ⅳ. we're being punked, pedro

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it was the next morning at the salvatore boarding school and it had been a day since the eventful game that took place on the school grounds and since landon and rafael left. the upper-witches had a class taught by dorian. 

"all right, gather togethar. chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch" he announces as he exits the circle before realising he's missing someone.  "where's penelope park?" he questions which causes lizzie to smirk.

"um, lady cramps, mr. williams" she answers making dorian roll his eyes at her mean girl- attitude.

dorian continues explaining before a piece of parchment paper appears before his head and falls into his hands meaning it was from alaric, josie realised. "uh-oh who's in trouble with the headmaster?" she questioned 

hope roll her eyes and give lizzie a look before answering "probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school"

"lizzie and josie saltzman..." he says before looking hope in the eyes indicating she has to go too "and baby makes three, off you go" he says as the girls all give eachother concerned looks.


it had been decided that people who had been around the game yesterday and katherine and hope would have to do 'community service' in the town square. sebastian and henrietta would have to tag along because henrietta and him did not try to stop it, no one knows how penelope managed to get out of it but she did. and charles was left at school to spend the day with victoria he suspected.

"so what did you do? my dad never gets mad at you. your the prodigal daughter. must have been juicy. and you kathy, did you eat someone when you left?" lizzie asked as she chuckled when asking katherine indicating it was a joke. 

hope who didn't want an incident to occur avoided the question "sorry no time for girl talk. public service awaits"

lizzie rolled her eyes before pinching katherine to get her attention "your brother, what kind of girls does he go for?" she questioned ready to remember everything the girl was about to tell her.

katherine sighed before answering "you're his type, trust me. but he doesn't do relationships no matter who you are" was all she said before walking away making lizzie determined to find out more. katherine walks of to join her little sister in the centre as she talks to kaleb. dorian walks up to kaleb handing him a tool, which makes kaleb look at him like shes crazy before eventually taking it.

"it's bad enough we get punished well the humans get a pass, but there ain't no way in hell i'm picking up garbage" he announces to the group which makes henrietta agree before resting her arm on his shoulder. he sticks the tool to lizzie.

"uh, i don't do trash either" she says before scoffing and pushing it back. 

"then why are you going for my brother?" henrietta says before laughing. "joking, love you sebastian" she announced feeling bad instantly after, even thought she knew her brother took it as a joke. he could be heard letting out an emotionless chuckle from the back.

"i love trash" hope and katherine said at the same time as they both went to grab the tool of kaleb, their hands touching. they stare eachother down before tugging it to see who would win, hope stepped on katherine's foot which made her let go and growl.

 "perf. it suits you" lizzie tormented. hope looked at josie who looked annoyed at lizzie's attitude.

"looks like we're scrubbing paint today. dad told us to work togethar today, okay? harmoniously." she said getting ready to walk away.

"yeah, and he also said without drama, and i am feeling a rage attack coming on, so i will be remaining drama-free over by that graffiti wall. are you coming or not?" she asked her twin irritated.

"i don't know, lizzie- is there another bus you want to throw me under?" hope watches the twins argue before josie makes her way towards her, not before grabbing sebastian and bringing him along with her. katherine also decides to go and watch her brother which makes lizzie look offended.

"fine, daddy's girls" she shouted as they begin to walk away before turning to kaleb and henrietta and groaning.

"anyone else?" hope asks turning around, kaleb smirks and walks away with henrietta at his side. mg stands there looking between josie and lizzie unsure until lizzie forces him to come with her.

"get the lead out, mg" to which he follows after her.


"charles, just the person i wanted to see" victoria yelled after him as she and theo followed him to the dining hall. he turns around with a smile before noticing theo which makes his smile drop. "hello victoria, and you are?" he questions sticking his hand out. 

"theodore kenner, but you can call me theo" the boy replies slightly intimidated by the boy before him. 

"my dad and his stepmom were friends once upon a time" victoria replied leaving out the parts where her dad kidnapped his step-mom and was going to kill her. "he's hope step-brother" he smiled at this.

theo chuckled at the statement "she doesn't like to acknowledge it, but it's true. and anyway, i know she loves me secretly even if she doesn't want to admit it" charles made note to find out more about his relationship to the mikaelsons.

"i'm going to get some breakfast i'll be back in 5" victoria announced before walking off with a smile that warmed charles' heart.  theo took a seat next to him with a serious look on his face 

"now let's get down to business here, vicky likes you and im guessing you like her too. now i know you're old but i love her like a sister and if you hurt one perfect hair on her head, i will bring you hell. same goes for hope, josie and lizzie, they're the only family i have left and i'm not losing them" he told charles as he sat and listened closely

"you have nothing to worry about, i know about family more than anyone and i know the pain from experiencing the loss of a loved one. i have no intention of harming anyone" theo could see the seriousness in his eyes as he calmed him. theo shook his head before they sat in a comfortable silence waiting for henrietta to return.


mg, kaleb, lizzie and henrietta were standing in front of a shop window as they looked at the window that said "salvatore is 4 loosers" in purple paint. mg tried wiping it off as henrietta held the bucket of water and kaleb and lizzie stood to the side watching.

"come on mg, any slower and you're going in reverse" henrietta giggled slightly at this line as memories of marcel came forward.

"look i'm doing the best i can without vamping out in public" kaleb scoffs at this.

"that's just the plain pitiful, bruh" kaleb says. lizzie gives him a look before calling him out on his incantation.

 "well, at least he's trying. i don't see you pitching in" the blonde says, contradicting herself as she herself stands to the side

"i don't see you pitching in either lizzie" henrietta announces defending her friend from her other friend, although she was slightly annoyed at both of them.

kaleb sits on a stool and rolls his eyes "cause this whole thing's whack. what, we get punished for wanting to win a game fair and square?" mg looks at him like the answers obvious.

"it wasn't fair" "we're supernatural. they're human" mg and henrietta said at the same time finishing eachother sentences, kaleb scoffs again before making his arguement.

"and lebron's maybe the best player ever. should he quit scoring because no one on that court can check him?" lizzie and henrietta look as if they don't agree with his point.

"we're faster. we're stronger" he chuckled before saying what he wanted to say the whole time "we're better. and we ain't got nothing to apologize for" mg and lizzie share a look as kaleb emphasizes his point. "nothing" he finishes just as connor, dana and a few more students from the local high school approach, connor holds a milkshake in his hand and has a smug look on his face.

"hypothetical question" lizzie rolls her eyes and walks back as kaleb sighs and mutters under his breath "great".

connor looks like he knows he's already hit a nerve continues to taunt them "how bad would it suck if whoever did this graffiti just came back and did it again" dana coos to back up his bullying.

"who the fuck are you even?" henrietta questions with an annoyed look on her face, connor looks amused at her.

 lizzie throws a snarky comment back wanting to end this "well, whoever it is, i hope he improves his spelling" kaleb chuckles as the mystic falls kids smiles drop.

"hey mg" dana said, mg looked surprised but pleased at the attention.

"dana, what's good?" dana smiles happily, lizzie looks offended, and henrietta feels a little but hurt but doesn't know why.

"uh, he's busy, dana" lizzie snapped at the girl.

"um, he can speak for himself, saltzman" in this moment mg remembered what penelope told him and decided to take his chance.

"you know what, i was just getting ready to grab a break" dana hums in reply as lizzie and henrietta shout his name out of frustration.

before the girls can even process what's happening connor tips his milkshake forward onto lizzie with it also hitting henrietta which was not meant to happen. "oops, sorry about that pretty. it was only meant for lizzie" he apologised to henrietta generally sorry, she sighed at this. lizzie looked ready to blow.


henrietta and lizzie arrived back at school due to henrietta's vampire speed, they walk through the garden where younger students were planting. a boy named pedro watched them concerned before running up to them.

"henrietta, lizzie, you, uh.." he was cut off by seeing the rage in lizzie's eyes.

"choose your next words carefully, pedro" she warned before storming off as pedro watches in shock and concern.

"hey pedro, why don't you just go back to gardening. lizzie's just angry" henrietta  smiled warmly at the younger boy wanting to go and check on lizzie soon.


henrietta ran after lizzie trying to stop her from barging into her dads office, but she was too slow "-- a jerk!" lizzie shouts as alaric jumps out of is seat to greet her. "you are a total jerk!" she announced as henrietta came running in after her out of breath breathing heavily.

"lizzie you know i'm tired from bringing you back to school." alaric noticed the milkshake on both girls as henrietta stood-straight after a while.

"a neanderthal from mystic falls assaulted us with a milkshake. this stupid girl dana was being-" she cut herself off from saying something she shouldn't have "-you know what i can't even talk about it. but now hope and josie are all sister in solidarity, but.. as ria carried me home i did the work and dug deep and realized..." she turned to emma and gestured to her father before announcing "... that this is all his fault"

"how is it my fault?" he asked offended "actually henrietta would you mind coming back later for lizzie?" alaric asked looking at the young girl sweetly, she nodded with a little wave before leaving to get cleaned up.

as she was walking out she pulled her top to look at the damage the milkshake had done and realized she would just have to wash it, she knocked into someone though giving her a little headache. she looked up and a blush rose to her cheeks as she realized it was the boy that she was staring at. 

"im sorry, oh my gosh. i got milkshake on you" she apologised getting her sleeve and trying to wipe it off his top, he chuckled as he grabbed her hand to stop her.

"i think you're making it worse, but thanks" he laughed moving her hand back.

"im henrietta, by the way" she laughed sticking her hand out.

"i know , not being weird. i just asked around, im jed" he said trying not to sound creepy.


after meeting jed henrietta went to get lizzie so they could change, now they were lying in the garden on a stone seat looking up at the sky togethar.  "aren't you supposed to help?" pedro questioned.

lizzie and henrietta sigh as they sit up with tired looks on their faces "consider this a life lesson, pedro. people disappoint." before lying back again.

"if only you knew, lizzie" henrietta agreed before copying the girls actions. 

a grinding of stones was heard behind the girls but they ignored it, pedro's eyes widened "that statue just moved" he said scared.

lizzie rolls her eyes before turning around to see the statue staring at her "good one. i mean, i deserve to know whats happening just as much as hope! im his freaking daughter!" henrietta wrapped her arms around the girl as she rested her head on her shoulder.

the sound was heard again and pedro looked even more alarmed than before "it's doing it again!" lizzie turns around again to see the gargoyle statue has moved but still looks unconcerned.

"we're being punked, pedro. the sixth grade witches are learning illusion spells this semester." the young boy looks scared out of his mind now which causes henrietta to turn around and see the statute is right behind them.

"it's...it's...it's-" lizzie sighs and rolls her eyes before noticing henrietta has stiffened. "let me guess... it's right behind me?" she proves herself right as she turns around the statue is right behind her, it opens it's red eyes and shows it's sharp teeth to the young boy.

"lizzie!" she grabs henrietta's and the boys hand before taking steps back noticing the statute walking closer to them and tries to pull them along as quick as she can.

"lizzie, run!" henrietta shouts as she pushes lizzie and grabs pedro before running.

they ran towards the entrance of the school with lizzie and henrietta behind pedro incase the creature attacks "get inside, pedro!" they scream wanting the young boy to be safe. when they get inside the school lizzie bends down to pedro's level "i need you to give me your hand" she tells him with concern. she siphons magic from him before instructing him to find her dad, which he does.

"you should go too" she turns to henrietta, she only replies by shaking her head and putting her hand on lizzie's shoulder. "imperium monstrum!" lizzie chants as moving her hands. this was until the gargoyle raised it's claw and lunges at her only for henrietta to jump in front. she screams out in pain as she falls to the floor. lizzie finished her spell right before the beast attacks her too causing her to also scream.

charles runs into the hallway hearing screams to see henrietta and lizzie lying on the floor unconscious "henrietta!" charles calls out worrying for his sister as he runs to her body. "oh my god, lizzie!" he notices pulling her body closer to him too. their eyes open as they whimper not being able to speak. "watch out! what happened... what happened? don't move okay" he said as he picked up the girls whimpering bodies.

he rushes them to alaric's office where pedro is standing talking to him, "mr. saltzman!" he breathes out laying the girls bodies on the table.

"what happened?" he questions frantic as he rushes to his daughters aid. "the statue hurt them" pedro explains scared. charles peels henrietta's shirt up slightly to see three long claw marks deep in her chest, he rushes over to lizzie quickly and checks seeing her with the same injuries.


hope, katherine, josie and sebastian walk around the park picking up trash before hope looks at katherine chuckling "you have a future in waste management" katherine sighs as she opens up another trash bag.

"cleaning up messes is sort of my thing" she says directing it to sebastian which makes him roll his eyes and walk away a bit. josie laughs a little bit.

"you too josie, your sister is sort of a dumpster fire" josie stops what she's doing to look at hope frustrated, sebastian decides to take a seat on a bench, katherine doing the same as they watch what's about to happen.

"why do you always pick fights?" hope gives josie a silent look as though she doesn't know what she's talking about.

"we've known eachother a decade, and any time you have the chance, you poke." hope rolls her eyes protectively as she get's back to picking up trash.

"you guys do your fair share of poking" she argued back.

"yeah, in retaliation to your pokes. and with you spending so much time with my dad, and keeping secrets--" she was cut off by hope interjecting

"--we're not keeping secrets-" josie cut her off this time and kept speaking

"--oh, yeah? what happened when you went to find landon Kirby?" hope looks down at the ground. katherine let a small frown grace her face as she thought of the boy.

"okay josie, nothing at all happened when we went to find landon" katherine interrupted now finding it a good time.

josie turned to narrow her eyes at her "something clearly did happen. rafael never turned up at school, my dad was rattled...so, why won't you just tell me?" 

hope was overwhelmed now and stabbed her tool into the ground "because there's nothing to tell!"

"hope, did you just stab yourself?" sebastian asked standing up smelling blood, katherine looked over her shoulder and saw the tool sticking out of her foot. hope groaned before looking over at josie, katherine and sebastian expectantly.

"are you okay, i mean what do i do?" josie asks as she and katherine rush over and sebastian laughs to himself at the girl. 

"how do you stab yourself in the foot" he asked nearly in tears.

"help me pull it out" hope tells katherine with a desperate look in her eyes. "what!" josie asks alarmed causing hope insists on the action eagerly.

"i can heal myself. pull it out!" josie and katherine take a moment before pulling it out of hope's foot, hope takes the tool and aims it at sebastian piercing his chest. he pulled it out but the blood still seeped through which made him growl at hope.

"my shirt!" he yelled. josie and katherine give her a mischievous look before they all burst out laughing.

"you poked yourself" katherine got out between breaths as she was laughing so hard, josie had tears falling from her eyes and sebastian zipped up his jacket to cover the blood. "shut up!" hope laughed hitting the girls shoulder slightly not wanting to hurt her.


"we are on lock down, no one goes outside. period. i want you all in your rooms. upper class, you're on the buddy system. lower class, i want you to go with emma to the grand hall, okay? everyone, let's go." alaric announced to the hall of students as they all looked frantic trying to stop the beast from finding them.

"you're coming with me, okay?" emma makes a beeline away from the group, towards alaric.

"all right take lizzie with you and the kids. keep an eye on the infection. i'm going to try and draw it away from the school" alaric planned.

"how do you know it will follow?" she asked frowning. "because i think i have what it wants" she takes a deep breath realizing it wants the knife "don't fret. we'll be fine"

alaric rushed to his office he moves to a pottery piece where his key to his middle drawer is, he opens the drawer, grabs the knife and runs into the now empty hallway he slowly walks through the hall then he hears a snarling noise further into the building.

he passed a hall when he sensed something and turns toward the entrance to a classroom, where the gargoyle is posed with both hands clutching his sword point-down as though he's guarding it. the gargoyle's eyes are closed, and alaric gulps anxiously as he stands face-to-face. he stares at the creature for a long moment, and when he doesn't open his eyes, he attempts to stab the gargoyle with the mystical knife. the gargoyle senses this attack and grabs him by the arm before the blade can get near him, roaring furiously in his face well doing so.


sebastian and katherine continued picking up trash as josie and hope performed a spell behind a tree trying to figure out where landon and rafael were. they held hands, but after a moment josie doubled over in pain, hope looked concerned as she also bent over to check josie over.

"why did you stop?" hope said gasping as they disconnected hands, a scream was heard moments later from behind the tree were they left sebastian and katherine. hope wrapped josie's arms around her shoulder's and pulled her out to check on the other two. "katherine, sebastian! what's wrong?" she asked worried as they looked like they were about to pass out.

"this is twin pain. something's wrong. i think lizzie's in trouble" josie gasps for breath as she realises what's going on. 

katherine and sebastian share a look "henrietta was with lizzie, she's dying" sebastian managed to say. hope looked at them confused, as they weren't twins.

katherine saw this and informed her "i'll explain later, we need to get back to school now!" she said in pain.


it was now night at the school and due to dorian not letting the teens leave earlier they had just arrived at school. the four teenagers seemed majorly unnerved by how empty the floor was.

"charles?" katherine calls as the same time josie says "lizzie". "we need to split up, we'll go to the library" hope says as she grabs katherine's hand and makes her way to the library.

"just stay behind me" sebastian instructs josie as they walk forward, him not wanting the girl to get hurt. she only nodded her head at this, truly frightened for what's ahead.

katherine and hope pass alaric's office to see the door opened, "what are you doing here?" he asks the two girls making them turn around shocked.

"oh, my god. you scared me!" hope said as she caught her breath, katherine grip on her hand tightened trying to calm her down.

"dorian was supposed to keep you away" alaric said as he sighed.

"my sister's in trouble isn't she?" katherine asked not caring to continue the conversation only to find her sister. he nodded his head before looking down, that was until they hear the stomping footsteps and shriek of the gargoyle. katherine and hope look at alaric with wide eyes. 

"is that...?" hope asked not wanting to finish the sentence. The steps of the gargoyle cause the lights in the hallway swing around, alaric tries to recap what has happened before they go to defeat the creature quickly.

"yeah. listen it poisoned lizzie and henrietta-- im guessing to get my attention. then it attacked me and took the knife" he explained worried.

"the knife? the dragon's knife? and your still breathing?" she asked at the same time katherine yelled "my sister was attacked by a gargoyle!" which causes alaric to look more scared of her than the gargoyle.

"how'd you take down the containment spell?" alaric asked curiously trying to figure out how she took lizzie's spell down to keep the school safe. 

"she didn't, i did" josie explained walking in with sebastian in suit.  "and i have questions" she added on.


alaric, josie, hope, katherine and sebastian are walking through the hallways in search of the gargoyle, josie and sebastian have axe's and alaric has the knife. emma, the younger students and the paralysed lizzie and henrietta are still hiding in the dining room. when the five walk through the back doors lizzie tries as best as she can to see the source of the sound.

"emma? emma?" alaric whispers, emma hears the voices and is stood in guard until the doors open to reveal the five. before any of them can speak she places her finger on her lips to shush them. the loud stomping sound grows louder behind hope causing her to turn around as it growls and spreads it's wings. the other four turn around hearing the grinding sound of stones from the gargoyle before emma shut's the doors once again.

hope standing a few feet in front of alaric, katherine, sebastian and Josie prepares for the worst when instantly, the gargoyle leaps into the air and uses its wings to fly over the staircase and down on the floor directly in front of her. hope is barely able to dodge the gargoyle when it tries to stab her with the mysterious knife but falls flat on her back on the floor in the process. she scrambles to get back onto her feet, the gargoyle prepares to attempt to stab her a second time, causing alaric to rush forward toward the creature. 

horrified josie screams for her dad as he puts himself in danger causing sebastian to pull her into his chest incase something happened to her dad. "no, dad!" she screams.

alaric lodges himself in between hope and the creature holding up the knife "no!" he yells, shutting his eyes.

the gargoyle is shocked by this turn of events and luckily , the creature stops itself when it is just inches away from stabbing the knife into alaric's chest. a shocked alaric gasps for breath, and the gargoyle looks confused as its red eyes widen in surprise. the two stare at each other for a long moment as the gargoyle thinks about this situation, only to be interrupted when josie, who appears behind the gargoyle and swings her axe at it, breaking off a large piece of its left wing.

the gargoyle turns to face josie raising the knife in order to stab her only for alaric to hack at its wings with his own axe, copying what josie had just done. this causes a piece of it's wing to break off, it roars ferociously, but just as it is about to lunge toward the two saltzmans, hope spreads her arms and starts to cast a spell.

"fluctus impulsa" hope repeats just as the knife flies out of the gargoyles hand onto the staircase, hope looks at josie anxiously "josie , help me!" she demands. sebastian runs towards katherine pulling her towards the corner away from the danger. they keep repeating the spell until the gargoyle explodes, pieces of stone flying everywhere.

katherine runs up to hope giving her a hug, breathing out in relief. hope shocked at the action still hugs back none the less. "how could you jump in front of her like that? you could of died, dad!" alaric tried to calm his daughter down.

"honey, i knew it wouldn't kill me because my research said so-" he was cut off by josie storming away, sebastian following right behind her.

"josie, wait!" he yells as he runs up to the girl, she turns around with tears streaming down her face ready to break. he pulls her into his arms as she cries into his chest, he rests his chin on her head as he coos her.

"he could've died" she cried, he only whispers gentle things to her as he let's her cry.


"charles!" katherine yelled as she stormed into the grand hall with a panicked look on her face, she notices her brother sitting down next to her sisters and lizzie's bodies holding their hands. a petite brunette with plump lips stood next to him with her hand on his shoulder.

"katherine" he sighed as he got up rushing to hug her.

after she broke away from the hug she rushed to her sister and stroked her head as the gargoyle venom in her blood was painfully slowly leaving her body, the same for lizzie. she kissed the tops of their heads as she kept the tears that wanted to fall inside.

"im okay" lizzie got out as she struggled to breath properly like before. 

"you two aren't allowed to leave your rooms for another week" katherine chuckled as she stroked their heads, glad they were okay. she went to sit down at another table close enough to keep an eye on the girls, the petite girl from before came up next to her.

"hey, im victoria, charles' friend" katherine smiled at her tiredly, remembering charles mentioning her.

"my brother speaks about you" she let slip knowing the two likes eachother, just from the way she was comforting him earlier.

victoria smiled at this "all good things i hope' she asked a little worried.

"i wouldn't except him to say anything bad about you, my brother seems a bit infatuated. don't tell him i told you though" she laughed before saying a quick goodbye and going to her room.

"are you okay?" penelope questioned with general concern as she looked at her friend. katherine turned around shocked before hugging her. "shh" penelope whispered as katherine started to cry in her embrace. they sat on the floor, katherine next to penelope as penelope held her close to her.

"it's okay, i promise" penelope tries calm her friend.

"i just want my family" she cried thinking back to all the loved ones she's lost like mary, celeste and arthur. and her two babies mary and sirius. "i just want mary and sirius" she mumbled into penelope's shoulder. penelope knowing of the two children stroked her hair not saying anything.


 1913 Paris France

katherine declare and arthur dubois lay togethar in the meadow behind their village, underneath of the covers arthur had brought from his home. "if my father ever finds out about this, you will be dead" katherine sighed as she lay her head on his chest, his arms wrapping around her, pulling her closer.

"i know my love, i worry for how we will protect our child once they are born" he sighed lacing their fingers togethar, kissing her forehead.

"this child is the only hope we have" she exhaled with their intertwined hands on top of her stomach. 

"where does he think you are right know?" he asked worried for the punishment she would have to endure when arriving home.

she looked up at him with love before remembering "mary told him i was in town with her" she smiled at the thought of her bestfriend.

"we need to escape france once the child is born, my love" he planned with her, sitting up.

"we must take charles, sebastian, henrietta, mary and mother with us then" she added not wanting to leave behind any of her family. he grinned at her, loving the way she always thought of others.

"it is planned then, once the child is born we will flee france, inform your siblings tonight of the plan but do not let your father know of any of this" he warned worried for her safety. he kissed her forehead before beginning to get dresses.

"i will, i promise. i love you arthur" she murmured as he kissed her lips. "and i love you katherine" he replied pulling away from the kiss to continue changing.

the lovers did not know that this would be one of the last moments they had together not worrying about katherine's father for their romance would be cut short by a horrific tragedy that would leave a major impact on her and her siblings lives forever.


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