The Birth

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(The Hotel)

Violet has been laid down on her bed gently while she and Stolas were waiting for the ambulance. Ezra was filming everything while everyone was panicking.

"Where is that damn ambulance?" Vaggie asked

"This is finally happening, my niece or nephew are about to be born!" Charlie squealed in delight

"What do you need? Ice chips? Water?" Stolas asked as he was pacing back and forth, "Want me to sing?"

"Hell no!" Violet yelled

"Twice was enough." Loona said, annoyed

Violet then groans in pain, "Vaggie, do something!"

"Alright, fine!" Vaggie then walks up Violet and pokes her head underneath and says, "Now let me see what's going on under–."

Vaggie passes out from being in shock, "Vaggie!" Charlie yelled in worry as she caught her

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad." Blitzo said, he walks over to Violet

Violet then spreads her legs open and Blitzo gasps in shock, "Oh god! It looks like the other half of that sandwi—" Blitzo didn't get to finish his sentence as he passed out in shock

"Well that just happened." Fizzarolli said

"I always knew he was a lightweight." Loona said

"SOMEBODY SEDATE ME!!" Violet yelled in pain

"I got the drugs!" Angel said and then goes to run away but he is grabbed by Husk

"Oh no you don't." Husk said

"Mom, calm down! There's people giving birth all the time." Ezra said

Stolas and Violet give Ezra a questioning look, "Ezra! Ezra, come here!" Violet said

Ezra walks over to his mother and she grabs him by his collar, "Get that camera out of my face!" She yelled and then shoves him away

Asmodeus then comes out wearing gloves as Stolas was patting Violet's face with a cold rag, "Uncle Ozzie's here sweetie," Asmodeus said and he covers Violet's legs with a blanket, "Everybody out of the room! There's too many people." He yelled

Everyone leaves.

"Okay, Violet, you're going to have to push for five more seconds." Asmodeus then beings to countdown, "Five, four–"

"Three, two, one. Oh!" Violet finishes and then exhales

"Okay, the next contraction should be in about 20 seconds." Asmodeus aid

"I can't, I can't push anymore. I can't." Violet said as she groaned in pain

"Honey, honey, you're doing great." Stolas said, holding her hand

"Oh 20 seconds my ass." Violet groaned

"Here we go!" Asmodeus said, "keep pushing, wait I see something."

"Wait, you do?" Stolas asked

"Wait, let me see!" Fizzarolli said and shoved Stolas out of the way, he walked over to where Asmodeus is, "Oh my god!"

"Don't say oh my god! Oh my god, what?!" Violet yelled

"What is that?!" Stolas yelled

"That's the baby's buttocks, she's breach." Asmodeus said

"Oh thank god, I thought she had two heads." Stolas said

Fizzarolli then walks away and throws up in the trash can.

"Is she going to be okay?" Violet asked worried

"She's going to be fine. She's just in a more difficult position, so you're going to have to push even harder." Asmodeus said

Violet then begins to push, "Violet, sweetie, you're going to have to push even harder, nothing's happening!" Asmodeus said

"I'm sorry, I can't." Violet screamed out, "I can't!"

"Hey, hey, come on, yes you can." Stolas said, "I'm right here with you, just one final push."

"Ready? One... two... three!"

Violet then pushes but she then head bumps Stolas and he falls to the ground, "Keep pushing!" Stolas yelled

"Are you okay?!" Violet asked

Stolas gets up while holding his head and says, "You have no idea how much this hurts."

Asmodeus along with Violet give Stolas a questionable look.

Stolas then gets up and grabs Violet's hand and says, "Keep going! Keep going!"

"Here we go!" Asmodeus said

Violet keeps pushing.

"She's upside down, but she's coming! She's coming!" Stolas yelled

Violet gives one last push and the baby comes out, "Oh my god, she's here." Stolas said

"She–she's perfect." Stolas said

Asmodeus then passes the baby over to Fizzarolli and he begins to wrap her up.

"Okay! Get ready because you have another one coming." Asmodeus said,

"I already had a baby, leave me alone." Violet said getting dizzy


Violet pushes again while Stolas continues on holding on to her, "I'm right here with you sweetie! I'm not going anywhere!"

"I see the head." Asmodeus said

"Yes!" Stolas yelled

"Keep pushing, okay?" Asmodeus said

Violet pushes and Asmodeus is able to grab the baby and holds it up to them.

"Congratulations, you two have a healthy baby boy and a baby girl." Asmodeus said

"Good 'cause I'm about to pass out." Stolas said and then he does


Asmodeus then walks out of Violet's room and Charlie is the first one to run up to him.

"So what is it? What is it? Do I have a niece or nephew?!" Charlie asked jumping up and down

"It's a boy!" Asmodeus yelled

Everyone begins to cheer with joy and hug each other.

Lucifer goes to shake Asmodeus's hand, "And a girl!"

Everyone except for Lucifer was in shock, "What?!" Charlie yelled

"Twins?!" Octavia asked

"Yes, two babies. Better known as twins." Asmodeus said

"When did you all know about this?" Ezra asked

"A couple of weeks ago when we rescued Violet and Loona from that creepy doctor in the bayou." Lucifer said

"You see, Violet wanted to tell you all, but Stolas told her to keep it a secret." Asmodeus said

"How is Violet?" Cherri asked

"She's doing fine. She's waiting to see all of you." Asmodeus said

Everyone rushes into Violet's room to see the twins.

"Oh my gosh they're so precious." Charlie said

"Guys this meet Nova Ophelia and Orion Jax Goetia." Violet said

"Family picture, everyone!" Ezra yelled

Everyone gathers around Violet's bed and Ezra takes the picture.

A/N Note:

here is a picture of the twins the credit goes to @Just_Pozya

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