Suffer does the wolf, crawling to thee / promising a big fire, any fire

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jon snow x fem!oc
best read with black background


Don't be fooled by her looks.
That one will surprise you.
That one will pull the trigger
when you aren't looking.

Vellorahna: It was an island near Valyria in the olden times who were not a part of their empire. The land's people looked nothing like the silver haired, purple eyed Valyrians. Some were pale, some were tan, their eyes would range from the lightest blue to the darkest brown that was almost the shade of the night sky and their hair was not near the silver hues of their neighbours'. The Kingdom of Vellorahna was an ally to the Valyrian Empire. They would trade their goods with each other and swore to protect the other from harm and fight by their friend no matter the cost. An olden ruler of Valyria even swore that if it came to the whole bloodline going extinct then the Vellorahn's would be the true heirs to the throne. Aerador Wren, the king of Vellorahna at the time, took that gesture to heart and would never forget the support of the Valyrians.

The House of Wren has always been to ruling family since the olden days in Vellorahna. Nobody even knew how or when they became so powerful, nobody even knew where they came from. They obviously didn't have Valyrian roots since they didn't have the silver hair or purple eyes however their features where simply the darker shade of them. House Wren was always surrounded by the theories of their roots. Most of the people suspected they just had to come from Valyria since their hair was a golden shade of yellow, their eyes blue like the ocean and not only where their main colours red, orange and gold like fire, their symbol was a phoenix. The bird of fire. The closest thing to the fire breathing dragons. However even as the years passed these were only speculations.

Then came the doom. The doom of Old Valyria and the doom of Old Vellorahna. What happened then was something nobody knows and probably nobody ever will. It happened so quickly and the traces of the two huge civilizations turned to dust. Both lands became ruins and only a few lived to tell the tail. One of those were the Targaryen's and the other was the Wren's. The Valyrian house moved to Dragonstone way before the doom which was the soul reason of their survival. While the House of the Dragon continued to rebuild their empire by their king, Aegon, and his sister-wives and dragons the Vellorahn house decided to lay in the shadows of the realm. The two houses did form an allience after the tragic fall of their kingdom or empire but they agreed on the terms that they would only come to each others aid if things turned to the worst.

The House of Wren, and the few other families who survived, travelled east and settled down in the Shadow Lands for years and years. Their family line went on and they laid low while they gained power for when it would be needed. The survivor nation claimed a bit of land in the mountains and continued their line of kings and queens there. During that time Aegons conquered the seven kingdoms and sent an invitation to the House of Wren, since they were the only ones who knew of their whereabouts, inviting them to join him as he took control over Westeros. Vilarys Wren, the king during that time accepted the contains of the letter and with his house he travelled to Westeros. There they settled down with their allies, the Targaryens, and just like the Valyrian rulers promise to Aerador all those years ago they ruled the seven kingdoms together. Their houses however never married which seemed strange to some but the rulers agreed on that by their own wishes to keep the Valyrian and Vellorahn blood away from each other. They wanted to keep their identities.

For years and years the dragons and the phoenixes ruled together in Westeros. They shared their plans with each other, helped the other when it came to battle and they secured their place on the throne. Even though the Targaryen's were the ones to sit the iron throne, behind the scenes it was the Wren's. The only trouble that came was when the Targaryen king, Viserys, named his daughter, Rhaenyra, heir which would make her the first queen to sit the throne. During that time the Hightowers sunk their fangs deep into the court of the Red Keep much to the Wren's dismay. The house of the colour green and the house of the flaming phoenix were at a silent war for the time to come. After the death of King Viserys the family seperated in two: the blacks which consisted of Rhaenyra and her family and the greens who was mostly lead by Alicent Hightower, or much more by her father, and her children. Aegon II, the son of Alicent tried to get the support of the Vellorahn house but to no avail. The Phoenixes didn't support userpers.

Then came war. A war fought by dragons and phoenixes. Fire met with fire. The teams were at war with each other for a long time but it only came with deaths after deaths. The main reason of thewar was obviosuly the stolen throne but it could be led back to the tension between the Wren's and the Hightowers, the venom filled whispers of the Hand Otto Hightower, the feud between Rhaenyra and Alicent after the Hightower girl married the dragon girls father, or the certain forbidden love between a dragon and a pheonix. The war had many reasons but it ended with almost both sides of the Targaryen family dead. Some died by dragons, some died by swords, some died by their own sadness, some died from lies, some died because of love and some died because of betrayel. The Wren's were almost all dead but like a phoenix the family would be reborn even from the ashes.

Time went on and the children of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen continued the line of the heirs for the iron throne. The Wren's did stay by their side but didn't rule with them anymore. The house had to marry with many other noble houses in Westeros to keep their family tree going but they did turn to the choices of incest a few times. Some of the members of the family wanted to keep their Vellorahn blood pure but they soon found it to be pointless. Their family name was the powerful part of them not their blood. Who cared how they looked like or how pure their blood was, their story was the important part. That Westeros knew who they were. And they did.

In 281 after Aegons Conquest, King Aerys Targaryen sat the Iron throne and his family was next in line to inherit the rule of the Seven Kingdoms. The Wren's as always were by his side, now more that they ever have been. Jaegal Wren had a bad feeling about the Lannisters and even if he didn't agree with the cruelty of Aerys he didn't dare to lose their allience. During the civil war that was going on the Targaryen king went mad and his rule turned into violence and anger which lost the respect of many. Then happened the tragedy. The Kings Guard, Jaime Lannister, killed the Mad King and then Robert Baratheon disposed of the rest of the Targaryen family in the war of the userper. As House Wren tried to defend the Valyrian Dragons from their death, as they have promised each other, Jaegal fell to his death alongside his wife, Maesys, and two sons, Vanarr and Rihannor. The Phoenixes fell to their demise alongside the Dragons.

What Robert Baratheon didn't know that two-two members of both families fled from Westeros and hid away beyond the Narrow Sea. Viserys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Fernar Wren and Asenya Wren were the sole survivors of the bloodshed in King's Landing. As fifteen years passed and the children grew older the Wren's decided to go back to Westeros and try to gain power once more while the two last dragons stayed in Essos. Asenya wanted to stay with her best friend, Daenerys, but her brother who was about six years older than her decided it was best to go.

The two pheonixes travelled back to their home and Fernar decided it was best to marry Asenya off to a powerful house in Westeros. Ironically the family had an old allience with House Stark back in the days so the elder boy decided to propose a betrothal between his sister and one of Ned Stark's sons. The King in the North was a friend of Jaegal so he knew that Fernar was trying his best to keep the family's name as his father would've wanted to. Ned Stark agreed to the proposal of the phoenix boy since he had a son close to Asenya's age, Jon Snow. The girl however was against the whole plan to set her up with a man she did not know since she wanted to be independant in this cruel world. Asenya, much different to her brother, was hot headed, sarcastic, but most importantly she was vengefull. She despised the Lannisters with a burning passion and she set a goal to herself during the fifteen years in Essos.

She would tear down the Lions and burn their family to the ground just like they did with hers. She would take back what was rightfully theirs and the other two silver haired children's. She would do whatever it took to take the Iron Throne back even if that meant she would have to burn down to the ground with them.

After all she was a phoenix. She would be reborn from the ashes.


Holliday Grainger as


Kit Harrington as

we are reborn from the ashes




⤷to everyone I love and who have supported me in any way! And who I think would like this!! ❤

@-sunfyres @fireestar @elqctra @pndragns @vougeriots @heartofmortis @xanderherondale @elqtra @ATEEZKINGZ @mayamaybe29 @ewgender @-swrites @-tzarrion @wrensofvizla @fireandbloods



𝐢. PTOLEMAEA, ethel cain 𝐢𝐢. WHO IS SHE?, i monster 𝐢𝐢𝐢. GAME OF SURVIVAL, ruelle 𝐢𝐯. PHOENIX, leaguge of legends 𝐯. CENTURIES, fall out boy 𝐯𝐢. MONEY POWER GLORY, lana del rey 𝐯𝐢𝐢. WHICH WITCH, florence and the machine 𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. AGAINST ALL ODDS, ramin djawadi 𝐢𝐱. PROTECTOR OF THE REALM, ramin djawadi




° . ⭒ okay that might have been the longest synopsis I have ever written in my life holy shit😃 no more words are left in my brain I have shitted them all out. Anyways hello hello welcome to my jon snow fic. I have had this in the works for a while since I had to plan out quite a lot of lore and I'm even making up a whole ass language for this 🫣 but yeah making up a whole bloodline is one of my fav things to do teehee , I've always wanted to make a Jon Snow fic but never had a plot for it but this one just popped out of my head one night and badumm this happened🤌 this fic will be a story of a girl from ashes with sprinkles of a love story but most importantly revenge for her family and taking back what was once hers🛐 I also might have a plan to make some prequels to this one from the fire and blood times and during the times of the valyrian empire🧚‍♀️

° . ⭒ this fic will be pretty gruesome to warn you all, there will be tons of desriptions of blood and death, torture and other stuff. And as we all know the got universe is pretty disgusting, women have gone through tons of stuff in that series and it will be horrible to write about it as much as reading/watching it is so if when a chapter will have a a topic of such kind I will put a wrning once that part starts for those who desire to skip it, I will put a little summary at the end of those chapters so if anything important happened and would be mentioned in other parts you would know what happened

° . ⭒ but anyways vote, comment ect. I need some reassurance dhjsjak I hope you'll enjoy it !!!!💕

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