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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1. Cameron and Noelle belongs to MariChat3.


"Sometimes being a leader isn't easy or fun, but it's a job that has to be done."

Flashback - 21 years ago, 1998

KRIS HART KNEW what she was doing. She couldn't avoid or keep this anymoreโ€”not from him; not when she knew what he actually was. After all, she had been the one that had allowed her emotions to control her when she first met him, and it only lead her to the situation she was in at that very moment. But she couldn'tโ€”no, she wouldn't allow herself to regret it because she couldn't.

Not when she was holding her son in her arms.

And so, there Kris found herself standing in front of a apartment door and in her arms was a baby that was all bundled up in the warmest pair of clothing she could put on him as she held him close to her chest. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and waited. She heard the door unlocking from the other as it slowly opened, allowing her to see the person she came to see.

Daniel Hale stood in the doorway as he stared at her, his brown-hazel eyes remained fixated on Kris before his gaze moves down to the baby in her arms. He doesn't said anything as he stares at the child and the more he did, he watches as the baby opens his eyes, and Daniel sees another pair of brown-hazel eyes staring curiously at him.

"Daniel," Kris finally spoke up, keeping her son firmly against her chest. "Can I come in?"

Daniel doesn't said anything as he moves his gaze back onto her to stare at her for a while. He remains silent before he sighs, moving to the side to let her enter. In that moment, Kris steps the apartment while Daniel closes the door behind her and the two ahead towards the living room, now facing each other.

"You're probably wondering why I've been avoiding you," Kris said. "I..."

"Is he mine?" Daniel interrupted her, once again staring at the child that was in her arms.

Kris tries to swallow the sudden dryness in her throat, her arms lightly shaking but her grip on the baby tightened a little as she was determined not to drop him.

She knew what she did to be holding this baby, and she knew that she had to at least let him know.

"Yes," Kris said softly. "He's yours."

She heard Daniel take in a sucky breath and waited for him to said something, but when he never did, Kris continued. "His name's Henry. Henry Hart."

Daniel felt his body tensed as he allowed his eyes to move onto her. "Hart?" He questioned.

This was it, she knew that it was time to tell him.

"I... I told Jack that he was his," Kris said, moving her son closer to her chest and out of Daniel's reach. "He doesn't know about..."

Daniel knew what she meant and finished for her. "You never told him about us," he said.

"I couldn't," Kris said, refusing to let her eyes grow watery with tears. "I love him."

"Last time I checked, you said that you loved me too." Daniel replied firmly.

"I do!" Kris said quickly and a bit too loud as a small whimper came from her son. She quickly and gently rocked the baby in her arms to keep him from crying and lowered her voice. "I do, Daniel, but... I love my husband more. Jack and I... we're finally getting at a better place."

"That's not when it looked like when you slept with me."

Kris frowned lightly. "You were the one who invited me, remember?"

"I asked you if you wanted it to happen and you said yes," Daniel said with a glare. "I wasn't going to take advantage of you that night, Kris."

Kris shook her head as she sighed, realizing that they were getting off track. "Look, what happened is in the past. I didn't come to fight about it." She said.

"Then why did you come? You're the one who's been avoiding me forโ€”" Daniel started to ask before he trailed off, his eyes moving to the baby before back to Kris, the pieces now coming together in his head. "You're not going to let me be in his life, are you?"

"My husband can't find out about us, Daniel, and neither can Henry," Kris said.

"You can't do this, Kris. He's my son as much as he is yours," Daniel said firmly. "You can't take him away from me!"

"I'm sorry, Daniel, but I made my decision." Kris said, now growing firm with her decision to show that her mind's been made up.

"He's gonna need me, Kris! What are you gonna if you find out that he's like me? You won't have any idea on how to help himโ€”Henry when it happens." Daniel argue said, trying not to be too loud.

"He's not, Daniel," Kris said, doing her best to sound like she knew what she was saying.

Daniel narrowed his eyes at her. "How could you possibly know that?"

"How about a mother's intuition?" Kris said sharply, glaring slightly at him before the glare softened. "Like I said, I made my decision."

As Kris moved to step around Daniel with the baby in her arms and head towards the door, Daniel remained in his spot, turned, and spoke up. "You're wrong about him, Kris. You're wrong about Henry and you know it. Deep down you know he's a mutant and one day you're going to have to tell him."

With her free hand on the doorknob and her son held tightly in her other arm, Kris looked over her shoulder to stare at Daniel. She could see the anger and the hurt within his eyes at her taking his son away from him and as much as it pained her to be doing this, she knew what she was doing.

Because even though a part of her was in love with Daniel, she loved her husband more.

And she couldn't lose Jack.

She wouldn't.

"I'm sorry, Daniel, I really am." Kris told him.

That was all she said before opening the door and leaving the apartment, holding her son close to her chest. And as she waited for the elevator to take her down to the lobby, she stared down at her son, who stared up at her with his brown-hazel eyesโ€”ones that didn't remind her of her husband.

No, her son's eyes only reminded her of Daniel.

In fact, everything about her son reminded her of Daniel.

And as the image of Daniel's hurt and anger flash back in her mind... no. Kris shook her head, refusing to let it surface into her mind as she stared back down at her baby boy, who smiled innocently up at her.

Kris couldn't help but smile warmly at him. "Don't you worry, Henry," she said softly. "You're going to be okay."

If only she realized just how wrong she was.

End of flashback

Boy Danger couldn't focus on anything. Ever since he and the others learned about Henry being half human and half mutant, he couldn't focus anymore as he just kept replaying the conversation over and over in his head. He knew he wasn't acting like himself at breakfast, he knew he wasn't acting like himself when he stopped by the lair for their training session, he knew he wasn't acting like himself at school, and he knew he wasn't acting like himself right now. All he could think about was how his father might not even be his actual father.

The five mutant turtles and Briana knew what was bothering him so much, and they knew that they couldn't blame him for it. How else was he supposed to react when finding out that his father isn't his father? Each one of them did their best to try to keep him from thinking about it, and they knew it always seemed to work for a while since he looked grateful for their attempts, but it never ends up working for long as his mind goes right back to his thoughts.

"No sign of any mutagen," Michelangelo's voice reaches his ears as they pricked up at the sound of his voice. Boy Danger looks over to see him popping up from inside the dumpster. "But you're not gonna believe what I found. An iguana wearing a top hat!" He held up a huge, stuffed iguana wearing a top hat and a dirty monocle. "Isn't that cool!? I mean, why would you throw this out?" He giggled and started the iguana's limbs like a puppet when his face suddenly lit up with an idea, shoving the stuffed iguana's in Boy Danger's direction and began moving the stuffed iguana's limbs like a puppet. "'Ello, gov'nor! How do you like my minocle?"

Boy Danger knew what he was doing and couldn't resist giving him a small smile. "Thanks for trying, Mikey."

"Anytime, bro."

"Monocle," Donatello corrected.


"You realize that could be a distant cousin?" Raphael questioned. "And he's stuffed with sawdust?"

Michelangelo leaped from the dumpster, tossing the stuffed iguana toward the back of an alley. "Ugh! Sick!"

"Quiet, guys!" Donatello snapped. "My ooze scanner is going crazy again! I told you there was mutagen close by."

Eclipse rolled her eyes. "Your scanner is about as useless as a trench coat on a turtle."

"Just give it a chance, guys," Leonardo suggested. "It's our fault these containers went missing. We gotta find them before some random Joe ends up mutated."

"This way!"

Right as the others turned to follow him, Raphael turns to Captain Violet, who was too busy typing away on her T-Phone to notice that they were leaving. He frowns slightly and walks over to her, taking the phone out of her hands.


Raphael sighs when he sees her phone screen and gives it back to her as he stares at her with a look. "You're texting Kaz again."

"No, I..." Captain Violet started before she trailed off and glanced away from him. "Never mind."

"Look, he'll come around," Raphael assured her. "You just gotta give him some space, okay?"

"Right," Captain Violet mumbled softly, her eyes landing on her phone screen again where Kaz's contact was. She stares at the photo she had of him for his contact for a few seconds before she sighs and puts her phone away. "Alright, let's go."

Raphael gives her a small smile before he swings an arm around her shoulder, the two starting to walk to catch up with the others. "He'll be back, okay? Don't worry."

She just nodded, completely unsure if that was even trueโ€”not after what happened. But she swears that she was so going to find a cure and change his mother back to normal, and maybeโ€”just maybe... she'll be able to save her friendship with Kaz, because... deep down, she knew that her feelings were a lot more stronger for him than of just a friend.

It didn't take long for the seven teens to reach the roof where they started searching again. It's been about 2 minutes until Michelangelo called out, "Found it!" He held up the full canister of mutagen above his head, smirking.

"How many does that bring us to?" Eclipse asked.

"One... and an half," Donatello answered, as the others groaned irritably. "But, look on the bright sideโ€”only 63 more to go!"

They turned to stare at him and Donatello looked away, embarrassed.

"How is that the bright side?" Raphael asked with a scoff.


ONCE THEY MADE sure that the roof was clear of anymore mutagen canisters, they continued their search, which was just another round of two hours and still nothing. The more late it was getting as they were out there searching, each one of them was getting more tired. Boy Danger held back an irritated sigh as he leaned back, letting his back hit the door that lead to the rooftop of the building they were on. He tried closing his eyes just to try to catch a few seconds of sleep but his mind was still lingering on the fact that he had no clue on who his father was anymore.

The sound of Michelangelo's annoyed, ear-piercing scream startled all of them as they jumped, and Boy Danger hissed lowly, his hands covering his sensitive ears. After finding out that he was half human and half mutant with wolf DNA inside of him, they had searched up more information on the symptoms he's been getting, and it turns out that sensitive hearing was one of themโ€”and Boy Danger already hated it.

"MIKEY!" The others yelled in unison.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Leonardo said as the yelling stopped and Boy Danger uncovered his ears. "We'll take a break and do something fun. Cool?" The others all got excited, and Boy Danger had a feeling it wouldn't last. "Training session!"

As he predicted, their moods changed instantly and let out disappeared aws.

"Guys, Sensei wants me and Danger to train you," Leonardo said seriously, and Boy Danger looked up with a raised eyebrow. He knows it's true but frankly, even he didn't feel like having a training session at the momentโ€”but that was because of whole different reason and not because he was bored and tired, even though he was. "And that's what we're gonna do." Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Eclipse glared at him but he pretended not to notice while Captain Violet let her eyes drift down to her phone, debating if she should turn it on and try to contact a certain someone. Leonardo looked around for their training session. "You see that dragon gate over there?" He pointed at the gate entrance of Chinatown. "Danger and I will take turns defending itโ€”I'll go first. Like... king of the mountains, okay? The only way you can get past me is to use traditional close quarters fighting. Got it?"

Raphael frowned. "Whatever you say, fearless leader one. Let's just get it over with."

Boy Danger watched as Leonardo jumped over the cords to the other side of the street, his back to the others as he gave them a few minutes to prepare. He looked over at the others and he saw Raphael whispering something to the others, a clear hint of mischievous on his face.

'No offense, Leo, but... you had this coming.' Boy Danger thought secretly to himself. 'I can't blame them though. I'm not even in the mood for a training session right now.'

After a few minutes, Leonardo drew one of his swords and stepped out onto the wires connecting the gate to the roof with his teammates. He stopped halfway through and stood there. The other mutant turtles smirked and winked at each other while Captain Violet gave a low sigh, looking as if her mind was somewhere else. Boy Danger watched as Michelangelo was the first one to step out with his earbuds out.

Boy Danger gave a small sigh to himself as he walked towards the edge and watched as Michelangelo danced his way around Leonardo and over to the other side. Realizing what they had planned to do, Boy Danger lowered his head to the ground and rubbed his forehead, not knowing what to do anymore.

How on earth did Splinter expect him and Leonardo to train them when they wouldn't listen to them?

A part of him knows that part of it may be because Leonardo tries to get them to fight the way he does but other times, he has no idea what to do or how to get them to listen.
It got him thinking sometimes about things.

Did Splinter make the right decision by choosing him and Leonardo to lead the team?

Had Splinter make the wrong choice by picking them?

Would Raphael or Eclipse make better leaders?

Should Splinter had chosen Raphael or Eclipse instead of themโ€”or even instead of him?

Did he even have what it takes to be the second-in-command and lead the team?

And the most recent question on his mind since finding out about himself being half mutant and half human... did he even know who he was anymore?

The answer was no, he had noโ€”

"Why do you guys always undermine my training?!" The sound of Leonardo's voice asking angrily snaps him back to reality.

Boy Danger blinks, hadn't realizing that he was so lost in thoughts that he lost track of what was going on. He notices that Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Eclipse had share a high-five on the other side while Captain Violet had hopped down to the ground, joining the others while looking pretty nervousโ€”something that she's always done when her siblings, mainly Leonardo and Raphael as it happens the most with them, get into fights. He sighs and hops down, joining them on the ground.

"You just want us to fight exactly like you fight!" Raphael snapped. "But the whole point is to make it to the dragon gate anyway we can, right? And at least, Danger doesn't force us to fight like him! Even if he's second-in-command, he lets us fight how we fight! Come on, guys."

And just like that, the four mutant turtles began to leave and at first, Captain Violet hesitated to follow before she frowned slightly and raced over to catch up with the others. Boy Danger sigh as he walked over to the blue masked mutant turtle, bending down and picking up his katana blade for him.

"You okay?" He asked, handing him his katana by the hilt.

"A little, thanks," Leonardo said softly, taking his katana and putting it away before he sighed. "They just don't listen."

"Sensei didn't tell us that this was going to be easy, Leo," Boy Danger reminded. "We'll figure it out..." he frowned slightly, seeming unsure of his own words. "Somehow."


THE BLUE MASKED mutant turtle was pacing in the dojo while Henry was on his knees and Splinter was sitting before them, mediating. "Leo, no offense, but you're making me nervous pacing like this." Henry said.

"Sorry," Leonardo said softly before sitting down on his knees next to him. He remains quiet for a while before looking up at the mutant rat in front of him. "I don't know, Sensei. Maybe we're not cut out for all this. I don't really think the others respect usโ€”okay, maybe Bri does, but others don't. I justโ€”we just want to be good leaders, you know?"

Splinter opened his eyes. "Leonardo, Henry, a true leader doesn't always impose their will, but helps their followers flourish, grow."

Henry sighed. "Sensei... are you sure we're supposed to be leading the team? What if we're just not cut out for this?"

"My sons, how can your team believe in you as leader and second-in-command if you two do not believe in yourself?"


TWO NIGHTS LATER after the gone-wrong training session at the China gate and Boy Danger found himself driving the ShellRaiser while Leonardo sat in his seat, seemingly still a bit upset with the others after what happened. Though Boy Danger wouldn't lie and said he was a bit glad that he got to drive since it kept his mind off of his thoughts.

"You're not mad at us, are you, Leo? I'll give you my Mutant Puss Monsters 23 if you're not mad." Michelangelo said, holding up one of his comics.

Leonardo, still frowning a little, lightly pushed the comic away from his face. "I'm not mad. I just think you guys need to be a little better at following our orders."

"Aww... it's too bad I can't play my violin while I drive." Raphael said rudely.

Leonardo narrowed his eyes at him. "What's your problem lately, Raph? You still jealous you're not leading the teamโ€”?"

"Oh for the love ofโ€”I'm begging you two! Don't even think about starting this argument again!" Boy Danger snapped untentionally, his eyes on the road as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Cause I am not in the mood for it this time!"

"Stop the ShellRaiser!" Donatello called out before they could ask if he was alright, his scanner beeping loud and fast. "Scanner's picking up another mutagen canister nearby!"

Boy Danger slammed his foot on the brakes a bit too quicklyโ€”too quickly that the ShellRaiser skidded to a sharp halt, making them all jolt forward. Luckily, they all had their seatbelts on so, they simply fell back against their seats. Almost all of them had their seatbelts on. Michelangelo was the only one that didn't and flew several feet forward, and landed on the floor. With the ShellRaiser at a complete stop, Boy Danger was the first to take his seatbelt off and to exit the ShellRaiser while the others glanced at each other with worried expressions before taking their seatbelts off and following him.

Boy Danger knows he was slowly losing it, and he didn't mean too, but he thought he knew everything about himself and the fact that he didn't, he didn't like it and every now and then, he could feel the stress getting to him: having all those mutagen canisters all over the city, knowing that his mother was keeping something from him, finding out about being half mutant, and feeling like the worst second-in-commandโ€”it was getting to him, and he knew that he had to get a better grip on it.

'Snap out of it, Henry. You know it's not their fault, you're just stressed so don't take it out on them.' He thought secretly to himself.

Donatello led the way with his scanner as they all followed closely behind. "We're close, guys," Donatello said. "Signal's coming from the basement."

"Okay," Leonardo began. "Let's not make any sudden movements before I give theโ€”" he was cut off by a loud screech of metal and saw that the other four mutant turtles had already gone forward, despite his words. They vanished down the chute after opening the large metal gate. "Orders." He finished.

"Well, they didn't do nothing crazy at least." Captain Violet said, before running forward and hopping down the chute.

"Come on, let's just go after them." Boy Danger said, at this point, completely done with the mission already.

With a sigh, Leonardo nodded in agreement as the two jumped down the chute after the others. Then, Donatello led them through the basement but all they saw were dusty walls and wooden crates and then...

"Oh, yeah! Found it!" Michelangelo said as he marched into the room where a full canister lay in the middle of the room in plain view, making the two leaders frown. "Go ninja, go ninja!" He knelt by the canister and reached for it.

Boy Danger felt his ears pricked at the slightest noise and his eyes widened as his nose twitched at the familiar sight. He noticed that Leonardo's eyes had widened too, meaning that he caught on to the same thing.

"Don't!" Both Boy Danger and Leonardo shouted, eyes widening with realization.

But it was too late, as Michelangelo had picked up the canister, only for several loud bangs to echo throughout the room as metal doors slammed shut on every exit.

"See! If you would listen to usโ€”" Leonardo began frustratedly.

"Easier than I thought."

"Wow, I thought you guys were supposed to be ninjas."

"Today is not my day." Boy Danger muttered under breath, giving an annoyed groan at the sound of the familiar voice.

The seven teens turned to find Karai and Cameron standing on top of a tower of crates.

"Karai!" Leonardo exclaimed.

Boy Danger rolled his eyes. "Cameron."

Then, a dozen of Foot soldiers seemed to have appeared from thin air and had surrounded them from all sides. "Your girlfriend's getting really good at setting ambushes." Donatello told Leonardo.

"Ha!" Raphael said. "They're just Foot soldiers. Won't even break a sweat!"

Boy Danger frowned slightly as Raphael leapt first to attack the enemy, followed by the others. His nose twitched, and he swore that something didn't feel right with the Foot soldiers, and it didn't help that the Foot soldiers looked off-balance for a moment. He got his answer thoughโ€”when the Foot soldiers looked up to look at them, and their eyes lit up red.

"What the shell?" Boy Danger questioned.

"They armored up or something?" Michelangelo questioned.

As the seven of them were all having trouble, Boy Danger and Leonardo could tell that not only were they outnumbered but they were surrounded too. Spotting a broken elevator shaft, the two leaders shared a look and nodded.

There was only one thing left to do.

"Guys! Fall back!" Leonardo shouted.

"What!? We're running away!?" Raphael snapped.

"It's not running! It's a tactical retreat! Move!" Boy Danger shouted. "We're outnumbered, we don't have a chance but to retreat!"

The two of them ran to the shaft, and of course, no one followed. But Boy Danger didn't care if they did or not at the momentโ€”all he planned to do was to get them out of there and he swore that he was going to do. And so, once the two of them got the doors opened, they turned back to see Raphael thrown onto his shell and by the looks on their faces, a retreat was exactly what they had in mind.

"This way!" Leonardo said sharply. And this time, they listened as they ran over.

At the same time, the seven teens leapt forward, each grabbing a thick cable and began to climb upwards. Both Leonardo and Boy Danger were in the lead with the others close behind them.

"Karai, they're gonna get away." Cameron told her seriously.

Karai smirked. "No, they won't." She snapped her fingers at the robots. "Foot bots, after them!"

The seven teens kept climbing until Leonardo and Boy Danger heard Michelangelo yell from down below them. They looked to see a soldier had grabbed him by the ankle.

"Get off me, you bug-eyed creep!" Michelangelo said, kicking and holding onto the cable for his life.

"Keep leading them, I'll get Mikey." Leonardo told Boy Danger, who nodded.

Before any of the others could slide down to help, Leonardo beat them to it by backflipping off of the cable and dropped towards the orange masked mutant turtle. He landed on the soldier's face, knocking it away from his youngest brother, and grabbed the cables again. He watched the soldier plummet towards the darkness down below before crashing into the floor, sparks flying out and the eyes popping out.

"Those guys are robots!?" Donatello gasped from above, Leonardo noticed that Michelangelo had kept going after he had helped him.

"Move your shell, Donnie! Go!" Leonardo snapped, climbing again.

Boy Danger reached the next level first with Raphael just behind him, hoisting themselves out from the shaft and reaching down to help the others up; Eclipse, Captain Violet, Donatello, and Michelangelo were out from the shaftโ€”the only one left that had to get out was Leonardo.

Leonardo never got the chance to reach Boy Danger or Raphael because several hands had already grabbed his ankles, knees, and shoulders as the Foot soldiers were trying to pry him off of the cables.

"Leo!" Boy Danger shouts, both him and Raphael reaching desperately for him.

But then, the cable snaps and Leonardo is tumbling down the darkness alongside the Foot soldiers.



BOY DANGER RUNS a hand through his hair, breathing heavily and his eyes wide, doing his very best to think of a plan to get Leonardo back. He knew that they were gonna have head back to the lair and try to find out where they took Leonardo first.

"He's gone," Raphael said, guilt in his eyes as he looked at the others. "And it's all my fault."

Boy Danger stared down at where Leonardo had fallen and saw only darkness down below.

"No," Boy Danger said firmly, clenching his fists angrily as his eyes glowed yellow furiously while the others looked over at him. "We're gonna get Leo back." He turns to face them with a new look of determination. "Karai and Cameron messed with the wrong team."

They nodded at him, the remaining of them thinking the same thing.

It was settle.

Karai and Cameron started this, they were going to finish it.

Game on.


"OKAY, SO I hacked into some security footage," Donatello zoomed in on the little screens on his computer once they got back to the lair and gathered inside the lab. "There! It's Karai's and Cameron's van."

"They took Leo to Bradford's dojo!" Michelangelo piped up.

"So, we know where they took Leo," Raphael said. "Let's go!"

"Wait, so you're leader now?" Michelangelo demanded.

"Are you seriously asking that?" Eclipse asked with a pointed glare at him. "Who cares?"

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, I'm the smartest soโ€”" Donatello started.

"Hey!" Henry snapped, making them turn to him as his eyes turned yellow. "Clips is right, nobody is playing hot-potato with Leo's leadership because that's exactly what got us in this mess in the first place! And right now, we have no idea what Karai and Cameron are doing so we need to get Leo back before they do something bad to him!"

"He's right," Raphael admitted, looking at the others. "Leo needs us, no more fighting over leadership."

"And, I know I don't usually try to make you guys fight one way, but this time, I am. We're doing this the way Leo would've wantedโ€”the way he fights." Henry said sternly.

They nodded, knowing that he was right.

It wasn't the time to fight for the title of leadership, not when their brother needed them.

And Henry was right, they owed it to Leonardo to do it the way he wanted.

The way that he'd do it.


THEY WASTED NO time in leaving the lair and heading towards the dojo with Boy Danger leading the way. No words were exchange as they wanted to remain undetected and once they made it to the rooftop where they hid behind a ventilation shaft, Donatello scanned the roof for surveillance.

"We can't sneak in," he whispered. "Security cameras."

"No sweat, I got this." Raphael said. He pulled out a small pigeon and the bird sat in his palm, eyes staring blankly.

"It's not just one. The entire roof is bracketed by surveillance."

Raphael just smiled, gently petting the pigeon's head before he lifted his hand and the pigeon flew up and landed on the skylight. It started cooing loudly and soon, several pigeons appeared until the entire roof was covered in them more than enough to cover the cameras.

They made their way to the skylight and Boy Danger opened the hatch, holding it open for them to climb inside first. Once everyone was in, he quietly landed onto the wooden beams silently alongside the others. In all seriousness and full ninja mode, the team carefully snuck across the ceiling beams, remaining silent to not give themselves away. It took them a minute to find the room where Leonardo was and soon, they found him tied to a chair with three Foot bots guarding him.

Of course, Leonardo tried warning them when he saw their shadows above him but his warnings came out muffled. "Wait!" Boy Danger whispered-shouted at the others.

But it was too late as Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo had already jumped down, taking out the three Foot bots as he sighed quietly.

"I swear, they can't see a trap from a mile away." Boy Danger mumbled before he, Eclipse, and Captain Violet jumped down to join them.

"We can't understand what you're trying to said, Leo." Donatello said, walking up and taking the tape off.

"It's a trap!"

Several Foot bots emerged through the other entrances with their weapons aimed at them.

"Nice, Leo, Danger! You could've said something!"

Boy Danger glared at Michelangelo a little. "If the three of you hadn't jumped down right away, I could've."

"And I'm pretty sure that's what Leo was trying to said." Eclipse added.

A sliding door opened behind them and standing there was none other than Karai and Cameron. Boy Danger didn't waste time and used his kunai knife to cut the ropes around Leonardo, who stood immediately.

"You have two choices, sweetheart," Raphael threatened angrily. "Let us go, or walk away from this inside a sandwich bag."

"Sorry, Raphael," Karai said with a smirk, hopping down to sit behind the enormous desk. "Can't let you go. It's not really personal with the rest of youโ€”I just need you for bait."

"She wants Splinter." Leonardo told them. "Cameron's just helping her."

"I want him to feel how it feels to truly suffer, as I have. I want him to feel what it feels like to lose everything." Karai replied. "It makes no difference. I don't need to tell you plans or motives. I only need you as bait. Foot Bots," their eyes flashed red. "Restrain them."

Together, the other teens drew their weapons while Leonardo raised his fists, ready to fight. The bots charged forward, knowing every move that Leonardo had taught them earlier.

"Let's smash some robots!" Raphael hollered.

"They're only about 1000 times better at fighting than regular Foot." Donatello said.

Once Leonardo had managed to find his swords, it was easier for him to fight back and help out his teammates.

"My Foot Bots know every move," Karai said. "Every skill. Every attack."

It didn't matter how hard the seven teens were fighting because once again, they quickly grew outnumbered, close to one of the exits.

"We're out of real-estate." Donatello said.

"If I order you guys to run away, will you guys listen this time?" Leonardo demanded.

"Heck yeah!" Michelangelo said. "And we can still call it a tactical retreat, if you want!"

Then, the seven teens turned and pounced onto the wooden beams and out of the rooftop windows. "They're getting away again." Cameron said with a glare at the window.

"No, they're not," Karai said as she took her sword. "Come on."

As the seven teens were running and trying to put as much distance as between them with the Foot Bots, it was no use with the robots right behind them and knowing every move that Leonardo had taught them.

"Our moves are useless!" Eclipse said.

"Now what, Leo?" Captain Violet asked.

"I don't know," Leonardo said. "They copied every attack, skill, and movement I know."

"Well we can't keep running forever," Raphael said. "We're gonna have to face them at some time."

Something inside of Boy Danger's mind clicked. He didn't know if it'd worked but at least it'd be enough to buy them some time to get away.

"Remember King of the Mountains?" Boy Danger asked, sharing a quick glance with Leonardo.

"Yeah, sure."




"What about it?"

Neither one of them answered one of the five replies as they jumped from the last roof and landed in a small park. The bots following them landed as Leonardo came to a stop. He spun around and drew his swords, getting the bots' attention, and tossed one of his swords in the air. While the robots were watching the airborne sword, Leonardo hurled his other one straight at them, nailing one straight the head. The other robots charged as Leonardo caught his other sword.

Boy Danger saw the robots coming his way and smirked. He tossed one of his twin swords above their heads before he drop-slid between the middle one's leg, taking out his kunai knife. As he sprang back to his feet, he used his kunai knife to lash it through the heads of the Foot Bot on the left and right. The middle robot turned to face her and he smirkedโ€”the robot didn't even move towards him before his sword plunged back down, right through its head. With a smirk, he grabbed his sword.

"Oh, I get what you're saying!" Donatello said. "Be unpredictable! Do our thing!"

Raphael landed alongside the two leaders. "I've never had so much following your orders."

"We're even," Leonardo said. "We've never had so much fun giving them."

As the seven teens began to fight back, Boy Danger felt his ears pricked and spun around in time to block an oncoming attack with his twin swords. He and Cameron glared at each other as the two fought, their swords colliding and exchanging blows.

"Why the hell would you and your father help someone like Shredder?" Boy Danger asked, their fight suddenly being brought to a rooftop next to the park as the two were now on higher ground.

"Sometimes you find the right people for your cause," Cameron said. "Besides, he wants the same thing. Getting the princess away from you freaks."

Boy Danger blocked his attack again, also delivering a swipe to his legs and a kick that sent him off his feet.

"How dumb can you actually be?" Boy Danger questioned. "He's not helping you, Cameron. He's just using you to get Briana so he can use her for his selfish needs. He won't help you, he just wants to use her as a weapon."

Cameron didn't hesitate to stand back onto his feet and attack him again, the two of them fighting and exchanging blows again. "Maybe," he said. "But he hates you and those freaks as much as I do. And if he can help me get rid of you freaks, so be it."

As the two continued to fight, Boy Danger blocked Cameron's sword before kicking it out of his hands. Then, he delivered a hard kick that sent Cameron tumbling off of the rooftop and into a dumpster. But before Cameron could climb out as he grabbed the edge of it, Boy Danger pointed one of his twin swords with his eyes glowing yellow furiously, breathing heavily.

"Shredder is just using you and your father, Cameron," Boy Danger told him. "And when he won't need you two anymore, it'll be either him or Jake that'll kill you both. But between you and me, let's get one thing straight," He moves his twin sword closer to Cameron as if he was just daring him to try anything as he glared at him furiously, his yellow eyes still glowing with a furious yellow. "Stay away from my family. Come after any of them, and I won't hesitate to come after you, and trust me, I won't hold back."

Cameron just glared at him as the two stared, both breathing heavily.

"You think you know what you're doing? Guess what? You don't," Boy Danger said. "The others and I know that Briana may trust youโ€”that you have her believing that you're her friend but it won't last, Cameron, because the others and meโ€”we're gonna show her that you can't be trusted. Because at the end of the day, you're not one of us and you'll never be one of us."

Boy Danger moved his sword away and turned away, stopping just a few feet away. "You might as well listen to my warning, Cameron, because if you come after any of them," he looked over his shoulder to glare furiously at him, his eyes still hadn't gone to normal from their shade of yellow. "You're dealing with me, and I won't go easy on you."

And with that, Boy Danger left him in the dumpsters and headed off to help the others.

"Leo, Danger! The robots have learned our moves!" Eclipse said.

"Our crazy has become normal!" Michelangelo said. "I hate that!"

"Come on!"

Both Leonardo and Boy Danger led them over the remaining suspending ropes across the Dragongate and cut the ropes before they could be followed. The seven teens jumped over two more minutes before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke.


NOW SAFETY BACK at the lair, everyone had started taking turns at the pinball machine to try to break Leonardo's high score. "You guys wanna play?" Briana asked.

"I'm good," Leonardo said with a smile. "You guys have fun." He headed towards the pit with Raphael.

Raphael suddenly slung an around his shoulders. "It's good to have you back," he said. "I mean it, brother."

Leonardo smiled and patted his shoulder. "Thanks, Raph."

While Leonardo headed into the dojo to see Splinter, Henry headed to the kitchen where he sat down at the table. He took his t-phone out and stared at his mother's contact, wondering and debating if he should ask her about what they found out about him. A part of him wanted to know why she kept something like that from himโ€”if she knew, but the other part of him... wasn't so sure if he wanted to know just yet.

He remembers how his father taught him how to catch, to throwโ€”just about anything that a father would be teaching his son. But if his father wasn't really his father...

Henry didn't think he wanted to ruin those memories just yet with that fact.

Not when those memories are one of the very few times he got to do something with his father that they both enjoyed.

"You okay?" Eclipse asked, walking over to him and sitting next to him.

Henry nodded a little. "Yeah, I just..." he let himself trail off from his sentence.

"You don't know if you want to ask your mom about it yet." Eclipse finished for him.

Henry nodded. "Yeah."

"It's normal if you're not ready to ask her about it, Hen," Eclipse reassured him. "I mean, it'll change everything so if you're not ready, you don't have to ask her if you don't want to." She then adds, "I get the feeling that's not the only thing that's bothering you though."

Henry couldn't help but smile slightly. He knew that he couldn't hide it from her. She was always so good at reading people and although he's never said out loud or to anyone before, it's one of the things that he likes about herโ€”the fact that she always stands by her family.

"What's wrong?" Eclipse asked.

"I don't know," Henry admitted with a small sigh. "Sometimes I wonder if Sensei made a mistake picking me to be the second-in-command."

"What do you mean?" Eclipse asked, surprised.

"I just think that he should've picked either you or Raph instead of me," Henry said. "You guys probably do a better job than me."

Eclipse couldn't help but frown lightly at his words. She knew he was doubting himself and honestly, she didn't know how Henry didn't believe in himself. With everything that she knows about him and likes, she didn't get how Henry just didn't see how wonderful he really was.

"Besides, I don't even know who the heck I am anymore." He said quietly.

And she gets her answer.

Eclipse had a feeling that some of his doubts may be coming from what they found out; his father may not be his actual one and his mother being the one that had to know about it, but still, she didn't see how he could still doubt himselfโ€”that Henry couldn't see himself the way that she has always saw himโ€”how he didn't see the best parts of himself the way she has always did.

How she has always believed in him, and not once did she ever stopped.

Because to her, there were so many things about him that were special and she knew it.

And she wanted him to not just know it, but to believe it as well.

"Hen," Eclipse said, resting her hand on top of his. "I know it probably seems confusing right now for you, but I know who you are, and so do the others. You are Henry Hart. You're our second-in-command, our familyโ€”and you are perfect just the way you are. Just because you have wolf DNA doesn't change what the others or I already know. The others know who you are, I know who you are." She continued. "You're one of the most bravest, courageous, protective, smart, and loyal person that I know, Henry. Our whole lives since we were little kids, not once did you ever betrayed us. You're always there for us, and even though you have a habit of hiding the pressure you're under sometimes, I know that I can always count on you being there."

Keeping her hand rested on his, Eclipse smiles softly at him. "And if it makes you feel better, I think you're doing a great job at being our leader."

Henry looks at her with a soft smile. "Thank you."

Eclipse smiles. "Anytime."

And as emerald green eyes and hazel-brown eyes met in a lovingly gaze, both Henry and Eclipse stared at each other, each feeling their own hearts race within their chests. When the two realize that their hands were on top of each other's, they pulled away with their faces turning light red, blushing.

"Hey, what about Donnie?" Eclipse asked.

"For what?"

"For being leader."

"I think if Sensei had picked Donnie, you or Raph would tossed him over a rooftop the moment he starts going on and on with one of his facts." Henry said.

"Good point," Eclipse said. "And Mikey?" She realized what she said a few seconds later. "Never mind. If he had picked Mikey, we'd all be dead already."

Both she and Henry shared a quick chuckle at that thought.


"I think we both know that she would've just gave the title to one of us or one of the others." Henry said.

"Hm, yeah, sounds like her." Eclipse said with a smile. "So, that leaves me and Raph."

"I think it'd work." Henry admitted.

"Wait, really? Raph would pick action over making a plan first." Eclipse reminded.

"I mean, there's that, but I think he'd get there. He has qualities of a leader too." Henry said. "You do too."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

The two smile at each other, their eyes meeting in a lovingly gaze again.

"NO!" Michelangelo's sudden shout sounded from the other room. "I was so close to beating Leo's high score!"

"Should we go out there and show them how it's done?" Eclipse asked.

Henry smiled. "Yeah, let's go."

And with their hearts racing within their chests, the two of them went to join the others by the pinball machine.


CAMERON WAS FURIOUS. He needed the fresh air if he wanted to calm down rather than heading back to Shredder's lair, full with nothing but a whole bunch of rage. First, he had lost to that city boy and now, he lost against Henry, whose words kept replaying in his head.

"Shredder is just using you and your father, Cameron. And when he won't need you two anymore, it'll be either him or Jake that'll kill you both. But between you and me, let's get one thing straight. Stay away from my family. Come after any of them, and I won't hesitate to come after you, and trust me, I won't hold back."

"You think you know what you're doing? Guess what? You don't. The others and I know that Briana may trust youโ€”that you have her believing that you're her friend but it won't last, Cameron, because the others and meโ€”we're gonna show her that you can't be trusted. Because at the end of the day, you're not one of us and you'll never be one of us."

"You might as well listen to my warning, Cameron, because if you come after any of them. You're dealing with me, and I won't go easy on you."

Just having those words replayed over and over in his head made him furious.

Who did Henry think he was to said that? What gave him the right to do so? What made him think that he and those freaks were so much better than him? That they were the ones that his princess needed?

He was a knight, for crying out loud! He was the one she needed! It wasn't those turtle freaks, not Henry who he considered a freak as well, and not even that pathetic city boy.

As much as Cameron hated Henry and the turtles, the one he hated the most was Kaz, because he was the one that was getting in his way of winning his princess. And he knew that as long as Briana was head over heels for Kaz, he would never get her or what he wants.

"Hey, handsome."

Cameron turns to see a teenaged girl around his age with black hair coming over to him. He stared at her, his jaw agape a bit because although this girl wasn't his princess, even he had to admit that she was pretty.

"Who are you?" Cameron asked.

"I can ask you the same thing," the girl said. "My names Noelle, Noelle Winters."

Cameron stared at her before catching the sight of a few snowflakes around her hands. He raised an eyebrow, curiously at that. Noelle, who noticed where he was looking, held up her hands and created a ball of ice before letting it disappear.

And although he swore that he could feel his heart racing in his chest from the sight of her, Cameron ignored it and smirked at her.

"How would you like to join our cause?"

"A leader isn't the easiest job to do, but when you have family on your side, the job gets a little easier along the way."

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