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- His Sister's Keeper

Amelia was fast asleep in Will's bed as after the flares were launched into the sky she went to go see him and fell asleep as the two of them were talking aimlessly for hours as the brunette wanted to get her mind off the fact if Ravens flares don't work three hundred innocent lives will be taken and the only person who will be responsible is Bellamy. Will walked into the cave noticing that the girl was still asleep with books scattered all around her.

Will admirers the dark haired girl letting out a sigh, walking over picking up the books and putting them on the side before he sat down beside her pushing her hair out of her face softly and couldn't help but not tear his eyes away from her as she different from anyone he's ever met as she's selfless, always thinking about others before herself and will always protect the ones she cares about even if it puts her own life at risk.

Amelia groaned as her eyes slowly fluttered opened when she felt someone sat beside her only for a smile to appear on her face at the sight of Will, " Hi" Amelia softly spoke blinking a couple of times to get rid of her blurry vision. Will smiled as he placed his hand on her cheek, " How are you feeling?" The brunette let out a sigh pulling the blanket up to her chest, " The council on the Ark are going to kill three hundred innocent people to give them more time before the Ark dies. I just wish they were something more that we can do"

Will took Amelia hand squeezing it tightly in his own and firmly told her, " Listen to me, you did everything you could to help. This is something that you cannot control... you can only have hope that everything will work well in the end" Amelia climbs onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as he grips her waist, " I know it's just... I hate this, I feel completely useless" Will leaned in pressing a soft kiss to her lips before he pulled away, " come on, get dressed. I know something that will get your mind of everything"

Amelia frowned with a curious look on her face as she climbed off his lap to get dressed but before she could follow him outside the cave he covered her eyes with his hands causing her to let out a laugh, " what is going going now?" Will smiled as he lead the brunette through the woods towards the place where he had set up a picnic while she was asleep, " just me you're going to love it" the two of them were walking through the woods for a couple of minutes before they came to a stop, " are you ready?"

"Yes" Amelia giggled with a shake of her head as Will removed his hands from her eyes only for her eyes to widened in shock at the blanket and picnic basket laid out in front of them, " Will, you didn't need to do all of this" she quietly spoke before she looked up into his eyes, " just to let you know I'm too smart to be seduced by you and this is not a date got it?" Will raised his hands in surrender as the two of them sat down on the blanket, " if this isn't a date I think we gotta establish some ground rules"

"Some ground rules?" Amelia laughed as she tilted her head to the side only for Will to nod his head in confirmation, " Yeah, some ground rules. Like that" Amelia continued to giggle looking down before her eyes connected with his with a confused expression on her face, " like what?" Will just shrugged his shoulders with a smile and pointed out, " Well, that laugh. It's off the table" Amelia scoffed in disbelief raising her brows at him, " my laugh is off the table"

Will nodded his head in confirmation hiding a smirk as he told her, " yeah, you got to figure out a more annoying laugh" Amelia faked a laugh only for Will's lips to turn up trying not to chuckle, " that's still adorable" Amelia threw her head back hiding her face with a shake of her head, " that is not adorable. Okay, I have a ground rule... um... don't tell me that I look amazing with your bright blue eyes, okay? I'm very serious about that one"

Will smile widened as he continued to stare at Amelia who rubbed her nose, " Oh, no. I just figured out the next ground rule. No more of this" he rubbed his nose coping Amelia, " no more of this nose rub you do" the brunette scoffed as she rubbed her nose with a small giggle, " what? This? What am I suppose to do it's allergy season" Will shook his head frantically keeping his eyes locked onto hers, " this is killing me. You're just spitting in the face with my ground rules. I'm out"

Will went to go stand up but Amelia stopped him by grabbing his arm laughing loudly as she slapped his chest, " come on" Will pushed a strand of her hair behind her hair looking at her softly, " First we're going to eat this amazing picnic I packed for us and then I'm out" Amelia shoved him playfully with a bright smile eating some of the fruit that Will had packed when suddenly a scream echoed throughout the air making the two of them share a look as Will grabbed the sword from his back.

"Here, take this" Will handed the brunette a small knife that he had on him when Amelia frowned as she heard Jasper shouting in the distance  Amelia looked around the woods as she heard a couple of familiar voices knowing something must of happened for them to be out here and not back at camp especially with Clarke and Bellamy not allowing anyone out apart from the people who goes hunting for food for them all.

A sound of a horn echoed throughout the woods only for Amelia's eyes widened in realization knowing what had happened last time when she went hunting with the others it was the same day she had met Will who had saved her life, "Acid fog." Will grabbed ahold of her hand in attempt to drag her back to the cave somewhere safe, "We have to go back" Amelia pulled her hand out out of his when she saw Finn taking out a tent ordering everyone to hide inside of it, " No, I have to help my friends. I can't just leave them here alone to fend for themselves. I'll be okay, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to me"

Will furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked around noticing that they're wasn't any acid fog around in sight, "there's no fog" Amelia furrowed her eyebrows turning back around to face Will, " what?" The grounder didn't respond for a couple of moments too busy looking around his surroundings, " the fog would have been here already but it's not. This isn't acid fog, go and help you're friends their hiding for no reason. Be careful, okay"

Amelia rolled her eyes as her lips lifted up nodding her head as she turned on her heel walking away as Will eyes remained locked onto her until she disappeared out of his eye line as she appeared in front of the tent that her friends were hiding in, " there's no acid fog, it's safe to come out" Bellamy was the first one to climb out from inside the tent only for his eyes to widened at the sight of the brunette, " where the hell have you been? We've been looking for you everywhere"

Amelia let out a sigh as she was about to answer when Finn wrapped his arms around the girl letting out a relived sigh, " Thank God, you're okay. We were all worried about you" the brunette frowned in confusion as she was about to tell him she was fine when Bellamy spoke up looking directly at the girl and questioned, " where's Octavia? Is she with you?" Amelia frown deepened as she looked at Bellamy noticing the look of worry on his face, " what do you mean? the last time I saw her was yesterday morning when she went looking for you"

Amelia glanced between the four of them noticing the looks on their faces as it was clear they haven't slept at all, " Wait, so Octavia isn't with you?" Jasper asked only for Amelia to shake her head in response suddenly realizing they were currently in the woods searching for Octavia who hasn't been seen since yesterday morning, " wait, what happened? Where is she? She's okay right?" The oldest Blake shook his head slightly as he didn't even know if she was alive or not as he had not seen her since they argued, " we're going to find her. She's going to be okay, she has to be. I'm glad you're okay... everyone been looking for you and Octavia"

Amelia ent him a small smile as she was still angry what he did to Raven's radio, as the flares was a good idea to send a message to their people but the radio would of been more effectively they would of gotten the message faster and three hundred innocent people would of still had their life's, "They're coming back" Bellamy spoke up as he noticed a figure in the distance making an confused look to appear on Amelia's face as she curiously questioned, "Who's coming?"

"The grounders who are attacking us" Jasper informed the dark haired girl causing her eyes to widened as she looked around her surroundings to see no one in sight apart from the one grounder who is moving between the trees, "I think he's alone" Monroe who was standing beside Finn quietly asked, " now can we run?" Bellamy kept his eyes on the grounder in front of him with a determined expression on his face, " he doesn't see us. I'm going after him"

Amelia glanced at Bellamy with a disbelief look on her face knowing the grounders were trained to be warriors and would kill him without a second thought and if they wanted to the grounders would take him to torture him for information and even if the dark haired girl was angry at him she didn't want that to happen as she cared about him, " and what are you going to do then? Kill him? Don't be stupid Bellamy this would just make them more pissed off than they're already are"

"No. Catch him. Make him tell me where Octavia is, then kill him" Bellamy informed them before he started to follow after the grounder. " how do we know he's not leading us to another trap?" Jasper curiously questioned glancing between Amelia and Finn as Finn shook his head in response letting out a heavy sigh, " we don't" he muttered as the three of them started to follow after Bellamy and Monroe who was slightly ahead of them.


A little while later, Amelia , Finn, Bellamy, Monroe and Jasper all followed the grounder to a similar cave that reminded her of Will's, the brunette peaked inside the cave with a frown on her face as it wasn't like Will's cave that always had a little bit of light this was one pitch black letting out a sigh as she followed the others inside only to see Octavia chained to a wall and a grounder unconscious on the floor it was clear that the brunette had slammed a rock against his head until he was unconscious in attempt to get the key and escape the cave she was locked in.

"Bellamy?" Octavia softly spoke with a surprised look on her face as Bellamy rushed over to his sister to help her get out of the chains, " get the key" Bellamy grabbed the key unlocking the chains around his sisters writs as he called out, " Monroe, watch the entrance" once Octavia was free she wrapped her arms around her brother letting out a sigh of relief, " it's okay. You're okay"

Octavia pulled out of the hug only to wrap her arms around Jasper, " how did you find me?" Jasper let out a small chuckle hugging the girl back as he gestured towards Bellamy who was standing in front of them, " followed him" Octavia glanced around the cave when her eyes locked onto Amelia's quickly rushing over to the girl as she wrapped her arms around her in a hug, " Hey, I'm so glad you're okay, O. When I found them lot and they told me you went missing I was worried"

Octavia smiled brightly as the two girls pulled away from each other before her eyes trailed down towards the unconscious grounder, " we should go. Now. Before he wakes up" everyone nodded their heads in agreement but Bellamy who grabbed one of the spears from the wall, " He's not gonna wake up." Bellamy growled tightening his grip around the spear only for Amelia to appear in front of him stopping him, " Bellamy, stop. You have any idea what this will do? His people already hate us as it is. killing more of them will just piss them off causing a war between both of our people that won't ever stop"

"He didn't hurt me," Octavia informed coming to stand in front of her brother, " let's just go" Finn nudged Amelia gaining her attention as the two Blake siblings started to argue with one another about what they should do to the grounder, " look at this" Finn crouched down beside the grounder picking up the horn he had attached to his knife, " Foghorn?" Hope questioned in surprise grabbing the horn out of Finn's hands , " this is what I don't get. Why did he warn us about the acid fog and why did he blow it when those grounders were attacking you guys"

Amelia eyes widened when she noticed the grounder moving, but before she could warn Finn he had always stabbed him in the chest causing him to fall to the ground, " Finn!" She called out in worry kneeling by his side noticing the blood staining his shirt, " Oh, my god. It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay. We have to get you back to Clarke" The grounder immediately attacked Bellamy pinning him to the ground standing above him holding the spear to his neck only for Octavia eyes to widened as she called out to him, " Stop! That's my brother!"

Finn gasped looking down at the wound on his chest his eyes slowly fluttering close when Jasper grabbed a piece of wood slamming it across the grounders head knocking him unconscious once again causing Bellamy to let out a relived breathe before he looked over at Finn in horror as they all quickly rushed back to camp to the one person who will be able to help the auburn haired girl, " Clarke! Where's Clarke!"

"Hey, I'm here. What's up?" Clarke rushed over to them with Raven hot on her heels only for their eyes to widened at the sight of Finn in Bellamy arms unconscious with a knife wound in his chest. "Finn. Finn! Oh, my god. Oh, oh, my god" Clarke breathed out tears pooling in her eyes as she placed her fingers against her neck feeling for her pulse, "he's alive" Jasper came to stand beside Clarke and told her, "Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out." Clarke looked between Jasper and Bellamy with a nod of her head, "No, that was a good call"  she then looked back down at Finn with a worried look in her eyes, " get him in the dropship now. Go!"

Bellamy nodded his head handing him other to a couple of delinquents who carried the boy into the dropship only for Raven to start breathing heavily at the sight of her boyfriend greatly injuring, " Clarke, can you save him?" Raven questioned with a pleading look on her face as Finn was the only family that she's ever had. "No. Not me. I need my mother. I need to talk to her" Clarke informed moving her gaze away from the delinquents who were carrying Finn and towards Raven who was pacing back and forth not knowing what to do clouded with fear she will loose the man she loves" there's still no radio"

"Raven, fix it go" Clarke told Raven who immediately rushed away before Amelia sent Octavia a look noticing that she was limping, " you okay?" Octavia nodded her head in confirmation, " Yeah, I'm fine. Go help Finn." Amelia immediately pulled the girl into a hug, " I'm really happy that you're okay" Octavia smiled at her best friend before Amelia brushing past Bellamy who was walking towards his sister rushing inside of the drop ship after Clarke to help her with Finn's wound hoping that Raven will be able to fix the radio as she needs Abby's help if she's going to save Finn's life.

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