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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

Cameron Chandler belongs to MariChat3.

"Oh, hi! I almost didn't see you there! You here to hear some more? Well, welcome back! It's time we get this show on the road!"

OUR HEROES STOOD on top of a rooftop, waiting for the Kranng to show up. Hours past and it felt like the seven teenagers had been waiting for centuries but there was no sign of the alien robots yet. Michelangelo kept poking Raphael's head to annoy him, despite the fact that he was warned by Eclipse, Boy Danger, and Captain Violet to stop annoying him. Before Michelangelo could poke the red masked mutant turtle's head again, Raphael annoyingly twisted Michelangelo's finger, earning a yelp from the orange masked mutant turtle.

"Guys, when ninjas are on surveillance, they are supposed to be quiet." Leonardo quietly scold, narrowing his ocean blue eyes at the red and orange masked mutant turtles.

"Sorry, Leo," Michelangelo apologized. "I'll scream quieter."

"Or," Boy Danger added, knowing that at some point, Michelangelo was gonna get it from Raphael if he kept annoying him. "You could stop annoying him."

"Where's the fun in that?" Michelangelo questioned with a grin. He was about to poke Raphael's head again and giggled as he did so.

Completely annoyed with him now, Raphael grabbed his finger and threw the orange masked mutant turtle over him. "Say it!" Raphael said as he grabbed Michelangelo.

"Raph! Be quiet!" Leonardo said, frustrated that they weren't being quiet.

"Not until Mikey says it!" Raphael argued.

Michelangelo rolled his baby blue eyes. "Raphael is all wise and powerful."


"And he's better than me in every possible way."


"And I am a lonely worm beneath his feet who doesn't deserve to live on the same planet he does because he's so amazing and cool and I'm a dirt clawd."

Raphael licked his finger and pointed it at Michelangelo's forehead. "And?" He said playfully yet angrily as well.

"And in the history of the universe, there's never beenโ€”" Michelangelo started to finish but was interrupted.

"Okay, enough!" Leonardo said, putting a end to it as Raphael stood up and Michelangelo sighed in relief.

"Don't say we didn't warn you, Mikey." Eclipse told him with a shake of her head.

"We're wasting our time! The Kranng are never gonna show." Raphael complained angrily.

"Have a little patience, will ya?" Leonardo responded.

"Trust me, guys. They're gonna show up at that lab tonight. I have reliable intel." Donatello said, a wide grin was all over his face.

"Intel? You mean April told you?" Boy Danger questioned with a smirk.

"You mean your girrrlllfriend?" Michelangelo and Captain Violet teased, giggling a little.

Donatello felt himself blushed from the teasing before he snapped out of it. "She's not my girlfriend, guys! She's a girl whose a friend, whose dad got kidnapped by the Kranng and we're gonna stop them!"

The other mutant turtles and Boy Danger just stared at Donatello with disbelief all over their faces since they knew that the purple masked mutant turtle had a big crush on the girl. Captain Violet, on the other hand, just made a fishy face and started making kissing sounds, indicting that her brother wanted to kiss their friend.

"Kaz's behind you."

Captain Violet felt her eyes widened as her cheeks turned bright red. "K-Kaz!? Where!?" She questioned with red cheeks.

Immediately, she whirled around to see if Kaz was really behind her. But when she didn't see anyone there and the sound of snickers reaching her ears, it was obvious for her to tell what happened.

Captain Violet huffed angrily as she turned back around, pouting a little while the others were laughing and she glared at them. "Meanies!" She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What the heck's going on up here?" A man's voice questioned, interrupting their laughter and causing the seven of them to freeze as they looked over.

"Aw, sewer apples." Boy Danger muttered under his breath.

"What, are you playing dress up?" The man, Vic, questioned at the sight of five mutant turtles before his gaze turned towards his satellite dish. "Which one of you slimy green ham shanks and dumb teenagers busted my satellite dish?"

"I don't even know what that means." Donatello said, thinking to himself.

"Me neither. But I don't like it." Raphael said, ready to grab his sais to fight.

Eclipse placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Let's go."

As the seven teenagers turned to leave, Vic called out, "That's right, you spineless cream puff! Listen to your mommy."

"Hey! Watch it, buddy!" Raphael said, turning around as he pointed his sais at the man.

"Raphie," Captain Violet said towards her brother. "Just ignore him."

"Oh, I didn't know you had salad tongs." Vic continued, only making Raphael more angrier.

"Salad tongs?! I'm not gonna take this from some greasy, pit-stained slob with a comb-over!" Raphael said angrily.

"You calling me ugly? Seen a mirror lately, circus freak?" Vic taunted with a smirk.

"Raph, no!" Leonardo and Boy Danger called out in unison.

Quickly, the two of them along with Donatello, Michelangelo, Eclipse, and Captain Violet managed to grab Raphael and hold him back, keeping him from attacking Vic.

"You want a piece of me? When I'm done, a piece of you is all that's gonna be left!" Raphael threatened, his emerald green eyes burning with anger.

"Uh, guys," Eclipse spoke up, getting their attention. "Kranng!"

Just as the kranng droids started to fire, the seven teenagers managed to avoid getting hit and pulled out their respective weapons, taking the alien robots down. "Way to blow our position, Raph!" Leonardo yelled.

"Don't even start blaming each other!" Boy Danger said. The last thing that they all needed was for one of Leonardo's and Raphael's big fights.

"Keep going, kung fu frogs! This is pure gold." Vic said, recording the fight with smirk as he held out his phone.

"We're not frogs, you idiot!" Eclipse called out, she rolled her emerald green eyes at him in annoyance.

"Yeah, and it's not kung fu! It's an ancient Japanese battle art!" Donatello called out in his know-it-all attitude.

"Not the time, Donnie!" Captain Violet said, tackling the purple masked mutant turtle out of the way from getting shot at.

Eventually, all of the Kranng droids were taken down. "Guys, he got us on video!" Leonardo said, seeing the phone in Vic's hands.

"Not for long he doesn't." Raphael said. He jumped at the door, only for him to get smacked into when Vic slammed it shut.

"I'm gonna make a fortune off of this!" Vic's voice was heard as they heard the sound of his footsteps disappearing, meaning that he was gone.

"Fire truck's in route. We got thirty seconds to run." Donatello informed.

"Let's move!" Leonardo ordered.

As they all started to leave, Raphael called out, "Wait! We have to find that guy and break his phone, and his face!"


"NOT ONLY DID Raphael alert the Kranng, but you got caught on video!" Splinter finished furiously while the seven teenagers were on their knees in front of him.

"Sensei, he was the angriest, nastiest guy you ever met." Raphael informed the mutant rat.

"Except for you." Michelangelo stated, only for Eclipse to smack the back of his head. "Ow!"

"You should have heard the insults this guy was throwing at us. They were so... insulting!" Raphael continued.

"Oh, I did not realize he said mean things. Of course, you had no choice but to jeopardize your mission." Splinter said sarcastically.

"Burn." Michelangelo mockingly told Raphael, earning a glare from the red masked mutant turtle.

"You are ninjas. You work in the shadows, in secret. This becomes difficult if there is proof of your existence in high-definition." Splinter lectured seriously.

"Look, we know where this guy lives. All we need to do is find him and shake him until the tape pops out." Raphael said.

"Oh, there's no tape. Video phones use flash memory." Donatello informed, earning looks from his siblings.

"Anger is self-destructive." Splinter informed.

"I always thought it was others-destructive." Raphael mumbled to himself.

"Raphael! Stand up!" Splinter ordered the red masked mutant turtle. Raphael quickly stood up in his spot at his father's orders.


"EVADE THE ARROWS." Splinter told the red masked mutant turtle as they stood in the dojo. Raphael stood in the middle of the room while the others stood around him in a circle with bows and arrows in their hands.

"No problem." Raphael said cockily with a smirk.


As the others fired the arrows, Raphael managed to perfectly avoid getting hit by all of them. "Yame! Again, except this time, Leonardo, Henry, Donatello, Michelangelo, Eclipse, and Briana, insult Raphael." Splinter said.

"Wait, insult him?" Donatello questioned, his reddish brown eyes widened a little.


"And he can't fight back?"


"I'm feeling good about this plan." Donatello said with a smile.


Like before, the same routine happened again with the only difference being that the others were throwing insults. Well, everyone but Briana. The purple haired girl bit her lips nervously, fiddling with the bow and arrows that she held in her arms since she didn't find it in her to throw insults at the red masked mutant turtle.

Splinter noticed this and chuckled slightly, smiling a little. If it was one thing that they all knew about Briana, it was that the girl didn't have a single mean bone in her since she was way too sweet and kind.

"You know what? Forget this! This is stupid." Raphael said, throwing his sais on the ground.

"Ninniku seishinis, the ability to endure insults with patience and humility. You cannot be a true ninja until you master it. Understood?" Splinter said.

"Hai, sensei." Raphael answered.

"You must get that video back using reason, not force."


"THAT'S RIGHT. I swear on my mother's grave that these guys are frogs and they know kung fu. You can't tell me that's not worth something," Vic said on the phone, just as the five mutant turtles, Boy Danger, and Captain Violet jumped down in front of him. "Ah! I'll call you back."

Before the seven teenagers could said anything, Vic pointed a finger at them. "Lay one finger on me, frog, and I'm calling the cops."

"We're not gonna hurt you." Raphael said, the others could see that he was trying not to get mad at the man.

"Then what do you want, freak?" Vic questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We got off on the wrong foot last night. Some things were said, and well, we would just like that video back," Raphael said as Eclipse smacked the back of his head to get him to finish. "Hm? Please?"

"What are you gonna give me for it?" Vic asked.

"Give you for it?" Raphael questioned through gritted teeth.

"Well, I figure I've got you over a barrel so, you've got to make it worth my while." Vic explained.

"I'll make it worth your while. I WON'T TAKE YOUR HEAD AND SMASH IT AGAINST THEโ€”" Raphael started to yell before he was cut off.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Raphael. Danger and I will take over," Leonardo started as Raphael turned around and crossed his arms. "What are you looking for?"

"A cool mil ought to cover it." Vic said, making Boy Danger rolled his eyes at that.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Boy Danger muttered to himself when he heard that.

"Hm, a cool mil of what?" Leonardo asked, not understanding what the man meant by that.

"A million dollars." Vic repeated with a smug smirk on his face.

This time, it was Eclipse who rolled her emerald green eyes at him. "Does it look like we have that money?"

"We do have some Canadian quarters that fell through the grate." Michelangelo interrupted.

"I can make some serious money off this thing. And if you don't want to pay, I'll hold on to it until someone else does." Vic stated.

"That's it!" Raphael said, as he smacked the man to the ground. "Hand over the video or so help me, I'll kick your hairy butt all the way to New Jersey!"

"Guys, the Kranng!" Captain Violet interrupted the scene.

Everyone looked over to see the Kranng getting into a van and driving away. Picking up a trash can, Raphael threw it at the van, causing the vehicle to flip over. The back doors of the van opened and the alien robots came out, causing a big fight to break out. During the fight, Raphael ended up going after Vic, only for the van to start driving off and eventually, Raphael was thrown out of the van, crashing into the others, knocking them onto the ground.

"Nice going, Raph!" Leonardo said as the seven teenagers stood up from the ground.

"What did I do!?" Raphael snapped, glaring at the blue masked mutant turtle.

"What did you do!? You left the six of us in the middle of the fight to yell at somebody! We could have stopped them but thanks to your temper, the guy with the tapeโ€”" Leonardo started to scold.

"Technically, it's a flash." Donatello corrected in his know-it-all manner.

"Not the time." Boy Danger told him.

"Is in the hands of the Kranng!" Leonardo finished telling Raphael, none of them realizing that Donatello noticed something. "How are we supposed to find them!?"

"Look, the truck's leaking!" Donatello answered, pointing to the track of car gas.

"Alright! We can follow the trail to their hideout!" Leonardo said happily.

"And then we'll bash some bots!" Raphael said happily, earning looks from everyone. "What?"

"We are going to bash some bots, you're going home." Leonardo told him seriously.

"What, are you kidding? Come on, guys. Are we gonna let Leo power-trip like this?" Raphael questioned, annoyed with the blue masked mutant turtle.

"I think Leo's right," Donatello said in agreement.

"You gotta control your temper. Until then, we just can't trust you." Leonardo said as himself, Donatello, and Michelangelo started to walk away.

"You guys aren't gonna bash some bots?" Raphael questioned, noticing that Eclipse, Captain Violet, and Boy Danger stayed behind.

"Nah," Eclipse said with a shrug. "Let's go."

Raphael smiled slightly, especially since the three of them were always the ones to understand him.


"WHO DOES LEO think he is? So what if I got a temper? I'm still the best fighter we've got. In fact, if anything, my anger makes me a better fighter." Raphael ranted angrily to Henry, Briana, Spike, and Eclipse once they got back to the lair.

Briana was holding a leaf for Spike to eat since she was feeding him as the three of them listened. "You understand me, don't ya, Spike? Chew on your leaf if you understand me." Raphael said as Spike chewed on his leaf. "Yeah, thought so."

"I understand you too."

Startled by the sudden appearance of the giant mutant rat, the three teenagers jumped a little. "Seriously, you gotta knock or something." Raphael said.

"Raphael, let me tell you a story." Splinter said.

"Sensei, I'm not in the mood for a story." Raphael argued.

"Spike, chew on your leaf if you are in the mood for a story." Splinter said as Spike did so. "Very well. When I was a young man, I fell in love with a womanโ€”"

"Oh, hey, is it that late?"


"Just listen." Eclipse said, patting her brother's shoulder.

"Her name was Tang Shen and I was not the only one who loved her. There was another man competing for her attention. Oroku Saki." Splinter began to tell his story, the three teenagers glancing at each other since they knew who that was.

"Shredder." Henry said.

Splinter nodded and continued his story. "One day, he insulted me in front of her. He called me many things. I felt I could not let those insults go unanswered. I lost my temper. And over time, our rivalry festered into hatred. Until Shredder sought to finish me and I lost my beloved Tang Shen."

"But it wasn't your fault. Shredder insulted you. You had no choice." Raphael stated.

"No choice? I could have chosen to ignore him. I could have chosen to let his words wash over me." Splinter informed.

"Like a river over stone." Briana replied as well.

"Indeed, young one. But I let him anger me. It was I who made his words into weapons. That's the choice I made. What choice will you make?" Splinter questioned, leaving Raphael left in his thoughts.


"WHAT THE SHELL happened to him?" Eclipse questioned as she stood above with Boy Danger, Captain Violet, and Raphael.

"Wow, I didn't think this guy could get any uglier." Raphael said with a smirk.

"You guys need a hand handling him?" Boy Danger asked the others down below with a smirk.

"Guys!" Donatello and Michelangelo happily cheered, relived that they had help now.

"Well, I think you've been punished long enough. Come and join us." Leonardo said with a smile.

"Hey, it's the kung fu frog with the salad tongs." Spyder Bytez insulted.

"Hey, it's the stupid loudmouth who's about to get his butt kicked." Raphael said calmly.

As the four of them hopped down to the others, the fight started up again. This time, Raphael was able to keep his temper under control. With the phone that held the video of them getting destroyed and Spyder Bytez escaped.

"I know a nice black widow that'd be great for him." Donatello said with a chuckle.

"Good work, Raph. I just wanted to say..." Leonardo started.

"You don't have to apologize." Raphael interrupted.

Leonardo thought to himself. "I wasn't going to."

"Oh, good." Raphael said with a grin.

"Yeah, Raph, not bad for a bloated buffalo." Michelangelo said with a smirk as he turned around.

"Just go for it." Eclipse told the red masked mutant turtle with a smirk.

Raphael then smirked and playfully tackled Michelangelo, grabbing him. "Say it!"

"Okay! Raph is all wise and powerful."


"And he's better than me in every possible way!"

Boy Danger shook his head at the two and chuckled. If there was one thing he knew, it's this: he wouldn't have them any other way.

"Good, you're still here. Pay attention cause this next part is important."


CAMERON CHANDLER HAS no idea how long he's been walking. Ever since he managed to escape the fog from surrounding the Crystal Empire, he's been walking all over the world in search of the lost princess with his mother's words repeating in his head.

"Find the princess! Bring her home and make the kingdom proud!"

"She has to be around somewhere." Cameron mumbled to himself, his eyes scanning the area he was around.

He walked over to a city and scanned it, his eyes looking over the words.

Welcome to New York City.

"If she's not here," Cameron started as he made his way towards inside the city. "Then I have no idea where else to look."

And the more he stepped into the city, Cameron finally came to a stop and stared at the city that was known as the Big Apple.

"Wherever you are, I'll find you, Princess Briana." Cameron said with a determined expression on his face.

But what Cameron didn't realize that once he does end up finding her, he won't like what he finds at all and not only that but history would end up repeating itself.

And the consequence of history repeating itself between Cameron and Kaz could end with Kaz losing Briana.

Just like Splinter lost Tang Shen.

"Told you it was important. You may want to remember him, he plays a important part in this story."

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