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after jeongguk got home from school he saw taehyung sitting on his laptop, he wrapped his arms around his neck from behind and whispered in his ear. "forever and always"

taehyung smiled brightly and turned his head to look at jeongguk, he grabbed his hips and pulled him on his lap, jeongguk sat down and smiled at him.

taehyung didn't waste any more time and he kissed jeongguk passionately on the lips, he wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer on his shirt.

they made out for a few minutes and jeongguk felt himself getting excited. he pulled away and looked into his dark lust filled eyes and he bites his lips while looking at taehyung.

jeongguk got up from taehyungs lap and he looked at him with bedroom eyes. taehyung looked at him and didn't know what was wrong but when he saw the way he looked at him he knew exactly what he was thinking.

jeongguk grabbed his hand and pulled him up,he got up immediately and let himself get dragged to their bedroom. he got so excited to finally have sex with him again. they didn't have sex for a few days since they had to take a few exams.

jeongguk pushed taehyung on the bed and sat on his lap. Taehyung moaned when jeongguk sat on his clothed dick. jeongguk smirked at him and moved his hips.

taehyung wrapped his arms around his waist and helped him to move faster. He felt his dick harden in his sweatpants and jeongguk could feel it too.

jeongguk took his shirt off and taehyung got in a sitting position to kiss and suck on jeongguk's nipples.

a little whine left jeongguks mouth when felt taehyungs tongue on his nipple, he was sensitive and it turned him on so much.

his dick hardens in his pants and he pressed himself closer to taehyung, pushing his ass down on his dick.

"Mr. Kim ugh please clothes off" jeongguk moaned and tugged on his boyfriend's shirt, taehyung looked stunned at him and took his shirt off.

was he really roleplaying right now? If yes then he would definitely go with it.

"but you are a bad boy jeongguk " he whispered when the shirt dropped to the floor jeongguk kissed down his chest and pulled his sweatpants down a bit. Taehyung helped him to pull his pants and boxer off.

it was messy and rushed but they just wanted to feel each other again, "I'm gonna be good I promise Mr Kim" when they were both naked and they stroke each other's dicks and kissed sloppily.

"I know you're a good boy but you should show me"
taehyung tried to turn them around but jeongguk didn't let him. " I'm gonna show you how good I am Mr Kim." he whispered against his lips and kissed him again. taehyung didn't say anything against it and he pulled him closer and grabbed his ass.

the plumb cheeks completely filled his palms and he loved it. "Mh you're doing this because I gave you a bad grade. I am right?" taehyung chuckled at the way jeongguk locked at him with wide eyes.

" Mr Kim" jeongguk played his role really good and taehyung was really turned on by this.

"I think you lying to me jeongguk" jeongguk hiccuped and little tears slipped out of his eyes. wow he was a really good actor.

"Mr Kim.. I'm gonna make it up to you" he wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed his bare ass on his dick.

"and how you gonna do that?" taehyung bite his lip to prevent himself from moaning loudly.
He wrapped his hands around his tiny waist and he pushed his dick against him, his dick between his ass cheeks.

"M'gonna ride you" jeongguk whispered and kissed his jaw and down to his neck."bouncing on your dick, having you so deep in me, feeling every inch of your big cock. I'm a slut for you and I want you to cum so deep in me. fill me up and use me" jeongguk said and taehyung was utterly shocked to hear him say stuff like that, but he couldn't stop his dick from twitching at his words.

jeongguk smiled against his neck as he could feel taehyungs dick twitch against his ass. He pushed his ass down and he felt his own dick twitching at that.He was surprised at himself when he said those words but he loved to try something new and what could be better than roleplay?

"Okay pretty boy then show me you deserve a better grade" taehyung kissed down jeongguks neck and wrapped his hands tightly around his tiny waist, jeongguk bite his lip and moved his hips against his.

Taehyung licked his lips and took the lube from the bedside table and opened it. He coated his fingers and slowly rubbed them around jeongguks hole. The raven head let out a little whine at that and he pushed against his fingers. Taehyungs finger slipped in jeongguks hole when he pushed against it. with a moan he buried his face in the crock of taehyungs neck and he whined whenever he would brush his fingertips against the bundle of nerves.

Taehyung pushed two fingers inside and moved them to stretch him a bit. he scissored him open and purposely pushed them against his prostate.

"m'ready" he moaned and pulled away to kiss taehyung deeply, he immediately kissed him back and pulled his finger out of his hole. Jeongguk whined at the empty feeling and he took the lube in his hands and poured some on his hands and stroke taehyungs dick with his lube covered hands.

Taehyung moaned surprised and pulled jeongguk closer to him. his dick harden in jeongguk's hands. "mhh baby" taehyung moaned and jeongguk pulled away and hovered over his dick, he slowly sunk down on his cock and he took a deep breath when taehyung was buried inside.

"mhh baby your so fucking tight, feels so good around my cock" taehyung moaned and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Jeongguk whined at the feeling of his big cock stretching him, he needed a few seconds to adjust. I doesn't matter how often they would fuck, every time it felt like he was bigger than the last time. but of course that wasn't true.

"so big hyung" jeongguk bite his lip and kissed him softly, wrapping his arms around his neck. Taehyung kissed him back and pulled him closer, he was buried deep in him and he loved the feeling of his warm velvety walls around his dick.

Jeongguk pulled away and and slowly moved his hips, feeling every inch of his dick inside of him. He threw his head back when only the tip was inside of him and he slammed his ass down to feel his dick straight on his prostate.

"fuck Mr. Kim!! " jeongguk moaned loudly and bite his lip hard, he scratched taehyungs back while bouncing on his lap.

Taehyung watched his expression as he rode his dick, his eyes half closed his lips slightly open with a red tint to them from the constantly biting on them. Jeongguks raven hair a little damn and sticking to his forehead.
In other words he looked gorgeous like that.

Taehyung grabbed his ass and moaned and the way his dick slide in and out of him, he was tight and so beautiful while riding his dick.
Jeongguk moved faster and whimpered his name and 'Mr. Kim' a few times and taehyung thought roleplay was the hottest thing at the moment.

"You're such a bad boy, not doing your homework or learning for my tests" taehyung whispered in his ear and pushed his hips up, in that moment jeongguk dropped down.

With a loud moan jeongguk wrapped his arms tighter around him and bounced even harder on his dick.

"God Mr. Kim I'm so so bad, fuck ruin me" his eyes closed from pleasure and the moans that left his pretty moans was taehyungs favorite thing to watch and hear in the entire world.

He immediately turned them around, he hovered over jeongguk, his legs wrapped around his waist and his dick still deep inside. They kissed hungrily and taehyung started pounding into him.

Jeongguk screamed and scratched his back, his feet curling and he already felt like coming.
"fuck Fuck!!" taehyung fucked him harder, pulling his legs to his chest and going deeper into him. It felt so good to be inside of him, he clenched around him from time to time and to hear him enjoying it was everything for him.

"such a good boy yeah, taking my dick so well in that pretty little hole hm, so tight for me" taehyung moaned and put his hand next to his head and the other one under his knee to hold his leg up. He pulled out just to slam back in, he pushed himself deeper and fucked him even harder.

"OHH FUCK" Jeongguk pulled on his hair and little tears slipped out of his eyes out of pleasure and he hiccup unintentionally. It just felt too good. Taehyung speed up and jeongguk felt everything becoming blurry. He knew he was about to come, his prostate was constantly pounded onto.

Taehyung moaned and kissed down his neck, his movements became sloppy and he could feel him twitching inside of him. Jeongguk wrapped his legs tighter around him and pushed his ass against him.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum baby" taehyung said against his neck with a raspy voice and jeongguk could just nod and pull him closer.

"please come in me, fuck so deep" jeongguk moaned out loud when the feeling in his tummy intensified and he came all over his tummy. Taehyung pounded harder into him and his hips stutter and he whispered.

"gonna fill you up babe" with that he came with a loud moan deep inside jeongguk. His dick twitched and he pumped him full with his cum.

The raven head whimpered and moaned softly at the amazing feeling of his boyfriend coming inside of him.

"I love you" taehyung whispered in his ear as he was still coming inside of him and it melted jeongguks heart completely. The feeling was even better now.

"I love you too ... and love you coming in me" jeongguk whispered back with a tired smile on his face and wrapped his arms tightly around his neck when taehyung tried to pull out after a few seconds.

"noo.. please stay inside.. love it s' much" he whispered with a pout and he was tired but he wanted to keep that amazing feeling of his boyfriends dick in his hole.

"okay my baby everything for you.." taehyung answered with a smile on his face and a pounding heart. Gosh how much he loved that boy.

Jeongguk was so tired he couldn't keep his eyes open and before he even knew it he fell asleep. Taehyung heard the little snores coming from his baby and he slowly moved them to a different position and more comfortable and he still stayed inside of him.

Taehyung wanted to make his baby happy as long as possible. With a big smile on his face and a beating heart, he fell asleep after watching his beautiful face in the moonlight.

He's definitely gonna marry him someday.
He was sure of it.

And 2 years later, he did it.



I'm so so thankful for everyone who read that story and commented on it 💜 I'm thankful for the one that where here from the start but also to the ones that came after 💜🥺 I'm sad that the story ends but I'm glad I could write 100 chapters and I'm really proud of myself. I'm not that happy with a few chapter but that's okay! As long as you liked it, then it doesn't matter 💜

I hope you enjoyed the story and could laugh at it or enjoy the smut chapters ;) I love you guys so much and I hope to see you in my other stories as well 🥺☺️

I wish you all the best and please stay healthy my loves 💜 and I wish you merry christmas 🎄

M. xx

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