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๐ŸŒนโ€ขโ…โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ€ขยฐโ€ข

DATE โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 1640
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ BEFORE EVENTS OF DAMSEL

Ayla picked tirelessly at the enormous crops scattered in front of the kingdom, finishing her part in providing fine supplements for the people of Aurea.

She bends down and then stands up endlessly, gathering enough and place what she had in her hands in a wooden bucket that was strapped to a horse ; it was being hauled by wheels.

Unwearied by the tremendous amount of movement she made, she continued until her heart was on the brink of exhaustion. Her trousers were grimy, and her white blouse was dirty as well, but the shade was preventing visible knowledge of it. She swiped her arm across her forehead, gathering the sweat along her arm. The sun shining from the east casts her shadow through the plants in front of her.

Hearing multiple horses neighing in the distance, she stands up and turned to find a golden carriage following the dirt path to the kingdom of Aurea.

She knew was this meant, yet another damsel in distress has to marry the prince of Aurea, in sake of redefining their own kingdom. Alya heard rumors that the brides disappear after nightfall and are to be never seen again. It was common that the peasants were never included in higher endeavors or ceremonies held by her majesty. Though they were granted enough meals and just enough garments to get through the day. Though the garments themselves were low quality of fabric.

Alya was fortunate enough to be a commoner who helped the peasants work on the farm. She had more prominent housing than them, since she did jobs any commoner or peasant couldn't do themselves.

She continued to eye the carriage as it went through the gates and finally was out of sight. She grins and dusts herself off. She begins to run towards the direction of the kingdom, passing by a fellow worker.

"Where are you off to, Ayla?" The hesitant voice of the woman called out.

Alya halts and responds to the woman. "Going back to the kingdom, I have completed my area. I promise to come back and help. I give you my word." Her voice was soft, much like a feather, hypothetically.

"Alright." The woman eyes her skeptically. "You mustn't waste time wondering around like you always do." The people she helped have grown to know her tendency to wonder the outskirts of Aurea. She loved the adventure the wilderness and the unknown gave her. It gave her a sense of purpose. Heavens knew her original purpose was nothing but of an orphan who had to grow up from an early age.

Alya held a subtle smug, knowing she'd do exactly what she wasn't told to. If someone gave her a task, she would simply do the complete opposite, just out of spite. "Of course." She replied and then waves to the woman and begins to run off.

She made it through the gates just in time as the knights guarding the entrance were beginning to close them. The slight risk and thought of getting crushed between the giant gates gave her a push of dopamine that helped her make it through the market and all the way to her small cottage that resided on the ends, along the walls that protect the people inside.

Alya quickly gets her equipment to transverse the horrendous climb she'll have to endure. She wanted to see if the rumors were true, that the soon princesses of Aurea disappeared through the night. She grabs her bag and puts it behind her, and retrieves a small pitcher. Filling it with water from a nearby river that went around the entirety of Aurea, putting it in her bag. With no care of changing her garments, she followed the carriage path to the mountains. Where the brides are rumored to vanish after the ritual to become one with the bloodline of Aurea.

The sun begins to set more east as she travels more upwards on the rocky paths. Treading along the grass near the path but not directly on it. Being seen by anyone up there would be trouble. Especially since her irregular colored hair was more noticeable. White hair is uncommon, if not rare, amongst commoners and peasants. And since she looked and smelled like dirt and sweat. One glance, and she might be put in a cellar for going against the rules.

She huffs as the sides of her abdomen begin to burn, walking beside the never-ending path. Looking back, she sees the silhouette of the kingdom, the sun no longer shining on its beauty.

I can do this, just a few more steps.

She finally makes it and sees people gather and huddle together. Blocking her view of what's occurring behind. She places her stuff down to not make any unnecessary noise and hides behind a rock. A gap between the two mask people give her a visual on what's happening.

There, she finally sees the prince. Dressed in his royal blue with riches spewing about on his body. His shortened brown hair combed to the side. She wasn't fond of him but applauded his attractiveness.

She has never been this close to the prince, much less her majesty. And beside him was the bride, dressed in all gold and riches as well. One mustn't complain when in attire such as those. She dreamt of it, of course, but that's all it was. A dream of being part royal. Not with Prince Henry, of course not.

She shakes her thoughts away and focuses. She observed as the prince suddenly grabbed the bride under her. Carrying the bride back to Alya's way. "Oh shit-" She whispered with haste.

Alya was about to back up and hide more until something else had happened. She looks back and sees the bride falling into the depths of the chasm.

Oh my good heavens

They were murdering the brides, but why? Alya didn't want to find out then and there. She back up slowly, fear evident on her face. Her fear only grew substantially when meeting a rough back against hers.

She took in a breath, timid as she was kept still by the rough hands that plant on her shoulders. It was one of the masked people who watched.

"A spy!" He shouts.

Everyone halts and turns around and train their eyes on Alya. Everyone starts yelling over eachother as she is brought in front of them and on the ledge right beside the chasm.

She connects her eyes with the prince for just one second. And in that second, he plastered a look of fear much like hers, but why would he? She was roughly turned towards the chasm below as they finally broke eye contact. She squirms and yells, thinking they were going to throw her over.

"Silence!" She hears the queen yell with vexation.

Hearing the heels connecting with the ground, Alya picks her head up and sees the queen. Her eyes widen, and automatically looks back down. As per respect towards her Majesty.

A mintue of tense silence echoed until the sver spoon queen spoke. "Look at me." The queen demands.

She finally picks up her head and looks at the queen. The queen face was fueled with hatred and curiosity. She places her hand under Alya's chin and turns it left and right, examining her. "Your name?"

Alya gulps. "It is Alya, your grace." She voiced, with fear yet it came out as confident as could make it.

"Alya." The queen says nonchalantly. Repeating it under her breath as if it was foreign to her. "And what is your purpose of being here, Alya?"

"I-" She was scared. What would the queen do if she'd lie? She didn't want to find out. "I came here upon a rumor."

"A rumor," the queen says through a scoff. "Of what degree?"

Alya looks around to see all the people starting to leave except the queen, the prince, and a few others. She gulps and speaks. "That the brides of Prince Henry disappear through the night and are forever to be seen again."

"And what exactly did you come across?" The Queen insists. She now stands in front of Alya with her hands clamped together in front of her.

"That the-" She halts. She finds Prince Henry eyeing her with an expression of sadness and fear. He stands beside the queen and looks down. She reverts her eyes back to the queen and tries to hold eye contact with her. "The Prince threw the Bride down below. Murder her."

The queen laughed then sighed, turning to the few that stayed behind. "Her knowledge is too much to have her alive. Have her exiled at once."

"No, wait!" She screams. They begin to drag her away by her under arms, dragging her backwards. "Your grace, please. I beg of you!" She expresses at a last resort.

The Queen picks up her crimson dress and walks with anger towards Alya. In a quick succession, the Queen slaps her right across her face. "And why should I listen to you? A," The queen scanned her body and spat her next words. "A peasant at our sacred ceremony. Who would dare?"

The slap made Alya taste a hint of metallic in her mouth as she fell to her knees. She quietly moans and moves her jaw. "I shall mouth no word of today's comings, your grace." Alya mutters looking towards the ground.

The queen bends down and grabs a fistful of Alya's hair, pulling her to her feet. She grunts at the action but doesn't fight against her majesty. Knowing it'll do her worse than good. The queen then gets closer to her face to the point of smelling her rather horrid breath but Alya would never say that out loud. "I'd rather burn your tongue so you don't speak at all through that wretched mouth of yours." The Queen states with hatred.

"Mother." The soft voice of the prince vibrates through the tension of the two. Alya sees him now by the queen's side eyeing Alya every now and then. "It be best if we keep her close."

The queen remains unwavered and holds Alya by her hair. "No, I shall banished her to the beast." The Queen replied.

Prince Henry hesitates but places a hand on his mothers forearm that was being covered by her red gown for the ceremony. "The beast only takes of royal blood. You wouldn't want a peasant to have that in them would you?"

Rather be a peasant that a man who seeks approval from his mother.

The queens face contorts as she took in the information. "No, I suppose not."

He gives his mother's arm once last shake before letting go. Which didn't go unnoticed by her majesty. "Then as her debt to Aurea," He continues. "She shall work for us until she can no longer. So we know she doesn't speak upon this matter. Even if she does, we'll just cut off her tongue as you've stated."

Once again, both Alya and Prince Henry's eyes connect. This time, his eyes express guilt and sorrow while Alya's held confusion as to why he hinted at sparring her, her death. It's clear that her majesty despises her sole being, so why doesn't Prince Henry? Or is it just a matter of time till he does?

"You make an exquisite proposal I'd admit." Right as she said that, Prince Henry turns away, facing anywhere but Alya's direction. She stares at him wondering what is going through his mind.

Alya's vision gets cut short by her majesty getting in her view. She lets go of Alya's hair and sooths it out. "Alright. Under the royal house of Aurea, you are to be a maid-servant of us and the princes' future brides."

The queen the backs up and wipes her hand with a prestige drape from one of the sisters dressed in all crimson garments. "Shall you show deviancy or whisper among the princesses, you will be hanged. Do I make myself clear?"

Alya fights to talk back but smiles through her anger. She bows down and lowers her head to the queen. "You do, your grace."

The queen closes her eyes and exhales. She then opens them and fixes her dress. "Do find her better clothing than the filth she is wearing." The queen says to someone as she walks past Alya. "Makes me wither just looking at it."

As usual, the prince follows the queen. Alya watches as he stops abruptly and looks at her. She tilts her head at his intentions. She watches as he slips a royal blue handkerchief to her, holding it out to her. She stares dumbfoundedly until he spoke.

"For the blood." Is all he said to her. She slowly takes it, grazing his soft hands against her rough one. It was clear the prince had everything done for him based on his hands alone. He then briskly walked off and caught up to his mother.

Staring at the handkerchief, she brought it up and dabs the corner of her lips that had a slight dry of blood. People started to come to her which made her halts. She quickly hides the handkerchief in her trousers and stands idle. She was gonna have to thank the prince whenever he comes across her presence.

"Come with us." Is all they said as they led her down the mountain and roughly got her on top of a horse and rode back to Aurea.

All she wanted was to see if the rumors were true and now it is bestowed upon her to serve the royal house due to her foolishness. Maybe she should have stayed in her cottage and slept all day.


Couldn't find an exact date when the movie occurred but I'll continue to. Until then it'll remain in the 1640s.

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