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THEY SCRAMBLED AROUND THE CLASS QUITE FRANKLY LOOKING LIKE lost potatoes in a bag filled with carrots. Needless to say, they look quite ridiculous, and likewise she could feel the eyes her and her friend. Evie felt quite idiotic. Kaiyo on the other hand did not seem to care that others were wondering why he was walking as if he were to start flying upwards into the air like an angel.

"Kaiyo you know you look like a fucking jumping jack maniac?" Evie commented as he was quite enthusiastic to be here. He was away from the pressure his parents weighted down onto his shoulders, it had always made him feel like a deranged teenager who never truly had a goal in life except please his teachers and parents.

"Sorry, can't help it. It's just so-" Kaiyo cut himself off. He saw a figure walk their direction and his mind had turned back to the fact that they needed to be in class in less than eight minutes. "Hey! We're new do you know where biology is? We're seniors."

It was a group, two girls and two boys. Stiles quizzically furrowed his brows at him, as if something clicked inside of him. "Uhh.. yeah sure." There was a pause, and the group looked at each other. Evie and Kaiyo did most certainly not know why, but they all remembered why the unknown names could hold so much value, and danger.

"But first, what are your names?" Scott asked, hoping that their search was cut short and they could immediately find a way to protect them.

"Well.. okay." Evie mumbled, slightly off put by their intrusive questions right of the bat. "Evie Melvis," He pointed at at Evie. "And I'm Kaiyo Kazehiro." He explained with a timid tone, not sure why that was required. All they did was ask a simple question which really did not require their names.

"Hiya." Evie waved, feeling out of place for some reason.

"Shit." Stiles muttered to himself. He made eye contact with Scott, who let out a singular nod.


"Hey! Hey! Let go of us what the fuck?!" Evie screamed as she thrashed around but for some godforsaken reason the girl with brown hair who was dragging her by her arms, seemed to pretty much have the strength of an animal.

"Woah- dude this is not very 'Welcoming the new classmates' kinda theme!" Kaiyo exclaimed trying his hardest to run away from Scott, but that had been proven useless rather quickly.

They both were harshly thrown onto the cold floors of the school lacrosse locker room. Evie winced as a memory, an instinct like memory rushed back into her brain as if it was trying to protect her. She put out her hands and immediately caught herself to make sure she did not end up on the ground, unlike Kaiyo who half landed on the bench, causing a loud groan to erupt.

"Owh that hurt you know?!" Kaiyo whined out as he scrambled and sat up right, his back against on of the lockers and his shoulder against Evie's. The girl hissed at him to be quiet with a slight shove.

"Okay.. how- how do we even begin this?!" Stiles freaked out, pacing across the room. How do they explain to two new students, who moved a week or so ago, that they are on a deadpool? A deadpool which stated they were worth money, quite a lot of money. Numbers, almost beating Scott's.

"We can just show them the list?" Malia suggested without much a of thought in her words.

"Anyone could have printed out a list with random number though," Lydia argued, Malia did not really seem to care and just shrugged.

"Well the thing is, it's not actually a list and it has their names on it with them as one of the highest ranking numbers on there!" Stiles yelled frustrated, Lydia glared at him for the outburst which caused him to just pull a face and make a weird movement with his arms.

"I'm sorry theres a list with our names on?" Evie asked, profoundly disturbed and having the urge to flee back to Westmore with all the people so suspecting of something that was true, something behind the doors of the Melvis household.

"Our names?" Kaiyo asked.

"Yes! Yes okay!" Stiles yelled at them clearly frustrated. Evie glared at him for that, feeling like he had no right to be yelling at her friend for asking normal questions when they just found out they were on a list, stating they were worth money.

"Woah pipe it down gel boy!" Evie snapped at him, "You just kidnapped us from the halls, told us we are on some extremely creepy list, so you cannot be frustrated at us for asking questions!" She exclaimed agitated. Evie may despise her father, may never wished to have been born with his last name attached to her as a reminder who raised her, but his blood ran through her and Milo, and that was something they would always show without them wanting to.

Evie Melvis was her fathers daughter, and she would never be proud of it, but it would be proud of her. The anger that seized through her fathers veins ran through her, every single day.

Stiles sighed and took one deep breath to calm down and not explode from frustration himself. "Okay! okay! I'm sorry- You know you should trying living high school with murderers following you every other break!"

"I'm sorry are we wanted by murderers?!" Kaiyo exclaimed his eyes widening in complete shock. He had moved here a day or three ago and now some random guy from his school is saying he might just get killed.


"Ah shit!" Stiles exclaimed once again, realising he might not have been the best one to explain all of this, at all.

Malia rolled her eyes, not really understanding why it was such a big deal. In her opinion it was better to hit them with the news right away rather than hesitating like they were at the moment.

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