24 | the new alpha

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Meilani sniffled as she aggressively wiped at her face, making her way through the woods towards the Hale house. She couldn't handle seeing the pure terror on her twin's face when her secret was revealed. Yes she wanted to tell him because she was getting sick and tired of lying to him, but the way he found out sucked. The speech she planned just went down the drain, probably along with her relationship with brother. That thought alone pained her.

At this point, Meilani worked on auto-pilot. She didn't even remember running home to change into sweatpants and Stiles' lacrosse hoodie. Of course, her own lacrosse hoodie would have worked just fine, but Stiles' body wash still clung to his hoodie and it helped make her feel just a little better.

The only person she could turn to right now was Derek because not only would he know what to do, but he also needed to know that Chris just tried to kill her and now not only her brother knew about her secret, but she was pretty damn sure Allison now knew as well. Scott mentioned something about her taking up archery lately and she could only assume that she knew her family hunted werewolves - hunted her.

Meilani stopped outside of the Hale house and froze when she didn't hear him inside. She glanced around her and heard a faint noise coming from her left so she trekked across the wood to a small hole in a hill, an iron gate in the opening and pushed inside before closing it shut behind her.Β 

The tunnel was dark and water dripped from various pipes that ran across the wall and ceilings. However, she didn't expect what she witnessed as she stopped in front of a room with Derek chained to another iron gate and a bald headed man being flung against the wall, going unconscious. Her wide eyes bounced between Derek and the mysterious man.

Meilani stepped over the man's body and stopped in front of Derek, throwing her arms out to the side. "Derek, what the hell?"

"Meilani, help me with this," Derek said, completely ignoring her as he tugged on the cuff that was still attached to his left wrist.


"What?" Derek barked, freezing in trying to tug his wrist free from the cuff.

Meilani crossed her arms and ticked an eyebrow up at Derek. "First, you're going to tell me how to stop Peter."

Derek stared at Meilani as if she had gone crazy. "You really want to talk about this right now?"

"He's going to kill Allison and her family. Scott and I's relationship is already strained as it is, I can't make it worse by allowing them all to die."

"You can't stop him!" Derek huffed, tugging on the chains again. "I don't know when Kate is coming back, so just get me out of this right now! Get me out right now!"

Meilani's eyes narrowed at Derek, not backing down for even a second. She needed his help and she would be damned if she let him walk all over her. "Promise you'll help me, Derek."

"You want me to risk my life for your little friend, huh? Newsflash, Meilani, she's going to kill you just like her father and aunt, okay? She's not your friend."

Meilani had to hold herself back from grabbing the bat by her feet and whacking Derek over the head with it because she needed him conscious if he was going to help her. "I know something you don't, you know. Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right? He lied."

Derek's face morphed into shock when Meilani held up a police report, a picture of a dead deer with the swirl symbol on its side on the bottom of it.

"This is what brought your sister back to Beacon Hills, right?"

"Where did you get that?"

"My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. Do you want to know who it was?" Meilani continued, completely ignoring the fact that Derek said anything. "Peter's nurse. They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the alpha, and that's why you're going to help me."

Derek was silent, but Meilani could hear his heart race and his breathing become heavy as anger took over him. She wasn't sure if it was at the fact that she threw harsh truth in his face or he was just pissed she had something over his head to make him help her.

Meilani groaned and paced around the room, getting frustrated Derek wouldn't just submit and help her. "Just say you'll help me, and I'll help unlock your other..." She broke off when Derek ripped his other cuff off and she turned to face him.

"I'll help you."

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"Wait," Derek breathed as the two made it out of the tunnel and back into the woods. He stopped and looked around them, his ears perking up a bit as they listened around them. If he didn't look so nervous, Meilani would have joked he literally looked like a dog in that moment without being in his wolf form. "Something doesn't feel right."

Meilani's eyes scanned the area around them, but she didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know," Derek replied, continuing his scan of the area even though it was still quiet aside from the various woodland creatures and birds. "It was kind of like - "

"Do not say it was too easy," Meilani cut him off harshly. "People say too easyΒ and bad things happen."

Derek rolled his eyes and slapped his hands to his sides as if he were annoyed with Meilani, which she couldn't understand why. She just saved his ass.

"What, do you think finding and rescuing you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy, Derek."

Derek sighed and his eyes landed back on Meilani. "Fine. Okay. You're right."

"Thank you."

As if the universe was on Derek's side, two arrows flew past Meilani's face and hit Derek in the shoulder and the leg.

"Now the flash bolt."

Meilani's head snapped to the side and saw Kate and Allison hidden a few feet away. Allison was out of her dance dress and in a black leather jacket, black jeans and boots, and a black and white stripped shirt with her curly hair falling down her back instead of in its previous bun.Β 

"Meilani, your eyes!"

Meilani barely had a second to react as the third arrow hit the tree behind her and a bright, white light flashed out from the end of it and blinded her as she fell to the ground. She tried to blink the blurriness and haziness away, but it was no use. Her vision continued to go in and out before she was suddenly hauled to her feet, tugged towards the Hale house.

"Meilani, go!" Derek shouted as he dropped on his stomach a few feet from where she sat on the ground.

Meilani continued to rub at her eyes, even though her vision still was extremely blurry, but she could make out Allison as she approached her and Derek. "Allison, I can explain."

"Stop lying," Allison snapped as she continued to make her way towards Meilani who began to push herself away from Allison with her hands and feet. "Can you ever not lie to your brother or me?"

"I was going to tell Scott the truth at the formal," Meilani defended, squeezing her eyes shut and opened them again to continue and try to focus her vision. "I was going to tell him everything because everything I said to him and everything I did -"

"Was to protect him," Allison finished for Meilani harshly, a fierce glare on her face. "Too bad I don't believe you."

Kate sighed obnoxiously as she approached the two. "Thank God. Now, shoot her before I have to shoot her myself."

"Or would you rather burn me alive?" Meilani hissed at Kate who didn't even falter at her accusation.

Allison blinked and turned to her aunt, her whole sassy demeanor vanishing. "I thought we were just going to catch them?"

"We did that," Kate said and shrugged. "Now we're gonna kill them." She pulled out a gun and shot Derek in the shoulder.

"Derek!" Meilani yelled and went to move towards him, but was stopped by Allison.

"See? Not that hard, Allison," Kate stopped next to Allison and tsked at Allison's apprehensive expression. "Ah, that's the you're gonna have to do this yourself look."

Allison gasped and grabbed Kate's arm when she held the gun in her hand at Meilani. "Kate, what are you doing?"

Kate faked a pout as she stared down at Meilani who couldn't take her eyes off the gun pointed at her face. "Such a shame. You're such a beautiful face, Meilani. Shame your boyfriend isn't here to save you."

"Kate!" Chris yelled as he walked out of the trees and stopped by the side of the Hale house. "I know what you did. So put the gun down."

"I did what I was told to do," Kate whispered, not taking the gun away from Meilani's face.

Chris' expression hardened as he stared at his sister. "No one told you to murder innocent people, Kate. There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now, holding a gun at a sixteen-year-old girl with no proof she spilled human blood. We go by the code -nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent."

Allison looked from her aunt to her father, recognition flickering across her face. "We hunt those who hunt us."

The sound of Kate's trigger clicking snapped Meilani's focus back on the barrel between her eyes and she swallowed nervously. She couldn't out run a bullet. An arrow, maybe, but definitely not a bullet that was already too close for comfort. No way she'd get far away enough for Kate to even remotely miss her.

Chris' trigger clicked next and he held his gun up at Kate, aiming above her shoulder. "Put the gun down," he commanded and fired a bullet, just above her shoulder and it hit the tree next to her. "Before I put you down."

Meilani closed her eyes and breathed out heavily as her heart rate settled back down once Kate's gun was back at her side. The front door to the Hale house creaking open caught the attention of the small group and they all looked behind them to the red, wooden door.

"Allison, get back," Chris ordered, his gun moving to the door.

Meilani scrambled to her feet along with Allison and she moved to stand in front of her protectively. She wasn't sure what was opening the door, but she would be damned if she let Allison get hurt even though the girl had literally just blinded her and tried to capture her. Clearly, Kate had put lies into her head to get her to hate Meilani.

"What is it?" Allison asked, her voice shaking slightly with panic.

Once the door was open more, Meilani could hear the heartbeat better and her eyes flashed yellow as she realized who it was, stepping back more to protect Allison better. "It's the alpha."

Before Meilani could react, Peter rushed out of the house and knocked her, Chris and Allison to the ground before he rushed into the house with Kate. She heard Allison scramble to her feet and run after Kate and Peter.Β 

Knowing fully well that Peter would not spare Allison even though she had done nothing, Meilani struggled to her feet as her muscles were sore from the hard hit to the ground. She could hear Peter force Kate to apologize in order to save Allison's life, but she already knew Peter was going to kill Kate and then go after Allison before finally taking Chris out last.

Once she was steady on her feet, Meilani changed into her wolf form and burst into the house as Peter began to slowly make his way towards a distraught Allison, a dead Kate at her feet with blood seeping out of her throat where Peter slashed his claws. She growled loudly at Peter who stopped in his tracks at the sight of the girl.

Derek stood the other side of Peter, his gaze hard as he slowly changed into his own wolf form.

"Run," Meilani ordered Allison and the raven haired girl didn't waste any time in rushing out of the room.

Once Allison was out of the room and safe, Derek lunged at his uncle and the two fought back and forth until Peter flung Derek onto his back. Meilani took Peter's distraction as an opportunity to rush at him from behind him and leaped onto his back. Only for Peter to flip her over onto her back, the air being momentarily knocked out of her and was then pushed along the floorboards and into the far wall of the room they were in.

Meilani groaned as she tried to push herself up, but was stopped when Derek was flung into her. "Dammit, Derek," she complained and pushed him off her before she rushed at Peter again. Peter caught her easily and he lifted his knee up into her stomach, pushing her into the wall behind her.Β 

Meilani was quick to duck his punch and pushed Peter up against the wall, kicking wherever her feet could reach. She was quickly overpowered and Peter spun around, gripping her throat and slightly cutting off her airflow. Each time Meilani got a punch into Peter's face, his face morphed into the alpha momentarily before morphing back to normal. She was flung across the room and hit her head against the archway to the living room, crashing to the hardwood floor with a whine of pain.

Growling was heard and Meilani lifted her head to see Peter officially in his alpha form. She pushed herself to her feet only to be lifted by the throat by Peter and flung out the window and onto the dirt outside. A serious hot bath was needed after this to ease her aching muscles... if she even survived that is.

Peter jumped out the window after her and lifted Meilani up by the front of her - Stiles' - sweatshirt and she was quick to push Peter's chest with both of her feet and she flipped backwards onto her feet. The two rose to their full height at the same time and had a stare off, both trying to figure out what the other was going to do next.

Headlights stopped the stare off and Meilani froze when Stiles, Scott and Jackson's scents all wafted into her nostrils. She spun around to see Jackson, Scott and Stiles get out of Jackson's Porsche, Stiles for some odd reason being the one that drove it. Stiles chucked a glass vile at Peter who effortlessly caught it, a brown liquid inside the bottle.

"Oh, damn," Stiles sighed and slumped defeatedly.

Meilani noticed Allison's bow and arrow on the ground next to her and tossed it to Allison, yelling at her to do something with it.

Allison fumbled for a moment before she tugged back on the bow, sending the arrow straight at the glass vile and shattering it. Peter's arm immediately went up in flames as he yelled and growled, trying to put the fire out on his arm. Another vile was chucked at Peter and it hit him straight in the chest, his whole body erupting into flames.

Meilani pushed herself off the ground and kicked Peter in the side, sending him flying to the side and he laid there as the fire slowly diminished, leaving behind a fully burned Peter Hale in his human form, only a small part of his face being left completely untouched.

Suddenly, Scott had Meilani wrapped in his arms as he dropped to the ground next to her and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. She relaxed against her brother's chest as she slowly morphed back into her normal self, peeking up at her brother.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I forgive you," Scott whispered and brought her closer to him, hugging her tightly as if he let go, she'd disappear.

Meilani tensed when she noticed Derek make his way over to his uncle and stood above him with his claw raised. She scrambled out of Scott's arms and rushed over to Derek and Peter who gasped for air on the ground. "Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek, if you do this then I'm dead. Allison's father, her family - what am I supposed to do?

"You've...already...decided..." Peter rasped as he stared up at Derek. "I can smell it on you!"

"Wait!" Meilani screamed as Derek raised his claw again. "No, stop, stop!"

However, Meilani was too late as Derek's claw came down and slashed across Peter's throat, much like his had earlier to Kate's. She stumbled back into her brother's chest when Derek turned to her with red eyes.Β 

"I'm the alpha now."



Hi hey hello!

I cannot believe we have officially made it to the end of the first book! It's been two years in the making and we are finally moving on to the next book and season two. Scott and Allison are both finally in on the supernatural business and our twins will be back and better than ever in book two. I will be posting in this book when I publish book two so make sure to keep this in your libraries so you can know when to add the second book!Β 

Thank you all so much for your support so far on Meilani and this book. It means the world to me and I love that you guys love her as much as I do!Β 


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