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[ CHAPTER 07 ~ WORDS: 453 ]

After the comment Jeongguk made about tasting his cum, only the thought about it made him blush. But he wanted to find out if he only said that because he was programmed to do so or could he really taste things?

Taehyung was only thinking about what jeongguk said about him tasting he totally avoided thinking about how he got his dick sucked. If he would think about it he would only blush and he doesn't want to feel shy around the android. He wanted to be more confident and cool.

While Jeongguk cooked some food, Taehyung searched for Jeongguk's instructions and maybe he would find something else in it. He opened the little book and he noticed the black line on the front and he then realized that the words 'say say android J613 wake up" was written with a pen. Why would you use a pen for the instructions on a thousand dollor android? like why wouldn't you print it?

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and he looked up when the sun shined through the window. he couldn't believe what he saw.

the black got a little transparent when the sun hit it and he could read 'android 852KU'
what was that supposed to mean? does it mean Jeongguk wasn't the android he should've got?

Taehyung couldn't believe that they would make such a mistake or did they do it on purpose? but what was different on jeongguk? That made taehyung suspicious and he got his laptop from his bedroom and sat down on the sofa. He openend the tap and typed in the company's name. The first thing he saw was of course the advertising for the new android and the option to customize one. He scrolled down and read everything that was written on that website but what surprised him the most was the name.


was that a weird coincident or could that really be the initials of his fathers name Daehyun Tae Kim?

Taehyung shook his head with a laughter, what was he thinking his father works in a bank he couldn't be working in a laboratory as well. With the thought out of his head he stood up and joined Jeongguk in the kitchen and he was beyond confused when he saw him tasting the food and then add a bit of salt. Taehyung couldn't believe it, the android could really taste something but how was that possible?

He really should contact the customer service about it.


I'm so sorry for not updating in so long and coming with such a crappy chapter but I had to post something to say I'm sorry . I hope I can update anytime soon my loves ♥️

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