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      Destruction. It's everywhere Loki looks. The village is in ruins and the Berkians are left to pick up the pieces. Thor and Loki were sent to help rebuild the village after the latest dragon raid. Thor has already run off to show off his pure strength, but Loki's mind isn't on the charred remains of the village. It's on Hiccup.

      "Gods, what a loser." Loki hears Astrid mutter. He follows her eyes up to the hill at the top of the hill. It seems to be the only one left intact. He doesn't need to ask who they are talking about. Loki begins hiking up the hill. "Why does he want to check on her?" Snotlout asks. "This is all her fault anyway." Loki creases his brows and begins walking faster.

      "Hiccup?" Loki asks as he knocks on the door. It creaks open and with a quick glance to make sure no one around, he walks in. "Hello?" He calls out. Loki shivers as he looks around the empty house. It's heavy here. Like there is a turmoil over the entire house. Loki grinds his teeth at the unfriendly and familiar feeling.

      Loki looks around and spots a staircase far too small for Stoick to use and smirks a bit as he climbs up it. It leads up into another large and chilled room. Chilled due to its unfriendly environment. Loki has never been bothered by any other cold.

      It's Hiccup's room. A wall next to her bed is covered in drawings of all sorts. Faces, dragons, landscapes. All of them are incredible. Loki's breath hitches as he spots his own face amongst the drawings. He scoffs in disbelief and gently traces his fingers over the lines. Loki takes the photo and stuff it in his pocket and turns around. He looks out of an open window and narrows his eyes as he looks at the tree line.

       He watches Hiccup run into the trees, tripping over a rock. Loki chuckles and climbs out of the window, jumping down and running up the hill after Hiccup. Despite how small she is, the girl is fast.

      Loki stays back, following Hiccup close enough to see her, but not be seen. She's trying to find something. Loki has seen her make crosses on a map in her journal. Hiccup lets out a heavy sigh and looks at her surroundings with slumped shoulders. She begins walking again and growls angrily as she scribbles at her journal. Loki laughs quietly at her frustration.

      Hiccup sighs and slams her journal shut. "Oh, the gods hate me." Loki raises an amused eyebrow. "Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me! I manage to lose an entire dragon!" Loki's eyebrows shoot up. A dragon. Hiccup is looking for a dragon. Is she trying to get herself killed?

       Loki panics for a moment, not wanting Hiccup to be hurt. He watches as she swats at a branch and he uses his magic to make it smack her back in the face. "Ow!" She shouts as she grabs her eye. Loki winces. Maybe that wasn't his brightest idea.... Then again, he isn't the one looking for a dragon.

      Hiccup looks up at the tree that smacked him in the face and sees it has been broken by some force. Loki sees it too. Down the hill is a crash path of something large. Loki inches closer as Hiccup walks down the hill. Suddenly Hiccup gasps and ducks for cover. Loki glances over the edge and sees a dragon trapped in a bolo. He lets out a scoff and looks at Hiccup. She managed to shoot down a dragon.

      "What are you doing?" He asks. Hiccup screams, but Loki's hand stops it from being loud enough to wake the dragon. Hiccup swats his hand away. "Will you stop doing that?!" She whispers hashly. Loki shrugs and smirks. "No." Hiccup huffs and peaks over the edge. She begins checking her jacket for something, then Loki hands her a knife which he has seemingly pulled from nowhere.

      Hiccup eyes it and Loki and takes it. "Thanks." She whispers. Loki sees the way she is holding it and fixes it in her hand so she could actually use it for defense. Hiccup stumbles down to the rock by the dragon and Loki follows close behind. "Ha! I did it! Oh, I did it! This... This fixes everything! Yes!" Hiccup smiles at Loki and points at the dragon.

      "I have brought down this mighty beast!" Hiccup screams as she puts her foot on the dragon and it pushes her off. Loki catches her before she falls and they both stare at the dragon in shock and in Hiccup's case, fear. He pulls her to her feet and Hiccup holds the knife out in front of her. Hiccup swallows hard as she sees the dragon staring back at her. Hiccup is quick to look away, seeing something in the beast eyes.

      She points the knife at the dragon's chest. Loki's eyes dance between Hiccup and the dragon. "Hiccup..." He starts. The dragon growls softly and Hiccup once again looks into its eyes. She tries to tear her eyes away, but she keeps finding those massive green eyes. "I'm going to kill you, dragon." Hiccup says through heavy breaths. Loki remains at her side, ready to act if need be.

      "Then I'll cut out your heart and take it to my father." Loki raises an eyebrow at her. She won't do it. He can see it in her eyes. "I am a Viking. I am a Viking!" Hiccup shouts. "Hiccup," Loki says as Hiccup raises the knife. "Being a viking, doesn't mean being a monster too." Hiccup's eyes widen as she meets Loki's eyes. She looks at the dragon and her eyes become sad.

      Hiccup lowers her arms and Loki smiles. He's always had a fondness for dragons. They are graceful beasts compared to any on Asgard. "You're right. I did this." Hiccup whispers. She stares at the ropes encasing the dragon. Loki's eyes widen as she leaps forward and begins cutting the ropes. "Hiccup!" He hisses, glancing at the dragon. They may be graceful, but this is a Night Fury. The deadliest dragon known to man. "What are you doing?!"

      Hiccup doesn't answer and cuts the final rope. The dragon leaps up, pinning Loki and Hiccup to the rock. It stares at them. It's eyes boring into their souls. The dragon seems to struggle for a moment as it stares at Hiccup, then it snarls and lets out a deafening roar. Then it takes off into the trees. Hiccup and Loki stare at each other wide eyed.

      "Are you CRAZY?!" Clint demands as Thor shoves him into a boat old enough to have been made he was a child. Loki shrugs and smirks. "Debatable." He admits. Tony shakes his head as he slumps in the captain's seat. The only way he would get on this rickety old this is if he was the one driving it.

      "My brother is right." Thor says as he loads the team's equipment onto the boat. "If we are going to investigate this strange pit, then we need to do it by boat." Clint mimics Thor like a child and pouts in a corner. "I thought you said the creatures you mention went extinct hundreds of years ago." Steve says as he too gets onto the boat, setting his shield in the corner by Clint.

      "Disappeared." Loki corrects him. "Dragons didn't go extinct." Tony nearly falls out of his seat. "Wait, dragons?! Like actual dragons?" He asks in disbelief. Loki gives him a weird look. "Yes, that is what I said." Wanda steps onto the boat and thanks Steve for helping her on. Pietro joins her. "But dragons aren't real." Pietro says as he and Wanda sit on the boat's edge.

      Thor glances at Loki. "Oh, they were real. Loki even rode one." The corners of Loki's lips twitch as he looks at the sky. "You did?" Bucky asks as he tries to shove Sam off the boat. "What was it like?" Wanda asks with excitement. Loki glances at her. She, Pietro and Bucky are the only ones on the team who don't treat him horridly. "Euphoric. Dragons are incredible beasts, but just as deadly."

      Natasha is next on the boat. "And the one we are dealing with? Do you know which one it is?" Loki takes a deep breath and nods. "Yes, but as I said. It can't be dragons. Especially not a Night Fury." Thor lets out a breath and puts a hand on Loki's shoulder. Loki nods at his brother telling him he is okay.

      "Why not?" Bruce asks from the dock. He isn't going to be joining them on the boat. It's been proven that boats and Bruce don't mix well. "Because 1,000 years ago there was only one Night Fury left." Bruce hums, but none of them miss the sadness in Loki's tone.

      "So why is boat travel the best option?" Tony asks annoyed. He's virtually useless on the mission. Loki made it clear that there can be no flying. "Because," Loki says with a smirk. "If the ship blows up, we've still got the water to save us from certain doom."

~author's notes~

By the way, Hiccup is bisexual in this so she still has her crush on Astrid and it also goes along with the fact that Loki is gender fluid. When we see Lady Loki, I will post her face claim

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