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"don't you want to return the favor baby?"

return it? oh god. jeongguk gulped and felt his hands getting sweaty. he never sucked dick bevor so it was safe to say he was fucking scared, but it was only fair to return the favor even if he didn't ask for it.

but the guy sounded hot and sooner or later he would suck one anyway. so he just got himself together and nodded to himself.

He wanted to try sexy too but he knew he was too nervous for that. "o..okay" jeongguk cursed himself for stuttering and he got down on his knees, his hands shaking slightly and he thought of something, was this guy clean?

he looked up at him but of course he couldn't see anything. "are you... are you clean..?" he asked with a small voice and he felt so stupid to ask that. he heard the stranger chuckling and he replied. "yes i am i promise you" he softly runs his hand through jeongguks hair and that made jeongguk a bit calmer.

he slowly unbuttoned his jeans and was surprised to feel his hard dick already. did sucking jeongguk off turned him on so much?
jeongguk pulled his pants and boxer down in one go, feeling confident at the fact that the stranger was turned on because of him.

he wrapped his hand around his dick and his eyes widen in surprise. the stranger was huge. jeongguk gulped and he started stroking the big cock in his hand. the guy hissed at the friction on his dick, the small warm hand wrapped around his dick.

jeongguk stroked his dick a bit faster, he was nervous to put him inside his mouth but took a breath and licked over his head. just like the stranger did to him.

the little moan from the stranger gave him more confidence so he took the tip in his mouth and softly sucked on it. he tasted the slightly sweet precum and he didn't think it was that bad. he took him deeper in his mouth, bobbing his head and sucking on him. jeongguk tried to do the same as the guy and it seemed like he did a great job.

he was proud of himself when he made the man moan a bit louder and he felt the stranger grab his hair and pull on it. jeongguk let out a surprised moan the feeling of his hair getting pulled felt really good to him. He knew he was cherry red right now but he was really thankful that it was dark.

it felt weird too have a dick in his mouth but he enjoyed it so he sucked harder on him, the stranger pushed himself deeper in his mouth and started slowly thrusting. "fuck baby such a good boy" he whispered and thrust even harder in jeongguks mouth.

at that moment both found out that he didn't have a gag reflex. jeongguk was surprised and let the stranger use his mouth, little moans left his mouth when he got his hair pulled. the guy fucked jeongguks mouth, pushing his dick in and out of his warm mouth and jeongguk moaned around him, sending shivers down the strangers back.

"you're so good baby ah" the stranger moaned and thrusted faster in jeongguks mouth, enjoying the feeling of his tongue and his pretty little moans.

jeongguk could feel the tears in his eyes and the drool on the side of his mouth but he enjoyed it so much to get used like that. he sucked harder on his dick, using his tongue to lick the underside of his dick.

the guy moaned and praised him for being "such a good boy" and "doing so good" and jeongguk felt himself liking to get praised like that, maybe he discovered his kinks.

when he felt the dick in his mouth twitching, his eyes widen and he didn't know if he wanted to swallow, what if it was disgusting and he would throw up. omg he better not think that.

so he just shook the thought of and kept licking and sucking on his dick, using his hands to massage his balls as well. he tried to use more tongue cause the stranger seemed to like that.

"fuck baby I'm gonna cum" the man whispered and he moaned right after, pulling on jeongguks hair when his dick twitched again and he felt his orgasm coming.

jeongguk let him fuck his mouth and when he felt him coming and heard him moan loudly, he swallowed without thinking. it was a weird texture but he tasted sweet and jeongguk liked that. a lot.

the stranger was breathing fast and he softly stroke jeongguks cheek when he sucked on his head to get everything out.

"you're did such a great job baby" when the man finished his sentence he pulled jeongguk's on his feet and put his jeans back on.

the raven haired licked his lips and smiled at the comment. "what's your name?"

"m..my name is jeongguk a..and yours?" he whispered back and shyly bite his lips, the taste of his cum still on his tongue.

"beautiful name baby, my name's taehyung"


I hope you enjoyed it my loves 💜

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