NINETEEN. thirst for blood

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Maddie was a lot of things. If you asked Kate, she'd probably say she was a bitch (affection laced heavily in her voice). If you asked Josh, it would be caring, he didn't know her too well but he did know that she and Simon were fighting and she still jumped in with Ruby to try and save him, everyone had freaked out at some point over the course of the night but Maddie had kept it in, knowing how it would affect her friends. If you asked Sam, it would be that she was loyal, she would do anything for the ones she loves.

That was true, she really would. Maddie had spent her entire life being surrounded by people, back when she was a little kid and Scott and Bonnie were still okay, then there was Andrew, and she hadn't spent a moment alone since Sydney and Jack were born. Which is why, as strong as she tried to appear for the sake of her loved ones, Maddie did not handle being alone very well.

There was a lot to do, and not a lot of time before the killers would show up, so they had all decided the best course of action would be to split up since none of them other than Sam were targets. They had a bucket of Sam's blood, watered down, and a collection of mops that they were all using to paint the school hallways with, creating a path to the bathroom, where they had as many flammable chemicals as they could find in the science lab.

Maddie was down on the south side of the school. She could hear clattering off in the distance, and she didn't know if it was one of the others with a mop, or it were one of Sarah Fier's henchmen. She clutched the handle of her mop so hard her knuckles turned white, and as she turned the corner, she stopped. One of of the photos from Heather's locker had fallen off, and it was sitting at her feet.

She dropped the mop, the wooden handle clattering to her feet as she backed away from the picture, chest rising and falling. Her back hit solid wall and she stood, transfixed by a single piece of paper. She couldn't be doing this. First she'd passed out last night when they needed to be helping Sam, and now she was here freaking out in the middle of an abandoned hallway.

She needed to get a grip. Her breaths shortened and the lights from the window became warped along the walls as her vision blurred. Heather was dead. They were going to be next.

She trembled, clawing absent-mindedly at the peeling white paint behind her as her lip started to bleed from how hard her top teeth were clamped down on it. There were footsteps. It was Ryan, coming to kill her like he'd killed Heather. 

It was Danny Matthews, coming to kill her like he'd almost killed her dad.

It was Ruby Lane, coming to kill her like she'd tried to kill Simon.

It was Deena, a worried look in her eyes, coming to see if she was okay. "Hey, Maddie,"

Maddie shook her head. "We're going to die," she said softly. "We're going to die here,"

Deena took her hands, squeezing them until Maddie looked her in the eyes. "No. We're not going to. We're gonna kill those motherfuckers, and you're gonna go out with Simon, and me and Sam are gonna get back together properly, and for the first time in our goddamn lives we're gonna be okay," she breathed out, making sure Maddie believed every word. "I swear,"

Maddie nodded hesitantly. "Yeah, yeah. Okay," Their plan would work. She took Deena's hand and the two of them made their way back to the others.

Sam went inside the bathroom while Kate, Josh and Maddie waited outside. Soon Deena entered and gave a grim nod, everything was ready.

They heard footsteps, but this time it was Simon, sprinting down the hallway. "Dude! She's here! I saw her! She was- She was so sexy, but fucking crazy still! She was doing it! Following the blood trails!" He pressed himself to the wall beside Maddie, taking her hand in his like they were made to hold each other.

She breathed heavily, concentrating only on the way that Simon's hand would clench around hers every few seconds. "I wish I could see inside that pretty head of yours," he whispered. "What are you thinking?"

She looked up at him, eyes a collection of broken glass, tears leaking out the edges. "We're gonna die,"

All Simon could do is pull her into him, burying his face in her hair, and trying to calm her erratic breathing. She hadn't believed a word of Deena's pep talk, but she could tell the other girl was already stressed enough, so she'd pretended to. "I won't let you," he mumbled. "I will be by your side this entire time. Nothing is going to happen to you,"

With a jolt, she remembered her siblings. She'd been so focused on trying to love Simon, that she'd forgotten the reason she had tried to stop.

Andrew would probably be awake, cleaning, doing homework, doing anything to stay busy and distracted so he could show up to the hospital the second visiting hours started, Sydney would have been scared, and she'd fall asleep on the couch while Andrew glanced over at her every few minutes, stroking her hair if she stirred. Jack was too young to understand, so he would he tucked safely in bed, door open so Andrew could spring into action at the slightest noise.

They thought she was safe, asleep in her hospital bed. Potentially with Simon at her side, and Andrew thought that he would go and find her in the morning, and he would bring her home, and keep her safe.

"It's working," Kate said. "Skull Mask freak, three o'clock,"

"You always hurt the one you love,"

They were all converging, all making their way to the bathroom that Sam Fraser currently sat inside, shaking in fear.

Their plan would have to work. 

For Andrew, for Sydney, for Jack. For Sam.

"The one you shouldn't hurt at all,"


"This is so dumb," Kate snapped, glaring at Deena. "If this doesn't work, I will murder you,"

Maddie held her breath as Danny Matthews, the Camp Nightwing killer stormed through, stumbling his way through the halls much quicker than the others were.

All they could do is hold still, and watch with wide eyes as three of Shadyside's most infamous murderers reached them, and made their way into the bathroom, looking for Sam Fraser.

────────── ⋆˚✿˖° author's note
also yes, the camp nightwing killer is in fact not tommy slater in my canon because i was feeling a little silly 🤪 no but fr you'll have to wait until the end of act 2 to find out who danny is and what he did to piss off our least favourite devil worshipper 🛐

unfortunately the johnsons never really got their solo maddie moments, because i feel like josh truly never would have hung out w maddie before shit went down cause he's not really friends with his sister. plus maddie doesn't actually have an extracurricular (i say extracurricular very loosely... 💊) in common w deena, but i can assure u they are friends i promise. i just never got a chance to fit it into this plot. promise 😇😇😇

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