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today was their 6 month anniversary and jeongguk was so excited to spend his day with his boyfriend. He bought tae a new pair of sunglasses, he printed a few pictures out and made a little book with the pictures and wrote 100 things he loved about him, He was really proud of himself and he hoped tae would like his gifts.

taehyung was on his way to pick him up, he was so excited to see his baby after a week because jeongguk was on vacation with his family and taehyung just missed him so much.

he sang to the song on the radio and was on his way to jeongguk. he had a flower bouquet with his favorite flowers and he bought him a pretty necklace with a heart shaped diamond and on the back he let engrave :

T & J

he was so happy to see his reaction on it and he loved to see that pretty necklace on jeongguk.


jeongguk put a bit of perfume on and run his hand through his hair. taehyung would be there any minute and he smiled and looked in the mirror one last time. the doorbell rang and he practically run to the door and open it, taehyung looked at his baby and smiled.

jeongguk immediately spotted the flowers and he smiled brightly. Taehyung gave him the flowers "for you baby" jeongguk took them gladly, hugged him tightly and kissed him on the lips." hey baby" taehyung whispered and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist, jeongguk showed him a big bunny smile and kissed him again. "hi hyungie come inside". they both smiled at each other and made their way inside.

It smelt like food so he thought jeongguk made them dinner and he smiled at that. he left his shoes at the door and followed jeongguk in the living room.

He could see that jeongguk cleaned and put some blankets and pillows on the couch and a few candles here and there. It looked so cozy and he was so glad that they didn't plan to go to a restaurant or something.

"are you hungry hyungie?" jeongguk asked and wrapped his arms around taehyungs neck and looked up at him. he smiled at his baby and kissed him softly on the lips bevor replying.

"yes baby " he whispered against his lips and smiled at him. Jeongguk smiled back and took his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen.
it smelled like selfmade ramen and he felt his mouth watering cause his baby was a really good cook.

"mhh it smells delicious baby, thank you" taehyung said and give him a little kiss on his nape when jeongguk put the ramen in bowls.

jeongguk giggled and places the ramen on the table, sat down with taehyung and they started digging in. The food was delicious as expected and after they cleaned up , jeongguk wanted to see a movie and taehyung of course had nothing against his baby's wish.

Jeongguk decided on spiderman and played the movie, they cuddled and wrapped the blankets over their bodies and stealing little kisses from each other.

after the movie taehyung kissed his cheek and whispered, "I got something for you baby" he pulled the little box out of his pocket and jeongguk smiled and watched him with a big smile. " aww tae .. I have something for you too" he turned around and picked something up. a bag with a few bunnies on them and taehyung cooed inside.

jeongguk took the box and opened it, his eyes widen at the pretty necklace " wow taehyung you didn't have to" jeongguk took the necklace out and looked at the diamond and when he turned it around his eyes started to water.

his heart skipped a beat at the engraving and he looked up at taehyung. the older saw his glossy eyes and he stroke lovingly his cheek.

"I love you so much baby, happy 6 month anniversary" he said and jeongguk kissed him immediately and wrapped his hands around him. taehyung kissed him back and pulled him on his lap and wrapped his hands around his tiny waist.

After a few minutes jeongguk pulled away and looked deep in his eyes. " I love you too , so much taehyungie" he hugged him tightly.

"can you put it on me?" jeongguk ask and looked at him with big doe eyes. taehyung smiled at him and took the necklace from his hands and put it on him. "it looks gorgeous on you baby" he said and kissed his lips.

"thank you so much tae" jeongguk took the presents for tae and gave it to him. with a big smile on his face he let taehyung open his gifts, the first one he opened was sunglasses and he loved it.

"baby omg thank you" he kissed him softly and put the sunglasses on.

"you look so good" jeongguk blushed at his sexy boyfriend and kissed him softly. "I have something else for you" jeongguk pulled the purple book out the bag and gave it to him.

taehyung smiled and took it with a "thank you baby" and opened it.

100 reasons why I love you

I love the way you look at me.

You make me feel like I'm the only person in the world.

With you I can be myself.

I love you because we are family and friends at the same time.

When we're together, all my problems disappear.

You make my heart smile.

You know me better than I know myself..

You are always willing to help me accomplish my goals.

You have the smoothest skin. I could spend hours just watching and caressing it.

You make me smile when nobody else can.

You have taught me the true meaning of love.

Because I miss you... even when you're in the next room.

Because when I'm hurt, you help clean me up and bandage me and kiss and make it better.

You're always there for me, no matter what.

I love it when we walk down the street in the rain, and you hold the umbrella above me so I don't get wet.


"baby that's.. that's the best gift I ever received.. I love you so much baby you have no idea" he hugged him tightly and kissed his neck. jeongguk smiled brightly, " I'm really glad you like it, I love you" taehyung stroke his cheek and kissed him softly. " I love you too baby"

they kissed again and enjoyed the rest of their day with cuddling, kissing and looking through the book.

It was a perfect day.


I'm not really happy with the chapter but I hope you like it <3

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