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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

"Remember how I said that once fear has its tight hold on you, it's not so easy to get out from that hold. It takes a lot of courage and strength to conquer that fear and sometimes, all you have to do is look over at your loved ones and they'll give you the strength and courage that you need to break free from that fear."

HENRY WAS STANDING on the rooftop of the Wolf Hotel building and the area around him was completely covered in fog, making it hard to see anything. He could feel his heartbeat quicken its pace in his chest, looking around the area in a complete panic. A bubble of fear formed in his stomach as a sinister laugh filled the air, sounding like as if it was everywhere. Then, the moment he turned around, he saw the Shredder standing just a few feet away in front of him and the sight of him was enough to terrorize him as he felt his breath get caught in his throat.

"A little boy standing all alone," Shredder said, the blades that came out of his gauntlets were dripping in blood. "Tell me where Hamato Yoshi is and I'll make your death as quick as possible."

He could feel his brain screaming at him to run but his feet wouldn't move as if they were glued to the ground. Shaking his head a little to clear his thoughts, Henry took a deep breath and held his twin swords in front of him, trying to keep his hands from shaking. Then, the Shredder charged at him and Henry quickly backed up before blocking the attack with his twin swords. With Henry blocking the gauntlets with his weapon, the Shredder delivered a roundhouse kick to his ribs before delivering another kick that sent him flying back and knocking him onto the ground.

Henry groaned in pain, releasing a sharp gasp when a surge of pain hit his ribs after going to take a deep breath. He could hear footsteps walking towards him and ignoring the pain, he placed his hands on the ground and pushed himself up onto his feet just as the footsteps came to a stop in front of him.

Excepting to see the Shredder in front of him again, confusion came onto his face when he spotted himself standing right there in front of him, staring down at him with a look of disgust.

"It's your fault that he killed them." The other Henry told him, glaring at him with a hateful look in his eyes.

"What?" He questioned, having no idea what was going on. One minute the Shredder was there and now, it was himself that stood there.

The other Henry stepped out of the way and all Henry could see was blood all over the ground. He looked up to see who it was from and his eyes widened when he saw five mutant turtles and one purple haired teenage girl laying on the ground, their eyes closed and none of them were breathing.

"No, no, no," he said to himself. "No!"

"They're dead and it's all your fault," the other Henry told, coming up behind Henry as he shoved him forward. "You're weak and that's why they're dead! You couldn't save them, Henry! You failed them!"

Henry gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as he couldn't bare the sight of their bloody and lifeless bodies. "No, no, it's notโ€”no," he whispered.

"Why didn't you save them, Henry? You promised Splinter to look out for them for as long as you live and you failed!"

The other Henry then scoffed, staring at him as he tried so hard not to listen to the words that the other him was saying.

"Some second-in-command you are, Henry," the other Henry said with a scoff, shaking his head with a eye roll as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You'll never be strong enough to protect them. Face it, Henry, you're weak and you'll always be weak. And that's why... you're dead."

The moment those words were said, Henry opened his eyes to look at his other self only for him to disappear and for everything to go dark, leaving him in complete darkness. He felt shivers traveling down his spine at the sound of metal hitting against the wall as a familiar sinister laugh was heard once again.

"Do you really think you can defeat me?" The Shredder questioned, coming up from behind him.

Henry whirled around just in time to see the Shredder bringing his gauntlets down onto him as everything went black.

Henry shot awoke in his bed with a gasp leaving his mouth, breathing heavily as sweat ran down his face. Flashes of the nightmare kept replaying in his head over and over as images of six bloody and lifeless bodies entered his head, causing Henry to shake his head in order to stop thinking about it. He looked around the area and his breathing started to calm down when he saw that he was safety inside his bedroom at his house and that the Shredder was no where in sight. Sighing softly, Henry let himself fall backwards as his head landed on his pillow and he stared up at the ceiling, his hands rubbing his eyes as if he was trying to get rid of the sleepiness he had.

The sound of his T-Phone buzzing caught his attention as he looked over and grabbed it, finding a incoming call from the blue masked mutant turtle. He answered it and brought it up to his ear as he pushed himself up and climbed out of bed.

"Hey, Leo," Henry said, holding back a yawn as he rubbed his eyes again with his free hand. "What's up? Is it about our evening patrol?"

"Yeah, about that, Sensei doesn't want any of us going out on patrols after what happened with Shredder," Leonardo's voice came from the other side of the T-Phone. "He pretty much grounded me and the others from heading out on patrol or leaving the lair at all."

"Let me guess," Henry said with a sigh. "It's only training now, isn't it?"


"Alright, I'm on the way now," Henry told him. "I'll be at the lair soon."

"Okay, see you soon."

Once the call ended, Henry walked over to his closet and changed out of his pajamas and into his clothes. After he was finished with that, he quietly walked over to his window and slowly opened it, stepping out onto the fire escape that was at his window. Then, he turned around once he was inside and closed the window again and with the window closed, he left and headed straight for the lair.


NONE OF THEM had ever been so tired than they are right now. Each and every one of them were standing with tired and sleepily expressions on their faces as if they were about to fall onto the ground and fall asleep right there if they could. Henry could feel his eyes starting to close a little but he forced them to stay awoke, refusing to go to sleep as images of the nightmare flashed in his head again.

"More, sensei?" Michelangelo asked.

"Yes! More!" Splinter snapped.

Tiredly, they all went back to training but none of them had the energy put any effort or intention into their strikes. "Again! We will practice all night if we have to!" Splinter yelled.

"We have been practicing all night." Briana said.

The sound of sleepily mumbling caught their attention as they looked over to see Michelangelo laying on the floor, asleep. "Pizza... mmm..."

"Wake him up!" Splinter commanded.

Raphael smirked. "Gladly."

He reached down and grabbed the orange masked mutant turtle by the shell, flipping him over and slamming him onto the ground. Michelangelo shot up, wide awake, and screamed. "Ahh! Shredder's here!"

"Relax," Leonardo said, helping him to his feet. "You were just having a nightmare."

"Aren't we all?" Eclipse muttered to herself.

"Sensei," Donatello spoke up, breathing heavily. "Can we rest for a sec?"

"Rest?" Splinter turned to look at them. "Hm... the Shredder will not rest... until you are all dead!"

"Sensei, we've been training nonstop for weeks with hardly any sleep," Leonardo said. "They need a break."

"Oh, like you don't need a break!" Raphael snapped.

"That's right, Raph, I don't." Leonardo said.

"Well, then I'll give you a break!"

With a powerful hit, Splinter managed to knock all of them off their feet and onto the ground, the seven teenagers landing in a big pile. "If I were the Shredder, none of you would be breathing right now." He said as they sat up. "Understand!?" They stared at him, silent. Then, Michelangelo fell back against Henry, asleep once more. "Perhaps a brief rest is in order." He headed for his room. "We will all resume later."

Without hesitating, the five mutant turtles and the purple haired girl all fell against Henry, falling fast asleep. And as much as Henry wanted to sleep, he couldn't get the nightmare out of his head and frown, shaking his head lightly at the thought of sleeping.

Sighing, Henry carefully pulled himself out from the pile while the five mutant turtles and Briana slept on top of each other and Henry walked to the other side of the dojo where he wouldn't disturb them, going back to training again as he fought against the tiredness that he had.


FEELING VERY GENEROUS, Splinter had decided to let the seven of them have the afternoon off from training. To which, they definitely took advantage of it as each and every single one of them were relaxing in the living room. Leonardo and Briana were focused on watching Space Heroes; Briana had Max laying on her lap while she petted him, Eclipse was reading a comic book with her headphones on that was connected to her T-Phone, which was playing music through it, Raphael was with Spike as he sat on the couch, Donatello had gone to the lab, Michelangelo had run off to grab a snack, and Henry was in the living room, meditating.

Eclipse felt a tap on her shoulder and pulled her headphones off, looking over at the red masked mutant turtle. "What?"

"Watch this." He reached behind him and pulled out a shuriken. He held it up and took careful aim before tossing it with a flick of his wrist. The star hit the power button and the screen went black.

"Aw, man!" Briana whined, Max tilting his head as he looked up curiously.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Leonardo snapped, turning to look at him.

"Oh, sorry. It was Spike's idea," Raphael said as the little turtle crawled up his shoulder. "He said 'Space Heroes' is too stupid for him."

Briana then placed Max down as the brown puppy stretched and stared at the small turtle, tilting his head at it as if he was trying to see what kind of animal it was.

"That's saying something, considering he hangs out with you, Clips, Hen, and Bri all day."

"Excuse you?" Eclipse asked.

"Oh, nice job, Leo!" Raphael said, standing up once Spike had crawled off of him and was eating his leaf. "You made him angry! So I'm gonna mop the floor with your face!" He pointed a threatening finger into his face.

Henry opened his eyes and sighed, deciding to finish meditating later.

"Alright, Raph, cool off." Leonardo said, moving his brother's hand aside.

"I can help with that!"

A bright blue balloon flew past and hit Raphael's face, water exploding all over him. Everyone turned to see Michelangelo standing there, grinning widely and juggling two water balloons in his hands.

"Dr. Prank-enstein strikes again!" He cried happily. Raphael stomped over to him, fists clenched and growling. "Dude, you should see your face right now," he giggled. "You look so mad!"

"Yeah, bad news for you." Eclipse warned.

Raphael grinned evilly. "Okay, Spike, you'll like this show." He cracked his knuckles. "It's called 'Does Mikey Bend That Way?'" Michelangelo got the message as he screamed and ran, his brother at his heels. "Come here you!"

Henry, Leonardo, Eclipse, and Briana watched as Raphael jumped on top of the orange masked mutant turtle, pummeling him. 'To be fair, he was asking for it.' Eclipse thought secretly to herself.

After a few moments, Henry stood up from the ground and walked over to the two. "Okay, Raph, that's enough," he said, pulling him off of Michelangelo. "Let him up."

"He was asking for it." Raphael said, letting Henry pull him up as he glared at the orange masked mutant turtle.

"I know, that's whyโ€”"

Henry never got to finish what he was saying because the next thing that happened was that a bright yellow balloon flew past and hit Henry in the face, water exploding all over him.

Michelangelo laughed. "Dr. Prank-enstein shows no mercy!"

"Michelangelo..." Henry warned, glaring at him. In a instant, the orange masked mutant turtle took off running with Henry on his heels while the others watched in amusement. "Yeah, you better run!"

Once Henry had managed to give him what he was asking for, they had gone into the lab to see what the purple masked mutant turtle was doing. In the center of the lab was Donatello wearing a protection mask and handling a blowtorch as he was fixing a go-kart.

"You're still working on the go-cart?" Donatello asked.

"It's not a go-cart," Donatello said as he lifted up the blueprints. "It's a terrain patrol buggy with detachable sidecars."

"Dude, hasn't Splinter been riding us hard enough?" Michelangelo asked. "You gotta find a way to relax."

"We all deal with stress in different ways, Mikey." Briana told him.

Donatello nodded. "Yeah, this is how I deal."

"And this is how I deal." Michelangelo flung his arm forward and threw a water balloon. Eclipse ducked to avoid being hit, and the balloon hits Donatello's face instead, water exploding.

Donatello groaned angrily, grabbing his protection mask and throwing it on the ground. He leapt past the golden masked mutant turtle and started chasing his brother, who started running.

"You guys are next, Leo, Clips, Bri!" Michelangelo called. "Dr. Prank-enstien makes house calls!"


"HOKO NO KAMAE!" Leonardo ordered as the seven of them were within the dojo, training with the blue masked mutant turtle and Henry in charge. Each and every one of them did the move except for the red masked mutant turtle, who stood there with his arms crossed against his chest. "Raph! Hoko no kamae!"

"Hoko no way! It's bad enough that Splinter's driving us into the ground. Now, you and Henry too?" Raphael asked.

"We have to keep training, Raph," Henry stressed. "Because right now, we don't stand a chance against the Shredder."

"Yeah," Michelangelo said as he pointed to the ceiling. "And he's up there... somewhere... waiting for us!" He whimpered and shuddered. "I just freaked myself out!"

"We're all freaked out, Mikey." Eclipse said, patting his shoulder assuringly.

"I hate to say it, but the fact that we've been laying low might be the only reason we're still alive." Donatello said.

"Exactly," Leonardo agreed. "So, until we're ready, we stay down here."

"Unfortunately, that's not an option."

They all turned to see April in the doorway, phone in her hands. "You guys need to hear this."

Within a few minutes, they were all in the living room. They had even gotten Splinter, who stood there observing and listening.

"I managed to slip a mic onto the Purple Dragons," April informed. "I was able to record what they said and it's not good."

April then played the recorded audio she had on her phone. "We're meeting Shredder tonight. He's got a plan to destroy the turtles."

"How? He doesn't even know where they are."

"He says they're in the sewers somewhere, and that's all he needs to know how to wipe them out."

The recording ended.

"Our home is no longer safe," Splinter said. "The Shredder must be dropped."

"How can we stop a plan we don't even know?" Leonardo asked. He suddenly frowned and without turning, he suddenly drew one of his throwing knives and tossed it over his shoulder. The weapon hit the water balloon Michelangelo held, and it exploded. Michelangelo hunched over, looking defeated.

"We have to go topside and find out what they're planning." Raphael said.

"Raph's right," Henry agreed. "There's no other way."

"Sensei?" Leonardo asked.

He sighed. "Go. Stop Shredder."

Splash! Everyone turned over to look at the orange masked mutant turtle, who was smirking in victory while the golden masked mutant turtle had water all over her. As they were heading to leave, Eclipse reached over and smacked the back of her brother's head.

"You're dead later today."


"THIS IS THE place," Leonardo whispered. They all piled up by the corner, trying to stay hidden and keep the church in their sights. Each one of them was piled by the corner to look while also trying not to get caught.

"Donnie, you're crowding me." Raphael grumbled, shifting his arms uncomfortably.

"Sorry," Donatello whispered, backing up.

A trash can suddenly fell over and the sound of it made Michelangelo jumped, accidentally smacking his shell into Eclipse's face before suddenly jumping into Boy Danger's arms, shaking slightly.

"Sorry," Michelangelo said nervously, getting out of Boy Danger's arms. "All that Splinter talk about how we're not ready has me thinking. Maybe we're in over our heads."

Eclipse backslapped the back of his head. "You're always in over your head."

"I'm saying now we all are," Michelangelo said. "And that scares me."

Captain Violet nodded nervously. "Yeah, I'm scared too."

"It's okay to be scared, guys," Leonardo assured. "We're all a bit scared, even Raph."

"I am not scared!" Raphael lied.

The seven of them go back to looking and Raphael crouches besides the blue masked mutant turtle. Leonardo smirked before poking the back of his brother's head, causing Raphael to yelp and spun around frantically, reaching his arms back to grab whatever was messing with him. He quickly tried to cover it up with a low, awkward cough.

Boy Danger smirked at him. "Still not scared?"

"No! I'm not."

Leonardo chuckled and Raphael growled at him. A second later, he gasped and none of them had to ask why when they heard a low, terrifying growl. Then, a huge creature appeared from around the corner to show that it was the same giant mutant dog from the night they fought Shredder.

"You should be..." he growled loudly.

"Bradford?" Leonardo and Boy Danger questioned in unison.

"Rad-Brad!" Michelangelo exclaimed.

Bradford grinned. "Well, look what I found. Seven soon-to-be ex-ninjas."

"I'm sure glad it's okay to be scared." Michelangelo whimpered with a gulp, Captain Violet nodded as she grabbed onto his arm, shaking lightly.

Donatello gulped. "You two and me both."

"This is no time to panic!" Leonardo said as he withdrew his swords. Bradford stood to his full height, making all of them nervous.

"You sure about that?" Eclipse challenged.

"Okay, maybe a little." Leonardo admitted shortly.

At once, the seven of them drew their weapons and Bradford snarled, stomping towards them as he dragged his spikes on his left hand on the concrete.

"He keeps getting taller!" Captain Violet whimpered fearfully, her sapphire blue eyes widened in fear.

"Then I'll cut him down to size." Leonardo said as he charged and leapt at him, swinging his swords at Bradford's head. Bradford blocked easily with his enormous left paw. He growled, pushing him back and aimed a punch at him but he jumped aside in time, leaping back as he landed back with the others.

"Okay, maybe we can be scare a little." Leonardo said before he looked over at Boy Danger as he whispered. "We got this, right?"

"I hope so." Boy Danger whispered back to him yet deep down, he was panicking.

As the seven of them kept trying to attack the mutant dog, Bradford was just too big for them to handle fighting. "This is hopeless!" Eclipse cried out.

"Keep your head in the game!" Leonardo ordered.

"We're just trying to keep our heads on our bodies!" Donatello added.

"Come on! What are we retreating for?" Raphael demanded. He charged, aiming his sais at Bradford but the dog delivered a powerful blow to the turtle. He flew back, landing inside a dumpster. He poked his head out. "That's a good reason."

"Mikey, smoke bomb!" Boy Danger commanded.

Michelangelo drew a smoke bomb from behind him. He fumbled around with it before accidentally dropping it. It landed with a pathetic puff of smoke.

"What was that?" Raphael shouted.

"I'm stressed!" Michelangelo exclaimed. "Excuse me if my aim's a little off!"

"Are you really gonna have this argument now?" Eclipse asked.

Bradford's fist came down but they jumped out of the way. "How hard is it to hit the ground?" Raphael growled.

He pulled out his own bomb and threw it down. Unfortunately, it fell into a hole in a grate. He knelt down to grab it but it fell through the hole.

"Now so easy, is it!" Michelangelo snapped.

"Oh, for the love ofโ€”I'll do it!" Eclipse snapped. She took out her smoke bomb and threw it onto the ground. The second the purple smoke appeared, the seven of them turned and ran.


THE SEVEN OF them were sitting on the couch. All of them embarrassed about how the fight went. "We couldn't take him." Leonardo told Splinter, who stood in front of them.

"DogPound was just too powerful." Michelangelo said.

"DogPound?" Briana asked.

"Cause he's a dog and he pounded us into theโ€”"

"We get it." Eclipse interrupted.

Henry sighed. "I don't see how we're gonna get close to that meeting now."

"Maybe we just need to find a new place to hide," Donatello suggested. He turned his laptop so they could see. " I hear the sewers in Florida are nice this time of year."

"No!" April reached forward and shut the laptop. "I'm not letting you guys give up. I'll spy on the meeting."

"What!? No!"

"No way!"


"You can't!"

"Forget it!"

"Heck no!"

"Absolutely not!" Splinter finished firmly.

"I can do this!" April insisted, turning to her teacher. "You've been training me to be a kunoichi!"

"For a few weeks." Splinter stressed.

"What choice do we have?" April asked seriously. "Shredder's gonna attack your home and we need to find out how. And I'm the only one who can do it."


"I DON'T LIKE this." Donatello said seriously.

"Me neither." Michelangelo said as he shook his head. "Giving the enemy a free pizza? Never a good idea."

They watched as April, wearing her hoodie, went up to the door and knocked. A Foot Bot opened the door and they watched April saying something before the door was slammed in her face.

"Looks like the Foot Clan are smarter than the Purple Dragons."

"They'd almost have to be, wouldn't they?" Leonardo asked. "Thanks, April. You did your best."

"At least we got the pizza." Michelangelo said happily.

April laughed on the other side. "Oh, I'm not done yet."

"Wait, what is she doing?" Donatello asked, leaning over the edge. They watched as April toss the pizza box into a nearby trash can.

"Not the pizza!" Michelangelo cried. "She's gone rogue!"

"She's so cool." Donatello said dreamily, watching as April conversed with a man before she pushed past and went inside the place.

They sat and waited for a few minutes.

April made it to the rooftop where she crouched on the railing of the escape for a minute. Then, she leapt forward and landed on the ledge of the church roof, waving her arms to keep her balance. A second later, she fell back, almost falling before she grabbed the edge. Then, April managed to pull herself up, and stepped onto the roof. She walked along the ledge for a moment before climbing through a hole in the stain glass window. April brought her phone and out and had the call on, unknowingly to Shredder that the meeting was being recorded.

"...in approximately fifteen minutes. The chemical is extremely rare, so you will not get another chance..."

"Chemical? What chemical?" Raphael asked.

"How about we listen and find out?" Donatello said irritably.

"How about I break your shell on my knee?"

Boy Danger pinched the tip of his nose before he smacked the back of their heads. "How about you both quit it so we can hear the rest of the plan?"

"...which will destroy them once and for all. Now go!"

"We missed it!" Leonardo groaned. "Oh, great! Nice going, guys!"

Then Donatello ran to the ledge of the building. "We gotta get April out!"

"No!" Boy Danger said, grabbing his shoulder. "If we rush in there, we put her at risk. We wait."

He still looked worried but remained there as Boy Danger released him. They waited patiently as they watched DogPound, the Dragons, and a few Foot walk outside and toward a few vans parked in front of them. They spotted April slide down the fire escape, remaining hidden in the alley.

"I'm gonna hitch a ride, see where they go."

"No, you've done enough." Leonardo said into his phone. "Now, get outta there!"

DogPound suddenly froze in his tracks, turning towards April's hiding place.

"Leo! Bradford heard you!" Captain Violet said.

"April, run!" Leonardo ordered.

April gasped on the other end of the line and it was too late. DogPound had already grabbed April and shoved her into the van. "Let's go!"

Just as the five mutant turtles and two human teenagers landed on the road, the van drove off with DogPound hanging on the back. "No! We're too late!" Donatello exclaimed.

"April!" Leonardo shouted into his phone. "April, are you there?"

"She's not gonna answer, Leo," Eclipse said. "What do we do?"

"We gotta get April outta that van, butโ€”but DogPound's in there! And we're not ready to fight that guy!" Leonardo said, his voice laced with panic and anxiety. "Oh, Splinter was right! We should've stayed below!"

"Leo, calm down! We didn't have a choice! We had to come up!" Donatello reminded.

"But we aren't ready!" Boy Danger said, his voice lanced with panic and anxiety as well. "And we let April put herself in danger! We never should've let her go by herself! We should've sent someone with her!"

Raphael sighed and muttered under his breath. "I can't believe I'm gonna say this..." he turned to face Leonardo and Boy Danger. "Get it together, captains! You're our leaders, so act like one!"

Both Leonardo and Boy Danger suddenly found themselves relaxing as they closed their eyes and took a deep breath. Then, they turned to face the red masked mutant turtle.

"Thanks, Raph," Leonardo said. "That was the anxiety ray talking."

"What? You guys aren't gonna slap yourselves?"

"Let's go save April," Boy Danger said as he waved that thought aside. "And the lair."

"But we'll never catch them on foot!" Donatello said.

Leonardo smirked. "We're not going on foot."


THE PATROL BUGGY that Donatello made was awesome to the others. "It's not ready!" Donatello warned as Leonardo was driving the vehicle while the rest of them sat in their sidecars.

"This thing is awesome!" Michelangelo shouts. "Does it have a radio?"

"No, it doesn't have a radio!" Donatello said loudly. "I'm telling you, it's not ready!"

"Seems ready to me." Leonardo said when suddenly, his steering wheel popped off. He yelped and quickly placed it back on. "Okay, don't pull on that and we'll be fine."

After finally finding the van, DogPound was riding the back of an eighteen wheeler and holding a tanker. "Run them down!" The mutant dog shouted.

"Danger, get ready!" Leonardo said.

"For what?"


He pulled a lever to his right and the Buggy split into two sections. Donatello and Eclipse were still attached to his left with Boy Danger on his right, now driving his buggy with Raphael, Captain Violet, and Michelangelo still attached to him.

"Leo!" Boy Danger shouted. "You could've been a little more specific."

Leonardo grinned. "Where's the fun in that?"

They continued driving up right behind the large tanker where they spotted two large words bolded in blue. "Chlorosulfonic acid?" Leonardo read.

Captain Violet felt her eyes widened while Donatello gasped. "I think I've figured out Shredder's plan! That acid reacts violently with water!"

"So if he dumps it in the sewers..." Eclipse started.

Captain Violet nodded. "It'll all be incinerated in seconds!"

"Including the lair!"

"And Splinter! We gotta stop him!"

They followed the truck and the van for a while. Then, out of nowhere, the van changed course and turned left. "Danger, you, Raph, Clips, and Donnie stay with the van and save April. Mikey, Violet, you're coming with me. We have to stop that tanker!" Leonardo said.

"Uh, if you haven't noticed, we're stuck with Danger!" Michelangelo said.

Boy Danger smirked. "No problem."

He reached down and pulled a lever, causing Michelangelo's, Captain Violet's, and Raphael's carts to detached itself as they and their carts flew back.

"Hey, that was fun!" Boy Danger said with a smirk.

Leonardo laughed. "Told ya!"

Then, he pulled the lever again, causing Donatello and Eclipse and their carts to detached themselves. As instructed, Boy Danger left with Raphael, Donatello, and Eclipse to stop the van and get April back while Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Captain Violet kept up with the tanker.

"Mikey, Violet, slow this thing down!" Leonardo ordered. "Fire grappling hooks!"

"Got it!"

They fired their grappling hooks from the front of their cars. The hooks latched themselves onto the truck for a moment before the ropes snapped.

"Donnie did say they weren't ready!" Michelangelo shouted.

"I know!" Leonardo snapped.

"Come on!" Captain Violet said. "We can do this!"

The tanker made a sharp turn and skidded to a halt at the end of the road. DogPound leapt off the tanker and slid on the ground. He grabbed a manhole cover and threw it at the blue masked mutant turtle, who managed to jump out of his cart before the cover hit it, shattering it. He landed in the street, pulling out his katanas.

"Is that all you got?" He asked.

DogPound let out a furious growl and started stomping towards them. Michelangelo and Captain Violet skidded their vehicles to a halt on both sides of their brother.

"I think that's a no." Captain Violet said.

"A big, fat no!" Michelangelo added in agreement.

Captain Violet and Michelangelo drew their weapons as they hopped out of their vehicles. They all charged forward and began fighting but DogPound brought his heavy fist down to slam them into the ground. As they were fighting, a Foot soldier stepped out of the vehicle and took out a long, red hose that was attached to the acid inside the tanker. He began to pull it closer to the open manhole.

"Don't let him dump that acid!" Leonardo shouted.

DogPound's fist came up and tried to squash them. As they jumped back, Captain Violet reached into her belt and took out a throwing star. She aimed and threw it at the Foot soldier, watching it hit the robot square on as the Foot soldier fell to the floor.

Leonardo went to swing his katana at DogPound but the mutant dog blocked and grabbed his wrist, forcing it up. The katana still in his hand stabbed the side of the tanker and yellow liquid leaked out. Leonardo kicked DogPound, and the mutant released him. The blue masked mutant turtle fell and took his katana out of the tanker, the liquid pouring freely. DogPound grinned evilly, stalking away.

"Wait a minute," Leonardo said as he gasped. "Mikey! Throw the water balloon!"

"Uh, what water balloon?"

"The one you were gonna hit either me or Violet with!"

Captain Violet snapped her head over to him to see that Michelangelo was indeed holding a water balloon. "Dude, you are good!"

He tossed the balloon out at the spewing acid and immediately, Leonardo tackled both Michelangelo and Captain Violet out of the way, pushing them onto the ground. Then, they all ran over and jumped to the other side of the car just as the tanker exploded. Slowly, they stood and looked at the car to see that the tanker was destroyed.

"Nice shot, Mikโ€”"

The words were cut off by Michelangelo throwing a water balloon at Leonardo and before Captain Violet, the orange masked mutant turtle suddenly threw a bright pink water balloon at her, water exploding all over her. "You had three?" Leonardo asked.

"Where do you keep them?" Captain Violet questioned, squeezing the water out of her purple hair.

From behind, they heard footsteps running towards them and looked over to see the others coming over with April, having successfully rescued her.

"Well, looks like we missed the fireworks." Raphael said with a grin.

"Donnie, the go-kart worked great," Leonardo said. "Nice job!"

"Thanks, Leo," Donatello said before he frowned. "And it's a patrol buggy!"


"NOTHING SAYS VICTORY like the sweet taste of pizza." Michelangelo said happily as he ate a slice of pizza whole.

Donatello sniffed his slice. "Eh, this pizza smells kinda funny. Where'd you get it?"

"It's the one that April threw out."

Immediately, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Eclipse, Henry, and Briana threw their slices on the ground, coughing and retching with disgust. "What?" Michelangelo looked annoyed. "We live in a sewer, now you're clean freaks? Heh, more for me." He scooped the slices they dropped and gobbled them up.

"My sons and daughters..." Splinter said, getting their attention. "I owe you my gratitude and an apology."

"An apology?" Leonardo asked, standing.

Splinter continued. "Fear clouded your minds. However, it was not Shredder who fueled that fear, but me. You overcame that fear and performed admirably. No training today!"

They looked at each other, grinning gleefully.

"Unless Michelangelo throws that balloon."

They all whipped their heads around to see him holding one. He chuckled nervously when he saw them looking.

"Oh, you are so dead!" Eclipse yelled.

Without another word, all six of them tackled him, wrestling him to the ground.


"SEE, THERE'S ONE thing about fear that everyone hates. Just when you think that you conquered your fear, it always has a way of coming back to haunt you."

Henry shot up in his bed wide awoke, breathing heavily with sweat running down his forehead. His eyes were wide with panic and terror as he took a second to calm down before resting his head back down on his pillow, staring up at the ceiling.

"Or sometimes, there's always a new fear that finally catches up to you."

Meanwhile back at the lair, everyone was fast asleep and inside a certain room, Briana was in her bed, tossing and turning.

Darkness completely surrounded Briana as she looks around the area, squinting to try to see where she was. A bright light suddenly fills the area and she covers her eyes, waiting for the light to disappear. When it does, she uncovers her eyes again and her eyes widened when saw a large cage door in front of her and on the cell itself was a Japanese symbol with the word SEAL on it.

She gasps lightly as she steps backwards, watching as a pair of evil red eyes with black pupils appear within the darkness of the cell. Then, a figure steps forward and Briana could see that it had black demon wings, purple skin and hair, a red dress with a black belt, black boots, and the demon's two front teeth and nails were sharp.

"Who... who are you?" Briana asked, gulping a little as she tried not to shake from fear.

"Don't you remember what Jake told you?" The demon said, a evilly smirk on her face.

Briana felt her eyes widened again when Jake's familiar words came rushing back to her.

"Oh, you're pathetic, little cuz. Is this really the great, old Destroyer and vessel to the demon spirit of darkness? Man, you are so weak."

"You're... the demon spirit of darkness?" Briana whispered out, a frown on her face. "N-no, this can't be real. There'sโ€”there's no demon in me!"

The demon laughed. "Oh, but it is! You feel it, don't you? All that darkness and anger inside you? That power?"

"No, this is just a nightmare," Briana said as she squeezed her eyes shut. "It's not real."

"Deny it all you want but everything Jake told you is true." The demon said, chuckling evilly. "Hamato Yoshi knows more about you than he lets on."

"Shut up!" Briana yells, opening her eyes to glare at the demon. "Just shut up!"

"Aw, what's the matter? Little Princess Briana can't handle the truth? That she's nothing more than a Destroyer and the vessel to me, Unagami, the demon spirit of darkness?" Unagami taunted, enjoying watching her vessel struggle with this knowledge.

"I said, shut up!" Briana yelled again, frowning. "This isn't happening! I'm not a Princess! I'm not a vessel! I'm... I'mโ€”"

"You're what?" Unagami questioned, smirking as she leaned closer to the bars of her cage. "You don't even know who you are! Or, well, should I say what you are."

Briana clenched her fists as she turned around, squeezing her eyes shut tightly while refraining herself from shaking.

"What you are is nothing but a Destroyer and my vessel, thanks to your stupid old grandmother Queen Twilight Velvet," Unagami said with a scoff. "You're nothing but a monster. A monster that will destroy the world."

Then, Briana shot awoke in her bed with her eyes wide open, sweat running down her forehead as she breathed heavily. Scanning the room to see if anybody was there but she didn't see anyone except for Max, who was fast asleep in his own bed that was right next to hers, she then calmed down a little but she could still hear Unagami's evil laughter from inside her head.

And with that, Briana couldn't help but bury her face within her knees, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to block out the demon's laughter but it wasn't working.

"That's the thing about fear. It's everywhere and sometimes, you just can't escape it."

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