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      Hiccup watches the sky where Toothless left, then stills as Loki stands by her. "Dragon root." She supplies. Loki's eyes widened. "We don't have long until he comes back." Loki nods and turns to Tony, demanding that he start the boat and get them out of here, but the man makes no move to do so.

      Dragon root is known to make dragons go mad with rage. Toothless has gained a tolerance over the years, but whoever was after them managed to make the already potent concoction, even more deadly.

      Everyone on the boat flinches as the cry of an angry dragon echoes in the distance. Loki takes Hiccup's hand, but she pulls her hand out of his, not daring to look at him. "Hiccup-" He begins to say, but she cuts him off. "We don't have long. I know somewhere safe not too far from here." Hiccup looks to Tony, who reels his head back as her slitted eyes meet his.

      "Head North East." She tells him in her thick Norse accent. Tony puts his hands up in disbelief. "Okay, so even if we were to listen to you, crazy dragon lady, we don't have a compass to get us there-" Steve tosses Tony a compass. He opens it and raises an eyebrow at the photo inside it, glancing at Barnes. Hiccup gives him a look, silently asking him to get a move on.

      Tony scoffs and closes the compass. "Still, why should we listen to you? For all we know you could be leading us to our own deaths." Loki takes a step toward Tony, but Hiccup stops him, putting an arm on his shoulder. "We don't have time to argue. You either trust me, or we all die a fiery and painful death." Tony stares at her for a moment, then looks out to the fog and starts the engine.

      Hiccup nods and walks to the bow of the boat, every left step echoing with a metal thunk. Everyone glances at her prosthesis; Bucky taking a moment to be thankful that his is as comfortable as it is. Loki walks after her, grabbing her arm. "Heddy, please." But once again, Hiccup pulls away from him. "Stay North East. I'll find you once you get clear of the fog."

      With that, she runs at the bow of the boat, leaping at the last second. Loki runs after her, attempting to grab her before she falls to the water, but a pair of wings sprout from her suit, catching her and carrying her off in the wind.

      Tony pulls at the engine choke with a grunt. He sits back and wipes the sweat from his brow. "Try it now." He shouts. Steve turns the engine key, only for it to sputter and die out. Tony growls and lays on his back, the sun beating down on him. "Damn it!"

      They've been stranded for hours. Once they cleared the fog, the engine died and Tony only had the tool box left on the ship to try and fix it. Needless to say, it wasn't working. Everyone was sunburnt, hungry and dehydrated. Thor flew off an hour ago to look for help.

      "Wanda, are you sure there is nothing you can do?" Steve asks gently. Wanda looks down at her hands and shakes her head. "I still don't know how to control it." She mumbles quietly. Pietro holds her closer and kisses the side of her head. Wanda still didn't quite know how to control her Chaos Magic and without Vision, she wasn't really willing to try.

      The twins look to the bow of the boat where Loki sits with a black scale in his hands. He rubs it endlessly, lost completely in thought. Bucky sighs and looks at him. He walks over and puts a flesh hand on his shoulder. "She'll be back." Bucky promises. Loki looks out at the horizon. He still isn't sure that what he saw was real.

      That she was really alive.

      Odin had told him that Hedvika had died. He foolishly believed him. Just like he was foolish enough to believe that he was his son.

       Loki scoffs.

      What a fool I am. He thinks.

       Suddenly, a heavy thunk hits the boat.

      "Friends!" Thor calls cheerfully.

      Loki sulks. "The oaf has returned."

      "Thor! Did you find help?" Steve asks as he steps down from the captain's deck. Tony leans against the railing, covered in oil. Thor smiles, gesturing to the sky. "Even better! I found her!"

      The sky turns dark. Thunder rumbles in the distance, drawing closer. Wanda cowers into her brother's side, and Clint and Natasha grip their weapons. They know better than to think this is any other storm.

      Loki looks up to see lightning gathering in the sky, a dragon in the center of it. "Is that..." He begins. Thor throws his arms open wide. "Electra!" He calls out with glee.

      Hair stands on ends as the dragon crashes into Thor on the deck

      Thor cackles as lightning surrounds him and the dragon. The purple beast licks him with its forked tongue.

      "What the hell?!" Tony shouts as a stray bolt of lightning gets attracted to his arc reactor, shocking him in the process.

      Thor pulls himself to his feet, his hair standing in all directions due to the static. "This is my good friend Electra!"

      "Your friend?" Pietro asks, appalled by the terrifying beast before him.

      Thor pats the dragon's head, electricity traveling up and down his arm. "She is going to help us get to safety!"

      Loki peers around a corner as a few guards pass by, chasing after an illusion of himself. He runs down the corridor as quietly as he can, finally managing to escape the castle walls. Careful not to be seen, Loki makes his way across the rainbow bridge to the bifrost. Now he has one last impossible obstacle.

Getting past Heimdall.

"Your father is searching for you." Heimdall states as Loki makes it past the threshold of the bifrost. Loki skewers his face and crosses his arms. "Let him search. I have somewhere to be." He says as he leans against the wall. Heimdall hums, not looking at him. "Yes. Quite the rarity you found. A viking that spared a dragon."

Loki supposes he shouldn't be surprised. Heimdall sees all. Still, he feels betrayed that he knows. "I promised I'd return." He tells the golden eyed man. Heimdall narrows his eyes, then moves, looking directly at Loki. "Then I suppose you better be going."

Loki is no idiot. He knows that if he was seen in Berk that Odin would know immediately. So he decided to go as someone Odin has never heard of or seen before. Someone Loki held dear. Someone who felt as though they were a second skin.

Lady Loki.

Walking towards the arena in the early morning, Loki pulls her hood over her face. Her cloak billows behind her, giving off the illusion that she is floating on air. "Welcome to Dragon Training." She hears as she nears the edge of the caged ceiling of the arena. Gobber gestures to the arena as the teens of Berk step in.

They all look around in awe, and Snotlout, elbows Tuffnut and points to Loki, although they don't realize who she truly is. "Who's that hottie?" He asks, making Loki cringe. One downside that comes with being a woman is the catcalling and itemizing. It's why only Frigga knows of his second half.

Winking at Loki, Tuffnut swings his spear. "I'm hoping to get some serious burns. I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or back." Astrid purses her lips, casting a glance at their audience member. "Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it."

"Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain! Love it!"

Loki smirks and leans into the chains. "Well, this is quite the surprise." Loki was almost sure that after their encounter with the dragon, that Hiccup would never want to be around them again. Dragon training? Surely she had enough brains to realize this wasn't for her.

Enough brains to realize that she could die.

"Oh great, who let her in?" Tuffnut scoffs. Astrid gives Hiccup a look of uncertainty and the brunette bites her cheek and looks away, cheeks red. Loki glances between the two girls and frowns a little, catching sight of something that all the others seem oblivious to.

"Let's get started!" Gobber says. "The recruit who does best, will earn the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." The boys all smile and Snotlout hits Fishleg's arm. Astrid raises her hand with a smirk. "Her first dragon." She corrects. Loki smiles at her confidence and Snotlout rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

Snotlout raises an eyebrow and points to Hiccup. "Yeah, well Hiccup already killed a Night Fury, so does that disqualify her?" The twins laugh, and the teens walk away.

"Can I transfer to the class with the cool vikings?"

A Night Fury. So that was the dragon that nearly killed Loki and Hiccup.

Loki looks at Hiccup as she looks down. Gobber places a hand on her shoulder and whispers something Loki is unable to hear, but whatever it was clearly did not comfort her at all.

Seeing Gobber near one of the cages, Loki bites her lip. Hiccup is unarmed. "Hey!" She says, gaining the small viking girl's attention.

Hiccup looks up and her jaw drops.

Standing on the arena's edge is the most beautiful woman she has seen in her life. Her piercing green eyes almost glow beneath the shadow that her cloak bestows upon her face. Black hair frames her high cheekbones, elevating her beauty tenfold. Her red lips twist into a smirk as she pulls something from beneath her cloak.

With a flick of her wrist, the object soars through the air and Hiccup scrambles to catch it. She looks down to see a dagger in her hands. Unsheathing it, her jaw drops. "Good luck." Hedvika hears. When Hiccup looks up, the woman is gone. She stares where the woman once stood and with hardly any air in her lungs, she whispers, "Loki?"

~author's notes~


Yeah, its been awhile.

I'm going to try to start writing more but Junior year has been busting my butt

Not to mention Covid. Its been hard on everyone.


Here is the dagger Loki gave Hiccup

Lady Loki's face claim is Katie McGrath

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