17. π‘»π’‚π’Œπ’† 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍 // 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 π‘»π’˜π’

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For warnings, see part 1!


The morning moved quickly.

Jay woke everyone up 2 minutes before their alarms went off, but waking up early didn't stop it from being hectic.

Jungwon was second out of bed, and he managed to claim first dibs on the shower.

He couldn't help but try to make himself look a little better than usual, making sure to style his hair neatly and try to flatten out the creases in his clothes.

As soon as he opened the bathroom door, Riki claimed it next and rushed in after him. Jungwon returned to his room that he shared with Heeseung, who was just crawling out of bed with his eyes still half closed.

"Hyung, we can't be sleepy today," Jungwon said, giggling when Heeseung groaned at his comment, "It's an important day, remember?"

Heeseung nodded and rubbed his eyes sleepily. Eventually, he did stand up and he trudged out of the room.

Jungwon checked on everyone else, and Sunghoon was the only one still in bed. He was tempted to take a picture to send to the group chat, but Sunoo came in before he could make his mind up.

"Have you eaten yet?" Sunoo asked as he placed a glass of water and several packs of medicine with a note on Sunghoon's bedside table.

"No- what's the note for? Hanbin-hyung is a med student too," Jungwon said.

"Go eat something, and drink some water," Sunoo instructed, ignoring Jungwon's question.

Jungwon didn't have the courage to go against Sunoo's orders, so he reluctantly left the room and went to their shared kitchen.

He took a cereal bar and a bottle of water from the counter, and didn't bother to sit down while he ate. Jay, Riki and Jake were also in the kitchen, and Heeseung joined them after he finished in the bathroom.

When Sunoo joined them, they left the dorm together.

The trip down the stairs felt longer than usual, with all of them anticipating their mission. They'd trained for missions countless times, and with countless successes, but Jungwon still felt nervousness growing among the members of the team.


The HQ felt different when they were entering it with the knowledge that the next time they came here, they would have completed their first mission.

Another unit, a much more experienced one at that, was also preparing for their own mission. Jungwon glanced over, watching as the agents prepared so calmly and skillfully. They had probably done this countless times, and their experience made itself known through their professionalism.

Except one, who seemed to scurry around looking frantic and slightly lost, shouting at people who put things in the wrong place.

Leopold Fitz, the legendary engineer Jungwon always idolised in the academy, before he realised he was interested in team leading.

Agent Coulson's entire unit was a dream team, and Jungwon could only wish he could be a leader like that: countless missions, countless successes and a family-like bond.

Well, maybe this mission could be another step towards his dream.

The preparation for their mission felt frantic, but as soon as they were all seated securely in the quinjet, Jungwon settled his thoughts, only one thing on his mind now.

"Does everyone understand the plan?" Jungwon asked once the quinjet was up and out of the hangar. His teammates responded with nods and hums of affirmation, giving Jungwon the extra confidence he would need. He knew he could trust his team, and now he could be sure of it.

As soon as it was confirmed that they were approaching the buildings, Jungwon undid his seatbelt and stood up, holding onto one of the bars above the seats to keep himself steady.

"Remember, we're doing this quickly and quietly, but I need a lot of communication since we'll be split up."

The quinjet began to lower onto the building, thankfully the new S.H.I.E.L.D technology meant that the jet was quiet and almost entirely invisible to the naked eye, and to most regular radars. They could make their entrance easily and quietly.

The quinjet landed and the baydoor opened, with Jungwon leading the members onto the roof of the building. Jake and Riki went straight to the vent opening and began to remove the cover, while Jungwon and the others took the door and stairs.

Once they reached the top floor, Heeseung and Sunoo split off, leaving Jungwon and Jay to scope their side of the building. They were looking for anything they could deem suspicious, and anything that they could be using to hack S.H.I.E.L.D's databases.

Riki's voice came from the comms,
"We're in."

Jungwon heard a small giggle at the end, and he smiled slightly. That was definitely a line that Riki would have always wanted to say on a mission.

Jay and Jungwon made their way to the floor below, and Jungwon was waiting for any sort of communication from Heeseung and Sunoo that they were doing fine. He decided that maybe the pressure was getting to them, and they might have forgotten their usual routine of checking in. A small prompt would probably get things running again.

"Heeseung, Sunoo, how are we?" Jungwon asked, but it was silent on their end. The static was almost deafening, and Jungwon was getting concerned. Another minute of silence passed, and he decided to try something else.

"Jake, Riki, have we heard anything from the others?"

Jay glanced back at him, hearing the concern in his voice. It couldn't have meant anything good.

"Any updates from HQ? We have no response from our comms."

Another wave of deafening silence passed over, and Jungwon sighed. He composed himself though, and a number of plans running through his head.

"It's only a cut of comms, if I were the others I would continue the mission. If they all follow the plan, we'll be in the right place at the right time," Jungwon thought out loud, "We should get our part done as quickly as possible. They'd be blocking the comms from the same place they're hacking, we might be able to unblock the comms while we're at it."

Jay nodded, and turned back to lead the way. They reached the end of the corridor, where Jungwon found a vent near the floor. It was small, but it could work.


Coulson watched as the agents finished up their mission prep, with everything they needed now on the Bus. All that was left was to actually set off on the mission.

Just as he was entering the Bus, though, he was stopped by another agent.

"Sir, one of our rookie groups had their comms cut off, do you think one of your team could stay behind to help us get back online?"

Coulson actually almost considered it, but he weighed out the consequences. There were other agents here, Coulson only had his team.

"The whole team is important to this mission," Coulson said, having made his mind up already, "If it's still down when we get back, I'll get them on it."

And with that he turned away, heading into the Bus to begin his mission.


This could be fun, Hanbin thought.

Yes, it was just his normal job, take care of a patient while the team is on a mission. But it wasn't just any patient, it was Sunghoon, one of his many friends from the academy - he got to spend the day with one of his friends who he hadn't gotten to properly sit down with in ages.

He stopped off at the campus store on his way, buying some instant ramen and medicine that would hopefully last the day. Once he purchased them, he headed to his destination.

He stopped outside of the building, pressing the button for the EN20 dorm. A few seconds passed and he tried again, but still there was no response. Sunghoon was probably fast asleep, unaware that Hanbin was even there.

He tried a different button, hoping he'd remembered the correct one. He'd still be living in the dorms, right?

"Hey, yeah, what?" The groggy voice came from the speaker, and Hanbin had to hold back laughter.

"It's Hanbin, can you let me in? I'm here for Sunghoon in EN20."

"It's broke, you'll just have to climb through the window," the man replied, and it cut off there.

Hanbin pressed the button again, "No, get your lazy ass down here and open the door for me."

There was silence, and for a moment Hanbin thought he'd actually just ignored him, but he eventually replied,

Hanbin waited, a few minutes longer than expected, and eventually the door opened.

Nicholas stood on the other side of the door, his hair a mess, wearing a bathrobe and Nike sandals.

"You look like you just rose from the dead," Hanbin grinned, letting himself in past Nicholas, who let the door fall closed behind them.


Jungwon looked between Jay and the vent, and Jay had his back to him, watching the corridor for any unwanted guests.

"So. Seeing as Sunghoon is at the dorm and Riki is on the other side of the building," Jungwon said, turning to Jay, "How flexible are you?"

Jay took his focus off the corridor to glance at Jungwon.

"Are you kidding me?"


It was Jungwon who ended up taking the route through the vents, leaving Jay to quietly patrol the corridor alone. He hated the idea of splitting off on their own, but Jay insisted it would be fine.

Now, if Jungwon remembered the structure of the building correctly, he should be right above one of the side corridors. He doubted anyone would be there, and it was too small of a corner for anyone to see him from a different corridor. It made the perfect place to drop out of the vent.

He carefully removed the vent cover, peering down at the floor and listening out for the presence of another person. It was silent, so he slowly dropped out of the vent, wincing at the loud sound of his feet hitting the floor.

The corridor was small, as he had predicted, and there was a sign on the wall with the layout of the building.

He saw movement at the end of the corridor and whipped his head up, spotting a shadow moving from the next corridor. His heart was thumping, trying to make him panic, but he might just get away with this if he stayed calm.

A man turned the corner, eyes locking on Jungwon as soon as he saw him. His pace increased as he headed towards him, but Jungwon assumed that the fact that he didn't immediately draw his gun was a good sign.

Though, the fact that he had a gun was definitely a bad sign. This was more than just some desperate reporters.

"Where are you stationed?" the man asked once he was close enough to Jungwon.

Jungwon racked his brain for a location on the map, wishing that he had a photographic memory.

"West wing, top floor. Just heading back now, I had to go the long way because the elevator's broken," Jungwon said, watching as the man observed him cautiously.

"What are you waiting for then? Go and do your job, we don't hire you for nothing," the man said, giving Jungwon one last glance before walking past him, and Jungwon had to resist his sigh of relief until he was definitely gone.

That could have been a lot worse.


After minimal help from Nicholas, Hanbin eventually found his way to the correct dorm. Of course, knocking was futile at this rate, as he expected no one would answer, but he did so anyway out of politeness.

When no one came to the door, he got the spare key card out from where it had been slotted in the letterbox and opened the apartment door, being careful not to make any loud noises.

He entered the apartment and closed the door behind him, and the silence made it feel like there hadn't been anyone here in days.

He made his way to Sunghoon's room, knocking lightly on the slightly open door. He peeked his head around the corner, finding that Sunghoon was buried beneath his mass of blankets, fast asleep and unaware of there being another human being in the apartment.

Hanbin let himself into the room, placing the grocery bag near the bedside table. He spotted the note, medicine and untouched glass of water on the bedside table and assumed Sunoo had put it there, even though Hanbin would of course also be prepared. Sunoo didn't like to admit it, but he was a bit of a control freak with these things.

Gently, he woke up Sunghoon, who groaned and pulled his blankets over his face. His cheeks and nose were pink and his hair was messy, and he'd barely even opened his eyes yet.

"Sunghoon-ah, how are you feeling?" Hanbin asked, lightly touching Sunghoon's forehead and frowning at the high temperature.

"Like shit, because you just woke me up," he grumbled, curling up more as he pulled his head away from Hanbin's hand.

"I know, I'm sorry, but you've got a fever and you probably haven't eaten yet. Now sit up, drink some water."

Reluctantly, Sunghoon shuffled around until he was propped up against the headboard of his bed, and Hanbin handed him the glass of water.

Sunghoon only had a sip of water before he put the glass back down, but Hanbin stopped him before he lay down again.

He opened one of the packs of medicine and popped one of the pills out onto Sunghoon's hand. Sunghoon glared at it like it was the plague.

"You're just like Sunoo," Sunghoon groaned, and he took the pill with a sip of water, wincing as he swallowed it, "Can I go back to sleep now?"

"Go on then, I'll be waking you up again later to get you something to eat."

Sunghoon nodded and sunk back down into his bed, seemingly nodding off in seconds.

Hanbin stayed for a few minutes, and was about to leave, when he heard Sunghoon speak up.

"I don't know how he does it," Sunghoon mumbled. His eyes were still closed.


"I don't know how Sunoo does it. I was a bit tired yesterday, he told me I'm sick and suddenly I feel like shit today. I'm starting to think he's making it happen, or something."

Hanbin shrugged, smiling, "He just knows. He knows you all too well."

Sunghoon sat up, steadying himself for a moment.

"He said I was 'acting weird'. Like, what's that supposed to mean?" Sunghoon said, his sleepiness making him slur his words slightly, "And besides, Jake always makes me act weird, so what's the difference?"

Hanbin's ears picked up at that, and he glanced at Sunghoon, who didn't even look like he cared about what he was saying.

"Why does Jake make you act weird?" Hanbin said, trying to hide his grin.

"He just… I don't know, he just does. And he acts differently to me than how he acts to the others too," Sunghoon said, a smile growing on his face, "He's nicer to me."

"Yeah, you guys are good friends," Hanbin said, grinning when Sunghoon opened his mouth to comment, but no words came out.

"Yeah… good friends."

Hanbin could not believe that this was happening. He was going to annoy Sunghoon and Jake over this so much when the mission was over.


The room that Jungwon was looking for wasn't too far, and he found it down the next corridor he walked down.

Of course, the room wasn't unoccupied.

Jungwon could see at least one person, probably two, inside the room, and he needed a way in without them seeing. It would be far too obvious if he came in, so he just had to get them out.

He spotted a wire that ran along the ceiling, and went into the wall outside of the corridor.

It must have been his lucky day, because the wire was easy to get through with his pocket-sized knife, and the light inside the room flickered off.

Jungwon scurried away and watched from around the corner as someone left the room, giving a puzzled glance at the lights that were still on in the corridor. He headed down the corridor, and now Jungwon only had one more to deal with.

He checked the corridor before heading to the room, silently knocking out the remaining man in the room.

Now, he had until the other guy came back to complete his mission.


I just quickly finished this before school and haven't read over all of it so I apologise for any mistakes! God I hope I'm not late for school now djshsgk

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