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- We Are Grounders Part 1

It's been a couple of days since Clarke and Finn returned back to camp, Amelia had kept mostly to herself staying with Octavia especially after Murphy had taken Jasper and Bellamy hostage and nearly killed Bellamy only to run off like a coward when Jasper and Raven had gotten the dropship open in attempt to save Bellamy from Murphy who wanted revenge on all those people who had done him wrong.

Clarke and Finn had informed everyone about the grounder army that will be heading their way, the two of them wanted everyone to leave even when Bellamy was against it but they had to do what is best for everyone and with the grounders wanting them dead it isn't safe for her or anyone to stay in camp which is why they decided to leave towards the ocean east where Lincoln wanted to take Octavia and he had told Clarke and Finn about his plan knowing it was where Will wanted to take Amelia as well but the girl refused to leave her friends in a middle of a war.

Amelia was stood outside of camp, her hand resting on her hips as she looked around camp at the gunners who were at their post keeping an eye out for any of the grounders that could appear at any moment now. The delinquents were rushing around camp packing their belongings only carrying what they can only wanting to travel light especially when they will be probably be traveling hours to get across the ocean where a friend of Lincoln's would be willingly to help them especially against the grounders who want them all dead.

The brunette was pacing back and forth thinking about Finn and Clarke plan to run, there has to be some other way that doesn't mean running for the rest of their lives. Amelia understood that Clarke thought that this is the only way to keep their people alive but with Monty who had still not returned to camp yet and she was worried that something had happened to him or worse that he had been killed by the grounders.

Amelia let out a sigh as she walked inside of the dropship with a worried look on her face as she looked around at Raven who was laid on the table with Clarke, Bellamy, Finn Octavia and Jasper who was gathered around Raven who was shot by Murphy when helping the others in the drop-ship when Murphy took Bellamy hostage. Clarke warmed up a knife with fire before pressing it against Raven wound to seal it for the time being causing Raven to let out an ear piercing scream, " that should stop the external bleeding" Clarke informed Raven placing the knife down on the side as she looked over at the closed wound.

" I don't understand. How did Murphy get a gun?" Finn questioned as he looked between Amelia and Bellamy who shared a look before the oldest Blake sibling let out a sigh and muttered, " long story" Raven hissed in pain as she looked up at Clarke and Finn and informed, " we got lucky. If Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead" Clarke eyes widened in surprise and replied, " Wait, there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?" Amelia shook her head in response knowing they didn't have enough gun powder especially as Murphy had used most of it to escape from the drop ship, " we don't have any gunpowder left, Clarke. Murphy used the last of it to escape"

"We've got enough to build a hundred bombs but Care is right we don't have any gun powder left" Raven added in making Clarke sigh in defeat only for Bellamy to change the subject, " let's get back to the reapers. Maybe they'll help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" Finn and Clarke shared a look as two of them shook their head in response before the blonde spoke up, " not this enemy. We saw them. Trust me, it's not an option"

"There's no time for this" Finn exclaimed as he looked around at everyone gathered around Raven before connecting his eyes with Clarke and inquired, " can she walk or not?" Clarke looked down at Raven before lifting her head and shaking it in disagreement, " No. we have to carry her" Raven scoffed in disbelief as she tried sitting up but Amelia stopped her placing her hand on her shoulder, " the hell you will. I'm good to go" The brunette sent Raven a pointed look and firmly told her, " Raven you were just shot. You need to rest walking all those hours could do more harm than good"

"Amelia is right. That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle there's no internal bleeding, it might hold until we get somewhere safe but you are not walking there. Is that clear?" Clarke firmly told Raven who clenched her jaw in frustration but nodded her head in agreement. " I'll go get the stretcher" Finn informed as he started to make his way towards the exit only to stop when Bellamy called out, " can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave"

Finn had a furious expression on his face as he stormed back over to Bellamy and hissed, " dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy, it's stupid" the oldest Blake sibling clenched his jaw in anger moving towards Finn but Amelia stopped them by placing her hand on each of their chests, " spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight" Amelia who had enough of both Bellamy and Finn yelled out, " all right, that's enough! We don't have time for this. It's time to go...so get your stuff and let's get going"

"If they follow? It's a 120-mile walk to the ocean" Bellamy pointed out only for Finn to look between Amelia, Clarke and Bellamy and exclaimed, " Look, we're wasting time. If he wants to stay, he can stay" Finn then turned on his heel leaving the drop ship to get a stretcher for Raven only for Clarke to resort, " No, he can't. We can't do this without you, Bellamy" he looked between the three girls in frustration and asked, " what do you want me to say?"

" I want you to say that your with us. Those kids out there, they listen to you" Clarke told him only for Bellamy to scoff with a shake of his head and resorted, "they're lining up to go. They listen to you more" the brunette shook her head as she looked at Bellamy and informed, " Clarke gave them an easy choice but five minutes ago, they were willing to fight and die for you. You inspire them. I'm afraid we're going to need that again before the day is through"

Amelia sent the three of them one last look before turning on her heel and leaving clarke alone with Bellamy as she made her way towards her tent grabbing her backpacks that had her belongings already packed. Amelia picked up her sword that was gifted by Will before making her way towards the entrance of the camp standing beside Octavia as the two of them were at the very front leading their people through the forest.

Amelia sighed as she turned around looking at the camp with a saddened expression on her face as this place was a home that they had built from scratch and now they've chosen to run before the grounders kill them all, " Amy, come on" Octavia softly spoke placing her hand on her best friends shoulder as they walked through the forest with a distance chatter from behind them at the delinquents that was talking and laughing from behind them.

"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when we get to the beach?" Miller questioned from behind Octavia and Amelia only for Drew to shake his head with a curious look on his face and asked, " no. What?" Miller smirked as he had a thoughtful expression on his face and stated, " I want to go surfing" Amelia smiled in amusement as she glanced over her shoulder at the two of them when Jasper spoke up warning the two of them, "Quiet. Keep your eyes open"

" No more woods. A view of the ocean, no more damn trees, just pale, blue water" Drew trailed off with a smile on his face when Amelia suddenly put her hand out stopping everyone from moving as she looked around hearing rustling in the trees from afar, " what is it?" Octavia questioned in confusion as she looked at her friend when suddenly a star blade whizzed through the air embedding into Drew face only for Amelia to let out a gasp as he fell to the ground dead with blood oozing out of the wound.

"Grounders!" Jasper yelled out frantically in horror and fear and it didn't take long until they ran back to camp pushing and shoving each other as they did and once everyone was back inside camp the gate was closed shut and gunners immediately going to their positions around the wall to see if they were any grounders around especially after they had just attacked them killing one of their own. " Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive" Clarke informed as she looked down at Amelia, Octavia and Finn who shared a look before the brunette replied, " If it's just scouts, we can fight them, they'll probably the distraction"

"That's what Lincoln would do" Octavia added in nodding her head in agreement with Amelia only for Bellamy to scoff as he looked down at the two girls and firmly told them, " we're done doing what that grounder would do. We tried it and now Drew is dead. You two want to be next?" Finn scoffed narrowing his eyes at Bellamy sticking up for Lincoln, "That grounder saved our lives. I agree with Amelia and Octavia. For all we know, there's one scout out there"

"One scout with insanely good aim" Jasper muttered under his breathe only for Amelia to let out a sigh as she looked around, " the grounders hide in the trees but the one thing they don't have is guns. If we're careful and think about it we'll be able to beat them by killing the scouts in the trees. This is exactly what they want trying to throw us of track" Octavia moved forward so she was looking up at Clarke with a pleading expression on her face, " Clarke, we can still do this"

Clarke had an hesitant expression as she looked between Amelia, Octavia and Finn, " looking to you, Princess. What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open or stand and fight back" Bellamy questioned as he glanced at the blonde girl snapping her out of her thoughts as Finn added in, " Clarke, if we're still here when Tristan gets here..." Finn trailed off with a pointed look looking at Clarke only for Amelia to let out a heavy sigh as her boyfriend had told her about Tristan he's one of the Trikru best warriors and he's ruthless especially when it comes to killing the enemy.

"Lincoln said 'scouts." More than one. He said, 'get home before the scouts arrive.' Finn, they're already here." Clarke explained with a shake of her head before she turned around to face Amelia and Bellamy, "Looks like you have got your fight" Bellamy nodded his head as he turned his attention to the delinquents and loudly called out, "Ok, then. This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed."

Amelia and Octavia shared a look before nodding their heads as they started rushing towards the tunnel with the gunners but Bellamy stopped them by grabbing their arms, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You two are not gunners" Amelia sighed in frustration gripping her sword slightly in her hand, " No, we're not. Like you said we're grounders" Octavia nodded her head in agreement as she rushed off with Amelia going through the tunnel to get outside of their camp.

They rushed towards one of the foxholes with Miller got on their heels who held a gun in his hands when Bellamy's voice started coming through the radio, " All Foxholes, listen up. Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan" Octavia and Ameliaย  remained there until the sun went down looking around the Forest as it wouldn't take long now until they attacked, " we should go. If they attack us here we're dead we have a better advantage out there. It's what Will and Lincoln had been training us for"

"I'm coming with you" Octavia spoke following Amelia out of the foxhole looking around for any grounders in sight but it was quiet too quiet no signs of any movements whatsoever when the sound of war drums was heard making her share a look with Octavia both of them gripping their swords getting ready to fight knowing that the war drums were a sign and that they're getting closer to them when suddenly the sound of gunshots were heard in the distance when a loud explosion was heard.

"Was that a mine?" Amelia questioned with furrowed brows knowing that Jasper and Raven had planted them all around the front of camp only for Octavia to sigh in relief as she smiled looking at Amelia and muttered, " They actually work" more gun shots continued going off until it stopped making an confused look to appear on Amelia's face when she saw a grounder rushing towards one of the foxholes who disarmed one of the delinquents before slashing his throat open.

"Let's do this" Amelia muttered under her breathe as she started running towards the foxhole when a grounder emerged from the bushes as he charged towards her raising his sword in attempt to slash her but Amelia immediately dodged the hit before slashing the grounder in the back making him fall to the ground before turning around when she felt something behind her bringing out her leg kicking the grounder in the stomach making him stumble back slightly causing him to clench his jaw in anger only for him to bring his sword down but she kept blocking his hits kicking his legs from underneath him and bringing her own sword into his chest.

"Yu gonplei ste oden" ( your fight is over) Amelia softly spoke watching as he gasped for air before he dies before she ran in another direction jumping up wrapping her legs around a grounders neck flipping them over before kicking him in the face gripping the sword in her hand before cutting off his head before rushing towards the foxhole only for her eyes to widened at the sight of a grounder who had their hands around Bellamy's neck and Ameliaย  didn't think twice before she swung her sword cutting off the head of the grounder making Bellamy cough as he tried to retain his breathe.

"Admit it. You want one" Octavia added in with a smirk as she joined the two of them only for a smile to appear on Bellamy face as he looked between the two of them but it soon dropped when an arrow whizzed through the air only for Octavia to gasp as it went through her thigh. " no" Bellamy called out catching his sister before she fell to the ground looking her in worry, " fall back now. Can you walk?" Octavia nodded her head but it was clear she was in too much pain to actually move, " Hey, hold onto me. Let me get you behind that wall"

Bellamy picked up Octavia in his arms as the three of them started making their way back to camp when an explosion from the sky was heard causing Amelia to look up only her eyes to widened at the sight of the ark falling down to earth most of the sections were already on fire only to hear hollers shouting from the distance, " what the hell was that?" Amelia questioned only for Bellamy to shake his head in confusion, " I have no idea" Hope frown as she heard the grounders started fighting what she assumed was the reapers.

Bellamy placed Octavia down against a large tree when Octavia looked around hearing the noise from close by, "Who are they?" Octavia asked only for Amelia to shrug her shoulders and explained, " Clarke and Finn mentioned reapers. I think it's them" Bellamy shook his head as he looked down at his sister in concern and worry, "I don't know, but they're distracted. Let's move." Octavia shook her head as she grabbed her brothers arm and firmly told him, "We'll never make it. Leave me. I'll find another way."

"We are not going anywhere without you." Bellamy firmly told his told with a determination expression on his face when Lincoln came rushing towards them calling out Octavia name making Amelia jump startled at his sudden appearance, " Damn it, Lincoln. What have I told you about creeping up on someone at least make your presence known so you know you don't scare me half to death" Lincoln smiled in amusement before pulling Octavia into a tight embrace, "You did this?" Bellamy questioned with his eyebrows furrowed.

"With Finn." Lincoln answered and looked at Octavia's wound where an arrow was sticking out of her leg, " it's deep. I can help you, but you have to come with me now." Octavia had an hesitant expression on her face as she looked between Amelia , Bellamy and Lincoln when her brother spoke up and told her, "Go. Let him help." Octavia shook her head frantically and replied, "
No way. I have to see this through."

"You can't walk and Bellamy can't get you back to the dropship." Amelia shook her head sending her a pleading look, "Disha gonplei ste odon gon yu." (This fight is over for you.)" Octavia smiled as she looked over at the brunette knowing she was more advanced in the grounder's language than she was thanks to Will who taught her everything she knew. The oldest sibling looked over at Octavia, " O, listen to me. I told you my life ended the day you were born. The truth is... it didn't start until then. Go with him. I need you to live. Besides... Me and Amelia got this."

Octavia had tears in her eyes as she bought her brother into a hug, "I love you, big brother." Octavia pulled away making Bellamy smile as he softy told her, " May we meet again" Octavia smiled as she repeated the words before her eyes landed on Amelia throwing her arms around her neck running her fingers through her long hair before they pulled away from one another, " be careful, okay. May we meet again" Lincoln picked Octavia up and started heading off towards a different direction of the woods.

"Come on. We gotta get back to the dropship" Amelia told Bellamy as the two started making their way back to the dropship when Finn and Clarke noticed the two of them, " Amelia! Bellamy! Run!" The Carter teen rushed towards Clarke who pulled her into a hug gripped onto her with a sigh of relief but Bellamy ended up getting ambushed by Tristan. Amelia pulled away from Clarke as she was about to go help Bellamy but Clarke stopped her only for Finn to grab a gun by someone walking past shooting at Tristan rushing to help Bellamy.

"Stop! Finn! No!" Clarke yelled out with tears in her eyes when Miller grabbed both Amelia and Clarke arms, " Amy, Clarke, you can't save everyone. Let's go" Amelia locked her eyes with Bellamy who had an understanding look on his face nodding his head as Tristan attacked him flipping him over his body. The sound of more grounders approaching them was heard causing her to grab Clarke hand pulling her into the dropship pulling up the lever only for Anya to jump inside when the door was closing pulling out her swords," Jasper now"

"Anya, you can't win" Amelia told the grounder with a shake of her head but she ignored her looking around the dropship at the sky people letting out a yell as she went to attack them only for her to be knocked to the ground with them kicking her repeatedly, " Stop! She's already down! We are not grounders!" Clarke stopped the others from killing Anya when the ground shook from underneath their feet.

The sun had rose when Amelia opened up the doors to the dropship stepping outside looking around at all the burnt corpse of their people as well as the grounders with a look of horror on her face when suddenly containers was thrown in their direction causing them to cough falling to the ground when red gas spread through the air, " mountain men" Anya muttered before passing out with the sky people following after her.

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