𝕮𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓, arrival of the kings and queens

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✲⋅*♚ ,∴°


𝕮𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝕱𝐢𝐯𝐞: arrival of the kings and queens

A COLD BREEZE CARESSED HER CHEEK when Erebus landed on the ground. The forest stretched out around them, a fresh layer of snow covering the ground. After a long journey, the two companions had finally arrived in the Western Woods. The last few days Ashara had spent trying her absolute hardest to reach out with her magic and feel the presence of the Kings and Queens. But to no avail. Just as sudden as the Daughter of Eve had appeared, she had disappeared. But at least she was in the Western Woods now and she could only hope that if their promised saviors would arrive, she would find them this time.

While she waited for the Deep Magic to reach out to her again, she had to pay a visit to someone. Her heart ached when she thought about Tumnus betraying them. His father had fought valiantly in the war against the Witch and Ashara still believed that the same courage was running through the Faun's veins. Erebus had dropped the two of them right before Tumnus' home and Ashara had already climbed down from his back. She turned to look at him. 'Please give me a moment alone with him. He deserves a chance to explain himself.'

The Griffin nodded at her and waited patiently as she walked up to the front door on the cliff side on her left. Ashara took a deep breath before lifting her hand and knocking gently on the door. Her other hand, however, lingered closely to the hilt of her sword. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage as she waited for an answer. She couldn't help but feel nervous and unsure of what was waiting for her once the door would be opened.

Finally the door was pulled open to a small crack and Tumnus peeked outside through the small gap. When his eyes landed on her, relief appeared on his features and he pulled the door open wide. 'Ashara, my lady, what an honor.'

She nodded at him, deciding not to voice her worries for his strange behavior just yet. 'Tumnus, it's good to see you. May I come inside?'

'Of course,' the Faun said and stepped aside to let her in.

The cave looked exactly like how she remembered it. Cozy, warm and filled with books about the most wonderful adventures. She knew that, much like his father, Tumnus loved to read about worlds far away and the stories of humans coming to them from beyond the sea and the mountains. She couldn't picture him doing what the Deep Magic had shown her but she had to ask, she had to know the future of Narnia was safe.

'Would you like some tea?' Tumnus questioned.

Ashara shook her head, deciding right then and there that it would be best to just ask what she wanted to know. There was no point in avoiding it any longer. For the last two days this was all that had been on her mind. She clenched her hands to try and remain calm. Then looked Tumnus right in the eye. 'I didn't come here for a visit. I came because the Deep Magic showed me something that has me worried.'

All the color left on Faun's face seemed to disappear and he stumbled backwards, away from her. At the sight she felt as though she'd been stabbed in the heart. It couldn't be true...

'What did you do?' She whispered, not even trying to conceal her worries anymore.

The Faun took a shaky breath, seemingly trying to gather his last bit of courage. 'I was afraid, my lady. The White Witch's power is stronger now than it has ever been. The woods are full of her spies and when I saw...' He cut himself off, staring at with wide eyes.

'The Daughter of Eve,' Ashara finished for him with a whisper.

Tumnus nodded solemnly, then straightened his back. 'But I couldn't do it, I swear by Aslan I returned her home safely.' He seemed to doubt for a moment but then added. 'That is what my father would want me to do.'

Relief flooded her veins. The reason she hadn't been able to find the presence of the promised Queen wasn't because Jadis killed her, it was simply because she returned home. Part of Ashara was sad that she missed the Queen's first visit to their land but her relief for her safety was much bigger. She had been right to believe in the Faun. He had faced the ultimate test and done the right thing. What more could she possibly ask for?

A smile found its way unto her face and she walked forwards, placing a comforting hand on his arm. 'You did the right thing, Tumnus. I'm so very proud of you.'

The Faun nodded, smiling brightly, finally starting to look more comfortable again.

'Let's hope she returns to us soon,' Ashara spoke, her smile making way for a worried frown. 'We have to find them before the Witch does.'

'I'm sure we will, my Lady,' Tumnus spoke, now the one to comfort her. 'I'm sure we will.'

She looked up at him, then grinned. 'I think I'll have that tea now.'

Tumnus laughed, the sound like a thousand little bells, happy and carefree. Then he turned and disappeared into his kitchen. She could hear him take the cups from the shelves and put the water in the kettle. In the meantime she wandered over to the bookshelves, letting her fingers run over the books while reading the many strange but wonderful titles.

A sudden sharp whistle came from outside and she instantly knew it was Erebus signalling that danger was near. Immediately her hand went to her sword, her entire body tensing up, getting ready to fight. Tumnus seemed to realize what was going on because his eyes went wide with fear. Ashara rushed to the window and carefully peaked around the curtains. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the Witch's carriage coming towards them through the trees, surrounded by her wolves. Erebus was nowhere in sight, hiding somewhere safely.

'It's her, isn't it?' Tumnus questioned fearfully.

Ashara looked at him, her face saying it all. For a second she thought the Faun would break out crying right then and there but instead his features hardened and he turned to walk over to one of his closets. He opened a drawer and took a white handkerchief out of it, then handed it over to a speechless Ashara.

'Please give this to Lucy Pevensie when you see her,' he smiled, the name of the Daughter of Eve seemed to fill him with a warmth that glowed brighter than any flame she had ever seen. 'All hail Aslan,' he whispered, then nodded towards his bedroom and added softly: 'Go through the backdoor.'

Words stuck in her throat while her eyes burned with unshed tears. 'She'll kill you,' Ashara spoke, though she knew that fighting Jadis alone wasn't an option either.

Tumnus straightened his back. 'Then I will die knowing I did my part to free Narnia.'

She nodded, then stood on her toes and pulled the Faun into a quick hug. When she finally let go she thought she saw tears glistering in his eyes but she forced herself to turn away before she could be sure. She hurried to the bedroom, the snarling sound of Maugrim and his police arriving at the front door. As quick as she could she opened the heavy lock on the back door and slipped into the hallway behind the door. Just as she closed the door she heard the wolves breaking into the cozy home of the Faun. Glass broke, stone shattered but she couldn't do anything to help. Her grip on her sword tightened as she broke out into a run through the tunnel.

Running through the darkness she tried her hardest to shut out the sounds of fighting and whimpering behind her. She prayed to Aslan that Tumnus would survive capture and the ice cold dungeons of the Witch but in all the years of her reign, no one had come out of that castle alive, and so her hope was brittle. She followed the tunnel as it curved to the right. In the distance light was awaiting her. The handkerchief was clutched tightly in her hands, as though it was the only thing keeping her hope alive at the moment.

Finally she stepped out into the light, breathing heavily. Though it probably more from her emotions swirling within her than from running. She turned to look over her shoulder, staring at the cliff that formed the back of Tumnus' home. She couldn't describe what she was feeling. In the endless battle against the Witch she had lost many friends to Maugrim and his police. She had watched many Narnians be locked into the castle walls. But this time it felt different, like he was the first real victim of the war, the first soldier to give his life for their Kings and Queens. She would make sure it wasn't in vain.

The sound of wings flapping came from behind her and she turned to see Erebus had landed in the snow, a sad expression on his feathered face, as though he had been thinking the exact same thing. For a moment they just stood there, side by side, a moment of silence for a fallen brother. Both praying to the King that they might see him again one day. It was Erebus who spoke first, his voice soft but strong. 'We should find shelter for the night.'

Ashara nodded, finally forcing herself to turn away from the cliff. 'Mr and Mrs Beaver are closest,' she suggested. 'They will welcome us into their home.'

Erebus nodded and opened his wings so she could climb onto his back. She put the handkerchief deep into her pocket, as if it was a treasure that she simply could not afford to lose. And maybe in some way it was.

Darkness had fallen by the time they reached the beavers dam. A bright, warm light was shining from behind the window and Ashara felt herself longing for the warmth of a fire. She stepped away from Erebus and walked up to the door. Before she could knock however, Mrs Beaver already opened the door. She smiled at the sight of the young Watcher. 'We saw you landing, dear,' she spoke warmly. 'Please come inside, it's too cold to stay here.'

'Thank you,' Ashara smiled and followed the beaver inside.

Mrs. Beaver closed the door behind Erebus, who struggled slightly in the small space to find a spot to lay down. Ashara sat down by the table, getting rid of her grey cloak and revealing her velvet red dress beneath. The warmth of the fire in the fireplace surrounded her like a blanket and she almost sighed in relief, though the shock of what happened to Tumnus was still too near to allow herself to relax completely.

'What happened dear?' Mrs Beaver asked, probably having noticed the gleam of sadness in Ashara's eyes.

Mr Beaver came walking out of their bedroom, joining them at the table while Ashara told the story of everything that happened. From the moment the Deep Magic had given her the first vision, Tasmus announcement that Aslan had arrived and all that happened after. The beavers listened intently and only when she was finished did they speak.

'Poor Tumnus,' Mr. Beaver sighed. 'He was one of the good ones.'

For a moment silence lingered as they remembered their friend, until Mrs. Beaver stood from her chair and nodded firmly, as if closing the chapter on their grief. 'It's in Aslan's hands now. Who is hungry? A full stomach makes troubles like this seem far less daunting.'

Ashara managed a small smile on her face. 'That would be lovely, thank you.'

Since her journey to the Western Woods started she hadn't eaten a warm meal. She longed for something hot in her stomach and so she didn't hesitate to stand up and offer Mrs. Beaver a helping hand. Cooking had never been a strength of hers but her mother had taught her some things so she wouldn't feel completely useless. Ashara had always preferred her father's lessons about the Deep Magic and the history of her country over her mother's lessons about cooking, making fires, cleaning swords, making bows and building shelters. She only came to value those lessons later in life and they had often served her well.

When dinner was served the four of them talked about all that happened while enjoying their meal. Ashara had to compliment Mrs. Beavers cooking, which was absolutely fantastic. It was even enough to make her forget her troubles for a second. As soon as everything had been cleared up however, fatigue clawed its way through her bones and she wanted nothing more than a good night sleep. She hadn't been given the chance to fully heal from the ordeal at Erebus' house. Though she had persisted she didn't need the rest, she could feel her body begging for sleep.

Mrs. Beaver placed her hand on Ashara's shoulder, noticing how she could no longer keep her eyes open. 'Take some rest my dear, you deserve it.'

She didn't have to be told twice. She lay down on the spare bed in the smallest room of the Beavers dam and fell asleep almost as soon as she closed her eyes. Her dreams were filled with screams and snarls and long, endless dark tunnels. She woke multiple times during the night, breathing heavily as though she had been running for miles. And when morning came, she was even more tired than the day before.

The sun was already out, illuminating the snow outside, when she entered the living room of the Beavers dam. Erebus had returned back home, leaving her in the caring hands of Mrs. Beaver. The beaver had prepared a delicious breakfast that filled Ashara's stomach within seconds. When she was finished she helped clear everything up. She picked up the plates and carried them to the kitchen. When she was halfway however she froze in the middle of her step. The runes on her arms started glowing brightly. It felt as though flames were licking her skin and burning away her veins, a stronger fire than she had ever felt before. In all her years of training as a Watcher she had never felt anything that came close to the flames that were burning within her now. Her hands were trembling and she almost dropped the plates.

Pushing through the pain she managed to put the plates on the kitchen before she collapsed on the ground. The Beavers were by her side within seconds but she could no longer see the small and cozy dam. She was staring at four humans. Two daughters of Eve and two sons of Adam. They were standing in the snow, looking around at the world surrounding them like it was a fairytale come to life. She knew with an absolute, burning, certainty that these were the Kings and Queens they had been waiting for.

She took a deep breath and forced her heart to calm down. She had to pull herself away from the vision so she could form a plan, go meet them before the Witch could get her hands on them. She imagined water, the blue eastern ocean in the middle of summer. She imagined walking into the waves and feeling the water between her fingers. And, as if she had really been standing in the sea, the burning glow was washed away from her veins.

When she could see her surroundings clearly again she was still breathing heavily, but not as tired as before. Her heart swelled with pride when she realized she had been able to use one of her father's lessons. He used to tell her that the Deep Magic was a fire that would light and guide the world for years to come. It was easy to be swept away in its flames. Whenever you were shown a vision, all you had to do was imagine water. Swimming in it, drowning in it, drinking it. If the memory was strong enough and you were able to convince yourself, it would wash away the flames.

It was much easier said than done but this was the first time Ashara had a reason to pull away from a vision. A reason that had been strong enough to extinguish the flames. But, even though she was aware of her surroundings again, the runes on her arms still glowed with a soft gold color.

'Everything all right?' Mr. Beaver questioned, a worried frown on his face.

Ashara gave a small nod and then smiled brightly. 'They have arrived.'

For a moment the Beavers were silent, maybe out of confusion, maybe out of astonishment but the moment passed soon enough when Mrs. Beaver broke out laughing in pure relief. She hugged her husband closely. He was trying his best to pretend he was keeping it together but Ashara noticed the tears glistering in his eyes. Then he was pulled out of her view when Mrs. Beaver pulled Ashara into a hug as well.

The young Watcher couldn't contain her laughter as she wrapped her arms around the small body of the Beaver. Part of her wanted to celebrate and let herself feel the relief that was threatening to overwhelm her but a much bigger part of her knew it was time to get moving. They had to reach the Kings and Queens before the White Witch would find them. That was something that could absolutely not happen, she wouldn't let it.

'We have to go,' she said, pushing herself back on her feet. 'We have to find them before she does.'

'Right, did you see where they are?' Mr. Beaver asked, seeming eager to accompany her.

Ashara sought her memories but all she could think of were the white trees surrounding them. They were somewhere in the Western Woods, but the forest was endlessly big. They couldn't just go out and search for them. A sudden thought struck her and she walked over to where her grey cloak hung on the wall. She reached inside the pocket and took out the handkerchief that Tumnus had given her. He saved the Queen, she had given him this. Ashara was more than sure that the very first thing she would do was take her brothers and sister to meet the man who had saved her life.

'Tumnus gave this to me, he said it belonged to the Queen,' she frowned slightly. 'Lucy Pevensie he called her. That must be where they're headed. Toward Mr. Tumnus' house,' she spoke, her voice so certain there was no room to question it.

'Then we have to hurry. The Witch will probably have set spies to watch his home,' Mr. Beaver spoke and without wasting any time he walked towards the door.

Ashara quickly wrapped herself in her cloak and then reached for her sword and attached it to her belt. There was no time to be wasted. They said a quick goodbye to Mrs. Beaver and then set out towards the Faun's home. Without Erebus his fast wings to carry them through the sky the journey took a lot longer. Especially considering the fresh layer of snow that had fallen over night. Ashara kept a steady pace and though she was going fast, Mr. Beaver didn't complain once. He seemed just as eager as her to reach the Kings and Queens in time. He knew the importance of guiding them towards Aslan.

As they made their way through the forest Ashara couldn't help but wonder what exactly they would be like. Not for the first time did she wonder if they even knew of the prophecy. Fate had a lot in store for them and she simply couldn't imagine them not knowing of it. All she knew was that they came from far away, chosen by the Deep Magic to rule their land. She had never questioned the Deep Magic, never asked if maybe it could be wrong. She hoped she wouldn't question it now either.

With every step she took her heart started beating faster. She'd been waiting for this moment for a hundred years and now that it had finally arrived she was more nervous than she ever had been before. Her hand held the hilt of her sword in a tight grip as she begged her father for strength and the right words.

Within three hours they reached the Faun's home. Before Mr. Beaver could storm inside though, Ashara held out her hand to stop him. They were sheltered by the trees and small hills of snow. No enemy eyes could say them from this spot. She hadn't forgotten the Beaver his words about the Witch sending possible spies to watch the house.

'I'm going to make sure the perimeter is safe,' Ashara spoke, already freeing her sword from its sheath. 'You keep an eye out for the Kings and Queens.'

Before Mr. Beaver could protest she had already disappeared into the forest. Her eyes scanned the ground for possible footprints, her ears listening for even the slightest rustle of wind through the trees. She knew some of the trees in the Western Woods had sworn their allegiance to Jadis, and so she was extra careful not to step on any roots to wake them. She made a wide circle around Tumnus his house, making sure she checked behind every tree and rock. Eventually she started making her way back to where she left Mr. Beaver to wait for the Kings and Queens. She didn't see any signs of anyone hiding in the forest. Maybe the Witch trusted the fear the Narnians had for her enough to not place any spies watching the Faun his house.

However when she had almost reached the place where she started, voices came drifting through the trees. Her entire body tensed and her grip on her sword tightened. Searching cover beneath the trees she slowly walked forwards. She placed her heels first in the snow to make as less noise as she possibly could. She came to a halt behind a thick oak that stood tall and proud and was thick enough to hide behind. Carefully she looked around the tree. Her heart started beating faster in her chest at the sight before her.

Two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve were standing right before her. All four of them were wearing thick cloaks. The youngest was a girl, small and tiny but radiating a certain determination that made her glow like the sun. The second youngest was a boy with raven black hair. He was standing apart from his brother and sisters, as though he didn't want to be associated with them. Still, Ashara couldn't help but notice the way his eyes kept going back to them, like he was unconsciously reassuring himself they were still there. The third was a beautiful girl with a calming glow radiating from her, though right now she seemed mostly shocked as she stared at the Beaver before them. The oldest was a boy with painfully familiar blue eyes. Blue as the Narnian summer sky, blue as the ocean breaking on the cliffs to the east. It was the boy she'd seen in her very first vision. And even without the light of the strange square reflecting in his eyes, he still looked like he was glowing from sunlight that was shining just for him.

'Lucy Pevensie?' Mr. Beaver questioned, holding out the handkerchief for the youngest girl to take.

'Yes?' The girl confirmed, looking slightly startled. Her eyes went to the white cloth in Mr. Beaver's little paws. She reached out for it, frowning. 'That's the handkerchief I gave to-'

'Tumnus,' Mr. Beaver confirmed. 'He gave it to a friend of mine just before they took him.'

'Is he alright?' Lucy asked, seeming genuinely scared for the Faun.

Mr. Beaver looked around, as though expecting to be attacked at any given moment. Ashara decided this was the moment to make herself known. Silently, so not to startle them, she came walking out of her hiding place. Five pairs of eyes turned to her. The four humans seemed genuinely startled, especially the oldest boy. He looked at her as though he was trying to remember if he'd seen her face before, but he couldn't possibly have and so she ignored it. Mr. Beaver however breathed out with relief when his eyes landed on her.

'I didn't see anything,' Ashara told him. 'But it would be best if we left immediately.'

The Beaver nodded, then turned back to the four startled humans standing in front of him. 'This is the Lady of the Golden Watchers, the friend I mentioned before. She's here to guard you.'

'Guard us?' The oldest girl questioned, her eyes wide with fear.

Ashara felt herself a little startled at the reaction. She had expected a lot of things from their future Kings and Queens, but not fear. It was written as clear as day on the girl's face and it brought her off balance. They're just children...

'She means the trees,' Lucy spoke and once again Ashara was surprised when she noticed the youngest seemed to be the most fearless of them all.

Nodding curtly she pulled herself out of her shock. 'We better head for safe quarters.' She turned on her feet, followed by Mr. Beaver but she'd only taken a few steps when she realized the siblings weren't following. When she turned back she could see them talking quietly with each other.

'Is everything alright?' Mr. Beaver questioned.

The oldest boy with the blue eyes turned around to look at them. 'We were just talking.'

'You can talk when we're safe,' Ashara pressed, only now realizing they truly didn't know about the danger they were all in standing out here in the open. She took a small, measured breath. 'You can trust us,' she promised, hoping with all of her heart that they could see she was genuine. Her eyes went to the oldest boy's face only to find he was already looking at her. Her heart made a strange jump in her chest when she realized he was once again looking at her as though he was trying to remember if he knew her. For a second they just studied each other until she finally walked forwards and made a small bow. 'My name is Ashara and what Mr. Beaver said is true. I will guard you with my life.'

He looked a little startled at her, as though her appearance was confusing to him but finally stuck out his hand to her. 'My name is Peter Pevensie.'

A small frown appeared on her features as she stared at his hand, wondering what he wanted her to do with it. A giggle came from his little sister. 'They don't know how to shake hands, Peter, I told you so.'

'Shake it?' Ashara frowned. Why would she shake his hand?

Lucy nodded and took a step forward, taking Ashara's hand in her own and shaking it gently. 'Lucy Pevensie,' she introduced herself. 'This is how we greet each other where we're from.' She pointed to her other brother and sister. 'That's Edmund and Susan.'

Despite her nerves, Ashara found herself smiling. 'Alright then, Lucy Pevensie. Trust me when I say we better head for safe quarters. No harm will come to you as long as I'm here.'

The little girl looked over her shoulder to her siblings. It was Peter who nodded encouragingly, took his little sister's hand and walked after Ashara. The other two followed, although hesitantly, through the thick layer of snow. Ashara and Mr. Beaver led the way and though her eyes kept looking out for danger, she couldn't deny the way her heart was singing.

The Kings and Queens had arrived.

✲⋅*♚ ,∴°

They finally met!

I'm really happy with how this chapter turned out. I love writing Ashara with the Pevensies and I can't wait for the next chapters when they get to interact even more. Also, I already love Ashara and Peter with all my heart and it's hard to slow myself down. I really had to remind myself they barely know each other. I couldn't stop myself from including the hand shake moment though. I love it too much and it's too cute not to recreate with Ashara.

If you enjoyed this chapter please leave a vote or comment. They mean the world to me and really give me motiviation to keep writing for this story. Thank you all so much for the support!

xx Nelly

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