new message (69)

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"babe?" taehyung heard jeongguk yelling from his bedroom, he replied with a quick "yes" but got no answer to that. Slightly annoying he got up and walked to his bedroom and opened the door, as soon as he saw why he should come he wasn't annoyed anymore.

On his bed was Jeongguk in nothing but cute sexy panties and sat prettily on his knees. His big doe eyes looking up at him and they had a shine to it and he couldn't figure out what that meant.

He was surprised to his baby sitting half naked on his bed and he felt his jaw dropping slightly when jeongguk moved to the side and showed off his pretty plump ass to his boyfriend.

"fuck babe.." was the only thing taehyung could say at that moment as he admired his boyfriend. Jeongguk smirked at him and rubbed his own hands on his body. the little devil knew exactly what he was doing.

"I want you.." was all jeongguk said and taehyung lost it, he got closer to him and pushed jeongguks gorgeous legs apart and got on top of him to kiss him passionately. he moaned in the kiss as Taehyung licked over his bottom lip and put his hands on his sensitive thighs, jeongguk opened his mouth immediately let their tongue explore each other's mouths.

Jeongguk could feel himself already hardening just from kissing him, but when your boyfriend looks so hot, you just can't help it.

Taehyung moved his hands up and down jeongguks legs and brushed his hands over his panties an he felt his baby's dick was already hard for him. he smirked in the kiss and moved away to kiss down his neck, till he reached his nipples and licked and sucked on them.

Jeongguk whined and his moans got stuck in his throat, he absolutely loved it when taehyung played with his nipples. But he knew this time they would do more than just touch each other and that made him nervous but excited to finally fell Taehyungs cock in him. Alone the thought of it made his dick twitch and he moans even louder. He tugged at Taehyungs hair to make him stop and with a worried expression, tae looked up at him.

"Is everything alright babe?" He sounded so worried that it made Jeongguks heart melt. He just nodded and pushed taehyung over and got on top of him, purposely sitting directly on his clothed cook, feeling his semi hard dick on his ass. Jeongguk looked down at his surprised face and just smirked at him and kissed him hard.

it didn't last long as jeongguk pulled away to kiss down his neck and then help him to remove his shirt and kiss down taehyungs body. He wanted to go slow but he was excited to finally have sex he just doesn't want too.

Jeongguk unbuckled his belt and Taehyung just watched his baby going all needy for him. He smirked and helped him to pull his pants down, but jeongguk pulled his boxer with them and Jeongguk looked at his boyfriend's semi hard dick and he licked his lips and the pretty and big cock in front of his eyes.

"come on baby boy" Taehyung said and watched jeongguks bite his lips and wrap his fingers around taehyungs big cock. Jeongguk locked at his boyfriend and slowly started too stroke him.

Taehyung moaned at the feeling and the innocent look on jeongguks face was just too much for him. It didn't take long for taehyung too get fully hard with such a pretty boy on his lap, in nothing but panties.

Jeongguk licked his lips again and slowly got down to lick over the head of his dick, his boyfriend moaned at the feeling and jeongguk wrapped his lips around the head and locked up at him. taehyung almost died at the sign. His pretty baby on his knees with his pretty lips around his dick while looking up at him with does damn doe eyes. He felt his dick twitching at that and jeongguk felt it too, he pushed his head down further and felt taes dick deeper in his mouth, till he felt it hit the back of his throat. The heavy cock on his tongue and the salty precome he could taste made him dizzy. He wanted him so bad, so he started sucking , not softly or slowly, he moaned around Taehyungs cock and moved his head up and down till the head was on his tongue and he licked around it and deepthroated him again. He moved his hand fast and sucked and licked over his veins. Jeongguk heard Taehyung moan at the feeling, cause jeongguk never sucked him like that. He was always so shy when they did it.

But know he didn't care if he drolled and gagged. He just sucked him like he really wanted it. And that 's exactly what he wanted.

Taehyung felt like coming at the way his baby sucked his cock, so he pulled him away and looked in does doe eyes that had little tears in them and felt his dick twitching again, without a word he turned him around and got on top off jeongguk. Taehyung pulled his panties down and hungrily kissed and suck on the skin on his thighs. Jeongguk whined loudly and tugged at taehyungs hair, his legs started shaking at the soft and wet kisses on his sensitive skin and his dick laid red and heavy on his tummy. he was so turned on just from this and was even more excited how fucking good Taehyung would fuck him.

Jeongguk watched taehyung go even lower and when he felt Taes tongue lick over his hole it was over for him. He moaned Taehyungs name loudly and spread his legs wider. taehyung smiled at the way his baby loved it. Taehyung always wanted to eat his ass but jeongguk just didn't let him, cause he felt too shy but now. he just doesn't seem to care, that's why taehyung kept licking over his pretty pink hole and pushed his tongue slightly in his wet hole.

Jeongguk moaned loudly and he was still shy and felt weird that taehyung liked to eat his ass, but he just didn't care when it felt so good. The warm tongue on his hole felt so good. he already felt like coming when taehyung pushed his tongue deeper and fucked him with it. jeongguk moaned and pushed his head down further to get more of that amazing feeling.

taehyung pulled the lube out from the drawer and coated his fingers in it without jeongguk noticing, he slowly rubbed his index finger on his hole and jeongguk bite his lip as he felt taehyungs fingers on his hole. Taehyung licked over his nipples and pushed the finger in. Jeongguk whined at the discomfort, he never fingered himself.

"shh baby it's alright" taehyung softly said and looked up at him, his eyes closed and his teeth between his lips. He rubbed over jeongguks thighs too calm him down, kissing his tummy too make him less nervous.

Jeongguk enjoyed the little rubs and kisses and he calmed down immediately. He felt Taehyungs finger go deeper and he moaned when he felt it hit a certain spot.

"ah more.." jeongguk moaned and is surprised at himself. Taehyung kept kissing his thighs and smirked when he heard his baby asking for more. He slowly pushed a second finger in and his tight hole sucked them in and he licked his lips at the way he clenched around him.

He moved his fingers faster and hit his prostate with every push. Jeongguk whined at the feeling and tugged at taehyungs hair.

"tae please fuck me.." he moaned loudly and felt his cheeks heat up because of that and looked down at him.

Taehyung looked up at his baby and slowly removed his fingers. He got on top of him and kissed him deeply, spreading his legs and rubbing their dicks together.

"mhh fuck you look so sexy" was the only thing taehyung could whisper at that moment when he looked at his beautiful baby spread out like that for him.

Jeongguks cheek heat up again and he was happy at that moment to have him as his boyfriend. "I love you" whispered and caressed taehyungs cheek. Surprised taehyung looked at him and smiled immediately.

"I love you too baby, so so much" with a smile on their faces they kissed again, this time Jeongguk could feel taehyungs dick against his ass and it made him giddy inside and he was even more turned on.

He wrapped his legs around taehyung and tugged on his hair, he whispered with a smirk on his face "please fuck me, I want to feel you deep inside me, pounding my little hole so good"

"fuck baby you can't just say that" taehyung licked over his lips and kissed him one more time before he put lube over his dick and jeongguk watched him with big doe eyes and shaking legs.

"I want your cock in me please" jeongguk whined and taehyung couldn't believe his ears, when he heard his baby asking for it. He put the tip of his dick at his entrance and slowly pushing in. Jeongguk moaned loudly at the feeling of his boyfriend's cock entering him, it was still uncomfortable and hurt a bit, but It got better when Taehyung was fully inside and stopped his movements.

"baby you're so tight.." taehyung kissed his neck and moaned softly. Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his neck and loved how full he felt and how taehyung enjoyed it as well.

"move please" taehyung of course did what his baby wanted and slowly starts to move his hips, pushing in and out of his tight hole, feeling his hole clenching around him so good.

"so good" jeongguk wrapped his legs tightly around him and moaned loudly when taehyung starts to move. He fucked him slowly and steady and the feeling was so overwhelming for the bunny so he whined with every thrust and couldn't keep his mouth shut and said every time. "s'good fuck harder"

And taehyung gave him exactly what he wanted, fucking harder into his tight wet hole and kissing his neck and leaving hickies on his pretty neck and chest.

Jeongguk scratched taehyungs back and moaned loudly, pushing his ass down to meet his hard thrust, wanting to feel him deeper.

"fuck baby you feel so good around my cock, do you like my big cock in your tight little hole hm? you want me to fuck you so good?" taehyung moved even harder and jeongguk screamed his name when his prostate got pounded every time.

"oh god yes, love it so so much. Hyungies cock is so big and good" he whined and kissed taehyung as he felt himself get closer.

"gotta cum hyungie.." the little bunny whined and moaned, clenching around his cock so tightly it made taehyungs dick twitch.

With a loud moan Jeongguk came on his tummy and pulling taehyung closer to feel him deeper. Little tears slipped out of his eyes because the over sensitivity but he wanted to make his boyfriend cum.

"so good Hyung want you cum... want you to cum in me"

Taehyung moaned at his words "fuck baby" his dick twitch and he fucked even harder into him, feeling himself nearing his orgasmus and with a loud moan he kissed him and at the same time came deep inside jeongguk.

"ahh Hyung yes love it" the whiny baby enjoyed the feeling of his boyfriends cum in him.

"I love you so much" taehyung said when he looked in his eyes and gave him little kisses on his face. Jeongguk giggled "I love you too" he pulled him closer and still felt him deep inside and he didn't want this feeling to go away.

"are you cock warming me baby?" taehyung ask and jeongguk looked at him so innocent it made his breath hitch.

"mhh do I?" and the little smirk just killed him.

God he loved that boy more than anything.


OMG happy birthday to baby ggukie ♥️🥺

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope it doesn't seem that rushed but I just wanted to get it done 😄

Its 2060 words so I hope it's alright 😄♥️

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