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Elio travels in style, living up to his reputation as a notorious mafia king, ruling over half of the organized crimes.

I dare say his private jet is more luxurious and probably costs more than summing Dad's mansion along with my apartment in Manhattan.

The four plush white leathered seats are placed on either side of the jet, facing each other. Behind me, separated by a glass wall, a gigantic flat-screen TV is in front of a long white couch with fluffy cushions. The table placed between us, the small pieces of wood designing the armrest, and all the other wooden-made parts, including the fully decked bar at the other end, are all ebony, polished to perfection. Its black creates a perfect contrast with the white coloring of the jet's interior.

Aside from us, a flight attendant and a pilot are on board. Elio is across from me, his focus glued to his laptop.

In less than twenty minutes we'll be landing in Florence, or as Italians call it Firenze.

I gaze at the night sky through the window, hating I'm visiting Florence for the first time under these circumstances.

I glance at Elio and my mind wanders to the revolver I saw in his drawer over a week ago. Despite Marco cautioning me not to dig deeper, I can't help my nosy brain.

Unfortunately, the information about the Mariano crime family at my disposal isn't much. Official papers state Luigi Mariano, Elio's father, had only one son.

The KM could stand for anything, but if I assume, the M is for Mariano, and Marco emphasizing not mentioning it in front of Elio, Slava, and Pietro can only mean either there's an uncharted sonโ€”highly unlikelyโ€”or a secret daughter.

But if Elio has a sister, where is she?

There's another possibility too; Elio having a wife or perhaps a fiancรฉ. Maybe she died, maybe she left and that's why he's touchy about it. It can explain why his mother and cousin wouldn't want to discuss the matter.

Although, deep down, it feels wrong... whereas the sister theory works out perfectly.

My gaze stays on Elio as I mull over the KM mystery. Maybe by delving deeper into it I might be able to save my ass from a highly possible early grave.

Elio brings his hand to his mouth, his brows furrowing as he leans to the screen. I scan his tattoos.

On his left thumb, just above its knuckle, a thin long sword has been tattooed. While on his index finger, starting below the knuckle and ending a little below his nail, a long rifle is etched. His left middle finger has the shape of a black crescent moon.

The tattoo on the back of his right hand is an anchor with a snake twirled around it. His right thumb has a thin long rose tattooed while his pinkie finger has a dagger, as though piercing through his knuckle, beautiful but aggressive.

He leans back into his seat, his gaze fixed on his laptop. "I know I'm quite the sight, hard to overlook, with this level of attractiveness and all, but I thought you'd be the exception since I'm your despicable enemy." Elio smirks and shuts his laptop.

My eyes widen and heat ferociously rushes up my neck to my cheeks. I scoff, shifting in my seat. Dammit. "Cocky asshole," I mutter and turn to face the window. "I was just thinking," I mumble. "And you happened to be in my line of sight."

"Of course." He flashes a knowing smile at me and I roll my eyes.

I wish it were possible to evaporate right here and now.

Uncomfortably, I run my fingertips over my burning cheek.

"So, what were you thinking?" Amusement colors his tone and I can hear the smile in his words.

"None of your business," I grumble.

A hearty chuckle bubbles out of him as he puts away his laptop.

I inhale sharply. "So what were you doing?"

"Going over some deals."

"You mean working on illegal transactions. " From the corner of my eye, I catch him shrugging.

Fidgeting with my necklace, the embarrassment slowly dissipates. "So... how do these meetings work? Is there going to be..." my voice trails down and my gaze sweeps over the place. "Violence?"

His brown eyes burn through me. "We won't be meeting anyone tonight, I'm just going to make a statement."

I arch an eyebrow. "Without seeing anyone?"

Elio nods.

Narrowing my eyes, I lean to the desk between us.

"If everything goes according to the plan, there shouldn't be any violence." Elio twists the silver ring on his right middle finger before taking it off and throwing it into the same bag he secured his laptop in it.

A sun is tattooed on the spot the ring was laying on. He tangles his fingers and sets his gaze on me. The sun on his right finger and the moon on his left align together in a surprisingly beautiful way. It's as though each tattoo on his fingers tells a fragment of a story and combined, they become whole.

I snap out of my observation and hold his gaze steadily.

"So no one will die? You're going to handle it like a normal person?"

"Rest assured, no one will be killed in front of you." He gives me a pointed look.

I offer a tight smile. I can't decide if it's a good thing he's considering me as an influential eyewitness, or not.

"Believe it or not, we're human too. We rather not leave a trail of dead bodies in our wake, tesorino."

I squint at the nickname.

He pays no heed to my changed expression and watches out of the narrow window. "Of course, there are some who enjoy killing, but most of us prefer others getting their hands dirty for us."

I drum my fingers on the black desk as I study his relaxed features; his sharp jawline and long lashes, while he gazes at the dark clouds and the slowly appearing city lights as we near Florence.

Chewing my bottom lip, I ask what's been infesting my mind. "Once this entire arrangement is over," I hesitantly start.

Elio nods for me to continue.

Inhaling sharply, I go on, "If I make out of it alive, will you force me to kill someone? To hold that evidence against me and stop me from capturing you and your men?"

"It's one of the options."

I tilt my head with confusion. "What are the others?"

A bitter smile arches his full lips. "I have enough dirt on your father to last me a lifetime."

Asshole. My teeth grind as I glare at him. "You're in no position to accuse my father of partaking in any illegal activity."

A cynical glint shines in his dark eyes and twists his lips.

"You're a criminal, a gangster, your words don't mean shit to me. I don't know what you'll achieve by lying about my dad, but it's probably because you're a terrible human being who enjoys messing with people's heads," I rage on.

Not breaking eye contact, he counters, "Just like a lawyer, like yourself. The only difference is, I don't ruin innocent lives, I don't kill innocent people, but you attorneys do, so maybe we're not much different."

My mouth hangs open as I stare at him dumbstruck. He cannot be serious. "How dare you compare a bunch of monstrous murderers such as yourself with me? I stand against you. People like me ensure people like you don't wreak havoc."

He cocks his head to one side. A long beat of silence passes between us.

"Lawyers always defend the cases they know one hundred percent about," Elio starts, drumming the back of his fingers on the wooden part of the armrest of his seat. "Do you truly believe you know everything about your father giving you the confidence to defend him?"

I blink a few times before furrowing my brows. "Of course I do."

Deliberately he nods, a mocking gleam sparking his deep chestnut eyes, making me go rigid and my blood boil.

"Vincent Campbell pushed you to become a lawyer then a prosecutor. He never let you come close to any of his cases, even to observe or learn, he never allowed you to go against Russians but always encouraged you to work against the Mexicans and Sicilians. Campbell also convinced you to let down the three bodyguards who had been appointed to you. He knew his only daughter was in constant danger, yet spoke you out of having any form of protection. He also halted any investigations about your whereabouts. You seem to be clueless about his agenda, but let me ask one question, do you really think an innocent man, who has nothing to hide, nor fear, behaves in this manner?" Elio arches an eyebrow as his eyes bore into me.

My mouth grows dry, his words go round in my head as I struggle to break free from the intensity of his gaze.

The realization he wasn't bullshitting me when he said he's been monitoring us bitterly sinks in. I wasn't expecting him to be aware of Dad persuading me to dismiss those bodyguards after I brought down New York's street gang. I was convinced he knew better, I never questioned why this didn't apply to him who had five bodyguards.

No! Stop! He's my dad. He's a good man, always fighting for justice.

But Elio is only waiting for a moment of hesitance, which I give him and now a corner of his lips is threatening to lift upward in victory.

"The truth behind one's action doesn't have to necessarily make sense to you," I say after snuffling a flicker of doubt this asshole lit up in my head.

"Indeed, but that's quite partial of you to say so. You're claiming this only because he's your father, if we were speaking about someone else, perhaps say... Pietro, you would've without a heartbeat of hesitance assumed the worst-"

"Because he's a criminal," I interject.

"Considering the reason behind someone's action doesn't apply to people you've branded as the bad guys while refusing to even consider other motivation possibilities of the person you've titled as good."

My fingers curl into my palm as I glare at him.

"And here I thought you stand for justice. That's one remarkable system of right and wrong for serving justice you've made up for yourself."

Breathing heavily, I scowl. "Oh, so now you, a monstrous murderer who has committed all sorts of crimes will teach me what's right or wrong?"

Nonchalantly he shrugs and gets to his feet, making me realize we've landed. I'd been so focused on him, I didn't notice anything else.

As I gather my scattering thoughts and stand up, icily holding his gaze, he steps to me.

"I can only remind you from time to time, your perception of life, of what's right or wrong needs to be broadened and cannot stay limited to the books you've spent years studying."

Elio leans down to me, his eyes burning holes into me. "I'm a monster, someone you should fear and never mess with. What makes me stand apart from men like your father is, I don't hide behind stupid titles, I stand tall and embrace all I can do, including the monstrous stuff, and announce it to anyone who dares to near me so they know what they're getting themselves into. I'm not a good man, but at least I'm honest."

Even though every ounce of logic in my head is screaming at me to put more distance between us, I stay rooted to the spot, locked in the intensity of his dark eyes searing past my walls.

I struggle to breathe evenly as my heart hammers in my chest. Elio leans closer to me. The tips of my fingers grow cold, while his intense gaze sets my inside on fire.

A lengthy moment of silence stretches between us.

His voice is deeper than before as he speaks, "But you, Cerise." His gaze flickers to my lips before jumping back to my eyes. My breath hitches.

"You are a dangerous woman. Those who earn your trust will have it for a lifetime and those who don't..." his voice trails down, his darkening eyes searching for a clue in my green ones. "Who can imagine behind such a beautiful, innocent face is a viper ready to strike at any given chance."

"I suppose that makes me one of your best enemies," I reply, sounding slightly unsteady even to myself.

A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "True. As my enemy, just as much as you don't trust me, I don't trust you. Weren't you the one suggesting we should become a team?" he arches an eyebrow.

I can only blink in confusion, not getting the chance to clear my head from the fog settled in my brain from inhaling his musky cologne scent.

Elio places his hand on the desk behind me, trapping me. My eyes widen a bit more as he comes closer.

"You want to be an active part of this mess and know what's happening? For that, you have to earn my trust. Prove to me once all of this is over you won't harm the Fenice business or my men. Show me I can trust you with important information. Prove to me and my Cosca you won't turn out to be like your father. It'd be a shame if you show us otherwise, forcing me to kill you."

I clutch the edge of the wooden table pushing into my backside as I stare at him. Elio twirls a stray strand of my auburn hair around his finger, his warm breath a gentle caress against my face as he moves closer.

"I've told you I don't want to kill you, but if I give you full access to information and take you along on these meetings, it'll put you at a higher risk. Even if for a heartbeat, me, or any of my men, see anything hinting at you planning on betraying us, I'll kill you on spot."

His voice drops an octave, growing deeper and lower as he finishes, "So tesorino, think and choose wisely, you can stay at the hotel, or go back to Sicilia right now, but if you decide to come with me, there will be no going back."

โ˜ฏ๏ธŽ โ˜ฏ๏ธŽ โ˜ฏ๏ธŽ

Tell me what you think about Elio's thoughts about Ceries's dad.

To anyone who is reading this story, a huge thanks, I hope you enjoyed this chapter (hit that star button if you did lol) and comment your thoughts!

I ended up making a trailer/teaser kinda thing for this story on TikTok, the link is on my message board or you can simply just search 'elmirafh_w' and it should bring it up.

Stay safe, lots of love, happy reading! <3

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