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—— author's pov

"damn baby" taehyung said as Jeongguk arched his back as he was trying to pull the remote out from under the bed. his plumb round ass directly in front of taehyung.

the cut out of the jeans showed even more of his ass cheek in this position. taehyung just keeps staring at his ass.

"what?" jeongguk said when he hears him but he was too focused to reach the remote, if his arms would be just a few centimeters longer.

he tried to stretch his arms even further and moving his upper body under the bed as well when he finally reached the remote.

"your ass looks so good right now, shit I would fuck you right there so fucking hard"

jeongguk choked on air and hit his head on the bed ." fuck shit" he mumbled and got back up with the remote. He rubbed his head and looked at taehyung with red cheeks.

his head hurt but he was flustered at his words but the next minute taehyung was more worried about his head.

"are you alright baby?" he sounded worried and he immediately looked at jeongguk's head to see if everything was alright. he couldn't help but smile at taehyung for being so worried and so cute.

"I'm fine hyung, don't worry" jeongguk answered and smiled up at him. taehyung smiled back at him and kissed him on the cheek.

jeongguk remembered why he hit his head in the first place, a smirk appeared on his face and he looked at him again. taehyung furrowed his brows at the way jeongguk smirked at him.

"what did you say about my ass?" taehyung face turned into a smirk and he wrapped his arms around him to cup his ass.

"when you arched your back like that and showed me your perky little ass in those god damn jeans. I just want to fuck you so bad" taehyung whispered in his ear and kissed down his neck.

jeongguk let out a little moan and grabbed taehyungs shirt and pulled him closer to kiss him hard. he kissed him back immediately and put his hands on jeongguks thighs  to lift him up.

jeongguk wrapped his arms around taehyungs neck and licked over his bottom lip, to let their tongues dance together and tasting each other.

taehyung sat down on the bed with jeongguk on his lap, his perky ass directly on taehyungs dick. He let out a little moan when the raven head started moving his hips in circular motion, he knew how to drive taehyung crazy just by this.

taehyung softly bite on jeongguks bottom lip and delivered a smack on his ass. he choked on air and felt himself harden against taehyung. why does it feel so good to get his ass smacked?

jeongguk pulled away and looked at his lust filled eyes and red swollen lips. "can you smack my ass again?" he whispered softly and with red cheeks.

taehyungs mouth turned into a smirk and he grabbed his ass and smacked it again a bit harder. Jeongguk moaned loudly and he is surprised at himself for feeling so turned on just by this.

taehyung was stunned at his reaction, he could feel jeongguks hard dick pressed against his stomach and he loved to see him enjoy it that much. he smacked his ass again to see his reaction again.

jeongguk moaned again and dig his nails in taehyungs shoulder, it felt so fucking good.

"again" he whispered and pressed himself closer to his hyung. he whimpered slightly at the way he felt his dick twitch in his pants.

of course taehyung grated his baby's wish and he smacked his ass again, the clapping sound echoed through the room and jeongguk moaned his name so needy it turned taehyung on as well.

"please hyungie more.." jeongguk whimpered again, his ass check sting a bit but it felt so good. he was surprised that he enjoyed it that much and he already felt like coming.

"harder please" he whispered in taehyungs ear and he sounded so needy and turned on. Taehyung smiled at his baby, his baby asking so cute was his favorite part. cause how could he say no to him?

taehyung carressed his ass check and he used more strength to smack his ass even harder. jeongguk scream in his shirt and taehyung immediately regretted it. he never intended to hurt his baby and now gilt crept upon him and he didn't know what to say.

"omg baby I'm so sorry... I didn't mean too" taehyungs heart hurt when he tried to make eye contact with him.

jeongguk locked up with glassy eyes and he bites his lip, he looked down and then up again. taehyung follow his eyes and spotted the wet spot on his jeans.

then he realized jeongguk just came in his pants? his eyes widen in surprise.

"you just came baby" he felt relieved that he didn't hurt him in any way and he looked at his pretty eyes again.

"it felt so good hyung" jeongguk blushed madly and he tried to hide his face in taehyungs neck.

he didn't know he could come just from the feeling of getting his ass smacked but the claps on his ass just felt good and he couldn't help but to cum.

taehyung hugged him tightly and caressed his back. "what a good boy" he kissed jeongguks head and smiled.

"let's get you cleaned up bun" taehyung said and held jeongguk's waist. the raven shock his head and stayed on his lap.

"You're still hard tae, I wanna suck you off" jeongguk whispered in his ear and palmed his dick through his pants. taehyung was still hard but he didn't care he thought it was more important to clean his baby.

"you don't have to bun" he said and kissed jeongguk's forehead, smiling at him. He always made sure to satisfy taehyungs needs too even if he was tired.

"but I want to.." jeongguk pouted at him and he couldn't say no to him pouting like this. His baby was too cute.

"okay bunny if you want" he softly kissed him on the lips and jeongguk kissed back and smiled at him. he got off his lap and sat on the floor between his legs. with a swift hand move he opened his belt and pulled his pants and boxer down.

his dick springing free, tip red and leaking. jeongguk wrapped his hand around his big cock. taehyung hissed and looked down at his pretty boy.

jeongguk started stroking him and wrapped his lips around the head. taehyung moaned at the feeling and jeongguk looked up at him while taking him in his mouth.

Taehyung moaned at the wet soft feeling on his dick and to see jeongguks pretty lips wrapped around him like this was just too much.

Jeongguk sucked softly and took him deeper after a few seconds, he could taste the precum and he felt the dick in his mouth twitch.

"fuck baby .. you turn me on so much" taehyung pulled on jeongguk's hair to push his dick deeper in his mouth. He moaned loudly and moved his hips faster. Fucking jeongguk's mouth with shallow thrusts.

Jeongguk's eyes started to water, he could never get used to taehyungs size , no matter where.

Taehyung loved the feeling of his warm mouth and he felt like coming already. He speeds up his thrust and fucked jeongguks mouth while pulling his hair.

"baby I'm gonna cum soon yeah? coming in your pretty little mouth. Taking my dick so good" he bites his lip and looked down at jeongguk to see his lips stretch around his cock so beautifully.

His dick twitched and his breath quickened and jeongguk could feel it, he sucked harder on his dick and moved his head faster.

"baby fuck!! I'm coming!" taehyung moaned loudly and pulled jeongguks hair and with a loud moan he came down his throat.

jeongguk swallowed and pulled off with red lips and teary eyes. Taehyung watched him as he licked his lips.

they looked at each other and taehyung was again mesmerized by jeongguk's beautiful doe eyes , they looked like there had little stars in them and he loved it.

He pulled jeongguk on his lap and kissed him softly.

"I love you bun" he whispered against his lips and jeongguk giggled at the nickname. "I love you too" and they kissed again.


hey guys sorry for letting you wait :(
I think I rushed the ending a bit so I apologize for that :)

how you doing guys?
I hope you're fine and please stay safe and healthy ♡︎

If you ever what too talk about anything I'm here ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

love, M ♥︎

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