;ZERO.. the betrothal

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The North was cold. It was the land of eternal cold and snow, which many people disliked, mostly the ones who visited from the south of Westeros. Despite the cold, the northern lands were beautiful. The white snow that coated the surface of the ground or pulled a blanket on the trees and mountains made the scenery a sight for sore eyes.

Winterfell was the castle that belonged to the Stark's. The family of the wolf resided there for years and years on end. The castle itself was dark and gloomy but there were plenty of roses and the red tree gave it some colour.

At this time, Eddard Stark was the main ruler of that land. Fortunately or unfortunately, he was also the Hand of the King, Robert Baratheon. The northerner man was married to Catelyn Stark of House Tully, and they had five children together: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon. Although Ned's illegitimate son, Jon Snow, resided with them aswell.

A man ran inside the main hall of Winterfell, causing a few heads to turn to him, one of them being Ned. He let out a few puffs of air and quickly composed himself, straightening up and taking a big breath. "My Lord, I come bearing a message."

Eddard waved his hand, and the two men standing by the huge wooden doors slowly closed them. The man stood there like a statue and waited for permission to speak.

"Well, what is it?" Ned asked him with a curious gaze.

"It came as a letter, my Lord." The man replied and lifted his shaking hands to show the paper that he was clutching. He looked around and turned back to the Stark with a fearful look in his eyes. "It has a phoenix engraved in it."

"A phoenix?" A man boomed after letting out a gasp.

"What?" Another questioned.

"That can't be...The Wren's, or what's left of them, are in Essos, far away from here." A woman whispered to herself.

Ned looked at his wife, who was watching him with an equally curious but scared look in her eyes. The Lord of Winterfell motioned the man holding the letter to come closer. He rushed to the table and set the message down on the wood as fast as he could and gulped, waiting for the next instructions.

Ned didn't understand what the vellorahn children wanted from him. More importantly, why him?

He shook his head and reached for the letter before giving Catelyn another look. Ned grabbed a small knife and cut the red, black, and gold paper open. There were two pieces of paper in it with neat handwriting and the smell of the salty sea surrounding them.

My Lord,

I am Fernar Wren, first of my name, the last remaining man of the House of Wren. I come to you with a proposal that would not only benefit me but also you.

I wish to betroth my sister, Asenya, to your son, Jon Snow.

It has come to my attention that you have been looking for a suitable wife for him, but since he is a bastard nobody agreed to it. My sister is also of age, the same age as Jon Snow, which makes me think that they would get along well. With this betrothal, you would get our support. Even though we don't have an army of thousands of men, we do have a smaller group of spectacular warriors. Not to mention that both of us were trained in our younger years as the tradition of our house to protect our friends.

I hope you can answer our letter as soon as possible, since we are in Essos we would need to travel a long distance. Most of all I hope you will consider this offer.

Fernar Wren.

Ned Stark read the letter carefully with his wife, also scanning her eyes over the message. They gave each other an understanding look, and with a nod, they came to their decision.

"Fetch me a pen and some paper, boy!" Ned motioned to the young man still standing there terrified.

.• •.

It was a sunny day in Pentos. There were barely any clouds on the blue sky, and the sun was shining brightly, making many hide away in the shade.

In the courtyard of a large building, a girl was sharpening her sword. She had her blonde hair braided away from her face and wore light clothing. Her boots, however, created small dents in the soft ground beneath her feet since she was stomping around with force.

"I just can't believe that he wants to go back to Westeros, Dany." She stated with frustration lacing her voice and her face.

The white-haired girl leaning on the railing of the stairs looked at her friend with a neutral face but a sad look in her gaze. "It's probably for a good cause, Asenya. Our brothers have been plotting how to take back the throne since we fled."

Asenya continued sharpening her sword. "I know that, but what about us? What about the plan to stick together? The oath?"

"Senny, your hand--" Daenerys' soft voice called out.

"It's just stupid! What was the reason for the oath between our families if it'sbeing thrown away as if it never existed!" The blonde continued.


"And now he just decides to marry me off to some unknown man! He doesn't even recognise my opinion about the matter, I could burn down a whole city, and he wouldn't change his mind."

"Your ha--"

"Daenerys, in the North! The North out of all places! He expects me to just go from the warm to the freezing cold weather and not from a fit? Not a single chance." Asenya rolled her eyes. "What if the man looks like a deformed goblin. I would not want to marry a creature. Oh, sweet ashes, what if I need to bear the children of a hor--"

"Asenya!" Daenerys yelled.

The blonde looked at her friend stunned at her outburst since she never really heard the white-haired valyrian raise her voice.

Daenerys also seemed a bit shocked by her loudness but continued looking at Asenya with a pointed glare. The blonde followed her gaze only to see that her sword was catching on fire right beside her hand.

Asenya chuckled a bit and lifted her hand from the sword after finally putting an end to the sharpening session. "This is nothing to worry about, Dany. Do you know what this sword is?"

"No." Daenerys muttered, going back to her usual quiet self.

That was a lie.

Asenya has told her thousands of times since she got the sword from her brother.

"This is Hellbringer. It has been passed on for generations in our family." Asenya started her rant about the metal that she definitely hasn't told everyone who even glanced at the weapon. "It is made out of vellorahn steel and is gifted with magic from the people of Asshai. This beauty can catch on fire by a single swing and doesn't burn out even if you tried your hardest. It actually belonged to my ancestor Adyira Wren during the Dance of Dragons! She was the best warrior in our family, and she was the--"

"Sworn protector of Aemond Targaryen. Yes, we know." The voice of Fernar came from the arch of the main building.

The two girls turned his way just as Viserys also walked into the sunlight. Oh, how much Asenya disliked him. Even dislike is a weak word to describe her feelings towards her family friend. He was the worst kind of an egotistical, snob, misogynistic man in the universe. He just gave her goosebumps, not the good kind.

Asenya gave her brother, Fernar, a glare since she still hasn't forgiven him for going behind her back. Daenerys, on the other hand, gave the blonde man a small smile but continued to avoid the eyes of her own sibling. She liked to think that the two Wren's were her real relatives instead of her blood related brother.

"Asenya, I know you are still mad at me, but I come bearing news." Fernar said as Asenya took a swing at the dummy across from her.

The blonde girl didn't turn around except kept hitting the target with the intention to do the worst harm to it. "Did they refuse your offer?"

I sure hope so, she thought in her head.

"No, actually, they agreed."


The dummy was thrown across the courtyard, hitting a tree in the process. Daenerys flinched in surprise, Viserys stared at the whole interaction in amusement while Fernar merely pinched the bridge of his nose.

Asenya held the blazing sword in her grasp and slowly turned to face her brother. "They... accepted?"

Fernar nodded as a reply. "We will start our travel by ship in two days. I suggest you pack your personal belongings as fast as you can."

Before Asenya could unleash hell on him, the two boys quickly fled the scene. Daenerys was the one left to deal with the wrath of her dear friend who was fuming. She could almost see the steam leaving her ears and nose. The valerian girl just stood on the stairs with a terrified expression, wishing that she could be everywhere else but by the Wren girl's side.

The blonde girl stood motionless in the quiet courtyard, trying to calm herself, but to no avail. She imagined all the horrible things that may happen to her once she finds out who she is betrothed to and what will happen to her once they are married.

She hauled her burning sword right into the head of the dummy with the tip of it sticking out the other side.

Daenerys just hoped that the poor man who was about to deal with Asenya every day was prepared for her personality. She just hoped he wouldn't meet the same fate as that poor training dummy.

Asenya let out a single huff before storming away.

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