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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

Seconds turn to minutes, to hours, to eternity. Or that's how my mind perceives it. It's like I've been stuck inside this burning room forever.

The heat is unbearable. My body is still, and my hands are glued around my legs, keeping them pressed to my chest.

I can't tell reality apart from my childhood memories rushing past my sight, replaying in my mind like a broken tape.

Black dots sprinkle my vision. My throat hurts, my chest aches, and my skull feels like it's being split open. Even though my eyes sting like hell, I don't have the energy or the willpower to blink. All my strength is seeping out of me. The black dots grow in number and my eyelids become droopy as the walls and tongues of flame swim around my head.

A faraway crashing sound echoes. A pair of warm hands grab my face, but I can't take in the features of the person before me. Voices grow in volume and number, but my head is too heavy for my neck and my eyes are barely open.

Indistinctly I hear my name being repeatedly called before I'm hauled from the ground. My head lolls to the side and falls on hard muscles and I close my eyes. I even lack the energy to cough properly.

The same deep and familiar voice keeps shouting orders in a foreign language. Elio? The name crosses my hazy mind but doesn't stick around as I'm tackled with another round of coughs.

When I reopen my eyes, the cool night breeze caresses the exposed skin of my arms as I'm slowly laid down on something soft.

"Cerise," he gently says, kneeling before me as comprehension gradually trickles back into my senses.

Elio's dark eyes lock with mine as he plants his palms on my cheeks, his thumbs brushing away my dried tears. His brows are furrowed with concern as his gaze searches mine. "You're out of there, you're safe," he voices out the words slowly as if to ensure I catch every syllable.

I look away from him and scan our surroundings. We're out in the open, a massive pool is a few feet away from us, and across me is the garden of the mansion covered with trees.

Elio shouts something in Italian and from behind me Pietro answers nonchalantly.

I blankly stare at the pool, the silver crescent moon's reflection glinting in the water. My head spins and the thoughts running wild around my head go so fast they almost disappear.

"Cerise, say something, please." Elio pushes my hair away from my face and behind my shoulder as his other hand finds mine and he clasps it, squeezing gently. "Are you cold? You're shaking. I-I," he stutters, his flinty gaze jumping from one place to another.

I notice I'm trembling from head to toe, my breaths are short and rapid, wheezing in and out of my parched and parted lips.

I want to say I'm fine but my throat hurts too much and I can't find the power to do it.

"Drrink thisa," Marco suddenly says, startling me. Alarmed, my head snaps up, and if Elio wasn't holding my hand so firmly, I would've fallen over the sun lounger.

Oblivious to scaring the shit out of me, Marco holds out a glass for me. Elio takes it from him and sits beside me.

"It's milk, it'll help," Elio explains, bringing the glass higher up. I catch him nodding at Marco and he walks away. "Just a little, until the doctor comes," he adds and moves it to my mouth, and ever so gently presses it to my lips, tilting it slightly.

I drag my quivering hand up and lightly guide his hand, forcing down two sips of the cold mike before pushing his hand away and coughing again.

I press the heels of my palms to my temples, squeezing my eyes shut as I lean over and plant my elbows on my knees. Images of the fire come to life behind my shut eyelids and at last a sob tears out of me. A tremor runs across my muscles and instantly Elio's arms wrap around me and pull me to his chest.

Tears stream down my cheeks uncontrollably and Elio's arms tighten protectively. He caresses my hair and rubs my back all the while I cry my heart out.

I weep for my fucked-up life, for my miserable being, all the traumas I had to go through up to this point, for all the things I desperately wish I had but never did, for the pain I had to endure. Most of all, I grieve my broken soul and tattered mind.

I don't know for how long I cry while he patiently holds me.

Once I quiet down and only silent tears trickle down my eyes, he brushes them away, having me pressed against himself, he whispers, "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Elio bends his head and in a pained voice goes on, "I'm so sorry." He pushes the hair sticking my forehead aside and tucks a strand behind my ear before mumbling, "It's over now. You're safe. You're with me now, I won't let that ever happen again."

I focus on my breathing. Deep inhales and exhales. His woody cologne scent invades my senses and it's oddly calming. I close my eyes and relax into him, diverting my entire attention to his gentle touch, first traveling up and down the length of my arm before going up and down my back.

"Our house burnt when I was a kid," I admit hoarsely. His muscles tense and his arm wrapped around my waist pulls me to him.

I don't know why I'm saying it out loud, tonight, to him. That night is one of the many things I've never shared with anyone, not even Ruby.

"My parents were fighting so I locked my bedroom door and hid under my blanket, covering my ears."ย I was so damn stupid. "I never found out when they stopped and when the fire started. The smoke got me first but it was already too late. I couldn't open the door and the entire house was up in flames." My eyes snap open but it doesn't prevent the blurry memory from hurtling to the front of my head, playing before my sight.

"I was trapped and no one heard me..." my voice trails down. Elio's fingers brush my hair as his other hand holds me tighter. "No one came for me and I was sure I'll die."

I close my eyes a single tear falling down.

"Next thing I know, I was in the hospital." A harsh breathy laugh tumbles out of me. "They thought I was out of the house and when they realized I wasn't, it was too late to come back for me." My parents were so caught up in their argument they forgot me. "I was sure tonight would complete what that night left unfinished."

"I never would've let that happen," he gruffly says.

I straighten myself, pulling away from his warm embrace and wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," he mumbles after a moment, his gaze burning into the side of my head.

"You could've left me there to die," I whisper, looking ahead at the thick layer of tree branches across from us. From the corner of my eye, I catch glimpses of the pool, with its dim white lights and the moon splaying its rays over it.

He releases a heavy sigh. "I could've, but I never would."

The certainty of his voice drags my gaze to him and our eyes lock.

"I can never let you die like that, locked in a burning room. Never."

I cough and shake my head. "I don't understand you."

"I don't understand you either," he replies with a ghost of a smile softening his features, wiping away the deep lines of concern marring his face before he frowns again. "How old were you when that happened?"

My eyebrows jump with surprise. "Eleven, I think. Why?"

He doesn't answer me, instead scrutinizes a nearby bush. At last, he shoves his hand through his hair and mutters something under his breath.

"And your parents got divorced a year after that?" he asks as if trying to confirm his information.

I purse my lips and glare at him. Fucking asshole. "Yes. And the accident happened a year after that since you know everything," I huff and turn around, facing the pool.

"What accident?" he inquires with surprise.

I grind my teeth and spin to face him but the movement is too quick and I immediately regret it. Everything sways before my vision and I almost lose my balance. Elio reaches out, steadying me with a firm grip on my upper arm.

"The one my Mom was in, the same that took her life." I swat his hand away.

He gawks at me.

I snort. "Looks like the all-mighty capo doesn't know everything after all."

"Hold on. Your mother is dead?"

"That's pretty much what took her life means," I snap back and cough again, wincing from the sudden burst of ache it causes through my ribcage.

"So you're saying, your mom is not alive? Are you sure?"

My mouth hangs open for a solid moment. "You are the shitties, most insensitive man I've ever seen, you fucking douchebag! What do you mean if I'm sure!"

He blinks and backs away holding his palms up. "It came out wrong, I- I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry."

"Asshole," I grumble and look away.

"I- I was just-" he starts but I sharply cut him.

"Just shut up! I don't wanna hear it."

"Okay, alright. I'm sorry."

I ignore him, and glare at the pool instead. Asshole.

Long moments of heavy silence go by until Elio shifts slightly and speaks up, "It must have been really hard for you."

I narrow my eyes at him.

"What? I was just surprised, I thought she's alive," he defends himself.

I sigh and look away. "It was," I admit weakly. I'm too drained to stay pissed at him, lucky for him.

Talking about Mom makes my heart clench. I miss her. Sometimes I wonder how life would've been if she was alive. If I still would've been so alone and desperate for Dad's affection.

"Thirteen is too young for losing a parent." Elio's voice pulls me away from my ever-consuming thoughts and I nod.

"It is. That year and the following were the worst years of my life."

His warm hand engulfs mine and squeezes it gently. "I'm sorry," he says again, his tone thick with sincerity.

"I couldn't believe it at first, I thought one day she'd walk through the door and take me away with her." I bite my lip to hide its quivering. "I did wish she was alive, for years. I guess not attending her funeral stole away the closure and it took way longer than normal to come to terms with her death."

Elio frowns. "Why didn't you go?"

I lift a shoulder. "Dad didn't want me to see, he thought it wouldn't be good for me to be there."

"So, you never saw anything?"

I snatch my hand away from him and glower at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing! Uh-I was just... thinking about the closure part. You know, since you didn't see anything, not the accident, not the crime scene because you were a kid, and not even the funeral, that's it."

Even though his explanation makes sense, the way he's effectively avoiding my gaze even a few seconds after he's done talking seems way too suspicious.

I roll my eyes and huff, causing another round of coughs before looking up at the dark sky.

A few minutes later a man hurries down the stairs and rushes to us with Marco tailing him.

Elio spends a good five minutes yelling at the doctor. Marco sums up its translation by claiming Elio's pissed off over how long he took to get to their house.

While the doctor starts the check-up, I note Elio whispering something to Marco making him gasp and gape at him before telling him something in a hushed voice. Without a beat's hesitance, Marco nods and rushes off.

After a long while, the doctor fills in Elio with my state I assume, since they're not bothering to switch to English. He gets to his feet and rummages around his bag and pulls out an injection.

My eyes widen and I scoot away from the edge, throwing a panicked glance at Elio with his arms crossed and observing everything like a hawk.

"I'm fine." I glance between the doctor and Elio.

"It's to help you rest better tonight," Elio calmly explains.

"No!" I throw my hands up, gaping at him. "I'm not sleeping. I don't want to-"

"Cerise," Elio interrupts me. "You need rest, and stop acting like a kid."

"No. I'm not closing my eyes for one damn second in this place. I'm staying awake and tomorrow you'll send me home first thing in the morning. I'm not going to stay here a day longer."

He clenches his jaw and purses his mouth and nods at the doc. "That's not possible," he says.

Disbelieved, I shake my head and swat the needle away from my hand. "But you-"

"I know what I've said, but it's not possible anymore. And you're safe."

"Safe?" I echo with incredulity.

He gulps and looks away. "It won't repeat again, I'll keep you closer and be more careful, but I cannot let you leave now. Especially when Esposito's after you."

"I hate you," I utter with as much venom as I can muster.

I glare at Elio while the doctor nears me with the needle. I stare at Elio long and hard until he's forced to look back at me. At least, glowering at him is a good distraction from the injection. Yet it doesn't stop me from wincing and squeezing my eyes shut once my skin is pierced.

The doctor mumbles a few things to Elio and scurries away. Elio stands in front of me, with his head held low and his gaze jumping from one corner to another.

"I'm sorry I'm keeping you here, but it's the safest place, I'll ensure nothing like what happened tonight repeats ever again."

I press my lips into a thin line and fixate on the pool.

He sighs and kneels, stopping at my eye level. "I made a mistake and underestimated my men and how much they hate you. I promise you, it won't ever happen again. You're the safest with me, Cerise. Trust me on this."

I face him and hold his burning gaze. "Trusting you will get me killed in a heartbeat."

A sad smile twitches his lips. "Have a little faith, tesorino." He tucks a strand of my wavy hair behind my ear.

"I can't go back to that room," I reluctantly admit.

"And I'd never send you back there, you'll be staying in a different room from now on. Come on, let's go." He rises to his feet and holds out his hand for me.

Not trusting my legs, I accept his hand and push myself to my feet. Instantly my head spins and my knees buckle but he catches me right on time.

Without a warning Elio lifts me up, making me gasp.

"You can't even stand, don't start with your don't touch me without permission rant." He walks towards the stairs leading back to the inside of the house.

"You're invading my personal space, you asshole." I slap his chest as hard as I can, which isn't that hard since all of my muscles feel exceptionally weak instead, I stick to clinging to him with all my might.

He chuckles as we enter the mansion but to my utmost surprise, he doesn't take the set of stairs leading to the left wing and goes straight to the one for the right wing.

I frown and glance up at him. His expression is normal and decided as if he knows what he's doing.

Once he starts climbing up the steps, I tighten my hold on his shirt and collar earning another round of warm chuckles.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to drop you."

I scoff, "I don't trust you, there's a high chance you'll drop me just for a laugh."

He shakes his head; a small smile plays on his lips but he doesn't answer me.

After the first flight, I sense the injection kicking in. I sigh and rest my head on the crook of his neck.

"Elio?" I start, my voice barely above a whisper.

He hums, a deep rumble reverberating in his chest.

"What if next time something worse happens?" I close my eyes and for the first time, I'm thankful how exhausted I am, utterly unable to consider how pathetic I must sound.

"For now, I'm going to make sure there won't be a second time."

"But if there is, then what?"

He sighs and his warm breath fans my face, even in my half-dazed state it causes my heart to beat a little faster.

Seconds of silence pass until the movement of his body is apparent we're past the set of stairs.

"I'll keep you safe and not let anything happen to you," he answers at last; his voice is so low I wouldn't have been able to hear it if I wasn't pressed against his chest.


"I promise," he breathes out and gently lays me on something cool and soft.

I don't bother to open my eyes, not when I sense his hand brushing away the hair from my face. Not even when he murmurs, "Sarai la mia rovina, vero? E ti proteggerรฒ ancora come uno sciocco."

Vaguely the sound of a door shutting comes and that's the last thing I hear before slipping into a deep slumber.

โˆ โ˜ฏ๏ธŽ โˆ

Well, kinda a lot happened here. Let's start with, what did you think about the little bonding scene we had in the first half? =)

Also, did anyone find Elio's reaction about Cerise's Mom a tad bit weird, or not? Do you guys think if something's up or if our capo is an overconfident dude who trusts the information he has way too much? =)

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it was worth your while =D

Thank you so much for reading.

Stay safe, lots of love, happy reading ^.^

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro