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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

Cameron Chandler belongs to MariChat3.

Japanese Translations:
"Anata wa watashi ni kansuru min'nano kioku o keshimashita." - "You erased everyone's memories of me."

"Watashi wa kazoku to ลkoku o mamoru tame ni shinakereba naranai koto o shimashita." - "I did what I had to do to protect my family and the kingdom."

"Watashi kara min'na o eien ni mamoru koto wa dekimasen." - "You can't protect everyone from me forever."

"Watashiwomite." - "Watch me."

"Cameron Chandler. He was someone that I thought was my friend. And despite the fact that everyone else warned me about him, I still trusted him and I learnt the hard way that he was not my friendโ€”not really anyways. But that doesn't happen for a long while so till then, let's get back to the story."

Flashback - 20 years ago, 1880

Flash Sentry rode on his horse with Quill Sentry, Hamato Yoshi, and Oroku Saki following loosely behind on their own horses as well. The four of them were on their way back to the Crystal Empire, racing against time with hope that they'd make it. By the time that the three adult men entered the Everfree forest, they spotted Prince Shining Armor, Queen Twilight Velvet, King Nightlight, and Tang Shen, who happened to have a seven months baby bump since she was pregnant with hers and her husband Hamato Yoshi's child, with solemn expressions on their faces.

As their horses came to a stop, Flash Sentry was the first to hop off. "Flash... I'm sorry but, you're too late." Prince Shining Armor said, knowing that he was in love with his little sister and she was with him.

Both King Nightlight and Queen Twilight Velvet stepped to the side to reveal a glass coffin that their daughter, Princess Twilight Sparkle was laying in.

"No. No!" Flash Sentry said, quickly moving to coffin while his brother and best friend hopped off their horses. "Open it." He couldn't believe that his own father would do this to someone that he loved but at the same time, he wouldn't put it past him either.

"I'm sorry, Flash, but she's gone." King Nightlight said, his eyes beamed with tears at the thought of his daughter being dead.

Flash Sentry stared down at the coffin, his blue eyes watery while Quill frowned slightly, hating to see his little brother heartbroken. The hatred that Quill held for his father burned brighter in his veins for what he was putting his brother through.

"At least let him say his goodbye." Quill said with a saddened expression on his face at seeing one of his younger brother heartbroken.

"Quill's right," Tang Shen said, wiping away a tear that began to drip down at the thought of her best friend and her unborn child's godmother being gone. "They loved each other, he should be able to said goodbye."

And with that, both King Nightlight and Shining Armor moved to the side of the coffin, removing the casket. Flash Sentry then slowly and carefully leaned down to Twilight Sparkle and planted a long kiss on her lips for what he thought was the last time.

A wave of magic coming from a true love's kiss erupted from the two, coursing through the entire forest and spreading out to the entire kingdom as everyone felt it. Then, Twilight Sparkle released a gasp once Flash Sentry pulled away, opening her violet eyes to meet a pair of blue eyes that belonged to the man she loved.

"You found me." Twilight Sparkle said, her violet eyes staring straight into his blue eyes with a warm smile on her face.

"Did you ever doubt I would?" Flash Sentry asked, returning the smile as he took her hand in his and helped her sit up.

"Truthfully..." Twilight Sparkle began lightly with a smile. "The glass coffin gave me a pause."

"Well, you never have to worry," Flash Sentry replied assuringly. "I will always find you."

Twilight Sparkle smiled at his words. "Do you promise?"


"I DO." FLASH Sentry gave his vow at their wedding. Peace had finally came to the Crystal Empire as the Third Great Ninja War came to an end. Unfortunately, many lives were lost during the war and one of them being Prince Shining Armor, who was the former captain of the guard back then. There were multiple guests at the wedding that included the citizens of the kingdom, the parents of Twilight Sparkle, Quill Sentry, Tang Shen, Hamato Yoshi, Hamato Yuta, and Oroku Saki. Both Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle even had a picture of Shining Armor sitting on a chair next to her parents as a way of her brother still being there at their wedding.

The minister then began. "And do you, Princess Twilight Sparkle, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?"

"I do." Twilight Sparkle smiled as the couple held hands and gazed into the other's eyes lovingly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the minister finished as the crowd cheered happily.

Just as the newly wed couple was about to kiss, they were interrupted by the double doors swinging open and entering the room was none other than the Dark One. "Sorry I'm late." The hooded figure said.

The Dark One began to walk down the aisle as Quill, who was made the new captain of the guard by Shining Armor himself before he died, motioned for two guards to step forward. Immediately, the two guards went to stop her but were only thrown aside by the Dark One's magic. Frowning, Quill reached into his belt and grabbed the hilt of his sword, ready to take it out while Hamato Yoshi stood ready to help fight the Dark One off and also making sure that his pregnant wife, who stood by Hamato Yuta, was safe behind him, and even Oroku Saki stood ready in case a fight broke out.

"It's the Dark One! Run!" One of the guests exclaimed, clearly terrified that the Dark One would take back the kingdom and turn the citizens into her slaves again.

Twilight Sparkle then immediately withdrew her husband's sword from his belt and pointed it at the hooded figure. "You don't scare us anymore. You have no control here."

"No, no, don't stoop to their level," Flash Sentry assured her while stepping by her side again and taking his sword slowly. "You're wasting your time here. You've already lost, and I will not let you ruin this wedding."

The Dark One smirked underneath her hood, setting aside the fact that none of them remembered who she was underneath the hood but she had her suspicions to why. "Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. If the visions proved anything, that won't happen till your firstborn child is here. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift."

"We want nothing from you." Twilight Sparkle remarked.

The Dark One scoffed. "But you shall have it. My gift to you... is this happy, happy day for one day, my real work begins. You've made your vows and now, I make mine. When the day comes that your firstborn child is here, I will take everything that you love, including that firstborn child of yours, and out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do."

And once her threat was finished, the Dark One turned around and started to walk away. With one look at his wife's fearful look was enough to set a burning anger inside of him that made Flash Sentry furious. He knows that ever since his wife had seen the visions of their firstborn child's future, she's been terrified since then.

"HEY!" He shouted loudly as the Dark One faced him. The moment that the Dark One turned around, Flash Sentry threw his sword towards her; it almost hitting her but the Dark One disappeared in time by her magic. The crowd gasped and began to murmur now.

While Flash Sentry went to comfort his wife, Queen Twilight Velvet took the chance to use her magic and disappear as well, reappearing behind the Dark One as the two were inside the cave on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire that the hooded figure had found after she was defeated and banished from the kingdom.

"We need to talk." Queen Twilight Velvet said firmly, glaring at the hooded figure.

The Dark One chuckled and turned around to face her.

"Anata wa watashi ni kansuru min'nano kioku o keshimashita." The Dark One told her in Japanese.

"Watashi wa kazoku to ลkoku o mamoru tame ni shinakereba naranai koto o shimashita." Queen Twilight Velvet shot back sharply in Japanese as well.

"Watashi kara min'na o eien ni mamoru koto wa dekimasen."


The Dark One shook her head as she stared at her from underneath her hood. "I had a feeling you did it when nobody knew my name," the hooded figure said, chuckling as she went back to their English language. "How long do you think you can keep it hidden?"

"For as long as I can. I'm the only one that knows your name, not even my husband does." Queen Twilight Velvet said sternly before glaring at her with a look of hatred. "You killed my son. You killed your ownโ€”actually, you know what? Forget it, you're not part of this family."

"Do you think I care? Family does nothing but makes you weak," the Dark One said. "And I would watch my tone if I were you. Wouldn't want anything to happen to that firstborn child your daughter will one day have."

Then, the hooded figure smirked at her. "Tell me, did Twilight have those visions yet? Because to me, it seemed like she was terrified of what was coming. What is it that the visions said her name was again? Brittany? Blair?"

"Briana." Queen Twilight Velvet answered sharply, hating how the hooded figure in front of her was talking about her future granddaughter's fate. "And I would be watching your tone because the last time I checked, she's the prophesied last Destroyer. She'll be the one that stops you."

"If she survives," the Dark One taunted with a smirk. "The prophesied last Destroyerโ€”you do realize that Briana's fate is undecided, right? The visions showed us all the possibilities of what could happened to her. 14,000,605 visionsโ€”and she either dies in every single one or becomes the villain. So, to me, it looks like she has two choices either way. Die or become the bad guy."

"You forget," Queen Twilight Velvet reminded with a smirk. "There's one where she survives, wins, and gets to live the rest of her life."

The Dark One scoffed and waves those words aisle. "Just because of a one percent chance doesn't mean it'd happen because it won't because in every universe, Princess Briana Gem Sentry-Hamato dies or becomes the bad guy. And if she survives any of her deaths, then we both know that she'll be a anomaly."

Queen Twilight Velvet narrowed her eyes, a strong desire of determination to change things set in her violet eyes.

Even if it means changing a few things herself, when she's not supposed too.

"We'll see about that."

End of flashback


"WHEN THE FIGHT is concluded, the ones called the turtles, Boy Danger, and Captain Violet are defeated by the kranng."

The seven teenagers were fighting the kranng droids that they had came upon during their patrol in an alleyway. The alien robots fired their guns, never being able to hit one of them as the seven teenagers kept dodging and slicing the alien robots in half. Feeling eyes watching them, Boy Danger looked up towards the rooftops and narrowed his eyes when he spotted Karai standing on a rooftop, watching them. He scoffed and looked away, frowning slightly when he noticed Leonardo looking in the same area that he was just looking in before shaking his head and jumping back into the fight against the alien robots.

"Don't worry, Danger!"

"What?" Boy Danger said, confusion written on his face when Leonardo suddenly kicked the droid to the ground, stabbing it to the ground. He grinned before running off while Boy Danger frowned, knowing exactly who he was trying to show off too.

Boy Danger looked over to see Eclipse handling herself extremely well against the alien robots with her kamas. "Clips, look out!" Leonardo shouted.

Eclipse turned around, expecting to slice a alien robot in half behind her but nothing was there. "Nobody's even there." She said and right when she turned back around, Leonardo sliced the droid in front of her in half before jumping off.

Eclipse raised an eyebrow before heading over to Boy Danger. "What was that about?" She questioned.

"Look who's watching." Boy Danger said, motioning to the rooftop that Karai was standing on.

Eclipse looked up and frowned immediately at the sight of her. "Oh," she said before she rolled her eyes. "Great, now he's showing her our moves."

"I'll save you, Raph!" Leonardo called out, slicing the droid in half.

"You'll save me?" Raphael said angrily.

Leonardo was already running towards another droid, kicking the gun away and knocking the gun down. "You're okay now, Violet!" He called out before running off again while Captain Violet blinked with confusion on her face.

Then, he made a quick B-line for Michelangelo, who had a droid wrapped tightly in his nunchucks. Leonardo leapt into the air and landed on top of the droid. "Relax, Mikey!" He sliced the droid to pieces with his katanas. "You're safe now!"

"Thanks!" Michelangelo said before he frowned. "Wait, I was fine."

"What's up with him?" Raphael asked as Boy Danger and Eclipse walked over to him.

"Look up." Eclipse told him.

Raphael looks up and spots Karai on the rooftop, causing him to instantly frown.

Leonardo continued on, helping Donatello, who was fighting his own droid. "Donnie, behind you!"

Donatello whipped around, raising his bo staff but there was nothing there. "The wall?" He asked. But before he could turn around, Leonardo had already pounced and sliced the final droid in half with ease as he did a impressive backflip and landed on the ground, sheathing his katanas. He placed a hand on his hip, looking pleased with himself as he looked up at Karai, who was still watching. Leonardo gave her a cocky smirk before watching Karai run off.

"Um, what the heck was that?" Donatello asked, Boy Danger looked over to see he, Michelangelo, and Captain Violet had gone over to the blue masked mutant turtle.

"Yeah, you trying to impress us?" Michelangelo said suspiciously before grinning. "Cause it worked!" He added, hugging his brother as he pinched his cheek.

Boy Danger, Eclipse, and Raphael walked over to them. Both Boy Danger and Eclipse had frowns on their faces while Raphael had a angry and distrustful expression on his face; one that was directed towards Leonardo.

"What is it, Raphie?" Captain Violet asked, a hint of concern in her eyes when she noticed the look on his face.

"I thought I saw something..." he walked up to their older brother, folding his arms. "What about you, Leo? Did you see something?"

Leonardo's ocean blue eyes narrowed. "No."

"You sure?" Boy Danger asked with a frown, staring directly at him as he moved to stand next to the red masked mutant turtle.

"Positive." Leonardo confirmed.

Raphael glared at his brother before glancing over at Boy Danger and Eclipse, then glaring back at Leonardo. Then, Eclipse walked over, standing next to Boy Danger with a look directed towards her eldest brother. "Family first, right?" Eclipse asked, using the rule that Briana came up with during their first few weeks going topside.

"Family first," Leonardo confirmed before finishing the rule Briana came up with. "Always and forever."

While Boy Danger and Eclipse kept frowning at him, both Raphael and Leonardo continued to glare at each other. Sensing the tension building, Michelangelo quickly stepped back to avoid the fight that looked like it could start at any given minute.

"Do you guys feel like we missed something?" Captain Violet asked her two other brothers.

"Definitely." Donatello and Michelangelo confirmed.


"YOU KNEW THAT the Foot Clan was watching us!" Henry argued with a frown. The moment that they got back from patrol, he had gone into the dojo with Leonardo, Raphael, and Eclipse to spar while talking to Leonardo about what happened.

"Not the Foot! Karai!"

"For the last time, Karai is the Foot!" Eclipse said, blocking his katanas with her kamas. "You knew she was there, watching and all you did was show off! You practically just gave her our moves!"

"I was demonstrating how formidable we are," Leonardo said. "I knew she wasn't going to attack us."

"Of course not! She's studying our moves for next time!" Raphael said, his sais going against the blue masked mutant turtle's katanas. "You don't flirt with the enemy, Leo! You take them down!"

Leonardo shook his head. "No, you guys are wrong about her! She has a good side."

"Oh, yeah? If you're so sure that she has a good side, then why don't you tell the others?" Henry asked.

"Because they wouldn't understand!"

Raphael's eyes narrowed while Eclipse shook her head. Then, Raphael used his sais to flip Leonardo around and push him back. Leonardo hit the wall and Raphael held his forearm to his brother's plastron to keep him in place. "You really think Mikey, Donnie, and Bri wouldn't understand?" He paused and frowned. "You really think Donnie or Bri wouldn't understand?"

Leonardo glared. "Look, I know what I'm doing!"

In one foul swoop, Leonardo raised his arm and punched it forward, knocking Raphael clean off his feet. He growled and got up as he jumped on Leonardo, bringing both brothers to the ground while Henry and Eclipse watched. Raphael punched Leonardo several times before Leonardo a managed to shove him off before leaping forward and wrapped his arms around Raphael, putting him in a headlock.

"You have to trust me." Leonardo said firmly.

"Why should I!?" Raphael demanded.

"How are we supposed to trust you when you're running around, flirting with a member of the Foot!?" Eclipse demanded, a frown on her face towards her eldest brother.

"What is going on in here!?"

The four of them froze and looked up to see Splinter walking into the dojo. He stood over them, eyes narrowing as Leonardo released Raphael and the two brothers stood up, brushing themselves off.

"Uh... nothing important." Leonardo said quickly. He looked at his brothers and sister. "Right, guys?"

Both Raphael and Eclipse folded their arms, not looking at him before a second later, they both sighed. "Right..."


Henry frowned slightly before he sighed. "All good."

Then, Raphael unfolded his arms and started to walk away, shoving Leonardo with his shoulder as he did. Eclipse sent him one firm look before walking out of the dojo herself and once Splinter had left the dojo as well, Henry turned back to the mutant turtle.

"You really think that Karai is good?"


"No, I'm serious, Leo," Henry said, a frown on his face. Did he not realize who he was showing off too? To Henry, he couldn't help but think that what if this was the Foot's way of getting to whatโ€”or in this case, who they wanted more than anything. Briana. For all Leonardo knows was that Karai was doing all that just to get close enough to capture her! "How do you know that she isn't lying to you? For all you know her little act is a trap!"

"It's not," Leonardo defended. "She's good, I know there is."

"That's the thing, Leo. How the heck do you know you're right about that?" Henry questioned. "You do realize that she could be lying to you just so she can get close enough and capture who the Foot wants?"

"What do you mean?"

"We know they want Bri for... for some reason, Leo," Henry said, hating that he can't tell him the truth because of Splinter's warning yet. "How do you know that Karai isn't trying to capture Bri by getting you to trust her?"

"Karai wouldn't do that," Leonardo stubbornly said. "There's good in her. I know there is."

Henry then sighed at his words, knowing how stubborn he could be. "I hope you're right about her, Leo," he said as he started to walk away before he stopped for a minute to look back at him. "Cause if you're wrong about Karai, you might just end up putting Bri in danger yourself."

And with that, he left the dojo while Leonardo stood there with his words replaying in his head.


AFTER HIS CHAT with Leonardo, Henry decided to get some homework done while he sat on the couch, which is where Kaz, April, and Briana were doing their homework too. Donatello was reading a magazine and Michelangelo was curiously watching them do their human friends and his sister. As of right now, Henry, Kaz, April, and Briana were each working on their project with a q-tip. "What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Sending in a sample for a class project," Kaz answered, putting the spit-coated q-tip into a vial.

Michelangelo blinked. "You guys are mailing in your spit for a class project? Man!" He pushes himself up to sit on his knees. "School sounds awesome!"

"It isn't." Henry, April, and Kaz said in unison while Briana shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, I'd be awesome at it," Michelangelo stood up proudly. "Check this spit out!"

Quickly, Donatello dropped his magazine, sprang to his feet, and launched himself at his brother, covering his mouth before any spit could be deployed. "Don't!" He said firmly, and his brother groaned.

"It's not about the spit," April answered. "It's the DNA."

Michelangelo, who's mouth is still covered, made a muffled sound as if he was asking what it was.

"DNA," Henry said simply as Donatello removed his hands from his brother's mouth. "Genetic code, the building blocks of life?"

Michelangelo blinked, eyes full of confusion, and Donatello rolled his eyes. "Okay, DNA is a microscopic blueprint that tells every living thing what to grow into and why am I still talking to you?" He finished grumpily, frowning at his brother.

"I don't know," Michelangelo grinned. "You think you'd learned by now."

"Everyone in our class is sending a DNA sample to this research group," April continued as the two mutant turtles sat down in front of her. "The Worldwide Genome Project. Then, they'll send us back a report telling us about our ancestors. Neat, huh?"

"Uh-huh," Michelangelo nodded. "Uh-huh, uh-huh... wow, it's amazing what they can do these days." Everyone blinked as they stared at him. "Just kidding!" He said, shoving his brother playfully.


BOTH ECLIPSE AND Raphael watched Leonardo walk in through the turnstiles and enter the lair. "Huh, look who's back." Raphael said.

"I bet he went to go see Karai." Eclipse said, a small scoff leaving her lips.

Then, the two of them quickly walked forward and caught up with him. "So, are you gonna tell the guys about her?" Raphael asked.

"No need," Leonardo said, the three of them continued to head for the kitchen. "We... had a little chat. And, uh, she's gonna leave us alone."

"Leave us alone? As in, all of us?" Eclipse questioned, uncertainty written on her face as she didn't believe what he was saying.

Leonardo stopped walking and turned around to face them. "Well... more like all of you," he added. "I told her that I'd fight her if she wanted one. But I also told her that if she went after you guys, Hen, and Bri, I would go after her."

"Okay, so?" Eclipse asked, not seeing the point behind his words.

"So, I think she's gonna leave us alone."

"Oh, right," Raphael said shortly, folding his arms. "Because villains always back off when you ask them to. Maybe I'll text the kranng and ask them to stop mutating stuff."

Leonardo glared at him before pulling back the curtain and stepping into the kitchen.

"I can't believe he's dumb enough to believe that Karai will leave us alone just because he told her." Raphael said, irritated by his brother's behavior.

"I know," Eclipse said with a sigh. "At least we can said we told you so when it's proven that we're right."


Then, the two of them entered the kitchen as well. "Okay, guys, what do you want? Omelet pizza? Or pizza omelet?" Michelangelo asked.

"What's the difference?" Raphael asked.

"Okay, dude, you called my bluff." Michelangelo said, grinning as he took out a large bowl of eggs.

Suddenly, all their T-Phones went off, the retro ringtone playing immediately, indicting they got a text message. They all took out their phones from their belts and pulled up the messages.

Help! I'm trapped! Being attacked by an old lady at my school!

April's getting attacked by an old lady at school. Hen and Bri need backup.

Trouble at Roosevelt High.
April's getting attacked.

Hen and I are fighting an old lady at school.
We're gonna need backup.

"Hey, did you guys just get text messages from April, Kaz, Hen, and Bri?" Donatello asked, looking at his own phone.





"Well, does yours also say she's being attacked by an old lady that Hen and Bri are fighting?"

"Sure does."




"Is that considered an emergency?" Donatello asked.

"I guess," Leonardo said. They all just stood there, staring at each other for a few seconds. "Let's go!" He ordered. At once, they all jumped up and bolted from the kitchen.


BOY DANGER KNEW it was risky to have the five mutant turtles coming to the surface in the middle of the day but with an old lady shooting missiles at him and Captain Violet, backup was clearly needed for the situation. He almost had his head taken off by a missile and it would've happened if he hadn't jumped out of the way in time. Both he and Captain Violet were catching their breaths and recovering their strength by hiding out in a empty classroom for the time being.

The five mutant turtles literally kicked the doors to the school open as they entered the building. "Sweet!" Michelangelo said, staring wide-eyed and beaming. "So, this is what school's like!"

"Yeah," Donatello said as they continued walking, holding his bo staff. "Bri wasn't kidding when she said that the school was huge."

Then, there was a loud beeping sound and they looked down to see that they were passing through what looked like metal detectors set against the wall. Raphael thrust his arm forward and stabbed a detector with his sai. It continued to beep until Raphael started to repeatedly stab it till it powered down.

They headed down the entrance hall before coming to a flight of stairs. At the foot, they looked up and there was this woman with gray hair standing right at the top.

"Okay, I feel stupid." Raphael said.

Leonardo sighed. "April, Kaz, Hen, and Bri gotta learn that the T-Phones are for emergencies only."

"So, you and Bri downloading that Space Heroes game app was considered an emergency?" Eclipse asked with a smirk.

Leonardo turned bright red at that comment. Suddenly, the sound of the running caught their attention and they looked to see Boy Danger and Captain Violet appearing in time. But before a word could get said, there was movement coming from the woman. The old lady's head had turned completely to face them. Her large eyes glowed bright red, and she had an almost plastic face.

"Ap-Ap-April O'Neil?" She said in a stuttered, robotic voice.

"Aw, sewer bunnies..." Raphael grumbled.

The robot screeched loudly and threw up her arms. They folded back, revealing two gaping holes where her elbows should be. "Duck!" Boy Danger warned, as he and Captain Violet jumped out of the way at the same time as two missiles had shot out and came straight at them. They jumped away at the last second, but the force of the blast still knocked them away.

"Leo!" Michelangelo shouted. "I think this does count as anโ€”"

"An emergency! I know!" Leonardo snapped.

There was another loud screech as the robot jumped into the air and landed between Leonardo and Michelangelo, who both jumped aside. Raphael leapt at the robot, thrusting his sai forward but the robot lifted her arm, and the blade went straight through her hand, sending out purple sparks. She swung Raphael around in the air several times before throwing him away, and he landed on top of the trophy cases.

As the others went to attack, the old lady robot leapt away while being chased to the upper floor. "Alright, guys," Leonardo said with a smirk. "Let's put Old Mother Hubbard back in her cupboard!"

Boy Danger and the other mutant turtles groaned while Captain Violet giggled a little.

"Dude, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes." Raphael said, annoyed.

As the seven teenagers were fighting the robot, they slung their weapons and when Leonardo sliced the robot's arms at the last second with his katanas, the arms fell to the ground but so did the face. The robot straightened and it could be seen that there was nothing on the head but a silver plate with several twitching wires.

Leonardo then spotted the water fountain. "Mikey! The water fountain!"

"I know!" Michelangelo said, beaming at the fountain. "School has everything!"

"No! Spray her!" Boy Danger added, catching on to what he was thinking.

"Oh!" Michelangelo slammed his fist on the fountain button and the water sprayed from the faucet. It hit the robot in the face, which made the robot burst into a mess of purple sparks. The water stopped and the robot smoked before falling to the ground.

"April!" Donatello shouted as he sheathed his staff, the others doing the same to their weapons. "Where are you?"

Slam! April jumps out of a supply closet and marches over where she kicks the robot's head. "And stay down!" She snapped while Kaz walks over.

April then turns to the others, putting a hand on Donatello's shoulders. "Thank you, guys."

The purple masked mutant turtle's cheeks went pink for a second. He faltered and awkwardly ruffled her hair. "You are so welcome." He said, giving a goofy smile.

They all turned and looked down at the robot. The wires were still twitching and small sparks erupted.

"So, what the heck is that thing?" Kaz asked.

"Looks like a kranng droid," Leonardo said. "Minus the kranng."

"Where the heck did she came from?" Eclipse asked.

"She said she came from the Worldwide Genome Project." April said.

"Whoa," Michelangelo said. "How did the kranng know you sent your DNA spit to the Worldwide Genome Project?"

Raphael and Eclipse turned to look at him and yelped since he was holding the robot's metal face up to his, holding it like it was a mask. Raphael growled and smacked the mask out of his hands while Eclipse smacked the back of her twin brother's head.

"The kranng must've hacked into their systems," Donatello said. Nobody noticed what just seemed to happened. "Who knows what kind of info they could be stealing?"

"April, Kaz, you guys should head to the lair where it's safe," Leonardo said. "And we'll go check out the Worldwide Genome Project."

"But first, we've gotta take down the Eastside High Panthers!" Michelangelo said, pointing to a large football poster that he was standing next to. "According to that poster, they've got it coming."


THE TEAM OF heroes were running swiftly over the rooftops, scanning the area for the facility of the Worldwide Genome Project. Then, in front of them was a huge, round building that took up half the block. It took about ten minutes to get to the building. Once they reached it, they climbed up the roof and looked around for the entrance, Captain Violet tried the door but it wouldn't budge.

"It's locked. Captain Violet answered.

"So, how do we get in?" Raphael asked.

"Leave it to me," Donatello said as he pulled out his T-phone and digital lock pick. "I've got an app for that."

Donatello then walked up to the door, putting his lock pick in the lock, connecting it to his phone, and began pushing buttons.

"This is gonna take a while." Eclipse muttered.

Raphael nodded. He marched over to the door and looked down at his brother. "I've got an app for that too." Without another word, he pulled back his foot and slammed it against the door, kicking it open.

As soon as the seven of them stepped inside, it was easy to tell that something wasn't right. "You know," Michelangelo said as they snuck through the hallway. "For a human lab, this place is awfully kranngy."

"Guys!" Leonardo hissed. "I think the kranng are the Worldwide Genome Project!"

Before they could said anything else, they reached the door. Boy Danger opened it, and they quickly slipped inside and hid before any of the Kranng could see them but two droids were standing inside, guarding. When the sound of the door closing was heard, the two alien robots turned around only for the robots to get thrown into a spare room that they got locked in, the tiny brain aliens popping out of from their robot bodies and stuck to the glass, snarling at the seven teenagers.

"Now, you two play nice in there." Raphael said, smirking as he poked the glass.

Now getting a better look at the room, there was a giant mutagen tanker in the center of the room and there was in-wall columns, filled with strange liquids, and different colors. However, Boy Danger felt his ears perked up, picking up a nearby sound and frowned, following it.

"What are those?" Leonardo asked.

"Well, it looks like they're collecting DNA samples from every plant and animal species on Earth." Donatello answered.


"Building blocks, dude," Michelangelo repeated. "I'll drop the science on you later."

Eclipse raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't think you should explain science to anyone, Mikey."

"Whatever it is, it can't be good." Leonardo said firmly. "Let's shut this place down."

"Uh, guys? Where's Danger and Raph?" Captain Violet asked.


They all looked up towards the top of the mutagen tanker where Raphael had pinned Karai down on the top ledge while Boy Danger had pinned Cameron down on the top ledge as well.

"Karai!" Leonardo shouted.

"Cameron?" Captain Violet questioned.

"Ka-who?" Donatello asked, confused.

"Long story," Eclipse said before turning to her sister. "Who the heck is Cameron?"

Captain Violet gave a nervous chuckle as she fidgeted in her spot. "Uh... long story?" She tried to said, but the firm looks she was getting from her brothers and sister made her sigh. "I'll explain later."

"Bet you think you're pretty slick." Raphael told Karai.

"And who the heck is your friend here?" Boy Danger questioned, glaring down at the boy he had pinned.

Karai didn't answer as she tripped Raphael, spun him around on his shell, and slammed her foot on his plastron. Cameron took this as a chance to trip Boy Danger and roll out from underneath, getting onto his feet.

While Karai and Raphael began fighting, Boy Danger gritted his teeth in annoyance as he took out his twin swords and both him and Cameron began to fight as well.

"Raph, Karai, stop it!" Leonardo yelled, jumping to where they are.

"Danger, Cameron! Come on, quit it!" Captain Violet said, jumping to where they were too.

"Okay, what the heck is going on here?" Donatello asked irritably. "How do they know her?"

"Yeah, and how do we know her?" Michelangelo demanded, then frowned. "Wait, do we know her?"

"Don't look at me, I only know who Karai is," Eclipse said. "I have no idea who Violet's new friend is."

"So, this is the stuff that turns people into monsters, huh?" Karai said as she stopped Raphael's oncoming blow. "How's it work?"

"Why don't you lean in a little closer and I'll show you?" Raphael snarled.

"Where's the fun in that?" Cameron asked, blocking Boy Danger's oncoming blow with his sword.

"Why don't you go inside? I'll make it fun for you." Boy Danger snarled.

Karai shoved Raphael away and kicked him, knocking him off the tanker. He landed on his feet on the ground, still holding his sais tightly while Boy Danger and Cameron hopped down from the tanker, their fight coming to a halt when Captain Violet jumped between the two.

"Guys, come on, stop fighting already! You're gonna blow our cover!" Captain Violet said.

"Enough!" Leonardo shouted, jumping in between his brother and Karai, blocking their attacks with his katana blades. "You're gonna set offโ€”" they shoved their weapons off, causing him to trip and fall back against the control panel connected around the tanker; the lights went red and a loud siren started going off, "...one of those." Leonardo finished irritably.

"Nice going, Leo!" Raphael snapped. "You're protecting her? What's wrong with you? She's bad news!"

"No, she's not!" Leonardo protested.

"Yeah, I am." Karai said.

"And who the heck is this guy?" Donatello asked, glaring at Cameron before looking over at his sister. "How do you know him?"

"Uh..." Captain Violet said, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "He's a friend?"

"Right, a 'friend,'" Boy Danger said, glaring daggers at the boy in front of him. "How do you know he isn't with Karai?"

"What?" Cameron asked, holding himself back from smirking. "Don't trust me?"

"Keep testing me and see what happens." Boy Danger warned, glaring daggers at him. Unknowingly to him, Boy Danger didn't realize that his eyes turned yellow for a few minutes, catching Cameron's attention before his eyes went back to their natural color.

Then, the automatic doors slid open and kranng droids had began to fill the room. The robots only stopped once the room was full. "The ones who are not authorized by the authority of Kranng to exist in this place, will now be destroyed by Kranng in this place." The closest droid said.

As they all took out their weapons, ready to fight. "This day just keeps getting better." Karai said, clearly entertained by the entire thing.

At once, the Kranng started to fire at them, and they all jumped out of the way. As the fight began, Karai ran forward and threw her tanto at a droid. The blade hit the droid in the head, and she kicked it to the ground.

"Look! See?" Leonardo called out. "She's on our side!"

"Are you kidding me right now?" Eclipse demanded.

"Are you even listening to yourself?" Raphael demanded as well.

"I like your brother and your sister, Leo," Karai said, jumping over three droids and slicing them in half. "They're almost as entertaining as you."

"Oh, when this is over, I'll show you how entertaining I can." "Oh, when this is over, I'll give you a real fight." Both Raphael and Eclipse growled menacingly, glaring at the girl with a distrustful expression on their faces.

Right when Captain Violet went to slice one of the droids in half, Cameron managed to push himself in front of her, making her come to a halt as she watched take on the droids that surrounded her, not giving her a chance to help out while he took the droids on himself. However, Cameron didn't realize that Boy Danger had turned his head over when he noticed this and the sight of it only made him narrowed his eyes at Cameron.

"Do not trust him." Boy Danger swore he heard something inside his head said.

"Cameron's on our side too." Captain Violet said, nudging Boy Danger in hopes that she can tried to get out of it.

"He's not on our side." Boy Danger said, staring at the boy with narrowed eyes. He could feel a part of him practically screaming at him not to trust him.

Then, a giant kranng tank rolling in, a kranng-droid standing on top of it. "Kranng is now arriving to provide the help that has been requested by kranng." The droid said.

"We're trapped!" Leonardo said.

"No, you're trapped." Captain Violet tilted her head to look past the droids and saw Karai and now Cameron standing by the control panel. "What happens if I do this?" She pointed a threatening finger at a button.


"Don't do that!"

"Highly undesirable outcome." A kranng droid said.

In order to proceed with their plan, Cameron looked over at Karai with a raised eyebrow. "So, we're pressing random buttons?"

Karai smirked. "Well, now I gotta."

Karai then pressed the button and there was a loud suction sound from all around them. The colored DNA then emptied upward and going to the section that lead to the mutagen tanker. Michelangelo looked up at the column containing cat DNA and shrieked like a little girl. The last of the DNA made its way into the tanker, and the mutagen started flashing multiple colors, smoking around the edges.

Everyone backed away slightly as there was a huge flash that blinded them all. When the light faded, in front of them was the weirdest mutant creature ever. It had the body of an octopus, but the head of a cobra with large eyes and purple, slimy, and pointed ears. It looked down and meowed.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Michelangelo cooed, earning an eye roll from Cameron.

The thing's head suddenly extended upward, its eyes protruded outward, and it opened its huge mouth to let out a roar. The mutant raised one of its tentacles and slammed it to the ground.

"Wow, that is wicked!" Karai said.

"How the heck am I gonna name this?" Michelangelo said, staring at the new mutant.

"Good question," Karai said, now carrying the top half of a kranng droid on her back. "Well, see ya." She nudged Cameron and the two ran off, leaping upward to the upper level and opening a door.

"You're not gonna help us fight this thing?" Leonardo called out to her.

Karai looked down at him. "I'll let the heroes handle it."

Leonardo glared up at her. "I trusted you!"

"I know! That's messed up, right?" And with that, she leaped out the door and vanished. Before Cameron left, he gave Captain Violet a wink before he turned and left as well.

"We told you so." Both Raphael and Eclipse told Leonardo in unison.

"So, guys," Boy Danger said to the other two mutant turtles. "We all fans of Karai yet?"

"I don't know who she is, but I know I hate her!" Donatello shouted.

"So," Eclipse said with a pointed look towards Cameron. "We fans of Cameron yet?"

"Oh, don't get me started," Raphael muttered. "I hate him."

They all turned and ran in the opposite direction, coincidentally toward the kranng, who weren't firing at them this time. No, they were aiming at the new creature.

"Hey, look, Leo!" Raphael said sarcastically. "The kranng are on our side now!"

"Save it." Leonardo snapped.

They all ran straight into the kranng, slicing them up as they went through. As the fight went on, they were all struggling against the new mutant and its tentacles slamming into them. At the end of the fight, it was Leonardo that ended the fight by using the mutant's own bolt of electricity against it.

However, the mutant was defeated and the building got caught on fire but the seven teenagers managed to escape the building by climbing the nearest fire escape where they sat and hid there for a while. The seven teenagers could feel the tense, awkward silence among them.

"So..." Michelangelo said lowly.

"We're thinking of somebody should start talking," Donatello said firmly before looking over at his youngest sister. "That goes for you too."

Captain Violet smiled nervously as Raphael, Eclipse, and Boy Danger turned to look at her and Leonardo.

"You two aren't getting out of this so easily," Boy Danger said.

Leonardo sighed, hanging his head in shame.

"So, since that's clear, you," Raphael said sternly, pointing a firm finger at Captain Violet, "can explain on the way home."

"Yeah, that's plenty of time to tell us the full story of how you know Cameron." Eclipse said in agreement.

As they all began to climb to the rooftop, Captain Violet sighed, giving in. "Fine. It happened when..."


THE WALK BACK home was fill with Briana explaining how she met Cameron the entire time and with some firm lectures from her brothers and sister. It was mostly on how she didn't tell him about Cameron in the first place or how none of them trusted him, especially Henry. It some begging from Briana but they all agreed not to said anything about it to anyone else and keep it between them as long as Briana agreed not to go see Cameron anymore since they didn't trust him. Once she was done explaining, it was finally her time to ask about how Leonardo, Raphael, Eclipse, and Henry knew who Karai was but they waited till they got back to the lair to hear his explanation.

"I should've told you about Karai sooner," Leonardo explained slowly. "But I-I really thought there was a chance she would be good! And... I guess I... sort of... liked her."

"Sort of?" Boy Danger asked with a raised eyebrow.

Leonardo then sighed. "Okay, fine... I really liked her." There was a short pause and everyone stared at Leonardo, but he didn't look at them. "Go ahead, laugh."

"Dude, I can't believe you trusted her." Michelangelo said.

"I can't believe you didn't trust us enough to tell us." Donatello said.

Leonardo looked up at them. "I was wrong. I'm really sorry."

"I tried to warn him." April and Kaz said in unison.

"You guys too, huh?" Eclipse said.

Splinter then stepped into the pit and approached his son. "Leonardo," he started. "You are not the first young man, or turtle, to make a fool of yourself over a girl."

"What about Donnie?" Michelangelo asked, and Donatello slapped his arm in return. "Or Bri with Kaz?"

"Mikey!" Briana shouted, her face bright red as she smacked his arm.

"However," Splinter continued. "When that girl is a kunoichi and the employee of your enemy, that is an error you cannot afford."

Leonardo bowed his head. "Hai, sensei."

"Deception is the ninja's must powerful weapon, and it seems Karai is a master."

"I know," Leonardo agreed. "We can't trust her, I see that now."

"Good." Splinter said as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "You must learn from your mistake."

Leonardo grinned as the mutant rat lowered his hand and turned away. "Thank you for understanding," he said. "I'm glad you're not mad."

Splinter's eyes narrowed. "Who says I'm not mad?" He suddenly brought the end of his staff down on Leonardo's foot.

"Ow!" Leonardo grabbed his foot, hopping on the other until he tripped and fell.


LEONARDO WAS HEADING towards the hallway where the bedrooms were with his shoulders slumped. Raphael, Eclipse, and Henry tried to warn him about Karai but he didn't listen all because he liked her. Although his mind was on that, he couldn't stop thinking about Cameron either. When Briana was explaining on the way back home, even he had to admit that something didn't sit right with Cameron. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hey, Leo!"

Leonardo stopped walking and looked over to see Raphael, Eclipse, and Henry walking over to him. "Hey, bro, we're glad you came to your senses." Raphael said.

Leonardo chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, you were right. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Aw, don't blame yourself, bro," Eclipse said, punching his arm lightly.

"You got carried away on a crush," Henry admitted. "It happens."

"Yeah, besides," Raphael said with a smirk as he folded his arms. "I can kinda see why you'd think she's hot. In an... evil kind of a way."

"Really?" Eclipse asked.

He shrugged. "What? I like tough girls."

"Good to know." Henry said.

Leonardo chuckled slightly. "Yeah, well, don't worry. I am so over that."

Raphael grinned, patting his brother's shoulder before pulling his hand back. But then, Leonardo couldn't help but frown lightly. "Hey, uh, you guys know how Bri told us about Cameron?" He questioned.

"Yeah." Eclipse said with a nod.

"You guys don't trust him, right?"

Henry scoffed at the mention of the boy, folding his arms. "Heck no. He's hiding something."

"Yeah," Raphael said in agreement. "And I don't like how he looks at Bri."

"Yeah, it's like he's obsessed with her." Eclipse added.

"So, we're in agreement then?" Leonardo asked, earning nods from the three of them. "Good, cause I'm getting the feeling that he's gonna be some real trouble."

"And just like that, the start of it all. You know, if I had listened to them in the first place about Cameron, then maybe some of the things that happened wouldn't have. One thing is for sure is that if I had listened to them about Cameron, maybe I wouldn't have died either."

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