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"I'm nervous.." Jeongguk said as he sat between Taehyung's legs, he wanted to give his boyfriend a blowjob for the first time but he got so nervous all of a sudden.

"Baby you don't have to do that" Taehyung caressed Jeongguk's cheek softly and smiled at him.He didn't want to pressure him to do anything he didn't want to do or feel 100% comfortable with.

"I really want to.." Jeongguk whispered as he gulped and slowly pulled Taehyungs boxer down and his doe eyes widen at the size of his boyfriend."wow your huge" he said surprised and looked up at Taehyung who had a slight smirk on his face.

"Wait till I'm hard baby" Taehyung said and watched his boyfriend gulp with a smirk.Jeongguk wrapped his hand around it and stroke it a few times, his doe eyes widen as Taehyung got hard and he was even bigger. Jeongguk got so aroused at his boyfriend's pretty dick in his own hand and stroke it slowly and looked up at him.

Their eyes meet and Taehyung's smirk vanished at the beautiful sight of his boyfriend on his knees, looking at him with his big doe eyes. He could feel his heart beating faster and his dick harden even more.

Jeongguk let the head of Taehyung's dick rub on his bottom lip as he looked up at him. Taehyung gulped at the sight at the feeling and the contact on his sensitive head.

Jeongguk darted his tongue out and slowly let it run over his head and Taehyung quietly moaned at that.

Jeongguk couldn't keep his eyes off his boyfriends face how he bite his lip and tried to keep eye contact.

Jeongguk slowly took him in his much, as much as he could take. Swallowing around his length and sucking and licking around it.

Taehyung hand entangled in the raven heads hair and he moaned loudly. His warm and wet mouth around him felt so good, and the sight off his pretty pink lips stretched around him only turned him on more.

Jeongguk bobbed his head up and down, taking his cock even deeper and run his tongue a few times over the vein on the other side and stroke the rest with his hand. Taehyung tug at his hair ever time Jeongguk bobbed his head and took him in so deep.

Taehyung could feel himself nearing his Orgasmus, he didn't want to come so soon. It would be so embarrassing but he hadn't touched himself for a while and now to have his boyfriend pleasuring him was just too much.

"baby I'm close.." he moaned out and tugged on his fluffy hair. Jeongguk only sucked harder and bobbed his head faster, he wanted taehyung to come.

Taehyung bite his lip and watched him, the pretty lips and those damn eyes.

He could feel his dick twitching when Jeongguk sucked on his head and licked around it.

He tugged harder on his hair and moaned loudly. "fuck baby..!" he moaned and could feel the first string of cum coming out.

Jeongguk didn't pull away, he kept eye contact with Taehyung as he sucked and swallowed his cum.

He let his tip rest on his tongue and Taehyung coming all over it. Taehyung moaned and felt so good and the sight was too much for him.


as Jeongguk swallowed everything and put Taehyung's dick back in his pants and with a cute smirk, he looked at his boyfriend and said.

"I definitely go down on you more often"


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