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Liv and Maddie had Frankie spending the night at their house to help plan their upcoming sweet 16.

"One week till our sweet 16," Maddie smiled as the three sat around the kitchen table.

"After four years of being apart, we are finally together on our birthday. Yaysies!" Liv cheered. Frankie smiled at their excitement.

"I know! We get to blow out our candles together again."

"The three Rooney girls, together again and ready to party, whoo whoo whoo, party. I said now party," Karen said, her being the third Rooney girl. She danced as she sang her little tune

"Don't turn around," Frankie told Liv. "You don't wanna know what she's doing behind you."

"I don't need to," Liv said. "I can feel the desperation on the back of my neck."

"All right, fine. Guess I'll save my moves for the party!"

"Anyway, so for our party, I had a few thoughts." Liv dropped four full binders of ideas onto the table.

"I had... a thought," Maddie said, placing a crumpled up post-it note on the table.

"Ahem, okay, so I'm thinking red carpet, designer gowns. We enter Cirque Du Soleil style, spiraling in on silks," Liv said.

"I'm thinking peanut shells on the floor, steaks the size of our heads. We enter hungry man style in our casual eating pants," Maddie suggested.

"Those are two very different ideas," Frankie muttered.

"Maddie, this is our big 1-6. It needs to be epic."

"I know! And I'm thinking epic. There's this new cowboy-jail themed restaurant, the Hoosegow."

"Wow! Ha-ha. We have very different ideas of epic," Liv said.

"You know what's epic?" Pete asked. "Mini golf birthday parties! They worked for years for you two. Ages six to 11, done!"

"Maddie, you loved it because it was sporty. And, Liv, there was a castle, so you could dress up like a princess. And I loved it because you two were together celebrating your birthday," Karen told them. "So, Rooney girls, lets get ready to..." She once again started singing.

"Mom! Mom, mom. Stop," Maddie told her.


"As fun as mini golf was, we are turning 16 now, so we can plan our own party," Liv said.

"Then why am I here?" Frankie asked.

"Mediator," Maddie told her.

"So lets talk this out because nothing's been set in stone."

"Liv, I picked up the silks for your epic party entrance," Joey said, walking in the door with the silks wrapped around his arms. "Epically bad decision to bring them home on my bike."

"The silks have already been ordered?" Maddie asked. "You've already planned our entire party, haven't you?"

"Well, it's not like I could leave it up to you," Liv argued back. "I mean, casual eating pants?"

"Spiraling on silks?"

"You're being impossible!"

"Ugh! I wish we could just have seperate birthdays!" With that, they both stormed off in different directions.

"I think I'm bad at my job," Frankie said.

Frankie had used her brain and helped Pete and Karen come up with an idea for the twins birthday. The final idea was a half and half, so she spent all day decorating Liv's side of the party while Karen handled Maddie's side.

"My twins can't have separate parties on their sweet 16th," Karen said. The twins each stood in front of their half of the party with their eyes closed. "So while you two were at Maddie's basketball game, Frankie and I came up with a compromise. A mompromise, if you will." She looked towards Frankie who just shook her head. "Or not. So take a look."

"Dazzleberry!" Liv squealed, pulling Frankie into a hug as she stared at her side of the party. "So this is why you sat out of the game?"

"Yeah," Frankie smiled nervously. "I've spent, like, all day working on this. Oh, I'm so glad you like it."

"Awesome!" Maddie exclaimed, staring at her side.

"You guys haven't even seen the best part," Frankie said. "Turn around." Frankies smile faded when the twins turned around and gasped, and not in an excited way."

"Two themes, one party," Karen continued to smile.

"It's a red carpet rodeo!" Pete said into the microphone on Maddies side.

"I, uh, worked pretty hard on this," Frankie told them, her nervousness returning. "Maddie wanted to go to the Hoosegow. So we thought about having a western barbcue here."

"Joey," Karen said, trying to get Joey to say his line.

"Mom, I don't wanna say it," Joey said.

"Oh, come on. Say it."

"Yee-haw," Joey said, weakly.

"And Liv wanted a Cirque Du Soleil, red carpet gala," Frankie explained. "So here's Parkerazzi!"

"Liv Rooney, Liv Rooney!" Parker shouted, taking continuous pictures of her. "Who are you wearing?"

"Boom, boom, boom!" Liv said as she posed. "Frankie, this is great! I think we're halfway there. The half that doesn't look like a barn. So I think we should clear out these hay bales and, uh, ooh, all the barbecue-y stuff. And I just really wanna, you know, class this place up. I think we're gonna bring in some French contortionists..."

"Liv, why are you throwing out everything that I like?" Maddie asked. "I thought this was our party?"

"Honey, it's time to come clean," Pete told his wife. "We've get the secret for too long."

"No, Pete! I'm not telling them they were born on seperate days!" Karen said, accidentally speaking into the microphone. Everyone turned towards the two in shock. Karen tried to distract by singing. "This karaoke thing works great! Who's next?"

"What did you just say?" Liv asked.

"We have different birthdays?" Maddie added.

"Girls, your mother and I have something to tell you," Pete said. He turned towarsd his wife. "Go on."

"Liv and Maddie, the day you were born was truly the greatest day of my life," Karen explained.

"Well, that feels nice," Joey scoffed.

"But it was actually the days you were born. You see, Liv, you were born on the fifth at 11:56 p.m. But, Maddie, honey, you were born at 12:02 on the sixth."

"But the whole reason that five is my lucky number is because I was born on the fifth," Maddie told her mother. "I'm a five."

"Apparantly I'm a zero," Joey muttered. Frankie pat his shoulder.

"Wait, so Maddie's never celebrated on her actual birthday?" Liv asked.

"What kind of parents are you?" Parker asked. "This is preposterous. I say again, preposterous. If they can do this to her, what does that mean for everybody else? Am I six? Am I eleven? I could be nine!"

"Okay, everyone find a seat," Liv said to the people gathered in the living room. She had collected her family and Maddie's friends in one room. "Maddie's off on a job, but I bought us some time. She always jogs until the end of her playlist, so I added six songs."

"Hey, Joey, I got a spot for you right here," Willow said, shoving Stains off the couch.

"I am going to say yes, because I am scared to say no," Joey told her, wearily sitting next to her.

"Okay, you are all here because you are Maddie's best friends and family, and I want you to help us throw a surprise party," Liv told them. Frankie stood next to her. Liv was impressed with her planning skills so she thought best for her to help.

"You have to keep it a secret," Frankie told them.

"I know that won't be a problem for you two," Liv said, looking at her parents.

"Mom said Maddie doesn't even want a party this year," Joey said. "Also, I cannot feel my ribs."

"I can!" Willow grinned. If it was possible she would've moved even closer to him.

"Maddie says she doesn't want a party, but I know my sister better. This birthday shocker has knocked her for a loop and we are going to fix it," Liv explained.

"That's very sweet," Karen smiled at her daughter.

"We'll do anything to help," Pete added.

"Of course, you will," Parker said. "You're totally on the hook for this."

"Well, I'm in. I want Maddie's sweet sixteen to be as amazing as it can be," Diggie grinned.

"Careful," Pete glared.

"Right, sorry."

"Willow, Diggie, Stains, we want you to take Maddie to the Hoosegow Saturday night, while the rest of us get the house ready for the party," Frankie said.

"Don't bring her home till midnight because that's when her actual birthday begins," Liv told them.

"Oh, midnight? Isn't that awfully late for a party?" Karen asked.

"You mean, like, 16 years late, Mom?" Liv asked.

"Midnight party, fun!"

Frankie was helping blow up balloons while Liv called Diggie to check on how their plan was going.

"This is jailhouse one. Over," Diggie said, answering the call.

"Diggie, how's it going?" Liv asked.

"It's great. We're just about to order dessert. She doesn't suspect a thing."

"Dessert? You can't be on dessert already. It's barely 10 o'clock! You need to keep her out of the house until midnight."

"I mean, yeah, I'll do what I can, but I didn't expect service to be this fantastic at a restaurant like this," Diggie admitted.

"Diggie, I am trying to do something nice for my sister," Liv told him. "Do not make me regret trusting you." She hung up the phone and turned to Frankie who was struggling to tie off a balloon. "The fate of our plan rests on someone name Diggie."

"It's midnight!" Maddie groaned when her, Stains, Willow, and Diggie finally made it to the Rooney house. "Seriously, Diggie, 16 wrong turns? I've never heard of that law that says you have to go five miles an hour past a graveyard."

"That's just showing respect, man," Stains told her.

"Wait a second, I don't hear music. And the red carpet is rolled up. You guys, I missed Liv's birthday!" Maddie shouted, turning around and storming into the house. When she turned on the lights, no one was there.

"Suβ€”!" Diggie, Willow, and Stains started to shout before realizing it was empty.

"Supper was really great at the Hoosegow," Diggie said, trying to save them.

"Where is everybody?" Maddie asked. She ran out towards the backyard which she found was heavily decorated and all her friends and family were there just for her.

"Surprise!" They all shouted.

"We missed saying surprise. Are you kidding me?" Stains shouted when the three had made it to the backyard.

"Happy sweet 16, Maddie," Liv smiled.

"Wait, this is all for me?" Maddie asked. "Where is your red carpet party?"

"Oh," Liv laughed. "There was no party. We totally played you." She gestured between herself and Frankie.

"Happy birthday, Mads," Frankie said, embracing her best friend.

"Hey, remember us, the people you were screaming at the whole way past the graveyard?" Diggie asked.

"You guys were all in on this? Liv, mini golf? It's just like old times."

"We got so wrapped up in which kind of part we each wanted that we forgot the best part is doing it together," Liv said.

"Someone made you a cake!" Karen said, gesturing towards the large cake she had made.

"Guys, a basketball cake? This is amazing."

"Sixteen layers of buttercream and guilt. Mama's done her time. We're moving on. Now the Rooney girls are ready to get their... A party on, a party on! Whoop whoop, their party on! Party on, whoop whoop!"

"Ahem! Mom, Mom, we've forgiven you. You can stop punishing us," Maddie said, trying to make the singing stop.

"Maddie, we even got you a number six jersey because we figured you'd wanna change your number," Pete said, holding up the jersey.

"Actually I've decided yo stick with the number five. That's the day my best friend was born. So, Liv, come over here. Help me blow out all these candles."

"Uh, okay, one sec. I wanna get a video of this," Liv said. "I think I left my phone in the garage when I was grabbing decorations.

"Video? Then we've gotta have the windmill going," Parker said. "Dad, turn it on."

Everyone applauded when the windmill started spinning.

"Guys, I love it." Maddie said.

"We did a good thing today, boys," Pete told his sons.

"See what happens when you listen to Parker?" Suddenly, the windmill started spinning a lot faster.

"That thing kicks up quite a breeze," Joey said. Frankie nodded was beside him as her short hair started blowing around in her face.

"Oh, no! The cake!" Karen said when the wind knocked the cake over, it splattering all over them.

"Don't worry, birthday girl, your hero is here," Diggie said, inching towards the windmill.

"Hey, superhero, the plug's right here," Maddie said when she unplugged it.

"Whoa," Liv said when she walked out of the garage and saw the mess that was made.

"Oh, nice work on the cake, Mom!" Parker said, eating a piece that was splattered on Joey's shirt.

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