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- Earth Kills

Amelia was sat by the water steam with her arms wrapped around her legs as her eyes looked down at the water as she attempted to relax as she spent most of the night awake as Jasper had been screaming and groaning loudly in pain keeping everyone up and unable to get much sleep. Amelia was afraid that Jasper wouldn't make it as Clarke had told her without any medicine she didn't know weather Jasper will live or die.

Once it was sunrise Amelia decided to go on a walk to get her keep her mind off Jasper and somehow appeared by the water stream as it was clear that jasper hasn't gotten any better since they returned back to camp and that his pain from his wound had increased and had become excruciating that Amelia felt for the boy as she didn't want to see him suffer as he was her friend.

The sound of leaves rustling was heard causing Amelia to stand up and turn around with a warily look on her face as she looked around with a deep frown before grabbing her backpack and walking away from the water stream not noticing a pair of eyes that was locked on her form from the trees above who was fascinated and curious about the dark haired beauty.

Amelia walked through Camp when she noticed Bellamy, Murphy, and a couple of their men crowded around standing in front of a tree with numerous of weapons laying on the ground by their feet. Murphy held a knife tightly in his hands his attention on the tree in front of him as he hurled the knife towards the target carved into the tree.

The knife swiftly flew through the air until it reached the tree, but it wasn't thrown strong enough to embed itself into the tree as it fell onto the grass below the tree, "Well, that was kind of embarrassing" Amelia commented folding her arms across her chest causing the boys to turn around to face her as Murphy had a look of annoyance on his face and muttered under his breathe, " That damn kid, always messing with my head"

"Yeah, if that's your excuse for not having good aim. I mean, I could do it and kick your ass at the same time" Amelia raised her eyebrows as she walked over to them snatching the axe from Bellamy hand and throwing it, a smirk appeared on her face as it hit the target mark on the tree. " He's not gonna last much longer better think of a new excuse" Bellamy replied glancing over at Murphy with a smirk crossing his arms over his chest with an impressed look on his face at the dark haired girl, " that's how it's done"

Murphy huffed with an irritated expression on his face as he looked between the two of them as while the two clearly didn't get along as Amelia didn't agree with his choices and his stupid decisions while the dark haired girl just annoyed him as she always had something to say and the fact that the people around here actually listen to her they were civil towards one another because of Octavia who wanted the two of them to get along.

"We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal" Atom informed as he walked over to Bellamy, Murphy and Amelia. " visit your special tree when you were out there?" Murphy sarcastically questioned as he walked past Atom to collect his knife from the ground as Amelia had a look of confusion on her face as she looked between the three men and curiously questioned, " I'm sorry, is someone going to explain what's going on?"

Bellamy shrugged his shoulders casually sending a harsh glare towards Murphy, " don't worry about it. Atom took his punishment. Let it go" Amelia nodded her head slightly as Octavia had told her what had happened with Atom and ever since Bellamy had found them together kissing he's been acting strangely around her and Amelia knew it was because of Bellamy causing her to let out a sigh shaking her head in disbelief, " why do you have to be such a dick?"

Bellamy had an amused look on his face as he enjoyed riling her up and antagonizing her as she had a short temper and would always retaliate but before he could say anything Atom spoke up before the two could start an argument, " could be grounders" Murphy hummed as he made his way to stand beside Bellamy and stated, " Yeah, or they could be in pound town lot of that going around recently"

The sound of Jasper groaning and moaning loudly echoed through the camp as ever since they had brought him to camp as he had regained consciousness he's been suffering and since the delinquents didn't have any medical resources to relief his pain and while she knew a little about healing thanks to her mother she didn't know as much as Clarke does as she shadowed her mother when she was on the ark.

" Look, Bellamy, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here" Atom said as he turned around to face bellamy. " Oh, I'm sorry that Jasper is an inconvenience to you. He was stabbed in the chest with a spear he's not going to get better straight away. We need time to find something to heal his wounds quicker... he isn't dying he's in pain"

Murphy laughed as he stared at the girl with a roll of his eyes, " you really believe that? He's been like this for days and hasn't got any better. He's not going to last much longer especially with everyone going crazy that they're not getting any sleep" Amelia glared harshly as she took a step forward threateningly, " I would choose my next words very carefully if I were you"

"Why don't you take the hint and mind your own business and focus on keeping your boys mouth shut before I kill him myself" Murphy snapped as Amelia grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back like she had done to Bellamy a couple of days ago, " Jasper is my friend so that makes it my business. I have tried to play nice but I've had it up to here. Let me make one thing clear if you touch one hair on his head I'll kill you"

Bellamy winced as Murphy groaned in pain knowing exactly how he felt as Amelia is strong and knows how to protect herself as everyone had heard about her mother and knew she had been training Amelia ever since she was a little girl, " no need to get riled up, Lia. Ignore him he's just trying to get to you" he grabbed Amelia arm pulling her away from Murphy who sighed in relief, " nobody is killing anyone and you..." Bellamy trailed off as he turned around to look at brunette, " you're coming with us"

"And why would I go anywhere with you?" Amelia questioned sending him a look as he remained silent for a couple of moments keeping his eyes locked onto hers and replied, " because Amelia we're going hunting and out of everyone here you're the one who's most skilled and we need that if we're going to find more food for our people"

Amelia narrowed her eyes as him as while she didn't want to be anywhere near Bellamy or Murphy she knew she had to go as she wanted to help her people not starve and the fact she might find hidden bunkers or something with medicine that could help Jasper and to stop everyone whingeing about him.

"Okay, fine, I'll go with you. When are we leaving?" Lia inquired as she glanced around at the group as Bellamy kept his eyes on Amelia and told her, " now" Murphy smirked as he looked between the two of them and stated, "Let's go kill something" Bellamy stopped him as he was going to walk past him by placing his hand on his chest and firmly told him, " you're not going"

Amelia rolled her eyes as she walked away from the two of them when the sound of Jasper who was groaning more loudly causing her eyes to widened as she rushed past Atom making her way towards the drop ship and climbed up the ladder towards the upper level where Jasper was with Clarke by his side attending to his wounds not noticing that Wells had followed after the brunette.

The brunette made her way over to Jasper sitting on the other side of him as she looked down at Jasper state as he had gotten even more paler than before covered in sweat as she placed her hand against his forehead as his temperature had gone up as he was burning hot, " He's going to be okay, isn't he?" Amelia questioned with an concerned look on her face as she looked down at Jasper.

"This is infected. He could be septic" Clarke informed as she looked over jaspers wounds before looking at Finn, Amelia, Wells and Monty, "Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark? Monty?" Monty tore his eyes away from his best friend as he looked towards the blonde girl, " that would be a firm no" Clarke had a anxious look on her face as she let out a shaky breathe, "My mother would know what to do"

Wells crouched down next to Clarke as he looked over at Jasper body, " How's he doing?" Clarke scoffed narrowing her eyes at him in distaste and harshly snapped, "How does it look like he's doing, Wells?" Wells let out a frustrated sign as Clarke hasn't spoken to him probably unless she has too otherwise she avoids him like the plague, "Hey, I'm just trying to help"

"Are you guys done?" Amelia questioned as she looked between Clarke and Wells, " we don't have time for whatever is going on between the two of you when Jasper is currently suffering and if we don't do something soon we might loose him for good this time" Clarke stayed silent for a moment taking in Lia words before she sighed in defeat looking up at Wells, " all right, You want to help? Hold him down"

Clarke grabbed the knife from beside her putting the blade in the fire next to them as Amelia placed her hands on Jaspers shoulders while Finn and Wells held down his legs, " I'm not gonna like this, am I?" Monty questioned as the brunette sent him a sympathetic look as Clarke placed the knife against the infected wound cutting at the flesh causing Jasper to let out an ear piercing groan that filled the air, " Hold him still. I need to cut away the infected flesh"

Jasper began breathing heavily letting out loud groans of pain as Amelia couldn't help but wince and softly told him, " you're going to be okay, just hold on a little longer, okay?" Jasper glanced up at Amelia who sadly smiled down at him squeezing his shoulder in attempt to comfort him as his eyes rolled to the back of his head falling back unconscious as she brought her hand forward, placing two fingers on his neck to cheek for his pulse.

"Stop it!" Octavia yelled out frantically as she rushed over towards Jasper looking down at his body before moving her gaze over to Clarke, "You're killing him" the blonde teen ignored Octavia as she continued cutting away the infected flesh as Finn shook his head and corrected the Blake girl, " she's trying to save his life" Bellamy who followed after his sister climbed up onto the higher level as he glanced around the group who was surrounded around Jasper, " she can't"

Wells stood up turning to face Bellamy and warned him, " back off" Amelia rolled her eyes at the need for him to protect Clarke when she can take care of herself as her eyes connected with Bellamy and told him, " we didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die" Bellamy shook his head in disbelief as he's been like this for days ever since they dragged him back to camp, " Kid's a goner. If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy"

"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters" Clarke snapped as she focused her attention on Jasper not even turning around to look at Bellamy who had a doubtful expression on his face as he commented, "Take a look at him. He's a lost cause" Clarke and Amelia shared an annoyed look as the blonde turned her attention to Octavia and assured her, "Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope."

"This isn't about hope, it's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do" Bellamy argued as he looked between Clarke and Amelia with a determined look on his face, "He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself." Bellamy turned around to leave but came to a stop as he looked at his sister, " Octavia, let's go"

"I'm staying here" Octavia replied not looking at her brother as she kept her eyes on Jasper as Amelia pressed a cold wet cloth against his forehead to cool down his temperature as Bellamy climbed down the ladder to the ground floor of the drop ship. "Power-hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself." Monty hissed quietly under his breathe before glancing over at Octavia noticing his sister was currently with them, " no offense"

Octavia shrugged her shoulders as if she was agreeing with everything he had just said when Finn spoke up, " Yeah, Bellamy is all that. But he also happens to be right." Amelia scoffed glaring harshly at Finn who was actually agreeing with Bellamy, " screw you, Finn. Jaspers strong he's going to make it" Amelia then handed Octavia the cold wet cloth to take over as she had agreed to leave with Bellamy and his crew to go hunting for more food for their people.

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