loved to scare people.

"Why— Why are you smiling like that, Edwards?" He asked. "Stop. You look creepy."

She stopped, but still had a small smile on her face. "You know what? Maybe I'll give my first Christmas gift to you, this year.." she said, staring at him jarringly.

What is she going to do?

"Hey— Hey, Pansy? Let's dance!" Malfoy was quick to rush away, making Ria chuckle.

"Man.. your mother's going to be the death of me." Theo said as soon as he walked towards her, and she laughed. "Not funny, Edwards."

Seeing as Blaise had been dancing with Amelia now, Theo and Ria practised together.

"What did you say to Malfoy, by the way? He looked traumatised." He confessed.

"Literally nothing." She said, shaking her head.

"And.. I don't believe you." He answered as he spun her. "So, who are you going with?"

Ria shrugged. "Haven't decided yet."

Theodore pursed his lips in disappointment. "Man.. have some confidence, Ria. You're supposed to say Potter."

The girl sighed. "Merlin! Forget it, Theo. It's not going to happen— I'm not waiting."

"No.." He whined, eyebrows knitted and everything. "Stop ignoring him and watch him. He's clearly head over heels. You're just too dense to notice—"

"Hear, hear!" said Amelia quickly before waltzing away with Blaise again.

And Ria huffed. "Why is everyone in my business more than I am?"

"Ria, listen!" Theo snapped, seeming annoyed by her thinking. "You are good looking and you have a good personality, even though at times you may come off as a bit pushy and annoying as fuck."

She rolled her eyes at that. "Jeez, thanks."

"Potter has to be the brave Gryffindor he is and accept his feelings some day. I can bet my fucking life that if he sees you with someone else, he'll stop functioning."

Ria raised an eyebrow. "Stop functioning? Like you do when my mother comes around?" She smirked, and his ears went red.

"I— er— I— I do not—"

"Wuyoujoinsthebowl?" Blaise mocked from behind him, and the two bursted out laughing at how red his face turned after that.

Harry stared at the girl, nervously tapping his foot beneath the table. He watched as Ria wrote furiously in her notebook, a small smile clear on her face. It had been some days since they had known about the Yule Ball, and five girls had asked him out.

"Are you just going to watch or get up and ask her to the Ball?!" Ron thundered from beside him, scaring the living soul out of him.

He rested his hand on his chest and took a reassuring breath. "You think it's easy?" He asked, moving her gaze back on the girl, who had just started silently celebrating for some unknown reason. He subconsciously smiled.

"Take a picture. It might last longer!" George's voice made him drop his gaze down, and a light blush appeared on his face.

"Ah.. young love.." Fred sighed, putting a hand on his heart. "So.. have you got dates to the ball yet?"

"Nope," responded Ron.

"Well, you'd better hurry, mate, or all the good ones will be gone," said Fred.

"Who're you going with, then?" said Ron.

"Angelina," he answered promptly, without a trace of embarrassment.

"What?" said his little brother, taken aback. "You've already asked her?"

"Good point," said Fred. He turned his head and called across the table, "Oi! Angelina!"

Angelina Johnson, who had been chatting with Alicia Spinnet across from where Asteria was sitting, looked over at him. "What?" she called back.

"Want to go to the Ball with me?" 

Angelina gave Fred an appraising sort of look. "Sure? Why not?" she said, and she turned back to Alicia and carried on chatting with a bit of a grin on her face.

"There you go," said Fred to Harry and Ron, "piece of cake."

Harry looked at him in disbelief. No, it wasn't that simple! At all!

"Go on, Harry. Ask her out!" George encouraged him. The boy in question passed him a wary look before looking away.

"You told them?" He muttered to Ron. Having heard that, the twins plopped down on either side of him.

"It's not really a secret, mate." Fred said, making him go even more red. "Why do you think we carry a long list of names?" 

Harry stared at them, dumbfounded.

George added. "Almost thirty people, including the staff—"

"—and students, have been betting on you two since last year." Fred completed his twin, amused.

"What?" He asked in panic, and the three Weasley brothers only nodded.

"Hey, Asteria!" Their eyes snapped towards the voice, and they saw a Hufflepuff from Cedric's friend circle. Ria smiled at the familiar face.

"I was wondering.." He pulled out a red rose from behind him. "Would you like to go to the ball with me?" He asked with a sly grin.

The four on the Gryffindor table looked closely at the interaction, but left their breaths simultaneously as Ria gave him an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry, Chris.."

His smile faded away, while Harry had a silent celebration internally. Chris ruffled his hair, slightly embarrassed.

"Well— Ced told me you would wait for someone.." Ria went a bit red at the statement. "But can't blame a guy for trying.." He shrugged. "Keep the rose?" He held it out.

"Oh.. sure. Thanks." She took it. "You're really sweet. I hope you find a date soon."

"Yeah.. you too." He said before leaving. And Ria turned back to her work.

"But, she's rejected seven dates since the past few days!" Harry whispered. "What makes you think she'll go with me?! Who do you think she's waiting for?"

"You— You idiot!" The three exclaimed together, giving Harry another minor jump scare.

Angelina and Alicia left the table, and Ron nudged Harry. "Go, mate. It's now or never."

Yes, now or never. Harry took a deep breath and nodded. He got up from his seat, but his legs went jiggly. He stood in his place, unsure, until George pushed him.

He walked towards Ria, feeling his heart rate increase with every step. What if she rejects?

Thoughts rushed through his mind, and he eyed the untouched goblet full of pumpkin juice in front of her. What if she gets angry and splashes it on my face?

"Ria!" A blonde Slytherin, Daphne Greengrass, came running towards her. and Harry spun in his place. He grabbed the nearest goblet— which was empty— and started sipping on nothing.

He waited and waited as they talked, not really paying attention to their words since he was busy crafting up his own.

What should I say? What should I say? Hey, Ria.. I needed to tell you something—

No, no. Stupid idea. Very stupid. Don't confess right away, you moron!

Hey, Ria.. you don't have a partner yet.. and I don't either, so let's—

No. She'll slap me. I'm making it sound like she's the last option left for me.

What else? What else?

His mind either blanked out or kept slipping into incomprehensible chaos. He sighed in frustration. I shouldn't have come.. It was a bad idea.

"Harry?" He halted dead in his tracks and turned to her with a nervous smile. "Hey!" Asteria greeted him, looking very joyous. Daphne had left already.

"Hey?" Harry greeted back, feeling his throat go dry. His mind went back to the day she was holding the dress in front of her. The colour would look so majestic on her, almost like a princess..

No.. like a badass assassin attending her enemy's Ball, more like. That's what she'd prefer over princess, anyway. His subconscious added.

Then, his mind created breath-taking scenarios of her walking down the stairs in that dress, all ready and beautiful. She would walk towards him with a shy smile.

He would extend his hand for her, and her face would light up like the northern skies. She would hold his hand, giving him butterflies all over even if they had held hands several times before.

They would dance to the slow song, inching closer steadily; with their hearts beating in sync, like couples did in fairytales and romance novels.

He would finally gather courage and tell her about his feelings..

And then she would pull a dagger from behind her and stab him for even daring to have feelings for his best friend.

"You wanted to ask something?" questioned Ria, her tone hopeful. Harry came out of his imagination and gulped. An alarm went off in his head.

"..No." He stuttered out, spinning on his place and walking away. The three Weasleys facepalmed.

Ria watched him leave, feeling her heart break again. What was I expecting? She slammed her book shut and stomped out of the Great Hall.

She felt tears brimming her eyes, a heavy lump in her throat. Honestly, why was I expecting? She wiped her tears away and breathed in.

She entered her dorm to find Theo and Blaise waiting for her. The two looked up at her.

"Why am I waiting for him?" She said. "It's been nine days and I know who he's going to ask! Then why am I still expecting him to ask me to the Ball?" She bellowed, her voice heavy as she plopped on the seat between them.

"What did he say?" asked Blaise.

"Nothing!" Ria replied, disappointed. He raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Then what's the problem?" He asked.

Ria scoffed. "That's the exact problem.. He said nothing! If he wanted to, he would say something."

Theo shook his head in mere disbelief. "Why is he so thick?" He questioned.

"I don't know!" She huffed. "Anyway, enough about me.. What about you two?" She asked.

"I asked Daphne Greengrass. She said yes." Theo shrugged carelessly.

"Daphne?" asked Blaise. "Why her?"

"Eh.. She's a good friend. She's good looking and decent. Why not?" He answered. "And I've attended enough Balls.. one more isn't gonna make me anymore excited."

"Yeah.. that's true for me too." said Zabini.

Their attention was taken by Sophie, who had just entered the dorm. "Guys.." Her voice was in disbelief.

"What?" they asked with concern. She walked towards them, taking a seat in front.

"Mal— Malfoy just asked me out to the Ball." She croaked out.

Ria slapped her hand to her mouth, shocked. No way, he had dared to ask her out.

"What did you say?" Blaise asked, concerned for her.

"No, of course!" She replied, and the three visibly relaxed. "Since I'm going with Justin."

"Oh.. Thank Salazar. Phew!" whispered Theo, mockingly flicking the sweat off his forehead. "Now.. What about you two?" He asked Blaise and Ria.

"I don't know.." she shrugged, then looked at him.

"I asked Parvati Patil, from Gryffindor." He said.

Ria raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I did not see that coming. How'd that happen?"

"Nothing too complicated. She's really pretty— both of the sisters, actually." He explained. "She hasn't said 'yes' yet though.. she's waiting on someone. If that doesn't work, she'll go with me."

"And.. you are okay with that?" asked Sophie.

He shrugged. "Like I said, it's not complicated. We need partners. And I've attended enough Balls too.. Don't feel excited for them anymore.."

Sophie blinked, looking between the two. "Then why don't you two go together?" She suggested.

"Oh.. right! You can.." said Theo, realising it a bit too late. "Didn't you also have a crush on Ria when you first met?"

Ria looked at him with a surprised smile. "Zabini!" He rolled his eyes. "Is that true?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yeah.. yeah." He nodded lazily. "But I got over it once I realised how damn annoying you were."


"Wait—wait. But what about Harry?" Sophie asked.

Ria sighed. "I'm not waiting for Harry anymore.. I'll see if someone asks me out. Or else I'll just go alone. Not a big deal for me, actually." She shrugged.

"Oh, hell no. You aren't going alone." said Blaise, a bit outraged. "I'll let Parvati know that I have my conditions too. If you don't get a partner, I'll ask you out, and we'll go together!"

Her face lit up. "Really? Thanks."

He grinned mischievously. "Of course.. Anything for my girlfriend."

Ria rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Don't start that again!" She groaned, making Sophie shake her head in defeat, while Nott and Zabini bumped their fists victoriously.

The Great Hall was filled with students completing their remaining work before the Christmas holidays start. Ria was seated with the Gryffindor Trio.. well.. because Hermione had asked her to, for some reason.

Sophie, Blaise, Theodore.. and Cedric.. had been sitting right behind them on the other table. They were hoping to hear some things.

"This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Ron muttered, and Professor Snape shoved his head back into his work. He chuckled. "Well, us and Neville of course."

"Yeah, but then again, he can take himself.." Harry chuckled, making Ria roll his eyes.

"How depressed are they going to be after finding out that he's got a date?" She muttered to herself.

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone." Hermione informed, making their smiles drop.

"Yeah, take that fuckers." She muttered again.

Ron quietly looked into his work. "Now, I'm really depressed."

Then something seemed to click in his head. If his friend wouldn't dare to ask his crush out, he was going to set him up.

"Oi, Hermione, Ria. You are girls." He shrugged. Harry's face lit up, seeming to catch up with his plan.

The two girls looked up at the ginger, their pace dangerously slow. "Very well spotted." Hermione hissed.

"Queen Elizabeth will soon invite you to her Palace to give you an award for this outstanding discovery." Ria snapped, but cast her eyes down as Snape smacked the Golden trio with his book.

"You can go with Ron, Hermione. And er— Ria can come with me.." Harry shrugged.

At the statement, Cedric slowly looked up. "Asking Ria out as a last option— Is he being fucking serious right now?"

Really? He had thought Ria had better standards from all the romance novels she had been reading.

"She's about to snap.." Sophie muttered. "Is that weird, I can sense her aura change?"

Blaise and Theo shook their heads in unison. "Nope." They'd been with her long enough to sense the change in her mood.

Ria looked up at him. "Couldn't find a date, Mr. Champion?" She taunted, and the rest of the quad gave out a single, taunting chuckle to encourage her. "Well— why don't you go ask dear Celine? Sure, she always has time for you."

Harry huffed, "Thanks for the great idea." He snapped back sarcastically.

Cedric was about to get up, but Sophie pulled him back down. "No!" She whispered to him. "If you go there now, she'll slap you first!"

Ron sighed, disappointed. "Aw, come on! Cheer up. And anyway, it's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl, it's just sad."

Ria's eyes turned into a cold gaze, and a chill ran down their spines. "Well.. you'd like to know that we don't need boys to enjoy. We are very much content on our own, thank you." She got up.

"And I won't be going alone because believe it or not, unlike you, someone's paid attention and asked me!" Hermione snapped before getting up..

The two submitted their books to Snape and returned to take their stuff. "And I said yes!" Hermione whispered harshly, walking away with Ria.

"And they say Slytherins are ill-mannered." sighed Blaise, making the two Gryffindors glare at him.

"Can you shut up? It's not like we can't hear you."

"Well.. I'm not gonna shut up, since I'm not the one to upset a girl." He threw a sarcastic smile towards Harry.

"Then why don't you go ask her out, if you're so chivalrous?" He retorted.

The sarcastic smile didn't leave. "I did, Potter, because she's my friend and I couldn't have her go alone like that. She said she was waiting for someone." He answered, hoping that he would take the damn hint.

Ron gave him a small nudge. "See? I told your delusional arse that they didn't have anything going on!" He whispered to him. "What else do you need?"

Harry blinked. Really.. what else did he need?

'No.. you don't believe that, do you?' said a voice in his head, and he felt his assurance cower.

Of course..

Asteria rushed into her room, feeling angry again. Her hands wandered through the shelves, trying to find a spare piece of parchment.

And when she found one, she settled on her desk, writing her fury out on paper.

Hey Dad,

How have you been? Now, I know it hasn't really been long since I wrote to you, but I just needed someone to talk to.

'Maybe he's just in shock that I reached out after so long.' She thought. 'Maybe this one will make him realise that the first letter wasn't a mistake.'

I don't know why I'm ranting to you.. You haven't even replied to the first letter. But, I just feel better after writing to you. Is it weird?

By the way, we have a Ball! Exciting, isn't it? I've heard from Ced that the seventh-year students have their own little farewell party around Christmas, and this year they're a bit mad for having to share it with us. You used to have them too, right? Oh, I bet it was the one where you helped Mum break into a party. I'm right, aren't I?

Anyway.. I still don't have a partner! Merlin, that's frustrating! 

Okay, let me tell you the truth.. I've been waiting for so long! I've dropped so many hints and he just doesn't freaking get it! And if he doesn't pick up soon, I'm gonna slap him in the face by proposing to someone else, and it'll be right in front of him!

Okay, maybe I wrote a little too much. I hope you don't mind (and I hope you weren't that oblivious).


Harry sighed, staring off into the fireplace. Had he messed up yet another chance of asking Ria to the Yule ball? Yes, he had.

Was he feeling dreadful about it? Again.. a big, fat yes.

He had asked Celine, and she had said yes. But it wasn't the same as Ria. No one could take her place.

Ron was right.. I should've plucked up the courage. Even if she would've stabbed me, at least I would've died at the hands of Asteria Edwards, and not Voldemort.

"It's okay, Ron. It's alright, it doesn't matter." Ginny's amused but concerned voice took his attention. And he turned to see a group of girls, along with Ria, bringing a baffled Ron into the Gryffindor common room.

"What happened to you?" asked Harry, slightly concerned.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out." Ginny informed, and Ria snorted.

"What?" Hermione came in, concerned too.

"What did she say?" Harry asked, though he knew the answer.

"No, of course." Hermione voiced out his thoughts. Ron pursed his lips and shook his head regretfully. "She said yes?!" she whispered in shock.

"Don't be silly.." answered Ron. "There she was, walking by.." A weird, sad smile adorned his face, "..You know how I like it when they walk." Harry nodded.

"I couldn't help it. It just sort of slipped out."

"Actually, he sort of screamed at her.. It was a bit funny." Ria sniggered. But at Ron's depressed look, she shut her mouth.

"What did you do then?" Harry asked.

"What else? I ran for it!" He answered. "I'm not cut out for this, Harry. I don't know what got into me."

The group around them slowly cleared out. "Anyway.." Ria cleared her throat, sparing a look at the young Potter. "I would've stayed longer, but I have lessons with Minnie. I'll see you later." she added, wanting to get away from Harry as soon as possible.

She wished he wasn't so adorable all the time. It was hard to not look at him, this year especially.. with his blazing green eyes, sculpted cheekbones, and long messy hair.

"Wait— who are you going with then?" Hermione asked Ron, and Ria stayed to hear the answer.

"Who knows.. Will you go with me?" He asked.

"I told you I'm going with someone! Get that in your thick head!" Hermione snapped, getting up and sitting across the room, while Ria smiled like a proud mother at her response.

Ron the looked at Ria hopefully, and her smile vanished. "She just snapped at you.. Don't have me yelling at you and blasting something off in here." She warned, making him look down.

"Do you know Parvati Patil?" She asked.

He nodded. "Of course, she's a Gryffindor too."

"Yeah.." she nodded. "Blaise is taking her.. and from her, he got to know that her sister, Padma, doesn't have a date yet. You may have a chance."

Ron nodded again. "Okay.. Her nose isn't off-centred, is it?" Ria gave an irritated sigh, and he quickly apologised. "Sorry— sorry.."

"What about you, Harry?" He asked.

"What do you mean? They're not going together?" asked Ginny, looking between Ria and Harry like a lost child.

"No. I'm going alone." Ria simply responded. Ginny looked at them in shock and opened her mouth to speak. "No, I'm not joking." The Slytherin voiced her exact thought, making her stop.

"I'm going with Celine." replied Harry, closely watching Ria's reaction for any hint of jealousy.

She glared at him, subtly ignoring her heartache and then passed a sarcastic smile. "Good for you."

"Wow.." The youngest Weasley threw a look of disbelief towards Harry before ascending up the stairs to her dorm. Who would've thought?

Before Harry could speak, Ria had walked away already. He huffed, feeling a bit bad. "She is joking about going alone, isn't she?"

Ron shrugged. "You heard her, mate."

The two joined a very pissed-off Hermione across the room. As Ria was about to leave the common room, the portrait swung open and two fifth year Gryffindors; Matthew Alexander and Louis Bonheur entered.

Louis Bonheur.. Harry shook his head distastefully. No, she wouldn't be interested in him. It was just another spice added to the news by Rita Skeeter. Ria probably doesn't even know him..

But then, Zabini's words came rushing back to him. "I did, Potter. She said she was waiting for someone."

Harry slightly perked up in his seat, trying to see what they were doing and listen to their conversation.

Ria gave the boy in front of her a warm smile, making him go slightly red and rub the back of his neck.

Harry's ears went red as Asteria laughed heartily at something Bonheur had said. She walked back inside with the two, while Harry sat back in place, trying to act like he wasn't spying on them just some seconds ago.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. They were pretty close to where he was, and he could hear them.

"Well, not really. He's told me about you!" Matthew smiled at her while Louis was anxiously rocking back and forth on his heels. And Harry could relate to his nervousness on a personal level.

She raised an eyebrow at the boy. "Oh! Good to know, Bonheur." Ria nodded, her expressions amused. Harry remembered the time she used to address him like that.

Well, it'll be soon that he takes your place too, if you don't do something about your fucked up feelings.

"I thought someone had lessons with Professor McGonagall." Harry muttered, taking the golden egg in his hand, as if inspecting it for the clue.

Asteria rolled her eyes internally. "And I thought someone knew not to mess with other people's businesses." She fired back with a smile, but anyone could see the irritation on her face.

She huffed and looked back at Bonheur; her face relaxed. "I'll have to go.. Some idiots are just hard to stand." Harry frowned at the statement. "Hope you understand. See you at the Ball!"

"Well, not really.. since I don't have a date." He muttered quietly. The girl heard it, but didn't properly acknowledge.

Harry breathed out. Well, that made it pretty sure that he's not the one she's waiting for..

As Ria walked away, Louis sighed, watching her with a content smile. Harry clutched the golden egg to his chest, holding back the urge to throw it right onto his head.

Ria stopped in her tracks. A small smile dared to grow on her face as she finally registered what he had said.

Was that her chance?

She turned back towards the boy, who was being patted impressively on the back by his friend at the opposite end of the room.

"Hey, Bonheur!" She called out, making sure the whole Gryffindor common room, and he, had heard.

The grey-eyed boy looked at her, and so did the emerald-eyed one, both curious.

"Will you go to the Ball with me?"

Matthew dramatically gasped at the question, while Louis couldn't believe her words. He couldn't believe she didn't have a date for the Ball.

"Oh, Godric! Yes!"

But a loud thud from their left startled them. Their heads snapped at the source of the noise.

Harry had fallen from the couch, face first, to the floor.

"You alright, Potter?" Matthew raised an eyebrow. Harry nodded, pushing his glasses back which were half-way down his nose.

Louis was too awestruck to even say something. He rushed towards the girl, but stopped before he could collide. Ria chuckled at his excited-self.

Like the gentlemen he was, he held his hand out for her. Ria reluctantly gave her hand, and he gently kissed her knuckles, making her face heat up. While the students who had witnessed the small proposal clapped for them.

Harry plopped down on the couch grumpily. This was it.. Everything was over.

Ria was going to the ball with someone else.

She would dance with someone else. Someone else was going to make her laugh in their arms. She was going to fall for someone that wasn't him.

And Harry would be lonely.. forever.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

[word count: 5879]

a/n: double update after so long ahhh

also I'm having the worst day ya'll T-T
I just wanted to try mango sorbet which is made from frozen mangoes
It was so good but now I have the worst cold ever :') I hate it


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