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[ CHAPTER 09 ~ WORDS: 929 ]

"Professor, we have information where android J613 is" Juwo told the man in the white lab coat, the second he finished his sentence, his head whipped in his direction. "oh thank god, where is he??" Juwo knew the professor would not like what he was
about to hear.

"Mr Kim, he's ahm how do I say this .. with your son" juwo told him carefully and watched his face. Mr kim looked terrified. Juwo thought it would be good if his son had the android and not someone else who could potentially be dangerous. So why was he so terrified at the fact his son had it? but the bigger question was why his son had the android no one knew about in the first place?. their colleague knew that he was not for sale. It just didn't make sense.

"WHAT?! how could this happen? And then Taehyung getting this android, what's going on" The professor talked more to himself than to Juwo, he couldn't wrap his head around how out of all people Taehung would receive the android. He sat down at his desk and turned his pc on and quickly searched taehyungs order. What he found made his stomach turn.

"Juwo, was android J613 designed to ehm...receive sexual penetration?" he spoke quieter with his eyes fixed on Juwo, who looked at him confused and with a questioning look. "No Mr kim he wasn't he was made for the military you know that. Why would you ask that?"


"Taehyung do you want me to make you breakfast?" Jeongguk asked him through the door while taehyung was showering. With a loud "Yes thank you" the android got to work, He put on an apron and got some bacon and eggs out of the fridge, carefully cracking them and whisking them with some salt and pepper. He sat them to the side and got a pan out of the cabinet and put it on the stove. Jeongguk cooked the bacon first and then made
scrambled eggs in the same pan.

In the meantime he cut some fruit and veggies and neatly arranged them on the plate, when everything was done he put the eggs and bacon on the plate as well and when taehyung came out of the shower he put the plate on the table. "Mhh it smells delicious in here" Taehyung said while sitting down at the kitchen table and looking at the tasty looking breakfast. He showed the android his boxy smile and with a" thank you gguk" he started digging in. Enjoying the savory taste and the sweetness of the fruit. Jeongguk watched him with a smile, noticing his still wet hair, a fresh sage green hoodie and some black sweatpants. That made Jeongguk think he should change his clothes too. 

While Taehyung was on his phone , Jeongguk got changed into a white shirt with a light purple jacket over it and some baggy light blue jeans. He styled his hair and walked back into the kitchen.

"wow" Taehyung said when he saw him walk in. He looked so adorable in his new clothes, so soft and cuddly like a baby. He couldn't resist. "Come here" he held eye contact while Jeongguk smiled at him and got closer, Taehyung pulled him sideways on his lap. The android was surprised but wrapped his arms around his neck instantly. They were so close to each other, taehyungs arms wrapped around his waist like they belong there and the android showed him his beautiful smile. "You look so pretty petal" The nickname slipped out of Taehyungs mouth before he could think and he panicked inside but tried to not let it show. Taehyung really wanted to be more confident so he should start being it.

"Thank you so my taehyungie" The adorable smile on the android's face made taehyung forget his thoughts instantly and pulled him closer to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Jeongukk pulled him in again and kissed him, moving their lips against each other and licking over Taehyungs bottom lip. Without breaking the kiss he stood up and turned so he would straddle him instead. Jeongguk licked inside his mouth and took taehyungs hands in his and put them on his ass. Taehyung instantly grabbed his ass and Jeongguk let out a moan. God he wanted to fuck the android so bad.

Suddenly the phone rang, Taehyung broke the kiss but Jeongguk just pulled him back in. "Please ignore it" He moved his hips and pushed his ass against his dick "Please hyungie" the android whispered with such innocence in his voice, it made taehyung groan and kiss him harder, totally ignoring the call. He grabbed Jeongguks legs and stood up with him still in his arms with his legs around his waist. The android made a surprised sound and taehyung walked straight to the bedroom and laid him on the bed. He looked at him with lust, Jeongguks lips were swollen his hair messy and he
looked so sexy yet so pretty.

"I want to fuck you, right here.. right now" He told Jeongguk with such confidence it surprised both of them but they were so turned on just from kissing alone. "Yes please fuck me, ruin me, I'm yours" he didn't have to tell him twice.


Ahh I'm sorry for the cliffhanger but their gonna have sex in the next chapter 😄 I write is as soon as I can and I hope you still enjoyed this one

Let me know your theories and see you next chapter xx

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